TEAM! max thunderman

By niallhoranslovebot

44.7K 1.2K 347

ā€•ā Together, we're a stronger team, oh. Put your heart in it. You can go the distance. Me and you against the... More

CHAPTER ONE, adventures in supersitting
CHAPTER TWO, report card
CHAPTER THREE, prank war
CHAPTER FOUR, this looks like a job for
CHAPTER FIVE, you stole my thunder, man
CHAPTER SIX, crime after crime
CHAPTER SEVEN, going wonkers
CHAPTER EIGHT, thundersense
CHAPTER NINE, phoebe's a clone now
CHAPTER ELEVEN, nothing to lose sleep over
CHAPTER TWELVE, pretty little choirs
CHAPTER THIRTEEN, breaking dad
CHAPTER FOURTEEN, max's minions
CHAPTER FIFTEEN, sleepover and movie marathon
CHAPTER SIXTEEN, a trip to new orleans
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, fighting the green ghoul
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN, winter thunderland
CHAPTER NINETEEN, late night visit

CHAPTER TEN, have an ice birthday

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By niallhoranslovebot

Today was the twin's birthday today and even though it took Millie what seemed like forever she finally found a gift for Max and a gift for Phoebe. She had trouble deciding on what to get them, but then realized that her best friends probably wouldn't even care if she got them anything and that they'd just be happy with her being at their party. 

That's right, the twins are finally having an actual birthday party with their friends and not spending it with their family like they did growing up. Millie didn't see the problem with spending time with your family on your birthday, but she did know that Max's and Phoebe's parents could go a little overboard sometimes, so she understood why they wanted a party with their friends. The twins had asked Mrs. Wong if they could have their party at Wong's Palace and Millie was surprised that Mrs. Wong agreed. Millie just hoped that nothing would go wrong and that she wouldn't get fired. 

Millie was currently dancing with Phoebe and some of their other friends when Cherry walked over to them. Cherry smiles widely at Phoebe. "Fun party, birthday girl!" She points over her shoulder at the photobooth. "But, you know, I think that there's actually something wrong with your bathroom."

Millie exchanges a look of disbelief with Phoebe before they both look at Cherry. "Cherry, you didn't." Millie commented, staring at her with wide eyes.

"That's a photo booth." Phoebe informed Cherry with a disgusted expression on her face.

A look of realization forms on Cherry's face and then it was replaced with a grimaced expression. "Oh." She dragged out the word she spoke and her friends looked at her with confusion, wondering how in the world did she think the photobooth was a bathroom. 

Cherry and Millie then walked over to dance with some other people as Phoebe walked over to talk with her brother. As Cherry went to talk with Phoebe, Millie furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed more people walking into the restaurant. She knew that the twins weren't friends with this many people so what were all of these random students doing here? She sighed heavily, rolling her eyes when she realized Max must've invited the whole school. She should've expected that he would do something like that.

Millie walks over to where Phoebe was, seeing Cherry was talking with her now. She furrows her eyebrows, glancing at Phoebe. "Pheebs, what are all these people doing here?"

"I-I don't know." Phoebe admits, turning to look at the group of people walking in. "I didn't invite them," She turns to the right when she saw some students she didn't know. "Or them." She turns around upon seeing there were more people she didn't know behind her. She looks at her best friends with a confused expression. "Or those guys."

"More people." Evan said excitedly. "Good thing I brought my name tag." With a grin, he put a name tag on his sweater.

Millie chuckled lightly as she watched Evan and then looked back at Phoebe, crossing her arms. "I know who invited all these people."

Phoebe raises her eyebrows. "Really?" She tilts her head to the side. "Who?" 

"Come on." Millie gestured for Phoebe to follow her as she turned to walk to the kitchen where she saw Max go since he helped Mrs. Wong carry some pizzas into the kitchen. 

"Max, invited-" Millie stops in the middle of her sentence, her eyes widening with surprise when Max suddenly froze Mrs. Wong. "Dude," She scolds Max, putting a hand on her hip. "What was that for?"

"Were you about to tell Phoebe that I invited a bunch of kids from school that Phoebe doesn't remember inviting?" Max asks her and she nods in response, furrowing her eyebrows since she was confused. Max shrugs. "That's why. We don't need Wong knowing I invited the whole school to our party."

