A Billionaire's Bodyguard

By Rshores

350K 14.9K 3.6K

Percy woke up on the bank of a lake just outside Gotham city. Problem? Oh, not many besides her scratches, s... More

Chapter 1: A fresh start
Chapter 2: Shoot! I Knew Parties Sucked
Chapter 3: Dodging the Bulldozer
Chapter 4: Training pact
Chapter 5: Holy Memory cookies
Chapter 6: A call bearing good news
Chapter 7: I share my morning with crazy cosplayers and children
Chapter 8: I make an old man cry
Chapter 9: First day, first pains
Chapter 10: With new jobs come new pains
Chapter 11: Just keep dancing
Chapter 12: A Confession
Chapter 13: Remembering a past life
Chapter 14: Playing Soccer against a pro and a lucky charm
Chapter 15: Trying to make cookies from memory
Chapter 16: Many encounter begin at 11
Chapter 17: Getting bribed by a child
Chapter 18: A Midmorning Report
Chapter 19: A Grand Takedown
Chapter 20: Alakazam, Alakazoom, heal that wound!!
Chapter 21: Having a child read to me
Chapter 22: I Shoot a Girl with Some Windex
Chapter 23: A Threat of Getting Kidnapped
Chapter 24: A Brick Wall Smiles
Chapter 25: A Sea of Flashing Lights Nearly Blinds Me
Chapter 26: A Common Philosophy Between Friends
Chapter 27: The Redhead Bids Me Goodbye...I Think?
Chapter 28: A Call From The Bathroom
Chapter 29: Getting Home With New Rules
Chapter 30: Hallucinations Accompany Dishes
Chapter 31: Cigarettes Lead to Forgiveness
Chapter 32: The Awful News
Chapter 33: The Yellow Shirt May Not Fit
Chapter 34: McShizzle the master artist
Chapter 35: Everyone Deserves Someone to be There for Them
Chapter 36: Hopeless and Childish
Chapter 37: A Serious Sit Down
Chapter 38: Floof and Scoot against the world
Chapter 39: The Fall
Chapter 40: A Strong Man Breaks
Chapter 41: Getting Tackled By a Fur Ball
Chapter 42: A Very Sickly Plane Flight
Chapter 43: It Wasn't Funny the First Time
Chapter 44: Apparently Helping Makes Me a Dinkleberg
Chapter 45: All Better
Chapter 46: Frosting....Everywhere
Chapter 47: How cliche would that be right?
Chapter 48: --------
Chapter 49: 12 hours
Chapter 50: A Weiner Dog Monster
Chapter 51: Late night visits
Chapter 52: A Deliberation
Chapter 53: The culprits hang their heads in shame
Chapter 54: As it all comes flooding in
Chapter 55: A single text can make a whole day
Chapter 56: I get tackled by the little star
Chapter 57: Poor West gets kicked out
Chapter 58: Not taking anything back, not even the hand sized cookies
One shot #1
One Shot #3

Oneshot #2

3.6K 186 7
By Rshores

——-a week after Percy returned home——-
——-Percy's POV: ——-

It was nice to be back I admit. I got calls nearly everyday now from the others, usually they just try and make sure I haven't been kidnapped again which was funny and also slightly annoying once you've heard the same joke over and over again.

But it was nice, something I could and already am getting used to.

It was getting late now, I'd have to pick up Damien soon but I had some tasks I'd need to finish. Luckily they were all outside and could probably be finished in a moment or two.

I bid Bruce goodbye before exiting his office and setting out for the front of the manor.

Alfred had asked earlier this morning if I could help water the plants and while I'm sure this would've taken a lot longer before I regained my memories but now I'm sure this would be over in a second.

I walked out into the warm air, taking a deep breath as I looked around at the usual pristine yard.

I had to commend Alfred on this, it really was stunning.

Shaking the compliments from my head I walked over to the hose, turning it a little as the water began to pour out. I smiled as I ran my hands underneath the cool liquid, allowing it to run naturally.

After a minute of indulging myself with the water I stood up straight, moving the water into the air before turning around and spreading the water out to the various plants. From where I stood it looked almost like small floating rivers, each leading to their own plant.

I enjoyed the familiar tug in my gut, watching the water reflect small patterns onto the concrete beneath it.

Eventually as I was nearing the end of my task, I began to group the water up together again, eventually ending with a massive bubble. I walked over to the faucet before turning it off, collecting the final bits of water into the massive bubble.

I let out a short breath as I held the bubble beside me, clapping my hands together as if there were some dust or dirt to clean off.

