My Sister's boyfriend

By SweetTiana15

351K 3.4K 375

"I see the way you look at me, I was hoping you would make a move first but you didn't" Noah pushed his body... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

12.2K 128 11
By SweetTiana15

It's been a week since I've last seen Chanel, I've called and texted her plenty of times but she hasn't returned either. Obviously, she's still mad at me, I've been trying to apologize and make things better.

In the meantime, Noah has been staying with me, only because Chanel won't let him in the house and he has nowhere else to go.

Living with him alone has been great honestly, we've been getting along well and it feels like we've known each other for years the way we vibe.

"So I was thinking that me and you should go out today, we can go out to eat, go out to the movies, whatever you wanna do." Noah said with his arms wrapped around me.

"I would love for us to go out on a date, but I really wanna go check on Chanel and make sure everything is okay with her."

"Do you think she would even wanna talk to you?"

"I don't know but she's my sister and I don't wanna be on bad terms with her, I know I could have avoided this all by not getting involved in the first place but you can't really help who you fall for." I caressed his face with a smile.

He smiled and leaned in kissing me "Well when you do go and see her just let me know what happens."

"Okay, hopefully she's not still as angry."


I arrived outside of Chanel's house, I walked up to her door and knocked. A few seconds later she opened the door "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Chanel, I just wanna talk about it, I don't want us to be on bad terms."

"Well, you should have thought about that before fucking my man." She tried to close the door but I pushed it back open.

"Please, I just wanna be honest with you about everything."

"Why couldn't you have been honest from the jump? Maybe if you were I wouldn't have been as mad as I am, obviously I still would have been angry but I would have tried to understand, but no, I was disrespected and you continued fucking my boyfriend behind my back."

"Your boyfriend kissed me first, he initiated everything first, so I don't see how it's my problem that he wasn't happy with you."

She slapped me across my face "How dare you come to my house after all that you've done and then try to say my boyfriend wasn't happy with me? You've got some fucking nerve."

I held my face "Okay, I deserved that."

"You deserve more than a slap but I'm not even gonna waste my time on you, just remember that you lose them the same way you got them, so I hope you and Noah have fun." She slammed the door in my face.


I got back home and walked in, Noah was waiting inside the living room for me.

"How'd it go?"

"How did you think it went?" I sat down next to him.

"Damn, what happened?"

"Obviously she was still angry, she told me that I should have just told her from the jump what was going on between us both, and I told her it's not my fault that you weren't happy with her, she got angry and slapped me then stormed off inside."

"Well, I think it went left because of the way you said it."

"I know, I didn't mean for it to come out that way but it did, I don't know how we're gonna deal with this issue, I might have to get our mom involved or something." I sighed.

I really didn't wanna fight or argue with my sister, recently life has been great with us both, but of course, Noah came along and ruined it. I really wish that he didn't.

"Well at least you tried to apologize, that's what counts." He leaned in kissing me.

"About the date, I honestly don't think it's a good idea for us both to be going out so soon like everything is okay, you both broke up not that long ago but you seem like you don't even care about her or her feelings, is that how you're gonna end up feeling about me when we part ways?"

"No, I do care about her and her feelings but there's nothing more for me to do, I tried to talk to her and she didn't wanna talk, I think we both should just give her some space until she's ready to speak to us, we can't force her to speak when she's not ready, besides it's only been a week."

"And what if it takes years for her to speak to us? I don't wanna go years without speaking to my sister, Even though we went through some rough patches before we were still talking to each other, but now after what I did I don't think she'll ever speak to me again." Tears ran down my face.

I don't wanna go years without speaking to Chanel, I know what I did when I first did it and I could have stopped it but I didn't. So at the end of the day, it's my fault and I'm just gonna have to deal with the consequences.

"I don't think she would do that, trust me, she's gonna talk to you again so Just give her some time." He rested his hand on my thigh.

I stood "As for today I think you should stay in the guest room, I just need some time to think about stuff."

"Okay, that's fine with me."

I walked off and upstairs.

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