Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1)...

By koneesha

145 2 13

Discovering a world of unimaginable powers and Immortals and her place in it, Yun must learn to wield her pow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Face claims

Chapter 16

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By koneesha

"Jin, I'm not sure whether this is necessary."

"It's not, but you can ensure that your plan does not go awry."

Yun furrowed her brows at the single piece of parchment laid out on the table. Somewhere from beside her, she heard Qi Die lose her balance for the tenth time this morning when they were training her posture. She did not lift her gaze though, merely keeping them on the words on the parchment.

It turns out that maidens were not only entering the palace for the Emperor's Harem, but the palace was also in need of servant maidens. Jin had found out about this last night itself, and shared with her the news almost when she woke up.

"Don't worry, I'll help you from the inside." Jin reassured her. "I won't let anything happen to you."

A hand covered hers, the warmth taking her by surprise. Jin's hand was slightly rough, and it slid over her smooth one, gripping it lightly.


Ling squealed as she entered the room, gaze locked on them.

Yun quickly pulled out her hand from underneath his. She lowered her head, not wanting Jin to see the flustered look on her face.

Jin slowly withdrew his hand as well, shooting a look towards Ling's direction.

"I believe you." Yun stated once she could find her voice again. "I trust that you will hold your word. But as soon as Qi Die's position is secured in the palace, I leave back for Guiying."


Yun looked over at Ling as she tied the rucksack together, bringing only some plain clothes and hairpins with her. There were no more jade nor silver in her hair, only a bronze pin that held the most of her hair back. She had donned a plain blue dress as well, the colour much like the ones she had, except that this was Ling's, meaning that it was less refined.

"Milady, do you have to do this?" Ling sounded like she was going to cry anytime soon, and something tugged at Yun's heart as she heard that. "I don't want you to go as a maidservant. You won't be up to it."

Yun smiled at her, trying to cheer her up. "I will be fine, Ling. It will be only for a few days, maybe two weeks at most before I can leave."

"Then why won't you let me come with you, Milady?"

"Because I trust you, I trust that you know how to help Qi Die. Ling, I know you as someone to be quick-witted. You can think on your feet, and you have years of experience in taking care of a lady, it makes you the perfect person to guide and coach Qi Die for life in the palace."

"Milady." Ling was sobbing completely by this part of the conversation. Despite the differences of status between them, Yun had come to think of Ling as someone dear to her heart. She was always there by her side, and had easily brightened up her day more than often when she was around.

"It's alright." Yun reached for Ling's hand and clasped them in her own. Her other hand pulled out a silk kerchief and gently dabbed at the tears rolling down her cheeks. "Ling, I promise that when I leave the palace, I will bring you with me as well. I'm not going to leave you inside there alone."

"I know you will take me along Milady." Ling sniffled, looking up at Yun with such earnest eyes. "I know you won't leave me, and I will do whatever it takes to help you and Lord Gu."

"Thank you, Ling. For everything you have done for me. I appreciate it."


Yun walked on the streets together with Jin, the both of them disguised as commoners. Jin pulled his hair up completely again, hiding his face under a straw hat. He also changed into some old cotton clothes that were frayed at the edges in an attempt to look like a farmer.

The streets were overpouring with people, and there were soldiers stationed around the long road towards the palace. Yun looked at them warily as they rode past on horses or marched past in armour, feeling slightly afraid.

"Don't worry, no one here recognises you." Jin murmured, the hat tilting slightly as he turned towards her.

Yun took in a deep breath and nodded towards Jin as they continued on.

The line to enter the palace was long, with maidens of all sorts standing together. Yun thought that she saw a few that were dressed in a more luxurious state than the commoner clothes that she had worn. She looked down at herself, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious in her state of wear. But at the same time, she wondered why were there entering the palace to become maidservants as well.

"Jin, are those noblewomen as well?"

"Some of them might be, but perhaps born illegitimately." Jin shrugged. "Others might be daughters of wealthy merchants and the sort. Are you wondering why they are entering the palace this way?"


"You have to have a certain status of standing to be noted as the Emperor's consorts, which is why they did not have the chance to be chosen in the first place. So, the only way that they were able to get closer to the emperor or to any nobility in general is by becoming a maidservant. And they do not necessarily have to do the hardest chores if they tip the eunuch, they would just become high-ranking enough for a comfortable life."

"I see." Yun nodded, lost in thought. Should I tip the eunuch later then?

Someone suddenly bumped into her just then, and she fell forward, her hands already out to block her fall. Suddenly, Jin was holding her again, crouching low as she was in his arms.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." But she thought she had twisted her ankle as it throbbed with pain when she tried to move it.

A girl walked past them in a haughty manner, wearing a strong scent and luxurious silks. Another few girls walked past her, sneering at Yun and Jin. "That's what you get for standing in our way, peasants."

A surge of upset and shock ran through Yun, and she looked stunned at the girl that said so. It stopped her in her tracks as she turned over to look at Yun whom was still on the ground.

"Upset, are you?" She taunted. "But I'm afraid that there's nothing you can do to us. In the Royal City, no one even dares to oppose us, so what makes you an exception?"

She walked forwards, stepping onto Yun's skirt and twisted her feet on it. Yun's fists clenched as Jin placed a hand on her shoulder, silently pleading her to remain patient.

"Really? Well, I would be delighted to be the first." A girl's voice came for one side, and suddenly the girl that was taunting them was suddenly on the ground, yelling out in shock and pain.

A hand appeared in front of her, and Yun looked up to see another standing over her. "I won't do anything like the lady over there did, come on."

Yun accepted her hand, and supported by Jin, she stood up slowly, feeling her leg healing herself already. It was then that she got a better look at the girl that helped her up just now. She was slightly taller than Yun as well, with hair that flowed only around her shoulders instead of reaching the small of her back like most other ladies. It also stood out, being somewhat a light brown colour. She also wore a bright yellow dress robe that flowed around her ankles as she moved.

"Your ankle." She suddenly pointed out.

"Oh." Yun pulled her skirts down, trying to hide it. "I will be fine with some rest. Thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Yun lowered her eyes, hoping that she would take it as a signal to leave.

"Alright then. By the way, my name is Ying, and I hope to see you around sometimes in the palace." She gave Yun a dazzling smile before walking away.

The encounter somewhat confused Yun, but she realised that Ying had left something on the ground as she walked away. Jin noticed it too, and he picked it up from Yun to look at. It was a hairpin made of gold in the form of a bird, and a yellow feather underneath it.


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