Time After Time (Book 3)

Od BarelyContainedChaos

14.9K 792 1.2K

He's alive, but Betty is still separated from her love. His memories are returning but there's still one thin... Více

Guilt and Grievin'
Bombs and Bucharest
Felons and Fugitives
Road Trips and Reunions
Fights and Flights
Refuge and Refreeze
Arms and Awakenings
Memories and Missin' Pieces
Feelin's and Freedom
Love and Longin'
Goats, Girl Time and Ghosts
Dancin' and Disbelief
Confessions and Consummations
Farewells and Futures
Calm and Contentment
Fears and Family
Aliens and Ashes
Saviours and Sacrifice
Aftermath and Aftershocks
Friends and Farewells
Tears and Time Travel
Haircuts and Hot Dates
Mistakes and Missions
Separation and Skydivin'
Movin' in and Movin' on
What if...Bucky Never Fell?

Rage and Regrets

498 30 55
Od BarelyContainedChaos

Training the teams at the facility in England was better than Betty thought it would be.  She'd had two sessions each with two separate teams and she'd used them to get a measure of their fighting styles and levels.  Skill-wise they were probably on a parr with Betty if she were honest, but they lacked that hardness, that...cold calculation that only developed after a true battle.  She'd taught them a few combinations that she'd learned from the Dora Milaje, their fighting style being uniquely versatile.  The next step would be to show them what it could be like to fight against someone that was enhanced.

She was in her room after lunch getting changed from her training gear into her usual attire.  Samira had asked her to consult on some development ideas that the facility wanted to put into place, to which Betty had readily agreed.  Anything was better than sitting around waiting for the next training session.  As she pulled on her jeans her phone rang and she frowned at the screen, not recognising the caller i.d.

"Hello?" She answered warily.

"Is that Mrs Elizabeth Barnes?" There was a gruff voice on the other end of the line.

"Who's askin'?"

"You're the wife of one Sergeant James Barnes?"

"Yet again, who's askin'?"

"I'm Officer Dunlop, Baltimore PD.  Your husband's been arrested Ma'am. You're listed as primary contact."

"What the..." Betty let out a sigh. "He's been pardoned for all that Officer and if..."

"No Ma'am, he missed one of his mandated therapy sessions, it's like missing a meeting with your PO.  We've had to bring him in."

"Oh for fuck's sake," Betty muttered under her breath, and then spoke to the officer. "What do I need to do?"

"We need you to come down to the station Ma'am."

"I can't do that Officer, I'm in England. Can I nominate Sam Wilson as proxy?"

"No Ma'am I'm afraid you can't, we'll have to..."

The officer was cut off and Betty could hear some muffled conversation on the other end of the line before the officer came back on and spoke again.

"Ma'am, everything's been figured out.  Your husband can be released.  I'm sorry to bother you."

Before Betty could even form a response the call ended.  She tried to call back but the line was busy. There was no answer from Bucky's phone, or Sam's, and she let out a noise of frustration and then tapped out a message.

James Buchanan Barnes call me right now!

Betty sat on her bed and waited, and then waited some more, but it was only when she'd given up and was about to leave her room that her phone rang again.  Breathing a sigh of relief at the caller i.d., she answered.

"Buck, what happened?"

"Doll, don't be mad..." he sounded wary.

"I'm not mad Buck, I'm worried!  You got arrested!"

"Yeah, ummm, sorry about that." She could just picture him looking all sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. "But everythin's figured out now Doll.  I had to have a session with Dr Raynor, but I'm free to go."

"Who called the wicked bitch of the west?" She asked.

"John Walker," Bucky admitted through gritted teeth, although he let out a low chuckle at Betty's words.

"Jesus Christ, did you hit him?"


"Why the hell not? I would've."

Bucky laughed out loud at that, making Betty smile. "That's ma girl!"

"You know I swear I'm never leavin' the country again."

"I'm not arguin' with that Doll, but I gotta tell you.  Me and Sam, we're...we got some work to.  This group we're chasin'?  They're like me, like Steve."

"Oh God," Betty gasped as she realised what he meant. "Someone's makin' serum."

"Yeah.  We're gonna go and find them, hopefully before that idiot Walker does, but it means we gotta go off grid for a while."

"A while?  How long is a while?!" Betty could feel the anxiety rising in her chest.

"A few days tops," Bucky tried to sound reassuring but Betty wasn't convinced.

"I'm...Buck, I'm nervous about this," she admitted. "It's a big step for you."

"I got this Doll," he said, sounding so confident.  Betty couldn't help the pride that welled up, overriding her fears, so she told him.