Phoebe looks at him worriedly. "But that wasn't a part of my presentation!" 

Millie raiases her eyebrows at Phoebe. "You had a presentation?"

"It was an hour-long boring presentation." Max replies. He smirks, getting a piece of paper from his pocket. "And Phoebe, well, I added a page."

Phoebe takes the paper he handed her and unfolds it. "'Freeze Wong. Invite entire school.'" She furrows her eyebrows when she noticed a stick figure yelling. "Wait, why is that stick figure yelling?" 

"Well," Max points at the stick figure. "That's you when you heard my plan." Millie leaned over to get a look at the paper, seeing a stick figure drawing of the party, Mrs. Wong being frozen, and Phoebe yelling. She had to admit the stick figure drawing look good, much better than what she could draw. 

"That's a very accurate depiction!" Phoebe shouted angrily and Max nodded with a proud smile. Phoebe sighed, folding the paper and setting it on a nearby table.

"Look, I needed to make sure our first real birthday party was the greatest party ever." Max commented.

Phoebe outstretches her arms, looking at Max worriedly. "By inviting the whole school?" She lowers her arms. "That's a terrible idea."

"I have to agree with Phoebe." Millie chimes in, sheepishly smiling at Max. "Inviting the whole school is not a good idea. A lot can go wrong with inviting the whole school." She shakes her head, pointing at the twins and she frowns. "And I really don't wanna get fired 'cause of something going wrong at this your party."

Max puts a hand on her shoulder, smiling reassuringly at her. "You won't get fired, Mills." Millie nodded, smiling slightly at her.

"Phoebe," Cherry said, walking into the kitchen. She grins at Phoebe as she dances. "This is the greatest party ever."

Max takes his hand off Millie's shoulder, leaning over to his sister to whisper and points at Chery. "Even she gets it." While Phoebe looked at him with an upset expression, he shrugged and smiled.

"Woah," Cherry chuckles, her eyes widening when she saw frozen Mrs. Wong. "That is one creepy ice sculpture." An excited smile made its way to her lips. "This party has everything." She then began dancing out of the kitchen back to where the party was. "Yeah! Ooh, ooh, ooh."

Millie chuckles lightly, watching her friend leave with an amused smile on her face. Phoebe sighs, glancing at Max. "I don't know about this, Max."

"Oh, come on, Pheebs. It'll be easy." Max speaks, glancing at frozen Mrs. Wong. "We just unfreeze Wong after the party." He looks back at Phoebe. "It'll be like nothing happened."

Phoebe looks like she's debating about this and she glances at Millie for help. "M, what do you think?" 

Millie had one arm crossed while the other rested on her arm and she rested her chin on her hand. "Well, I think it might work."

Phoebe nods and she's quiet for a few moments as she thought about what to do. "Rational Phoebe says no."

"Come on." Max pleaded.

Phoebe grins at Max. "But Party Phoebe says let's go rock our birthday!"

With a grin on his face, Max double high fives his sister. "Alright!"

Millie smiled and she followed the twins out of the kitchen. She raised her eyebrows, sharing a confused look with Phoebe when everyone told Max happy birthday but they didn't tell that to Phoebe. The two girls looked at Max with confusion.

Millie shakes her head in disappointment when she realized what he did. "Seriously, Max?" 

A sheepish expression forms on Max's face as he looks at Phoebe. "I may have forgotten to put your name in the invitation."

"More like you didn't care to put it there." Millie chuckled, rolling her eyes.

Max sends her a small glare. "She didn't have to know that." 

Phoebe rolled her eyes and chuckled. As Max went to go dance with some other students, Phoebe danced with Cherry and Millie. 


The party has been going pretty good so far. After dancing with Cherry and Phoebe, Millie went to dance with Max which is who she's currently dancing with. Lately Evan kept trying to do crowd surfing and no one would do it. Millie was surprised he didn't get the hint.

"So," Millie stops dancing, getting a small box out of the pocket of her jacket. Max stops dancing as well, glancing at her with a small smile and raised eyebrows. "I didn't really know what to get you or when to give it to you tonight, but here is your gift from me." Millie said to Max with a nervous smile, handing a small box to him. 

