If you let me

By yagirlllay11

113K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven

twenty four

1.7K 72 9
By yagirlllay11

Two months later

sorry I'm ready to speed this up a little lol

"How are you feeling?" Brandon asked

I bent down and placed my hands on my knees

"Feel like I'm going to throw up."

My dad chuckled "You're fine. That's the butterflies in your stomach, Morgan."

"I can't believe it. Today is the day." I said tucking my shirt in and buckling my belt up

"I know, my sister is getting married." Kevin said

"Can't be a player no more." Tre said

I raised a eyebrow "I never was, we all know that was you."

He chuckled and waved me off "Man whatever."

Before I could say another smart response a knock was made on the door.

"Come on." I called out loud enough

Elizabeth, Jordyn's mom peeked in.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah of course." I said, "Give us a minute guys."

Everyone walked out and she walked in closing the door behind us.

"Excited? Nervous?"

"Both." I chuckled

"Oh you'll be fine."

"What about her? How she's doing? Can I ask that?"

Elizabeth laughed "Yes, you can. She's a little emotional but off of joy and excitement."

I tried to do my tie in the mirror. I guess she seen because she walked away over and helped me.

"I never got the chance to tell you this but I appreciate you coming into my daughters life. I've never seen her this happy with anyone she's been with. And I never thought I would get any grandchildren from her this soon because of how stubborn she would be when I ask her. But thanks to you, I get to be grandma."

I chuckled "You're welcome. You're daughter has changed me in different ways in such a short amount of time but I'm thankful for it. You've raised such an amazing woman."

"Thanks Morgan." She said finishing up my tie

"And we're done. You're sharp." She said

"I know right." I flexed in the mirror a little

She shook her head "Five minutes Morgan."

"I'll be out." I said before she left out

I took a sip of water before checking myself out one more time and meeting the guys who outside of the beach house.

"Read?" Kevin asked

"Yeah come on." I said

I lead the way outside on the beach where our wedding was being held.

Our wedding seemed like a lot of people but it wasn't. If you would have seen the scratch off list of the people who we didn't want to come.

The room don't even add up close to the list

Walking down to the front with the guys behind me, the room began to clap and yell out a bunch of nice shit.

"Let's go guys!"

"Congratulations Morgan!"

It sort of helped me calm my nerves down.

I tucked my hands in my pockets as I waited. My eyes landed on my mom in the crowd and put her thumbs up.

"You got this." She mouthed

I nodded studying my lines of my vows over and over in my head.

So busy in my thoughts I was knocked out of them over music was playing and everyone stood up out of their seats.

Jordyn came walking down the aisle with her brother and had his arm linked in with hers as he took in the place of what her dad would've done.

The sight of her made me knees buckle in a good way. I understood SWV's weak song so well right now.

Jordyn's makeup was flawless to the point where I barely could tell she had any on. It match so well with the pregnancy glow she also had.

Her dress was beyond beautiful and it gracefully fitted her and her cute baby bump. It was long but that was the only way I could see her dress being made for the scenery and the sunset.

All around she look absolutely amazing and it honestly made my eyes water the more closer she got to me.

Once she did made it in front of me, we held hands.

"Hi." She said nervously

I ran my thumb across hers "Hey, love."

She blushed looking down but I lifted her face up at me. A few tears ran down her face which made me grab my pocket square to tap her face a little and get them for her.

She looked up at me as I stared at her in awe.

"You all may now be seated." The pastor said

Everybody sat down and he began to start off the ceremony

Fast forward a bit...

"The two will now say their vows."

"You first?" I asked

Jordyn nodded and grabbed her phone from Jade.

"Sorry guys, I'm terrible at remembering things even though I've been practicing what I typed for weeks now." She said making everyone laugh

I chuckled as she got to where she needed on her phone

"Okay here we go."

She glanced up at me before reading

"Morgan, first I want to say thank you. Thank you for walking into my life and driving to that gas station that night."

Everybody laughed again

"Okay let me stop playing. But all jokes aside, thank you for coming into my life and being a friend that I didn't know I needed at first. Yes a friend that turned into my best friend and then my lover who I am deeply in love with. You are everything I've always imagined in a person to love and that I imagined to marry. You're so strong and resilient. You are supportive and most importantly you are god fearing-

She tapped her face gently to try and stop her tears but they were just flowing.