"I'm proud of you Baby, I really am." She could almost hear the blush that crossed his cheeks.

"I gotta go Doll, I'm sorry, but I'll contact you as soon as I can."

"I understand Baby.  I love you.  Be safe."

"Always.  I love you too."

The call ended and Betty felt as if she could cry, not from sadness or anger, but the way tears could be a release of that nameless mix of emotions that sometimes need an outlet. She ran a shaky hand over her face and pocketed her phone. There was nothing she could do now and really, Bucky needed this.  He needed to choose his own battles, or none at all if that's what he wanted.  Both him and Sam knew she'd be there in a heartbeat if they needed her, but this fight, this mission, was theirs.  With a sigh she rose from her bed and headed out to meet Samira.

Four days.  It had been four days since she'd last had any contact with her husband and she was starting to get a little frantic.  True to his word his phone was off so Betty couldn't even track his location.  She found herself on the edge of calling Bren to see if the tech guru could find out anything but had managed to hold off so far.  Just when she thought she'd give in and call in the cavalry Betty's phone rang and she recognised the tone that indicated an incoming video call.  Thinking it would be Bucky, or at least Sam, she pulled out the device with trepidation but then looked at the caller id and frowned in confusion.  She swiped to answer the call and held the phone up to her face.

"Ayo, it's been a while, but it's nice to see you." Betty said, a warm smile on her face.

"You might not say that in a moment." The Wakandan looked even more serious than usual.

"Why?  What's happened?" Betty was instantly on alert.

"There's an issue, in Riga."

"Bucky?  Sam?  Are they hurt?" concern etched her features.

"Not physically, no.  But your husband is going to need some support.  I would suggest going there if you can."


"Betty, as your friend I am telling you, the White Wolf has overstepped a boundary.  There will need to be reparation."

"What has he done Ayo?" Betty's worry grew with every word the Dora spoke.

"You will need to let him explain."

"Where do I need to go?" she sighed in resignation.

"I will send you co-ordinates."


"Betty," Ayo's face softened slightly, "all is not lost, he can be forgiven for his transgression, but the Dora are hard taskmasters."

"I appreciate your call Ayo; I'll do what I can."

"I know you will Betty," her lips twitched in an almost-smile.  "I actually miss spending time with you both.  I would hate to see you banished from Wakanda."

"Me too Ayo, me too.  That bad eh?"  Betty face-palmed.

"That bad. Until we meet again Betty," Ayo nodded curtly and then ended the call. 

Betty's phone pinged again with the co-ordinates that Ayo had promised, and she bit her lip in trepidation.  She'd have to do this in a couple of steps, so she researched locations and co-ordinates for a few waypoints.  Firing off a message to Samira, apologising for her unexpected absence and then arming herself, she flashed first to Antwerp, then to Hanover, Szczecin, and Gdynia.  Taking a moment or two to recover from the dizziness that multiple jumps caused she focussed on the location that Ayo sent her and overlaid that with thoughts of Bucky.  Not knowing what she'd be appearing in the middle of, she formed a forcefield around herself, rested her hand on her gun in its thigh holster, then she closed her eyes, took a breath, and teleported again.

When she opened her eyes again she was in large room that was flooded with coloured light from arched stained-glass windows, she started to take in her surroundings but swivelled on hearing a sharp intake of breath to see Bucky look up in surprise from his seat on a large corner sofa.  His eyes were red-rimmed, and his hair was stuck up at all angles, as if he'd been running his hands through it as he did when he was agitated.  Betty took a couple of steps towards him, and he almost leapt off the sofa and into her arms.

"How did you know I needed you?" he whispered as he buried his face in her neck.

"Ayo called," Betty murmured back, stroking her fingers through his hair in an automatic gesture of comfort.

Bucky pulled back slightly and looked at Betty in surprise.

"She did?" he asked, and there was hope in his tone.

"Yeah.  She said you'd overstepped a boundary and that you'd need to make reparations before you'd be forgiven.  What the hell happened Buck?"  Betty asked and he rubbed the back of his neck, blushing sheepishly.  "Oh God, I know that look.  What did you do?!"


He was stopped from completing his sentence by the door opening.  Sam stepped through, followed by another man who Betty couldn't see clearly, his face in shadow.  As the two of them moved further into the room the light from the windows illuminated the stranger and Betty hissed in a breath.

"MotherFUCKER!" she cursed and pulled out her gun, aiming it straight at the man.

Bucky grabbed the muzzle with his vibranium hand.

"Betty, let me explain," Bucky started but Betty cast him a scathing look.