With a surprised look in his eyes and a smile on his face, he takes the box from her. "Mills, you didn't have to get me anything." He smiles softly at her. "You being at the party is good enough." 

Millie ignores the way her heart fluttered upon hearing him say that and she returns the soft smile. "Yeah, well, I got you something anyway." She smiles excitedly, encouraging him to open it. "Open it." She had finally decided on what to get Max and she hoped that he liked it. She had already given the gift she got to Phoebe earlier and Phoebe liked the gift she got so Millie assumed Max would like the gift she got for him. 

Max chuckles and takes off the lid of the box, gasping when he saw two guitar pics inside. His face lit up and he smiles excitedly. "Hey, these are the guitar pics I've been wanting to get." 

"Yeah," Millie shrugs with shy smile on her face. "I remembered you were talking about them the other day and so I decided to get them." 

Max glanced at her with slight surprise and then he smiled fondly at her. The fact she remembered something like that warmed his heart. "Thank you, Mills." He puts the lid back on the box and pulls her in for a hug. "I love it." 

Millie smiles widely, relieved that he liked the gift, and she hugs him back. "You're welcome. Glad you liked it."

"Oh, I just remembered that it looked like we were running low on pizzas so I was gonna go grab some more." Max realized as they both pulled away from the hug.

"I can help you if you want." Millie offered and he nodded. Millie glanced over at Evan. "And, uh, are you sure someone shouldn't tell Evan no one will catch him? He's gonna keep hurting himself."

"Eh, don't worry about it." Max waves a dismissive hand, shaking his head. "He'll be fine."

"Crowd surf-" Evan shouts jumping off the table. His voice trailed off as he lands on the floor with a loud thud. "I'm beginning to think it's me."

"I told you I know how to throw a rocking party." Max grinned, walking into the kitchen with Millie.

"Yeah, it is pretty great." Millie smiles. Her eyes widen in disbelief and her mouth formed into an 'o' shape out of shock when she saw Mrs. Wong was gone. "Hold the phone," She hits Max's shoulder to get his attention, pointing where Mrs. Wong once stood. "Where's Mrs. Wong?"

"Who has says 'hold the phone' anymore?" Max chuckles, glancing where Millie pointed and his eyes widen. He and Millie turn to face each other with confusion.

"Where did you put Mrs. Wong? Where did you put Mrs. Wong?" The two best friends ask the questions in unisons, looking confused as they point at themselves. "Me?" Then they both look annoyed since they kept repeating what the other was saying. "Stop that!" 

Millie punches Max's shoulder, causing him to wince. "Ow!" Max sends her a small glare, rubbing the spot she hit. "What was that for?" 

"You wouldn't stop saying what I was saying and it was annoying!" Millie exclaimed, throwing her arms up out of frustration.

"Yeah, I second that." Max nods. He pouts, continuing to rub his shoulder. "But that punch was unnecessary."

Millie smiles apologetically at him, crossing her arms. "Sorry."

"Hey, guys." Phoebe said as she walks into the kitchen. "Are you getting anymore pizzas-Where's Mrs. Wong?" Phoebe interrupted her own sentence and a worried look formed on her face when she didn't see Mrs. Wong.

Millie bites her lower lip worriedly, shaking her head. "No idea." She sighs, beginning to pace. She rubs her temples as she rambles. "This is bad. This is bad. Max froze my boss and then we lost her," She throws her arms up dramatically with a frown on her face. "And now I'm gonna get fired."

Max stands in front of her and puts his hands on her shoulders to stop her from pacing. "Mills, you're pacing." Millie looks at him with worried eyes and he smiles softly at her. "Take a deep breath and calm down." Millie takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. "We're gonna figure this out." Max reassured her.

"We lost a frozen woman! What are we gonna do?" Phoebe panicked.

"There's only one thing to do." Max said, taking his hands off of Millie's shoulders while a worried look formed on his face. He and his sister turned to face each other with panic and screamed.

A panicked expression forms on Millie's face and she throws her arms up out of frustration again. "This is not helping me calm down!"

