Loud Laughs and Silent Tears

By AnthemForTheHomesick

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Niall's Little Angel Part 2 Two teenagers fall in love. Five teenagers watch. Second first kiss is given. Bu... More

From Love To Hate And Back Again
My Name Is...
Couldn't think of a title, sorry..
You're such a tease!
Did we just loose two teenagers?
'Cause mornings are made for screaming
Guts and a burned finger
A day to remember
Niall loves Axelle
And the angel calls her prince
We're all drowning
Make Up
A guy's day
Some rain and some alcohol
We'll get to you
Important A/N
Same Mistakes
A Pretty Little Morning

I Wonna Hear Your Voice

194 6 9
By AnthemForTheHomesick

Harry's P.O.V.

"This is horrible." I groaned, strolling down the corridor. "C'mon, Haz. We can't give up. We're almost at the end of this floor." Louis said in order to cheer me up, as he tried another door. "I know, but if we don't find her?" I whined, trailing behind him. "We will find her. Now check those stairs over there." He demanded and I did as he said. My footsteps sounded loud on the dark brown steps that led to a wooden door. I have to admit, this could've been the ultimate hiding spot. I pushed the handle down, immediately welcomed by darkness. "Are they there?" Louis asked me from the corridor. "I don't think so." I said, before closing the door and turning around. "This is hopeless." I sighed, burying my face in my hands. He looked at me sympathetically. "We'll find them." I shook my head. "No, we won't! I mean, I'm even hallucinating, I swear I can smell her perfume." It was the truth. "Which one?" "The one that smells like apples, like spring." I explained, enjoying the memory of Noah in my arms. "Maybe you're right." He mused, then his eyes shot open. "Are you sure she's not in there?" He asked me and I ran back to the door. "I don't know, it was dark in there." I yelled over my shoulder. As I walked in, my foot hit something. "Lou, hand me your phone, something's on the floor." Within seconds, he stood next to me, the screen of his cell lighting the room up. Our mouth dropped, smiles lit up our faces. "W-we found them." We stood there, gazing at the two teenage bodies. "CALL LIAM." I yelled, suddenly bending down, checking their pulse. "W-we found them." Louis stumbled, this time talking to the boy on the phone. "23th floor, we'll bring them to our room, okay? Bye." I grinned from ear to ear, gazing at Noah's peaceful face. "Quick, we need to get them out of here. They need fresh air." Lou commanded, lifting Carter up and I did the same with Noah. "We've gotta hurry, Noah's heartbeat is really." I was so happy we found them, I didn't quite notice her bad state. We rushed to the elevator and Louis pressed the button of the highest floor, the penthouse. I laid the girl down on the couch and he did the same with Carter. Liam bursted threw the door, followed by Niall. "Lift their feet." The first boy commanded, running towards us. Niall had a worried expression, clutching his angel's hand. I did as they said and Louis did the same. Liam checked their heartbeat and sighed. "Carter is fine, but Noah's pulse is faint. Harry take care of him and Lou, you should call Zayn. I haven't done that yet." We nodded and followed his orders. Carter was shirtless, his skin sweaty. "Li, aren't they gonna get cold? It was really hot in that room and now they're covered in sweat." I asked and he kissed the top of my head. "Haz, you're a genius. If I forgot that, they might've gotten really sick." He explained, as I stood up to get some blankets. I covered the now shivering boy and handed Niall one too. "Are they gonna wake up soon?" He asked Liam, who sighed in response. "I don't know, Ni."

Zayn's P.O.V.