As I began to wonder what to do with the bubble of water a sudden ear rupturing clap followed by a blinding light light up my senses, sending pain spiking through my ears and eyes. I would've dropped the bubble if I'd lost concentration, instead fight or flight kicked in and I sharped the bubble into an edge, throwing it forward at where ever the sound came from as I cupped my hands over my ears.

"Whoa! Calm down Cus!" I blinked a couple times, my vision not fully back to how it was moments ago as I turned my gaze onto the approaching person, now fully drenched in water.

I opened my eyes I surprise as Diana gave me a bright smile, her eyes only looking slightly apologetic and her usually perfect hair now drenched in water.

"Diana-" I started but she cut me off, capturing me in a tight hug, her arms pinning my own against my ears and landing me in a very uncomfortable position.

"YOU SCARED ME YOU KNOW!! I ALMOST SENT THE AMAZONS AFTER YOU!" She yelled, another ringing going through my ears as I clamped my hands tighter.

"I didn't exactly have a choice Di!! I mean seriously! You think I wanted to drop off the face of the planet!!" I asked, furrowing my brows as she crossed her arms.

"You've made a lot of statements that sound ludicrous to me! How should I know if you planned this or not?!" She yelled back, another strong scent of ozone filling the air around her, if she wasn't careful she might zap herself.

I took my hands off my ears and held them out in front of me. "Alright alright let's ju-" I'd had my hands held so firm around my ears I'd missed the sounds of swimming flippers against cool concrete. I didn't even have time to turn as orange scales wrapped around my face, pulling me back against a large being.

"Ooooooohhhh my sweet princess!!! I missed you!!!" I could barely hear Arthur through his arms, which, in case you were wondering me, were in fact smothering me.

"Arburrrr!!!" I tried yelling, my voice coming out more muffled then his. I tapped viciously against his arms as if I were in a wrestling match.

He squeezed me tighter for a second before releasing me, allowing me a  moment to breathe as I gripped my chest where my heart was pounding.

I barely registered the sound of the door slamming open somewhere near the porch.

Arthur laughed, clapping me on the back which really wasn't good when I still didn't have any air in my lungs.

I almost stumbled forwards but Diana caught my shoulder, holding me up. "Arthur! We just got her back!" She yelled, only receiving more laughs in return.

"Oh buhumbug the direct daughter of my lord would never fall to such things." I turned and sent Arthur an evil glare as I continued to regain my breath. I would send Tyson after this guy if I ever recovered.

"Look at her!" Diana argued, removing her grip from my shoulder.

The sudden feeling of hands keeping me up again slightly startled me. I turned to see Bruce, looking at me with slight worry.

The lightning must've alerted him.

I gave him a small smile as I stood up, now feeling a bit better from the double whammy.

The two had gone off arguing, and I glanced at Bruce who looked like this was normal, something he experienced everyday. Forget the fact that he seemed to know them enough to not be kicking them out.

"What are you two doing?" Bruce asked, his voice devoid of its usual warmth. Or maybe this was the usual and I'd just grown to know something else.

"Bruce-" Diana somehow sounded even more furious. "How dare you not tell us you were housing Percy!! You knew we were out looking for her!" She yelled, shaking her head. Even Arthur's expression grew a bit more angry.

Bruce furrowed his brows. "I knew no-" a sudden look of realization was all it took to see that Bruce had in face knew something about it. "So when Clark said you were looking for your cousin he meant..." Bruce kept his grip tight on me, as if I were about to be ripped from him.

Diana mumbled a curse about Clark before nodding. "Yes I meant Percy." Everyone went quiet and I felt this was the best time to speak up.

"I'm home you guys, that's all that matters." I silently thanked Bruce as I left his grip, taking a step forwards. "gods you two are just as annoying as I don't remember." Arthur laughed and Diana rolled her eyes as I pulled them into a hug. At least someone alerted them of the situation enough to get the joke.

The two squeezed me tight, once again displaying the godly trait of squeezing your loved ones to death through the form of "hugging".

"Agh I missed you Perc," Diana said, all traces of anger gone.

"I missed you too Di." I smiled as I pulled back, pulling the water from her hair and clothes with me. A gust of wind blew, throwing Arthur's golden hair around as if he were a model in a movie scene.

"And" Arthur said, raising an eyebrow.

"And I kinda missed you Arthur." Arthur looked like he was going to complain but decided against it, a smile rolling onto his face as he shrugged.

"Good." He left it at that, leaving everyone in a moment of silence.

The sudden remembrance of Damien quickly got me talking. "Right! I need to go, maybe you can stay and chat with Bruce while I'm gone but I have to go pick up Damien!" I removed myself from the group, jogging off and ignoring the uncomfortable looks on everyone's faces.

By the time I arrived home they had left, leaving me a note and a time for when they'd come back. I could only smile at Bruce's annoyed face.

1377 words

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