"Sorry, M." Phoebe apologizes. Millie shakes her head, taking another deep breath to help her calm down and then sends Phoebe a small smile to reassure her it was okay. Phoebe looks at the place where Mrs. Wong once stood with furrowed eyebrows. "I don't get it." She looks at Max, pointing at the place Mrs. Wong once stood. "Mrs. Wong was right here when you froze her." She began walking around the kitchen to search for Mrs Wong. "How could she be gone?"

Max began walking around the kitchen to look for Mrs. Wong as well, stopping in his tracks when he noticed what looked like water on the ground. He looks at the girls worriedly. "Oh no. I'm standing in a puddle of melted Wong."

Pointing at him, Millie glares at him. "You better have not melted my boss."

Max bends down, touching the liquid. He stands up and licks his finger. A disgusted expression forms on Millie's face, grossed out by the fact he technically licked the floor. "Ah, no." He said with relief. "Tastes like lemonade." Then a disgusted expression forms on his face when he realized something. "And everyone who's ever walked in here."

"We're in so much trouble." Phoebe walks back over to the two best friends, facing Max with a glare. "You just had to turn her into a Wongsicle! Now mom and dad will never let us throw our own party again."

Max frowns. "We'll spend the rest of our birthdays breaking it down with MC Barb and DJ Double Flush." 

Millie cringes, shaking her head. "Wow, you were right when you said that your birthdays with your parents are bad."

"We've got to find her." Millie speaks. "She couldn't have just walked out of here. Someone had to have carried her out."

Max glances around the kitchen, his eyes widening when he noticed the pizzas on the nearby table were gone. He walks over to the table and the girls follow him. "Look, all those pizzas are gone. Maybe the delivery guy thought Mrs. Wong was an ice sculpture and delivered her to the Sweep The Leg Dojo."

Millie nods in realization. "Yeah, maybe."

"Then we should go there." Phoebe suggests. "It's our only clue." She raises her eyebrows at Max. "Unless you want to keep licking the floor."

"I suggest not to do that." Millie added, pointing at Max.

Max stops Phoebe from leaving. "Wait. If we have to leave, at least let us leave through the only party we may ever throw." Phoebe rolled her eyes but nodded in response. Max took his hands off Phoebe's shoulders and the three teens went back to where the party was.

Millie rolls her eyes and ignored the hurt she felt when Max immediately went over to dance with a group of girls. Phoebe shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Max, we don't have time for this."

Max sighs and follows the girls towards the door. "Oh, Phoebe, Millie," Cherry calls out to the girls with a smile on her face. She grabs their hands, pulling them over to her and a few students. "Dance with us!" Millie and Phoebe smiled and danced with Cherry and the other students.

Max rolls his eyes when he saw this, ignoring that pinch of jealousy he felt when he saw Millie dancing with another guy and walks over to the group. He looks at Millie and Phoebe with annoyance. "Guys, we don't have time for this." 

"Right," Millie apologetically smiles. "Sorry."


The three teens finally get to the dojo, noticing that Mrs. Wong was there. "Okay, there's Wong." Phoebe whispers, looking across the dojo where Mrs. Wong was. "What's our plan?" She rolls her eyes when she heard straw bubbles. "Did you have to stop for one of those?" She asked Max, referring to the soda he got.

"It's my birthday. I deserve a treat." Max sassily answered.

After taking a drink of the soda she got, Millie smiles at Phoebe, handing her a drink. "I got one for you in case you wanted one."

Phoebe smiles excitedly, taking the drink from her. "Thanks, M." As she took a sip of her soda, the three teens snuck over to hide behind a pillar to get closer to where Mrs. Wong was at. Max threw away his drink since he had drunk all of it and meanwhile Phoebe and Millie set their drinks on the ground and looked at the group of kids practicing karate.

"Okay, maybe if we ask the sensei nicely, he'll let us have Mrs. Wong back." Phoebe suggests. She shrugs. "He looks reasonable."

Glancing at the sensei, Millie tilts her head to the side with a small smile. "Yeah, I guess he does."

"Alright, grasshoppers." The sensei said, getting the kids to listen to him and they all turn to face him. "Watch as your sensei breaks his own arm and then resets the bone."

Millie grimaces and mumbles, "That can't be healthy." She winced when the sensei broke his own arm and then reset the bone. She couldn't believe that he actually did that and that he wanted to do that. 