Charlotte and I roamed around one of the many floors when Louis called me. I picked up, surprised by the quick answer I received. "WE FOUND THEM." He yelled and my mouth dropped. "I'm coming right away, are you in our room?" I asked an he answered with a short yes before ending the call. "They found them." I cheered, Charlotte's face lighting up immediately. "Thanks so much for helping me, but please don't rat about Symphony's real name, it'd ruin her life." I explained. "I wonna see her. I wonna know that I'm protecting a sweet girl, not just some media lie." She responded and I sighed. She kind of had a point, so I called Liam. "Li, put on Noah's mask. There's a woman who helped me and found out her name. If she sees what our girl's like, she won't tell anyone about it." I said when he picked up. He sighed, but agreed. "Come home soon, we need you here." I said bye and ended the call. "They're okay with it." She followed me to the penthouse, a mix of nervousness and curiosity on her face. I knocked on the door, wanting to make sure Charlotte didn't found out more than necessary. "Come in." Harry said, as he made room for us to enter. "She passed out, so you can't talk to her." He explained, sitting down next to the young girl on the couch. She was covered in blankets, her face as white as the sheets. Charlotte gasped at the sight of such a fragile teenager. "Oh god, is she gonna be alright?" "Yeah, she's had way worse than this before." Liam sighed thinking back at when we found her covered in blood. "Can I see them?" She asked, a determined look on her face. "Can you see what?" Louis asked her. "Her scars."  We all gulped and glanced at Niall, who was hesitating. "Okay, but don't don't touch them. If you touch here, you're dead." He warned her and she nodded. He gently pulled the covers down, revealing her bare skin. There were still bruises and cuts everywhere. Tears rushed to my waterline when I remembered how she got them. Charlotte stumbled a little and took a step back. She was gasping for air, almost fainting her self. "Calm down, ma'am. Everything's gonna be alright. Her wounds'll heal." Harry reassured her, even though his voice was trembling. "T-take good care of her, will ya?" She asked us, wide-eyed. We nodded, before shifting our gaze to Noah. "I-I'll leave you guys now. If she ever needs something, here's my card." She handed us a grey card and walked back to the door. "Wait." I stopped her. "Promise me you won't tell anyone her name." "Promise." When that word left her lips, she turned around and left. I closed the door behind her and gazed at Noah again. "Hey, where's Carter?" They're lips curled at my question. "He's in Harry's room, we didn't want that woman to see him." Louis explained. As if he heard his name, he stumbled into the room. "G-guys." He muttered, trying to get our attention. "Woah, calm down." I warned him, before jumping up to support him. "You alright?" Liam asked him, examining his body. "Yeah, where's Noah?" We pointed at the passed out figure on the couch and his face lit up. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" I asked him, guiding him to a chair. "Yes please, I'd like some water." Harry stood up and left to the kitchen. "Here you go." He said, handing the boy a glass, who emptied it eagerly. "Can I call my mum? I feel really tired." Carter pleaded, pointing at his phone on the table. "Sure." I said, handing it to him. Instead of calling, he just texted her. "Can you tell us what happened?" Liam asked when he was done. "Yeah, Noah and I thought we found the best hiding spot in the hotel. But when I tried to open the door, 'cause she wanted to know what floor we were on, it didn't open. Turned out we didn't have our phone with us, so we decided to wait for one of you guys to find us. A few hours later, it got really hot in the room, so I took my shirt of. After a while, we felt tired and Noah passed out. I tried to wake her up, but she didn't move." By the end of his sentence, tears were forming in his eyes. "Shh, don't worry. Everything's okay now." I  pulled him in a manhug, when his mum knocked on the door. "Come in, ma'am." Liam greeted her, shaking her hand. "Carter told me what happened, thanks so much for searching them. Is the girl alright?" She asked, looking truly concerned. "Yeah, she'll wake up soon. We're so sorry, we didn't intend for any of this to happen." I explained, but she brushed it of. "I'll take my son home now, he looks really tired. Message us when Noah wakes up." She smiled at us, before taking Carter's hand and leading him outside. "Bye." We said and they responded with something along those lines. "What now?" I asked the lads, they shrugged. "Wait for her to wake." Niall said, still sitting by her side, her hand safe in his grip. "I guess so. But we do have a concert at 8 o'clock." Liam informed us. "Which is in about an hour."

Half past seven, Noah still didn't wake up. "Guys, we really need to get ready. We can take her to the concert and ask Lou to take care of her." Liam said and we sighed, Niall glared at him. "Why don't we go first. Niall can change when we're finished, so we can stay with her when he's gone. "Fine." He sighed, as we stood up, each of us walking to their room. We were all worried, but Liam said her heartbeat is almost normal now. There's nothing we can do but wait. I stripped to my underwear and threw on my jersey and some skinny jeans. Then put on some vans to top it off. I had already done my hair and Lou was probably gonna fix it anyway, so I walked back to the living room. "Your turn, Ni." I said, taking a seat next to Noah. "Call me when she was up." He answered, before leaving the room. I gazed at her beautiful features, her skin had regained his colour, even though she was still rather pale. Her eyes were closed and she was wrapped in a blanket. I pushed one of the strands of hair behind her ear and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Wake up, love. We miss you."