"And while I stand in front of you today, I know In my entire body that I am making the best and most easiest decision of my life. I know I said it already but you are truly my best friend, my companion and the one who my soul loves. On this day I promise to love you without reservation and comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve more goals you want and can do, laugh with you, cry with you, even though I'm such a big baby and I'll be the only one crying

I chuckled and sniffed as tears flowed down my face

"And I will love you more than I did the day before as long as we both shall live. You are a beautiful blessing to everyone around and I'm sure every person on this beach can agree. You're love for me is like no other and that's something I will cherish forever. Lastly but not least, thank you for blessing me with two kids who I adore so much. No blood relation could make Mia and I any closer than we are. She's my daughter and she always will be. I'm really anxious to meet our other baby and build our family together. There's so many thank you's I can say and go on about but honestly thank you for just being you. I love you."

She looked up at me "Oh babe."

She ran her thumb over my cheek to wipe my tears.

I waved it off "It's fine, their just going to keep coming."

"As they should." Jade said from her seat

I raised a eyebrow at her and she sat back

I cleared my throat "I'll be lying if I said I remember my vows but I think that's fine because I'll rather speak from the heart."

"I believe thanking god first is the best thing I could say right now. I was in such a messed up place a few years back that I had given up on love or that I would never find someone who will love me. But I had to remember that things take time and only on gods time. I couldn't rush and I'm happy I didn't. I'll admit that I was scared to give in when we first met but who doesn't have that when meeting someone new and don't want to mess up."

But Today feels so surreal for many reasons. It feels full circle moment right now. I have butterflies all in my stomach but that's everyday with you. I am safe with you, I am heard, and I am seen more than just Morgan Hall the basketball player. You've made me love myself and see past my old mistakes. Waking up next to you has been my favorite thing with you. Knowing that you're mines that I can love you is absolutely amazing. I honestly can't see myself being with someone or will ever find someone that can make me as happy as you do. You're the strongest woman I know... well besides our mothers."

Everyone laughed

"True." Jordyn said

"I know you might think I am stronger and can hold things together but not like you. The way you handle things inspire me to do better for myself. I won't sit up here and say we won't have a few bumps in the road but what couple doesn't? It's part of life but it's something I'm willing to deal with and go down that road with you. Today, I vow to submit to our marriage, to protect you through whatever storm comes our way, I vow to love you on your terms and not mine. And lastly, I vow to love you in action and not speech. I love you."

Jordyn was bawling which made me walk up closer and comfort her.

A lot of awes was heard from some people

"You're good?"

She nodded fanning her face

"Ughh a wedding and a pregnancy got to be the most emotional thing I know." She said

I laughed "I know."

This will be rushed bc I barely know how weddings go that much so bare with me chilee.

Mia walked over from her seat by Jordyn's parents and brought our rings.

We had put them on each other

"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace"

Of course on one moved to stop the wedding

"I now pronounce you as Jordyn and Morgan Woods. You may now kiss your bride!"

yes, I made Morgan a woods lol

"Let's go!" India yelled

I bit my lip holding onto Jordyn's waist before leaning in to kiss her lips. It was such a kiss filled with love from us both. I pulled back and laid my head in her neck as she wrapped her arms around mine.

"I love you so damn much."

"I love you more." She said loud enough for me to hear since everyone was screaming for us


I sipped my champagne as I fed Jordyn a strawberry.

The wedding was over but we did have a reception. I was glad because that gave us both a chance to change into some different clothes.

I wiped her chin with a napkin

Before sitting the leaf part of the strawberry on the plate.

"I can't believe you're my wife." She said

"Well believe it ma'am." I said

She sucked her teeth

"I'm just playing. I can't believe it but I'm happy you are."

Jordyn blushed and laid her head on my shoulder

"Are you ready to play next week?" I questioned

"Been ready?"

"Okay Ms cocky and confident."

I chuckled "It's only three games and then the season is over."

"I know but it's like the most important three games of the season."

"True but win or lose, I already got my trophy today."

"You're so corny." We laughed

It became quiet between us

"You're good?" I asked

She nodded and glanced up at me.

Lust. Nothing but sexual lust was in her eyes

"So ready to pop out our little baby." She mumbled

I chuckled "A little bit more time and I'm all yours again."