"Let. Go." She gritted, taking a step forward.

"My dear, I don't know who you are but I'm certain I would remember if I'd offended someone as beautiful as you," the man spoke.  "Please, allow me to make amends."

"I wouldn't if I were you, man," Sam warned.

Bucky let out a growl.  "Shut the hell up Zemo."

"Make amends," she gave a dry laugh.  "Make AMENDS?!  You framed my husband for blowin' up the UN, controlled his fuckin' mind, and created a wedge between people who mean a fuckin' great deal to me.  I'm gonna shoot your kneecaps out and hand you back over to the Wakandans.  If it weren't for them I'd shoot you in the fuckin' head!" Betty seethed, dragging her weapon out of Bucky's grasp, and pointing it at Zemo's knees.

Zemo held his hands up in surrender, but his face lit up with a delighted smirk.

"Husband?  That is a surprise.  James, you've been holding out on me.  How long have you been married?" He purred, raising an eyebrow.

"81 years," Bucky answered, puffing out his chest and looking proud despite the tension in the room.

"You've both got a death wish," Sam shook his head in admonishment.

Betty glared at Bucky, making a noise of exasperation, and teleported a sofa cushion towards him, which smacked him in the face, before turning back to Zemo.

"Maybe we should all, y'know, take a seat?" Sam spoke up, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Would anyone like some cherry blossom tea?" Zemo added, calm as always.

"Shut the hell up before I shut you up.  James?  Start. Talkin'," she gritted.

"Well, Doll, it was like..."

"Nope," she cut him off. "I've changed my mind.  You can shut up too.  Sammy?  I'm hopin' you can give me the short, sweet, truth."

"Absolutely Bets.  It's all Buck's fault."

"Not a doubt in my mind," Betty agreed.

"Hey!" Bucky complained.

"Barnes, I've known you for 94 years.  Any stupid idea is always your fault."

"This is fascinating, truly fascinating."  Zemo eyed the trio like a hawk.

"SHUT UP!" the three of them shouted at once.

Sam told Betty the short and concise version of how they got to where they are now, making sure to emphasise that the Wakandans are coming back for Zemo.

"Argh Buck, I swear to God if this mess isn't sorted out and you get banished from Wakanda I'm gonna..."

"I know Doll, I know," Bucky tried to placate his wife.

"You're not apologisin' though, are you."  It wasn't a question.

"Nope," he admitted, casting his eyes to the floor for a second.

"James Buchanan Barnes you absolute..."

All three turned back to Zemo as he suddenly exploded into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Bucky grumbled, his frown deepening even further.

"Ah James," Zemo chuckled, wiping the tears of amusement from his eyes.  "I never thought I'd see the day."

"What are you babblin' on about now?" Betty spat.

"Oh nothing really, just a little thing.  The formidable Winter Soldier, once the world's most deadly assassin..."

"Once?" Bucky muttered in complaint, folding his arms across his chest.

"...and the Dora Milaje have to call his wife in to scold him..." he trailed off into giggles again.

Bucky grabbed Betty's gun, just as she began to raise it again, knowing she was about to explode.

"How fuckin' dare you, you..." she started but Bucky held her chin with his other hand, forcing her to look at him.

"Bedroom, Doll.  Now."  He raised his eyebrow and gently pushed her backwards towards a door at the other end of the room.

Betty let out a huff of annoyance but holstered her gun and turned with Bucky.  Throwing a look back over her shoulder at Zemo she narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger at him like a promise before she turned back and followed her husband into the room.

Betty kicked the door shut with her foot and leaned against it, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.

"Betty..." he started but she interrupted him.

"Buck, I don't think there's anythin' you can say that will justify breakin' Zemo out of jail.  It's spittin' in the face of Wakanda," Betty shook her head sadly.

"I know," Bucky sighed, "but there really was no other choice.  I wouldn't have done it otherwise.  Please tell me you know that Doll?"

Betty stepped up to him resting a gentle hand on his chest and his arm wound round her waist automatically.  His eyes were filled with sadness and a deep resignation.  She could see he thought he'd burned his bridges with the Wakandans and how much that hurt him.  He wouldn't have given up his piece of calm without reason.

"I know that Baby, I do.  I trust you Bucky." she said, softly, sliding her other hand up to cup his face.

He leaned into her touch, eyes closing, and breathed out slowly.

"I am sorry," he admitted finally.  "If there were any other way I'd have left him to rot."

Betty raised herself up on her toes and placed a soft kiss on his lips, she couldn't help herself, she'd missed him so much in spite of everything.  Bucky's eyes flew open in surprise, but he tightened his arm around her, pulling her closer and deepening their kiss for a moment.

