The Art - cash au -

By crystellethemage

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Life is just the art of living on Cameron Dallas was 16 years old with a bright future in swimming ahead of h... More

The Art of Living On
Chasing the Wind
The Silence is Deafening
Breathing You In
Life Is In Slow Motion
Hold On Tight
The Spirit Room
His Scent Lingers On Me Now
A New Day Has Come
Give, Asking Nothing In Return
Live For The One
I Found A Boy
Broken Heart and Blistered Feet
Black Holes and Revelations
Tame Days But Revolution Nights
I'm Lost Without You
The Art of Starting Over Again

Enter From The East

1.6K 84 60
By crystellethemage

Nash POV

The weeks away from Cameron have driven me crazy. I want to be with him so much and the time as finally come for me to move out. Christmas was awkward, I finally told my mother that I was going to move out after the new year. She was upset about it and I tried to explain my thought process but all she fixated on was that I was moving across the country and away from my family.

She's never met Cameron and I promised that he and I would come to see her and my siblings after I'm settled in. I heard her and Chad having an argument and she blames him for my decision to move away and switch managers. She feels like he pushed me away and honestly he did. His greed and his unloving treatment of me have made me unhappy for a while now, he didn't care about me all he want was more sponsorships and for me to travel all over the country giving interviews when all I wanted to do was get some rest before returning to my rigorous training.

My birthday was a quiet one, it was a huge milestone turning 18 but all I got was a cake and a birthday card. Everyone is upset that I'm leaving, especially Hayes and Skylynn but I explained that I'll visit as much as I can.

I'm packing my things that I'll have shipped in boxes to California. I also pack two suitcases that have clothes that I'll use while my boxes arrive to Cameron's apartment. There's a soft knock on my door before my mom enters the room and shuts the door behind her.

She looks sadly at my bare walls and boxes stacked on top of each other.

"I can't believe my baby is moving out," she whispers sadly and my heart clenches with emotion. My mom was always an awesome mother to me, she always wanted what's best for me. When my father wanted me to train harder she would intervene saying that I need rest and can't push my body too hard.

I go up to her and wrap my arms around her in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, mommy. I'll miss you so much." I reply and I hear her sniffle softly. " mom, don't cry, I'll visit as much as I can. I'll bring Cameron with me so you can meet him. He's so amazing and he makes me so happy. I just need someone who I know has my best interests in mind, he does. 100%."

"I could kill Chad for alienating you to the point that you have to move across the country," she says bitterly and I pull back a little bit.

"I should have told you what was going on but I didn't want to stress you out." I confess and she sighs again. I pull away and then continue packing my boxes.

"I'll take you to the airport tomorrow with Sky and Hayes," she tells me and I nod in agreement. We spend the rest of the evening packing up my room and we're done by 10pm. I have excitement building inside of me because soon I'll be with Cameron and we'll be together, no more goodbyes.

I lie in bed and take out my iPad so that we can FaceTime. I call him and he picks up immediately. I smile when I see his gorgeous face with a happy smile.

"Hi, baby. I've been waiting for your call," he tells softly and my heart flutters with emotion. I love that he can be vulnerable enough to tell me things like that.

"We just got done packing up my room," I explain and he nods in understanding. "In less than 24 hours I'm going to be with you and I won't have to leave. I can't wait. Time is going by so slow, it's unfair."

He laughs at my whining and I shrug unashamed of my complaining.

"I'll be waiting at the airport with open arms," he says and I grin as I imagine our reunion. As soon as we're in his apartment I'm jumping his ass. There's no more waiting, I'll finally lose my virginity to him, my dream come true. I've fantasized about this moment for so long, it's kind of unreal that I've made my dream come true.

We talk for a little while longer before we say goodnight and I fall asleep easily.

The next morning is busy, the shipping company comes to collect my boxes and it's almost time to head to the airport. My father stands in the foyer with a frown on his face. I already loaded my suitcases in my moms car and she gets Hayes and Skylynn ready to go in the car, it's just my father and I in the house now.

I don't even know what to say to him.

"I hope everything goes fine with your new manager," he spits out in a bitter tone. I sigh sadly because he can't even give me a proper goodbye.

