Envy (Dark Waters Book 1)

By veelozada

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✨️WATTYS 2023 SHORTLIST | Book One in the "Dark Waters" series | On a quest to regain his place among the de... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-one:
Chapter Twenty-two:
Chapter Twenty-three:
Chapter Twenty-four 🔥:
Chapter Twenty-five:
Chapter Twenty-six:
Chapter Twenty-seven:
Chapter Twenty-eight:
Chapter Twenty-nine:
Chapter Thirty:
Chapter Thirty-One:
Book 2 -- Gluttony -- Out Now!
Final Author Note + Thanks:

Chapter Twelve:

230 25 4
By veelozada

The moment the words left her lips, my restraint snapped in two. Every memory I had of her rushed through my head and into my chest, forcing my heart to beat so hard I thought it'd explode.

You spent one hundred years lying to cover up your pain. Indulge for the moment.

Bending slightly, I slid my hand down her arm to the small of her back, pressing against it so she'd lift against me. When our hips touched, she gasped, but the sound was cut by my lips as I took her mouth in a full kiss. A deep kiss. I pushed my tongue between the parted gap and tasted the alcohol on her tongue. Sweet strawberry vodka.

Immediately, she sighed and moaned into my mouth. Her hands shot up to hold me, legs weakened and crumbling. I tightened my grip so she'd feel the force to stand, feel my need mixing with hers. As I tilted my head, taking the kiss further, she followed with more than curiosity. The way her heart pounded, her breath sped, and her leg brushed against my crotch with each subtle moan, a part of me felt this would be more than a kiss. With my blood boiling and rushing, would I be able to say 'no,' if it would be?

Taking my chance, I passed my hand over her hip, then up her side. My fingers brushed over her breasts, gently grazing her nipples through her tank top. She whimpered against my lips.

"Wait." Breaking the kiss for a moment, Priscilla quickly looked up into my eyes and breathed, "Couch."

This was more than a kiss. I smirked, trying to hide my apparent sudden excitement, but I wasn't in the right pants to do it. "You said a kiss," I breathed back. I thought if I could sever the moment before it happened, then she could be saved from my darkness, and I wouldn't allow myself to fall for her light again.

It's too late. You fell long ago. It's only returning to the surface.

"I did." She chewed on her bottom lip and gently pushed me. I took three quick steps until my legs hit the couch. I leaned against the back of it, hands gripping the top of the cushions. Priscilla followed after me with slow, seductive steps. "But that kiss was exactly the same," she licked her lip, "so I wonder how the rest will be."

Fuck me. How far did her dreams go?

Biting my lip, I shook my head. "Priscilla," I chuckled nervously. I wanted this; shit, I needed this. But after three drinks, did she want this? When I'd taken my Priscilla in my arms, there wasn't alcohol or outside factors; it was her and me and the thoughts circling our heads for days.

Now, this had to be vodka-fueled. Clear liquor was a worse demon than I could ever be.

"Maybe we've had too much to drink," I said as she came back to my chest, her hands tugging at the bottom of the shirt to try and lift it over my head. "I can't... we can't just do it like this."

"Okay," she bit her lip and looked me up and down, starting from the top of my head, then settling on the bulge in my pants. "You're saying that, but your body isn't."

Priscilla, if only you knew how long it'd been since I had sex. The last woman who tried her hardest to get me home with her, hand her hands in my pants and everything; I learned then, and knew quickly, that the mortal 'one-night stand,' was overrated and not for me. I needed more. I wanted the same heat I felt long ago.

And I felt it now. Her 'dream' kiss gave that back to me.

"Priscilla," I grabbed her hands and put them to my chest, "if we do this, I want to do it right. Not like this. You're not like this, right? Neither am I."

She blinked at me, sucking on her bottom lip. Her eyes glossed over for a second, before she leaned in, brushing a kiss over my cheek. With her mouth close to my ear, she whispered, "You're sweet like him, too." Pulling back to look into my eyes, her flushed cheeks lifted with a smile. "Maybe you are him."