Niall's P.O.V.

"Hi, Lou." The lads greet our stylist and she replies with a simple hello. Her gaze shifted to the girl in my arms, who's still sound asleep. "Don't worry, Ni. I'll stay with her." She reassured me when she saw the sad look on my face. Liam called her before we left the hotel, so she knew what happened. I laid Noah down on the couch on our dressingroom, gently caressing her hair. "Here, she should put this mask on, in case someone takes a pic. We can trust our crew, but maybe we can't trust the arena's crew." Lou said, as she handed me  a vintage mask covered in faded flowers. It fit her outfit perfectly. I carefully undid the knot she had made in her shirt. "C'mon, Ni. I need to do your make up." Lou dragged me away from Noah and made me sit on a make up chair. Urgh, this night was gonna be so long with my little angel.

"Wake up, Noah. Please." A few minutes later, I sat next to my girl again. Yeah, I call her mine. Problem? I gazed at her body, praying it would move. Why couldn't she just wake? Why couldn't she just smile her beautiful smile and tell me she loves me? I softly squeezed her hand, hoping she'd squeeze back. "I wanna hear your voice." I whispered in her ear, before planting a long kiss on her forehead. Her eyelids fluttered a little and she stirred. "Please, please, Noah. Open your eyes." Zayn ran to me, wanting to drag me away from her. "Calm down, Ni." I shook my head and escaped from his grip. "You don't understand, Zayn. She's waking up." I exclaimed desperately, clutching her shirt. "No she's not. She won't if you keep doing that." In no time his hands were wrapped around me, I had no chance. "Zayn, let go. You're hurting him." I only knew one person with that accent. "Y-you're awake." We turned around, facing the thirteen year old. "N-noah, you're awake." Zayn gasped, as I ran towards her, embracing her. Small tears were forming in her eyes. "Shh, don't worry, love. I'm fine now." I gently whipped them away, kissing her forehead. "You sure?" She asked, her voice a bit rough. "Yeah, now let me find you some water. 'Cause you're the one we're supposed to be worrying about." I stroked her cheek and sent Zayn to get the lads and something for her to drink. "I missed you." I whispered. "I missed you too." She giggled, resting her head in the crook of my neck. "Ni, where are we?" She tilted her head a little, like she always did when she was confused. "At a concert, love. We have the perform within a few minutes." I explained, just as the boys walked in, each of them beaming. We wrapped her in a grouphug and she groaned a little. "OFF. NOW." I yelled, pushing everyone of of her fragile body. They fell on the ground with a loud thump. "You alright?" I asked her, gazing deep in her now green eyes. I swear, her orbs change colour every hour. "You, I'm sorry, you were touching my cuts." She explained, trying to sit up. "Sorry, love. We forgot about it for a second." Harry answered, as he pushed her back on the couch with his hand. "You can't get up for at least another fifteen minutes, dear." He whispered in her ear, laying down beside her. "Watch out, Styles. That's my spot." I said, narrowing my eyes. "Aw, is we little Nialler getting jealous?" He joked, burying Noah in his chest. "Maybe I am. Now move." I commanded, but he didn't even stir. "Fine, then we'll do it the hard way." A sly smile crept on my face, as I made my way to the snack table. I picked up a piece of creampie and rubbed it all over his pretty face. Harry gasped, his eyes wide open. "You did not just do that." He hissed and I shrugged. "I did." I skipped to Liam, who was chuckling. Harry got of the couch, copying my actions. Before I could even blink, I felt something sticky on my shirt. I looked down, yogurt was dripping on the floor. "FOODFIGHT." Louis yelled and Noah shrieked. "LOU, THEY'RE GONNA RUIN MY CLOTHES." She exclaimed, desperately trying to protect her mask. A few seconds later, our stylist entered the room. She glared at Harry and I. "Drop that." We immediately obeyed, knowing she hated it when we made our outfits dirty. "Now go change, you need to go on in 20 minutes." She said, before walking towards Noah, examining her clothes. "Thank god, no stains."


A bit of Niall and Noah action! I think they deserve a shipname, even though they're not a couple.. Any ideas?

I've got an idea for the next chapter :) Let me just say it involves Noah and the fans!

What're your thoughts on Carter?


xxx Astrid

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