"Thanks," he whispered.  "I needed that.  I couldn't stand you hatin' me."

"I could never hate you Buck," Betty whispered back, "but you seem to insist on bein' a pain in my ass."

"Can't change the habit of a lifetime," he replied with a lop-sided smile, which quickly darkened into something more as his eyes flickered down to her lips and back up to her eyes. 

His tongue swept over his bottom lip, and he pulled it through his teeth, making Betty's breath catch in her throat.  She let out a groan.


"Don't what?" he teased, raising his eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that," she breathed.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about," he teased against her lips as he bent his head, capturing her mouth.

Betty couldn't help the moan that spilled from her as she wound her arms round his neck, pulling him closer.  His hands dragged down her sides and around to her ass, fingers digging in, before hitching under the back of her thighs as he lifted her from the ground.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, the breathless sounds of their passion echoing in her ears as Bucky turned and walked them over to the bed, crawling up onto it and laying her down in the centre.  Their kisses continued, becoming more desperate.  Betty drew his bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling gently and he groaned but then froze and pulled away, head cocked to the side.

"What..." Betty began, but he cut her off with a finger on her mouth, the cool vibranium a balm for her kiss-swollen lips.

"Fuck," he muttered, getting up and adjusting himself in his pants.  "Stay here."

"Why?" she asked, confused.

"Because Walker's gonna come through that door and he can't know you're here.  The guy's crazy, and believe me, I know crazy."

"Don't be stupid Buck, I can help."

"No!  Betty, please, stay here.  Don't...leave yet either.  Just...please."

Betty nodded with a sigh.  "Whatever Buck, just...don't be a dick."

He chuckled as he reached the bedroom door, "Who, me?"

She scooted to the edge of the bed and ran her fingers though her hair as Bucky left the room, closing the door behind him.  She heard raised voices but the words were too muffled for her to make out. A crash sounded and then a new voice entered the conversation.  Even though Betty couldn't hear what was being said she recognised the tone from her phone call earlier.  The Dora had come for Zemo.

It didn't take long for the sounds of fighting to break out beyond the door.  Betty muttered a curse under her breath and stood, edging ever closer to the doorway, aching to go and help but trying to do as Bucky had asked.  This is his mission, she reminded herself. 

"Looking strong John," she heard him call out, voice dripping with sarcasm, and she snickered.

There were no more words as the clamour of fighting intensified.  She'd fought alongside Bucky enough to recognise the clash of his arm against metal and she couldn't help but crack open the bedroom door to observe what was happening.  Nomble was fighting against Walker and his sidekick, the arrogant soldier obviously struggling against the superior skill of the Dora, but it was Ayo herself who kept Bucky and Sam at bay.  She knew in intimate detail how both women fought and she could tell they were holding back. Betty bit her lip to keep from shouting encouragement when Nomble threw her spear and pinned the shield to the dining table, Walker's arm with it.

Walker's companion was incapacitated on the floor and Sam was engaged with Nomble, who was definitely pulling her punches, when Ayo turned to Bucky and hit him in the shoulder with the butt of her spear. Betty's smile of triumph fell from her face as she watched Ayo jab her fingers into his metal chest piece in a precise pattern and his vibranium arm detached and fell to the floor with a dull thud.  The look of betrayal on his face broke her heart and she couldn't help but step into the room.

Ayo glanced up and caught Betty's eye for a split second before looking back at Bucky.

"Bast damn you James," she hissed, and then stalked over to the bathroom and pulled the door open.

Zemo had vanished.

"He is gone, leave it," she said to Nomble, who flipped up the shield that was now on the floor and handed it back to Walker.

The Dora left the apartment as quickly as they had entered and Betty, ignoring the two wannabe heroes, hurried over to Bucky and Sam.  Bucky bent and picked up his arm, staring at it with sorrow in his eyes.

"Did you know they could that?" Sam asked from the floor where he lay.

Bucky reattached his arm, the vibranium plates rippling as the artificial neurones reconnected.

"No," he gritted, circling it around from back to front to recalibrate the movement sensors.

As he flexed his metal fingers, Betty reached out and took his hand in hers, squeezing gently, knowing he could feel the pressure of it at least. He pulled her closer towards him and then slid his other hand into her hair, cradling her head against his chest.

"I'm sorry Baby, I didn't know either," she whispered sadly.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, letting out a deep sigh.

"I'll make it right Betty," he promised, murmuring against her hair.

"Anyone injured?" She asked with a little more volume.

"Only Walker's pride," Sam scoffed, jerking his head towards the two soldiers.