"You can be all mines right now." She took a seat on my lap

Before I could respond Jade and Jordyn's other homegirls called her over.

I tightened my grip on her waist

"I'm coming over guys!"

They nodded and continued their conversation

"You can't make me hard up and leave me. Come on that's messed up."

She raised a eyebrow feeling me underneath her

She chuckled with her petty ass "Do you want me to just stay right here?"

"That might make it worse. It's fine I'll think of something."

"Are you sure?"

"If you ask one more time I'm going to fuck you right here in front of everybody."

She crossed her arms "Maybe that's what I want."

"Girl go by your girlfriends."

She giggled and got up from my lap and I couldn't help but to watch her ass in her dress. Crazy how this pregnancy still make her ass look so damn good.

She's gaining weight and it looks amazing.

"Damn sister just go ahead and eat her while you're stalking her." India said walking up

"Shut up." I said slightly laying my arm over my pants to calm down my problem

India laughed "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you. You deserve every bit of this."

"Thanks I appreciate it."

I eyed her funny

"What? Why you watching me like you're crazy?"

"What's up with you and Jade? Y'all weren't even sitting next to each other at the wedding."

She waved it off "Nothing just a little disagreement."


"Well you know her sister stays with her, and I guess she notices we barely talk when I come over and she wants me to force this friendship with the girl."

"So? What's wrong with that?"

India shrugged "I just don't really think that's important."

"India what's going on for real?"


"Come on, you're like one of the most friendliest people I know. What this girl did for you not to want to be friends with her? Ain't y'all like the same age anyways?"


"Do I need to ask her? She's over there talking to Jordyn's mom."


"Well tell me what's wrong? Y'all fought in school or some shit or did-

"We had sex." She blurted out to me

My eyes widened "You what?!?"

"Morgan please keep your voice down."

"The hell you mean y'all had sex?"

"You know the tongue, fingers, grinding, spit-

"Okay okay... I get it. Was this recently while you and Jade are together?"

She shook her head "No absolutely not. I'm not a cold hearted bitch like that. This happened after I had my one night with Jade but I didn't even know they were sisters. I didn't even think I would see either of them ever again. I just ended up running into Jade at mom's Christmas gathering and Jamie at Jordyn's birthday party movie night."

"Damn. You need to tell her."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Maybe a little but when it comes to this situation you need to be smart. I see you care about Jade and if you want to keep what you two have going then you coming clean now would be the best thing for you to do. No woman wants find out from someone else that their partner had slept with their sister. It doesn't matter how old it happened. She needs to know because woman isn't stupid especially not Jade. She catches shit real soon. Just be honest and I promise you things will come together."

India groaned "Yeah I know I understand. I just... I just don't want to lose Jade because i really do care about her."

"I know and that's why I'm saying you need to tell her soon. It'll probably hurt her a little coming from you but it'll crush her if it comes from someone else."

"You're right. Thank you Morgan. I'll tell her one of these days coming up just not today on your day."

I chuckled "Please not today. I don't want my wedding cake being thrown all over your dress."

She laughed when a mic being tapped cut our conversation off. Mia came and ran over by me.

"Alright I know Morgan said we couldn't do the cha cha slide but how about the Cupid shuffle? Come on please!" John, Jordyn's brother begged

I chuckled and nodded for him to que the music.

"Come on y'all." I stood up as they followed me to the dance floor

"They got a brand new dance, you gotta move your muscle
Brand new dance, it's called the Cupid shuffle
It don't matter if you're young or you're old, here we go
We gone show you how it go"

"I ain't do this in so long." India said

"Same." I agreed

"To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right

"Down, down, do your dance, do your dance
Down, down, do your dance, do your dance
(A let me see ya do the Cupid)
Down, down, do your dance, do your dance
Down, down, do your dance, do your dance, come on"

I was so caught up in the dance I didn't see Jordyn and Jade next to me doing the dance also.

Once the dance was over I pulled Jordyn into me.

"Be ready for later." Was all I said before walking off to go by the guys

I'm Officially a married woman


The love birds got married 🥹

Thoughts on this chapter? Comment and let me know.

Chilee thoughts on India and Jamie? I told y'all to go reread that chapter to remember what had happened lol.

The drama is coming. Who would I be if I didn't bring the drama lol y'all know this.

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