"You know what?" Phoebe points at Max. "You froze Wong. You handle this."

"Alright, mat rats, before our pizza part, we must bow to the chosen one." The sensei spoke, gesturing to a portrait of a girl who Millie assumed was the chosen one.

"Now's my chance." Max said in realization. "I'll grab Wong while Sensei Psycho has his back turned."

Millie nods, watching as the sensei and his students bow while Max sneakily walks behind them to get Mrs. Wong. "Legend says that she and her googly eyes will return and inspire us with wisdom and-" The sensei stops his own sentence when he noticed a kid opening a pizza box. He stands up, pointing at the boy. "Brendan, put down that stuffed crust!" Brendan closes the box and gets back in line as the sensei walks over to stand in front of him, looking at him with an intimidating expression. "Your parents didn't pay for your class this week. Nothing gets past Sensei Kenny," Just as he said that, Max sneaks behind him with frozen Mrs. Wong. "Especially some bozo trying to rob from my dojo." Sensei Kenny pointed at Max and glared at him

Millie grimaces. "And we're busted."

Max sets frozen Mrs. Wong down, facing Sensei Kenny. "Uh..." He laughs nervously. "Funny story. Um, this is actually my ice sculpture." Sensei Kenny gestures for his students to take a seat while he walks over to stand by Max. "I just didn't want to interrupt your weird pizza party."

Sensei Kenny folds his hands behind his back, staring at Max with offense. "Who are you calling weird? I'm an unlicensed karate master." He raises his right index finger. "Brendan, break my finger!"

Brendan stands up and breaks his finger, causing Sensei Kenny to yelp and run in place. "Ah!" He yelps with a pained look on his face. "Put it back! Put it back! Put it back! Put it-" He interrupts himself with a scream when Brendan put his broken finger back in place. Millie grimaces, shaking her head. She didn't understand why this sensei would want to do that. Sensei Kenny then smiles and points at the students. "Yeah."

"He's crazy." Millie whispered to Phoebe, who nodded in agreement.

"You still want to rob my ice sculpture?" Sensei Kenny asked Max.

"Please don't hurt..." Max pauses for a moment, rethinking of what he was going to say since he realized it was more likely Sensei Kenny would hurt himself again instead of him. "You. I-I just want to take back what's rightfully mine."

"Okay." Sensei Kenny nods. "You have to fight for it."

Max chuckles, shaking his head. "I can't fight you. You're insane."

With a smile, Sensei Kenny puts his hands on his hips. "You're not gonna fight me. I have twenty-seven broken bones."

Sensei Kenn then breaks his nose."Twenty-eight." Sensei Kenny corrects himself. He looks at his students. "Beginners class, circle of doom!" He pushed Max towards the middle of the red circle that's on the mat as the kids stood and formed a circle around Max. 

Max scoffs. "Beginners class." Sensei Kenny joins his students, beginning to run around in a circle. "You know, I'll take on these tots," Max rolls up his sleeves and gets in a fighting stance. "But I'm warning you, I got fists of fury."

Sensei Kenny gets out of the circle, standing behind the table the pizza was on. "Break some bones!" He smiles. "Make the googly-eyed chosen one proud!" He then jumped up and down as he laughed with excitement.

The kids stopped running, all standing in a fighting stance. One boy roundhouse kicked Max in the stomach, causing him to stumble backwards. Two boys behind him grabbed his arms and Max yelped when he flipped him over onto the mat. Max did a summersault and stood, but then Brendan rapidly punched his stomach. Two other boys kicked his ankles which caused him to fall on his stomach. 

"Pheebs," Millie watches her best friend get beaten up with a worried expression on her face. "He's getting beaten up out there." She glances at Phoebe. "We have to do something."

"No! Get 'em off! Get 'em off me! Ah!" Max shouted as the kids surrounded him, continuing to hurt him. When one boy cracks Max's ankle, Max screamed for him to put it back and he did. The whole time Sensei Kenny was hugging onto a punching bag while laughing. 

Millie looks at the picture of the chosen one on the wall, then glances at Phoebe with wide eyes. "Wait, maybe you can dress up as the chosen one and get Mrs. Wong back. You look a lot like the chosen one." She looks back at the picture. "And since it looks like she's floating, I can use your telekinesis to make you float."