I gulped. I was him, but I couldn't tell her that. I'd keep it a secret from her as long as I could. If I stuck by her side—some way, somehow—I'd bury my secret and stomp on the grave. I'd let her light wrap around me, blanketing me with goodness, righteousness, and love.

You just met her again. Thinking of love is a little quick, don't you think?

"Fine." Priscilla moved her lips back over to mine. Her gaze lifted, focusing on my eyes. "You're right. And I thank you for thinking of me as a person, respecting my dignity."

"Of course," I breathed, locking onto her gaze. "Why wouldn't I?"

"A man wouldn't turn it down so easily."

"I'm not a man—" The words left me before I could stop them. Surprisingly enough, she didn't flinch. She remained, lips to mine; she even closed the gap for a kiss. The warmth slid over the fear of my subtle truth—I wasn't a man, but a demon.

"That's funny because dream guy says the same thing," she said. She pressed herself between my legs and replaced her arms around my neck and shoulders. Her fingers played with the back of my hair, gently pulling at the strands. "Maybe it is the alcohol playing with my head. Gotta be, 'cause this is crazy." She looked into my eyes as she smirked. "I keep finding the similarities between you and a man who doesn't exist."

I bit my lip. Hard. I wanted more than anything to break that wall and tell her the truth; then again, I didn't. She had secrets, right? I should keep mine.

"Can I just have another kiss?" She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and sighed into a quiet laugh. "You take my breath away, and it was so good."

I chuckled. I could take a compliment, right? No harm in that. I smirked, gazing over her eyes and down to her lips. "I can do another kiss—"


Priscilla covered her mouth and giggled, but I couldn't laugh. I picked up a sound from outside her building. It echoed in the wind, pushed by it, causing it to slap against the windows. I heard the rush before the subtle bang of air hit the glass and the slight crack in the window frame. I pushed my brows together as I listened. I swore I heard my name.


That's because you did, Octavio. Someone is looking for you.

My heart thumped in my chest. It wasn't even a few hours. The cuts on my chest and back may have stopped bleeding, but I was far from able. Sex and kissing, sure. But fighting a Sin? Fuck me. That was it for me, huh?

"Where are you, Envy?" the voice carried in the wind like a ghost.

But Priscilla, still playing with my hair, didn't notice. She was focused on me, biting her lip. "You're sexy, you know that," she whispered. "You look so focused right now, and it's hot. Not gon' lie."

A bang went off on the lowest floor of the apartment building. My head immediately snapped in that direction, looking at her front door. This time, she looked too. "What was that?" she asked.

"I don't know." Pushing up from her couch, I put her behind me. Whatever, whoever, it was out there was looking for me. And it could take minutes, possibly seconds, before they pinpointed my location and rushed through this apartment to get me. Without caring for mortal casualties, they could've just destroyed the building to find me. Then what? How could I protect Priscilla, then?

Another bang. Pounding up the stairs outside the door. Focusing, I heard the whimpers, screams, and confusion from the other tenants in the building. Standing firm, I pushed at my core and let my powers rush through me. Burning energy spread through my arms and legs as I focused on the door, waiting for someone to come through it.

Then I saw it. A white mist slipped in from beneath the entrance, sliding through the door's cracks. I knew this power. This mist. Cold, like a winter's breeze, and strong like a storm. We were only seconds away before the air outside picked up. One could only sit in the eye for so long. How could the building manage?

"Where is he?" I whispered, narrowing my gaze at the door. The banging came closer. A floor beneath us, maybe? Five steps away? This wasn't Sloth, and he wouldn't be that slow. His power could've dispersed in the air to confuse me because he always took a thrill in doing that. Everyone called me a child in the Seven, but so was he.

