G/T Stories

By TankyAsh01

27.4K 556 43

Bunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes. More

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The end


276 6 1
By TankyAsh01

Requested by: GT_Dayton

Heidi was known in the East Bridge High School as that weird, quiet, loner human girl. She always spent recess times alone, sitting in the corner, away from giants and even humans.

This was the only co-species high school in the town, standing on the border between humans' and giants' districts. Though it was built with the idea of teaching both races, giants were the majority of the students, since many human parents didn't want their children to interact with giants. Although both races made peace decades ago, humans never forget about the crimes giants committed during the war.

Even knowing all of it, teens of both species managed to befriend each other, letting go of their ancestors' grudge against each other. They were aware that they're the future of the world and they were doing everything in their power to not let the history repeat ever again.

Many tried to befriend Heidi, but she was stubborn. Her response whenever a human tried to get to know her was half the trouble. She just said lines of "I'm not interested", "Sorry, maybe another time", "Oops, look at the time, I have to go".

But when it came to the giants...

She didn't even let them say "hi", she was running away in terror from them, she always hid in places where these humongous beasts couldn't reach her.

Her behavior was troublesome, since most of the teachers were giants too. She often got panic attacks during classes, when she was overwhelmed by her classmates and teachers.

Principal suggested Heidi's mother to sign her up for an therapy which would help her to overcome her fear of the giants, but it was all for nothing. Teen actually had a good reason to hate and fear bigger folks.

Her parents divorced about 2 years ago, because her dad had fallen for another woman, a giantess in fact. As soon as divorce was granted, man packed up and moved out to giants' district, to his lover.

She got to live with her mom, which wasn't bad, since her mother practically was ignoring her all day, only was raising her voice at Heidi from time to time. Weekends on the other hand were a real nightmare, since she had to spend them at her dad's.

She had no life there. Her father was cruel, he often was abusing her both physically and mentally. He always told her that she was a mistake, that he never wanted a child with her mom.

And his girlfriend? She probably was the worst thing that ever came to Heidi's life. She was putting teen in cramped, small jar, whenever she wanted to, even though she knew well that girl had claustrophobia. She was never gentle with Heidi, she was squeezing her in her hands, suffocating her between her fingers, stomping on her. Her father knew all of this and didn't even try to help her.

The giantess reigned such fear upon Heidi, that she convinced herself that all giants are the same. Why would they have declared a war so many years ago, if they hadn't seen humans as a lower species?

She was able to only attend the co-species high school, because other humans' schools were far away from her house and her mom couldn't afford her a bus ticket. That's why she had to go to East Bridge High School and survive among giants every single day.

Though there was one giant she barely, but still, tolerated. Her physics teacher, mr. Claude Pacholski.

Guy looked like he killed a couple of people in his life. Roughly 80 foot tall, always was wearing dark, leather jackets, T-shirts with names of death metal bands, high and black combat boots and jeans. He had multiple tattoos all over his body, he had long hair, which he always tied in a ponytail, he had beard and mustache and that long scar across his face. He never smiled, always was stern-faced.

But under this rough appearance, a true angel was hidden. Mr. Claude always listened to his students, provided advice, was extremely patient if students had problem with his subject, helped financially those students who were poor.

And he was no different for Heidi. He created her a special corner far enough from overwhelming presence of giants, but close enough to take an active part in his class. He also always had few human-sized bottles of water in his bag, which he was handing out to Heidi, whenever she had her panic attacks. He never came too close to her, he was respecting her in every aspect. He was different from Heidi's notions of giants.

Maybe that's why she hated him less than the others. He always managed to somehow fend off her fear and unsureness.

But he didn't know what she wanted to do. Not until he witnessed it.


Heidi was trudging by vast puddles in the giants' district during a heavy rain. She was trying to be strong, but today they had taken it too far. That gigantic b#tch ripped off a pinkie of her left hand. Heidi hadn't wasted time and ran away.

But where she should go to? Mother won't be happy seeing her, weekends were few days of calm for her, when she could focus on herself. Heidi didn't have any friends nor family which could take her under their roof.

Teen was crossing the bridge, when she saw how river got wild. It was crashing on the shores, sinking branches which had gotten in there. It was a beautiful, destructive force. Force which could also end a person's life...

Lost in her thoughts she didn't notice a well known, gigantic combat boot standing only few meters from her.

Mr. Pacholski liked taking a walk in the rain. It was refreshing and helped him relax from his duties as a teacher.

How surprised and concerned he was, when he saw Heidi on the bridge. First, she was in giants' district, which for a person fearing giants was weird. Second, she was only wearing a thin coat and was already soaked. Humans didn't like rain and low temperature, so that was strange too.

But when he saw her longing glance at the river and how she was standing on the edge of the bridge, he put two and two together and immediately knew what she was thinking of.

He gently put his umbrella over her, trying to not startle her with his movements. Heidi raised her head up, noticing that she wasn't feeling rain anymore. She froze, acknowledging teacher's presence.

Mr. Pacholski put his opened bag in front of the human girl.

- I know you don't want to talk about your feelings and I won't force you. But you can't stay here, you'll catch cold. Come with me, I'll take you to my house and call your mom, okay? - he said, eyeing small girl.

Heidi was shaking, probably both from the cold and fear. But after what felt like few hours, she hesitantly approached the bag and entered it.

The inside was spacious, so she didn't have to worry about her claustrophobia. She wrapped teacher's neckerchief around herself and felt how coldness was replaced with warmth.

- If you are hungry or thirsty, don't be shy and treat yourself - voice from above said and Heidi felt how the bag was lifted up.

While giant was walking, he was causing the bag to slightly rock. This and the sound of the rain were very lulling, Heidi quickly nodded off to sleep.


Mr. Claude gently placed his bag on the table and peeked inside it. His heart melted, seeing Heidi sleeping so peacefully around him.

He left her there and having took a matchbox, emptied it and then filled it with cotton wool, as he didn't have a human bed in his house.

He placed the makeshift bed next to his bag. He then gently took the teen out of his bag. He gasped silently, seeing the lack of girl's pinkie in her left hand and the wound created by this.

He placed her in the matchbox and walked up to the medicine cabinet and took small bandage and hydrogen peroxide out of it. He then came back to the table and having cleansed the wound, he bandaged it up the best he could.

He was shocked, seeing that she didn't even flinch while being stung by the disinfecting liquid. She must have had a really deep sleep, probably caused by the strong stress she had experienced.

He went to another room and having pulled out his phone, he dialed Heidi's mom number. When she picked up, he said:

- Hello, I'm Claude Pacholski and I'm yours daughter physics teacher...

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ALL male reader, no gen or f! Reader. Feel free to use any of the oneshots to create ideas for a fanfic of your own! :3