Golden Orbs [TAEGI]

By stella_yoongles

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"π˜›π˜©π˜¦π˜Ί 𝘴𝘒𝘺 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘡 𝘡𝘩𝘦 π˜₯𝘦𝘷π˜ͺ𝘭 𝘩𝘒𝘴 𝘎𝘰𝘭π˜₯𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴." - in which Min Yoongi, a young gho... More

Chapter- 1. The murders on Suseong District
chapter - 2. The man on the stairs.
chapter- 4. A little eccentric neighbour.
chapter- 5. Kang Joohyung.
chapter- 6. Can this be called a date?
chapter- 7. Is It Taehyung?
chapter- 8. A Mistake.
chapter - 9. Goodbye.
chapter- 10. What's with this tension?
chapter- 11. Come back to me.
chapter 12. Who is he?

chapter- 3. A 'candle'light dinner.

299 24 2
By stella_yoongles

[Yoongi's POV of flashback]

Eight years ago, when I was 20 years old.. I was kicked out of the orphanage I stayed in for being too old. I had nowhere to go. There was no place I belonged to or had to call it my own home.

It was a harsh winter season. It scared me to see people freeze to death on streets. Each night, one person would freeze to death on the streets, covered in snow all over, making me wonder when it'd be me some day.

Would anyone even find my body to bury it? Or would I just dissolve in the snow and turn into skeleton?

Not only was I homeless, I was penniless and had no food or ration on me to get by even for one day. Let alone a roof over my head.

"Must I resort to thieving?" I thought to myself as I curled up into a ball on the park bench. "Or maybe robbery..?"

That was when an old newspaper flew towards me and as I reached out for it thinking I could use it as my blanket for the night, my eyes caught something interesting on the bulletin board of the park.

Even though I had no employable skills to speak of, I had to earn money somehow.

Hiring prison guards at
Bojeong penitentiary

Room and board provided
background and education irrelevant
compliant workers welcome.

I squeezed the belt of my bag hard.

"If I fail,"I thought,".. I'll just come away with an interview fee.. But if I'll be lucky.."

"Then I'll have three square meals and a warm bed."

So I ripped the paper from the bulletin board and ran as fast as I could.

Completely ignoring the sentance at the end:


[end of flashback]



Yoongi stood up from the stairs, wobbling on his feet a little as he did so.

Hold on.. now that he thinks about it, how does this guy know his name?He doesn't remember giving this guy any proper introduction of himself.

"I appreciate the offer but-"

"But?"The man interrupted with a smile. Yoongi's face turned red yet again, however he blamed it on his lack of dressing and the cold weather.

"B-but I'm afraid I don't have the time. I need to see my family.."A lie that was. A white lie. "And I have deadlines I need to meet.."Another blatant lie. Yoongi had met his deadlines long ago, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting here waiting for his nameless neighbour for two hours straight. "P-plus I have friends to catch up to-"

Yoongi glanced at the tall man. And oh how he wished he didn't.

His expression was darker than he had ever seen, an disgusting snarl on his face as he scowled darkly at Yoongi with his viciously eerie eyes.

"So what?" He seethed.


Damn it.

He's in for it now. All because he couldn't say 'no' directly at his face. Dinner with a neighbour Yoongi hardly knew anything about. More than that, one he has been essentially ignoring on purpose!

Yoongi stood in front of his neighbour's door. Room no. 302.

"What the hell am I even doing here?" Yoongi mumbled to himself as he stared blankly at the door.

Truth to be told, he had never been invited to a dinner before. So naturally Yoongi had no idea how things worked. As he reached his hand to knock, he suddenly found himself faltering.

Does he just need to knock and.. enter? Would that be rude? Or is that what people normally do when they're invited to a dinner?

Yoongi had done his reasearch on his neighbour before coming over, thinking he would find something suspicious and call this meeting off instantly.. but to no avail.

Name: Kim Taehyung.
Address: Suseong District, Daegu, South Korea.

Nothing more than that. He found nothing but his name and.. his obvious current address.

Yoongi's hand twitched back.