"Where is who?" Priscilla held my arms as she stood behind me. "Octavio, is this one of the people who attacked you?"

I glanced at her, seeing the mixed confusion and fear on her face. How could I answer her question? Should I ignore it? Getting her to a safe place needed to be my priority. But I couldn't let him see that she was here, too. "Don't move," I whispered.

She touched her lips. "I—"

A force hit the door. Looking back at it, I gritted my teeth. I knew the cheap wood couldn't take another blow, and we'd be sitting ducks. I couldn't let her sit with me. Forcing my power into my hands, I hurried to the door and pushed against it.

Another bang. I rocked with the impact. My shoes slid an inch on Priscilla's floor.

I held my breath as I thought of the last twenty-four hours. My morning started with a plan. My evening moved with an unworthy soul. The Temple doors opened for me, but I shouldn't have walked inside. I should've let the man go about his filthy business. I should've retreated to the darkness. If I had, I wouldn't have given up my safe isolation for a chance at a seat once mine, but it was no longer promised. I wouldn't have found Priscilla and endangered her as I'd done years ago. She could've gone about her life as a charismatic artist with a heart of gold.

And I wouldn't be fighting for what was left of my immortal life.

Can you save her? Or is this where you both die?

"Shut up," I whispered to the voices, closing my eyes as the door slammed against me again. "Not now."

"Octavio, what's going on?" Priscilla trembled with fear. "Who are you talking to? What's... what's happening?"

She's scared, Octavio. You never let her be afraid before. See how quickly you fail.

I squeezed my eyes so tight they hurt, but the door hit again. "Shut up."

Priscilla's warm hands pressed against my chest. I took in a hard, quick breath before looking at her. Seeing the fear in her eyes ripped through me more than the damage Wrath and Lust had done. There was no going back to change my decisions. I was cursed to repeat them; different times, different choices, same outcome.

She would have died eventually. A soul like hers can't walk this world.

The force hit the door again. Priscilla's breath quickened. Panic was taking over. When she looked at my face, into my eyes, I wanted to tell her it would be okay. But I wasn't a liar, not with her.

The sound of a brewing wind echoed outside her apartment windows. A demon's cold surrounded the building.

"Priscilla," I gulped as I licked my lips, "I need you to run. Is there a room in the back? Somewhere far from this spot."

"But what's happening?" She looked at me with wide eyes. "I can't just leave you!"

Octavio, you two are so similar, yet so different. Had you become each other over time? Had her soul latched onto yours?

The door rocked again. My feet skidded forward, but I moved back. "You're not leaving," I whispered, gritting my teeth, "you're hiding."

"Where?" She listened, but barely. She only took three steps from me. "This apartment is small, Octavio. I've got an office, but that's small too, and—"

"Anywhere—" The next hit made me bite my lip so hard I drew blood. I hissed as I broke the skin, feeling the burn inside my mouth. Red dripped from my lips as I looked back at Priscilla with wide eyes. "—but out here!"

You two will become a force to be reckoned with or star-crossed lovers falling to their doom.

The walls of her apartment cracked, starting from the ceiling, sending plaster to the floor. Seeing the damage here, Priscilla stepped back slowly before turning into a full run into her apartment. I waited until I saw her rush into the room in the back and shut the door. Once I heard the lock turn, I knew she'd be as safe as possible Closing my eyes, I moved away from the door.

It broke apart the second I stepped away. Cold air and snow filled the halls and the space around my feet. I looked down at the frost covering the wooden floor, at the tiny snowflakes hovering in the air. Extending my hand, I let one land in the center of my palm before closing my fingers around it. Knowing it melted, my gaze lifted, falling on the silhouette out in the hallway. How he brought the winter storm inside the building confused me, but also, this was him; this was his power.

I saw a wide smile with sharp teeth before I saw eyes.

Gulping, I turned and grounded myself. I slowly shook my head, addressing the power coming for me. "Greed, long time no see."

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