Phoebe glances at the picture, eyes widening in realization. She nods, smiling back at Millie. "Yeah. That's a great idea, M." Phoebe snuck over to where some gis were hung up, grabbing one with a red belt. She then went back to Millie and with her help she was dressed up as the chosen one. Since Millie had touched Phoebe during the time of helping her dress as the chosen one she now was able to do the powers Phoebe has.


By this point, Sensei Kenny was eating a slice of pizza and the kids were still beating Max, but now with pool noodles. Where they got the pool noodles? Millie had no clue. Phoebe was finally ready to go out there as the chosen one so she stepped out from behind the pillar she and Millie were hiding behind. 

"Stop!" Phoebe demands. The kids let go of Max and turns to face Phoebe as Max falls on the floor. "I am the chosen one," She walks towards the group, "And I have returned."

Sensei Kenny sets his slice of pizza down in the box, walking over to Phoebe with a look of disbelief on his face. "The chosen one in a strip mall? I don't think so."

"Behold my googly eyes if you dare." Phoebe dramatically said and then showed off her googly eyes just like what the chosen one had.

"Oh, please." Sensei Kenny rolls his eyes. "Many people have googly eyes." He gestures to his assistant, who stood at the table and was pouring himself a drink. "Look at my assistant, Troy." Millie tilted her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows when she saw Troy's googly eyes and that he was having trouble pouring himself a glass of lemonade. 

Phoebe shakes her head and smiles. "Well, if I weren't the chosen one, would I be able to do this?" She got in the same pose the chosen one had in the picture. Millie was quick to raise her right index finger and pointer finger at Phoebe, using the telekinesis she now had to lift Phoebe up.

A look of awe forms on Sensei Kenny's face. "It is you! You are the chosen one!" He looks at his assistant with a grin. "Troy, are you seeing this?" Millie assumed that he wasn't seeing it because of his consistent googly eyes. 

"Psst, Troy," Phoebe calls out to him with a smile. "Over here."

"Everyone, kneel." Sensei Kenny demands excitedly, kneeling along with his students. "This is amazing." He looks at Phoebe. "Why are you here, great one? Do you want pizza? A free lesson?You need me to validate your parking? Brendan, get the stamp!"

"No," Phoebe denies. "I am here for the ice sculpture." 

"Well, you can have anything you want." Sensei Kenny tells her. "You want a kid?" He points at Brendan again. "Brendan, get your shoes!"

Phoebe furrows her eyebrows, surprised and confused as to why he offered her a kid, but she just shakes her head and smiles politely. "That's a very generous offer, but just the sculpture will do."

"It's yours." Sensei Kenny smiled.

"Yes!" Millie cheersed in a whisper voice, fist bumping the air. However, when she did that, she lost focus with keeping Phoebe lifted which caused Phoebe to fall. She grimaced when she heard a thud and a sheepish expression was on her face upon seeing Phoebe on the ground. 

"My bad." She muttered, smiling apologetically at Phoebe when she sent Millie a small glare.

"The chosen one meant to do that." Phoebe explained after seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces. She stood along with Max.

"Hey, chosen one, will you get the door?" Max whispered.

Phoebe nods. "On it." She turns to face everyone with a smile. "Chosen one, out." She then tried to do some karate moves as she walked to the door. Millie picked up her drink and Phoebe's drink while Max picked up frozen Mrs. Wong. As Sensei Kenny talked with his students, Millie quickly snuck by so she was unnoticed and followed her best friends out the door.


Max complained about how cold frozen Mrs. Wong was while he carried her back into the kitchen of her restaurant. Millie chuckles, crossing her arms. "Maybe this will teach you not to invite the entire school without telling anyone."

"Yeah, but you couldn't help me carry her?" Max asked her, rubbing his hands together to try to get them to be warm.

"Nah," Millie shakes her head. "You're the one who froze her." 

"And I couldn't help 'cause I am the chosen one." Phoebe smiled, closing the back door when she walked in. 

"Well, the party train got derailed, and I got beat up by a biker gang, but back in business." Max smiled.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Millie points at him. "No, you got beaten up by a bunch of kids."