'Kim Taehyung.'

That was the name on the lease, but he didn't even know if it was real or fake. Kim was the most common first name around here and Taehyung... sounded like a very royal like name.

Yoongi twirled his bangs. Kim.. he had more than 4 boyfriends who had the same first name-

"Are you coming in or shall I open the door for you?"

Yoongi jolted up and snapped out of his trance by the sudden voice of Taehyung's from the other side of the closed door.

But he didn't make any noise! How did he know..?

"In case you didn't know, Yoongi,"Taehyung continued,"you've been standing there for three minutes now."

Yoongi frowned. "There's no need to time me." He said as he opened the door with a clack of the knob.

Yoongi halted to a stop on the doorstep.

There were candles everywhere on the floor. More than fifteen candles were laid on the floor as if to welcome him.

"Um,"Yoongi nervously chuckled. "I-I'm not quite sure if I'm about to be proposed or set on fire."

"Whichever you prefer, Yoongi." Taehyung smiled wide again. "Funnily enough, I have both roses and gasoline."

Yoongi slipped the long coat off. "..How about food?"

"It'll be three minutes."

..Was what he said.

Yoongi's head was throbbing with a sharp headache as he looked at the state of Taehyung's kitchen.


They were all over the place. There were only tangerines and candles all over the kitchen and that dumbass was even boiling some of the tangerines in a pot. And Yoongi was wondering why the man was taking so long in the kitchen.

"..What are we having for the main and desert today?" Yoongi asked.


Yoongi looked up at the taller, dumbfounded. "What?"

Taehyung smiled wide at Yoongi again.

He let out a long, disappointed sigh and grabbed the boiling pot to put it off of the oven.

"Do you perhaps have any chesse?"


At the end, Yoongi brought some eggs from his own place and borrowed some cheese and Taehyung's kitchen to make them both omlette for the night.

How did he get invited for dinner just to end up cooking for them both?

"I brought the eggs from my place, you owe me this one. Don't forget!" Yoongi said grumpily as he took his own seat in front of Taehyung's.

Yoongi grabbed the spoon from the table.

But he couldn't help but get curious.. there's fork and spoon.. why no knife? Now that he thinks back on it, there was no kitchen knife in there, let alone a cutlery knife.

Taehyung and Yoongi were about to eat when there were some abrupt knocks on the door.

"Are you expecting someone?" Yoongi asked.

"No." Taehyung replied nonchalantly."He must have the wrong adress, he'll leave after a while."

But even after they started eating and were almost finished, the knocks didn't come to a stop.

"Uh..I think you should probably go answer the door." Yoongi said. "I promise I won't continue eating by myself until you get back."

Taehyung stared at Yoongi with disappointment written all over his face for a moment before he clattered the spoon back on the table and stood up. "Then, I'll be quick."

Yoongi nodded as Taehyung walked away from the table to get the door.

When Taehyung was finally out of Yoongi's sights he leaned back, sighing in relief. He slipped back his red tie.

He was parched.

"Where's the water?"Yoongi got up from the table in search of water. He walked to a desk nearer and slid the drawer open to find a Korean dictionary in it.

Maybe he's new to learning korean. No wonder his pronounciation sounded a bit off. Or it could be that he had been studying abroad all this time? Yeah, he does seem to have foreign features to himself.

Yoongi hoped Taehyung is taking his studies seriously though.. the man seemed too goofy and care free.

He grabbed the candle from the desk and stepped forward. He did think Taehyung's place would be.. different as he, himself seemed be a little air headed, but he didn't assume it to be so barebones.

And where does this man even keep drinking water?

That was when Yoongi's eyes fell on the other room. As curious as he was, he stepped towards the room without thinking twice, holding the candle in his hands.

Well, Taehyung lives here. So Yoongi presumed there must be water somewhere.

As Yoongi opened the door of the room, an unfamiliar.. smell? Hit his nose.

His hands instantly went to pinch his nose shut.

"What is that strange.."



As the door opened with a creak Yoongi's question was answered immediately.

There was a corpse on the floor. Covered in blood and surrounded by candles.


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