Walker's companion, Hoskins from the name on his chest, reached his hand down and pulled his friend up from the floor.  Walker squared his shoulders and turned to face the trio. 

"Where'd she come from?" He asked, jutting his jaw towards Betty.

Bucky growled low in his chest but Betty wasn't having any of it.  She pulled away from him and stalked over to Walker.  He was a couple of inches taller than Bucky and she had to crane her neck look up at him but she met his eyes with a fierce glare.

"Betty..." Bucky said in a warning tone, knowing just how much of a firecracker she could be.

"I'm not gonna hurt him Buck, I just wanna see him up close."

"Ohhh, you're Betty Rogers!" Walker exclaimed as realisation dawned on him.

"No, he didn't..." Sam shook his head in exasperation.

"Oh he did," Bucky confirmed with grim nod.

"Well shit," Sam whistled, "Only God can save him now..."

Betty stared at Walker with narrowed eyes and drew in a breath to say something but then seemed to change her mind.  She shook her head and turned away.

"Ya know, it's not even worth it," she said.

"Well that's personal growth right there," Sam smirked at Betty, trying to coax a laugh.

"Your brother would be proud," Walker called out and Betty froze.

Bucky and Sam immediately reached for her in a panic but she'd already vanished, flashing back to Walker and letting rip with a mean right hook to his jaw. His head whipped to the side and Betty already had her arm cocked for another strike when a hand grabbed her wrist and a metal arm wrapped itself around her waist picking her up off the ground and scooting her backwards across the room.

"Lemme go Buck," Betty growled, wriggling to escape, but they both knew she didn't mean it. 

If she really wanted to hurt Walker she could flash out of Bucky's arms but she quickly calmed and he let her down. Sam had moved around to the empty bathroom whilst Hoskins stood behind Walker.

"Come on, lets go," he urged.

With a glare at Betty, Walker turned and left the apartment rubbing his jaw, with Hoskins following close behind.  Bucky and Betty joined Sam at the bathroom, the open drain cover indicating Zemo's escape route.

"I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo," Sam sighed.

"I can," Bucky said, sounding resigned.

"You guys should get after him," Betty urged, "before anything else happens."

"What about you?" Sam asked. "Are you coming with us?"

"Not my mission," Betty smiled softly, slipping her arm around Bucky's waist. "You two got this covered.  I've got trainin' to deliver so back to London I go."

"You could stay..." Bucky mumbled into the top of her head as he pulled her closer into him.

"I could, but I don't need to."

"If you teleport to the airstrip, I can get Torres to fly you back in the jet.  It's only take a couple hours and it's be less exhausting than hopping all over Europe."

"You know, I think I'll take you up on that Sammy, thanks," Betty smiled warmly at him.

"I'll send you the deets," he nodded, moving away to give the couple a sense of privacy.

"One day," Bucky began, a grumpy expression settling in his face, "one day we're gonna have a house, with a yard and a fence, and we won't have to say goodbye ever again.  We can sit on our porch drinkin' whisky in the middle of the day just because we can."

"I hear ya, Baby," Betty said wistfully, raising herself up on her toes to kiss him.

She'd intended it to be a short affectionate peck but Bucky took the opportunity to deepen it, sliding his tongue against hers and groaning softly. Betty got so lost in the feel of him that she almost jumped when Sam cleared his throat.

"I hate to break up the lovebirds but we gotta go," he said sounding genuinely sorry.

Betty pecked one last kiss to the corner of Bucky's mouth and stepped away.

"It's OK Sam, you two gotta go save the world, I gotta be a moving target for some agents.  Them's the breaks."

Sam left the apartment with a wave and Bucky turned to follow but looked back wistfully.

"Love you," he mouthed, vanishing out of the door.

It was definitely less draining to teleport to the airfield and then travel by jet.  Betty settled into the co-pilot's seat next to Torres, who was kind, funny, and genuinely just good company. He was in the middle of regaling her with tales of Sam's escapades when her phone rang.

"Betty!" Sam was frantic. "I need you."

"Tell me,"

"I need you to go to Louisiana. It's Karli, she's threatened Sarah, she...she threatened the boys!"

"Say no more Sam.  I'm on my way.  I'll make sure she's safe."

"Thanks Betty, I..."

"No.  Don't you thank me.  You're family Sam."

"But still..."

"Just go get them Sam."

She didn't give him chance to reply and ended the call before turning to Torres.

"Looks like there's been a change of plan.  You got enough fuel in this bird to get us to Louisiana?"

Torres gripped the steering column tighter and clenched his jaw.


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