"I hope you're able to find a position. I'm sure there's a swimmer out there ready for you to take advantage of," I tell him just as bitterly. I want to remind him that this is all his fault.

I made sure to take all of my account information from his office. I'll be switching banks as well because my account is linked to his. I'm not even sure how much money I have in my account, he's always been vague about that. He would withdraw the money I needed and throw away the receipt before I could get a chance to look at it. But now that I'm 18 I have full access and he can't stop me.

I leave the house in a bad mood and when I get in the car my mom looks at me sadly.

"I'm so sorry about your father's behavior, Nash. I tried to talk some sense into him last night but he fully believes he did nothing wrong. He told me that you were brainwashed by Cameron," she explains as she pulls away and drives to the airport.

I scoff. "Mom, I'm the one who pursued Cameron. I'm the one who asked him to be my manager. He never brought any of that up. In fact he first said that my father would be the best person for the position until I explained everything to him," I defend Cameron, it's ludicrous that my father believes Cameron brainwashed me. He'll think whatever he can to believe that he didn't do anything wrong.

The rest of the ride is quiet and when we arrive to the airport she pulls up to the curb and we get out of the car. I hug Hayes and Skylynn tightly and I promise them I'll see them soon.

When I hug my mother she starts to cry and I feel so bad that she's taking it this hard. Although I feel guilty, nothing can stop me from living with Cameron. He's my dream come true and I would be stupid not to be with him. I give them all one last hug and kiss and then I take my suitcases and head inside the airport. I check in and get through security, I find my gate and I'm early but I didn't want any chance to miss my flight.

I sit down at the gate and I take out my phone.

Me- finally at the airport babe. A few more hours and we'll be together forever. ☺️
My ♥️- I can't fucking wait, baby. I'm so happy, I'm sure you know the feeling
Me- Yes I do. You're my dream come true, Cammy. I would fall asleep fantasizing about you and I never thought it would actually happen. But here I am, moving across the country to be with you and I feel so happy. You're amazing.
My ❤️- you know exactly what to say to make me feel so happy. I'm one lucky motherfucker because I get to call you mine.

They finally announce that they're boarding and I text Cameron that we should be leaving soon. I board first because I'm in first class and I get the window seat. A guy who's young takes a seat next to me, and I give him a friendly smile. He looks kind of familiar and I'm trying to place him in my head.

"You look familiar..." I say trailing off awkwardly.

"I was just thinking the same thing about you," he replies with a smile on his face. "I'm Shawn Mendes."

"Oh, you sing that song, The Weight. I like that song. I'm Nash Grier," I tell him and he nods in recognition.

"Do you live in California?" He asks me and honestly, having a conversation will probably make the flight go by faster.

"I'm moving there now, to live with my boyfriend and train at a swim club there," I tell him happily, the thought of Cameron puts a smile on my face. "What about you?"

"I was in the North Carolina doing a show in Raleigh and I'm headed back. Unfortunately to no boyfriend... I actually wrote The Weight about someone who I love very much but I broke his heart years ago. It's been tough realizing that he's the love of my life and that I ruined our relationship because I thought I wanted something else," he confesses quietly and I'm surprised that he's opening up to me when we just met but I don't really mind.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Maybe you can try to become friends with him again and then work your way from there. You seem like you really love him so you should at least try again, you know what I mean?" I reply and he nods in agreement and looks a little better.

We spend the rest of the flight chatting quietly and laughing at stupid jokes we make. He lives in LA just like I will and it makes me happy that I've found a new friend already. The plane lands and we exchange numbers and shake hands before we part.

I grab my suitcases from the baggage claim and look around for Cameron. I finally spot him and go towards him with a huge smile on my face. He grins widely when he sees me and I let go of my suitcases and wrap my arms around him tightly. He pulls back slightly and kisses my lips softly. We can't get too carried away so we kiss for a few moments and then he grabs one of the suitcases while I roll the other one.

As soon we're at the apartment I pull him towards the bed and push him into it before I crawl on top of him.

"There's nothing to stop us now," I say before bending down and smashing my lips against his.

A/n-  lmao I'm horrible. Do you guys still love me. Unedited cause I'm still lazy af

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