Max points back at her. "No one else has to know that. And besides, my birthday, my story."

"Fair point." Millie nodded while smiling at him and he returned the smile.

"Now let's get back in there." Max suggests. He fixes his jacket, walking into the resturant with the girls following him. "Who's ready to party?"

Millie's eyes widen when she saw the place was empty. The music was still playing, but nobody was there. "Apparently nobody." Phoebe said with a shocked expression on her face.

"I can't believe the party is over and we missed half of it." Millie commented, smiling sympathetically at her best friends. She felt bad that they both had to miss their party that they threw. 

Max stops the music as Phoebe checks the messages on her phone. Phoebe sighs. "Shoot. Fourteen texts from Cherry. 'Where are you? Great party. Someone brought a monkey.'" 

Millie's eyes widen and she chuckles, shaking her head. "Who would bring a monkey to a birthday party?" She asked, going over to sit down at a nearby table.

"'Who knew moneys can dance? Ooo-oo, ee-ee.'' Millie exchange a confused look with the twins before Phoebe continues to read the texts. "'Sorry, monkey took my phone.'" The three teens both said 'oh' in realization as they nod. "'Best party ever. Cleaned up. Happy birthday, bestie.'"

"Well, the good news is, we threw the best party ever." Max said, gesturing to the resturant. He sits down at the table Millie was at, sitting at the end of the table. "The bad news is, we missed the whole thing."

"Talk about your birthday breakdown." Phoebe remarks. "After all we went through tonight," She looks at the pizza pan on the table, seeing the pizza pan had some slices of pizza left on it. "The only thing we have to show for it is a slice of pizza."

Millie grimaces. "Uh, Pheebs. Pretty sure that's not real pizza."

With a grimaced expression on his face, Max nods in agreement. "Yeah, it has fake cheese."

Phoebe immediately drops the slice that she had just grabbed. "You know," She joins Millie and Max at the table, sitting across from Millie as she looks at Max. "None of this would have happened if we had just stayed home with mom and dad."

"Yeah." Max agrees. He shrugs. "Their parties may be silly, but they are kind of fun." 

"I always loved my birthday parties with my dad." Millie admits. "He kinda goes overboard like your parents," She smiles. "But that's what made it fun. I'm sure your family are missing you guys."

"True." Phoebe nods and smiles slightly. She looks at Max with a teasing smile. "Plus there's no biker gang there to beat you up." She points at him. "Oh, by the way, keeping that lie is your birthday present." Max nodded with a small smile on his face.

"You want to go home?" Phoebe asked him.

"Yeah." Max nods with a pained expression and then chuckles lightly. "I hurt everywhere."

Millie and Phoebe chuckles, smiling at Max with amusement. Phoebe then looks at Millie with an apologetic smile. "Sorry we dragged you into this mess, M."

Millie chuckles, shaking her head. "You don't have to apologize. You guys are my best friends and you know I'm always there for you guys."

Max smiles softly at her. "Thanks, Mills." 

Millie's eyes widen in realization, and she points at the twins. "But you know, before we leave, we should probably unfreeze Wong."

With a sheepish expression on her face, Phoebe nods. "Yeah, we should." 

"Yep." Max nodded in agreement and the three teens stood to walk back into the kitchen.

A/N sensei kenny is so crazy pls why would anyone willing break their bones?? anyway, i love max & millie so much, they're so cute!! & millie's friendship with phoebe is the best!

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"Eve Harrington, you're a complete and total idiot." - Stranger Things Max Mayfield x fem!oc Seasons 2-4
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[This book is currently being edited also NOT A MIGHTY DUCKS FF] ššƒšš‘ššŽ šš˜šš—ššŽ šš šš‘ššŽšš›ššŽ šš¢šš˜ššžšš› šš‹ššŽššœšš šššš›šš’ššŽšš—ššššœ šš‹šš›šš˜šššš‘ššŽšš› šš–ššŠšš”ššŽššœ...
48.2K 1.3K 26
ā€•ā If we were a movie, you'd be the right guy. And I'd be the best friend that you'd fall in love with.āž OR ā€•ā katerina mitchell (who prefers to go b...
314K 7.3K 82
you make me shiver with the fire you got.... this thing we started, i don't want it to stop. ...