My Sincerest Apologies- Percy...

By Kyalongbottom

13.5K 443 45

A prank gone wrong ends with a prestigious Hogwarts student spending her holidays with the Weasley family. T... More



764 26 2
By Kyalongbottom

The next few days Percy avoided Marianna like she had Dragon Pox. She assumed the alone time they were forced to share was enough to last them the next few years. She was well aware Percy didn't enjoy her company.

Besides Percy, her stay at the Burrow had been going more than well. She found all the things the Weasley children were often annoyed with to be exceptional. She looked forward to her talks with Molly as they cleaned dishes together in the evening. The late night chats she shared with Ginny, and even the early morning flying with Oliver had been quite lovely.

Even the twins were fun to be around, she found herself enjoying the little pranks they would play on their friends and family.

It seemed almost ironic that the only reason she was there was the same reason she had for wanting to leave. Percy often made things awkward for people, correcting them or pointing out things he shouldn't. But when it came to Marianna he was almost relentless. It wasn't very hard for him to bring down her spirits and the rest of the family was having enough of it.

"Percy Percy Percy." Fred and George spoke in unison as they sat across from him on the snowy grass under his favorite tree.

"I'm reading." Was all he said in reply.

"We can see that."

"And we don't care."

Fred snatched the book from Percy's grip Handing it to George, his twin swiftly tucked the book under his shirt for safe keeping.

"Hey?!" Percy complained. 

"Why do you have a problem with Marie?" Fred questioned.

"I don't have a problem with Fudge." Percy replied, not meeting their eyes.

"You just called her by her last name, and people look away when they are lying." George pointed out.

"So what if I have a problem with her? Everyone else loves her, isn't that enough?" Percy exclaimed angrily.

"Not when you ruin it for everyone!" Fred stated.

"We are used to you ruining the mood Percy but this is getting out of hand." George explained as he waved around his hand that was now shrunkin into a baby sized appendage.

"Hahahah good one Georgie." Fred noted.

Percy got up from his spot, not caring if he got his book back or not. He started off towards the back door of the burrow with the twins on his trail.

"Cmon Percy, just hear us out. She's not bad when you get to know her." George explained.

"I'm fairly certain I'm the problem." Percy explained, standing in front of the door.

"I'm not so sure." Fred said.

"What makes you think tha-"

Percy was about to argue but his ears perked at the sound of someone saying his name from inside the home. The three wizards noticed the windows were open while Molly and Marianna cooked in the kitchen.

"I'm terribly sorry about his behavior lately, he's normally so polite. I raised him better than this." Molly apologized.

Percy felt anger well up inside him. He was always his mums favorite, and now here she was apologizing to some girl for his behavior.

"He's done nothing wrong, really Mrs. Wealsey." Marianna said quickly.

This made Percy pause a moment. He hadn't noticed till this moment that Marianna never complained about him, never questioned him, never yelled at him. Sure she annoyingly kept why she was cross with him to herself, but other than that she never did anything to hurt or bother him. A slight feeling of guilt welled up inside him.

"How many times have I told you, call me Molly. I won't lie, that does help me feel slightly better. Percy was always the closest to me. Seeing him act so immaturely disappointed me more than it should have."

Sensing Molly's sadness, Marianna was quick to speak out.
"Really Molly, it's nothing. Percy is an amazing person, he always does what's right and he is exceptionally kind and caring. Not to mention the smartest person I know. You should be very proud of him."

George coughed at that exact moment, causing Molly and Marianna to turn towards the three wizards listening in.

Percy stared right at Marianna with an unreadable expression. Marianna felt her cheeks flush red.

"I- I'm so sorry." She exclaimed, dropping the dish she was drying back into the sinks water. She ran straight passed Percy and up the stairs. The sound of Ginny's door slamming shut broke the silence in the kitchen.

"Now look what you've done." Fred exclaimed.

"Me? George coughed!" Percy said while pointing towards George.

"So what?!? I can cough when I want, where I want!" George exclaimed.

Percy knew arguing with the twins wouldn't get him anywhere. He looked down at the floor angrily, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stay mad. There was no reason to be mad at her, the more he thought about it the more he wondered why he was ever mad at her in the first place.

Only one thing was on his mind now, finding out why Marianna Fudge was upset with him and how to fix it.

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