I Love You Daddy (Andy Biersa...

By fandom_sluttt

32.7K 767 506

(SMUTTTT)Lilith wasn't your average girl. She was rebel, a fighter, rude, untrusting and as daring and reckle... More

Sleep Tight Sunshine
Recording 1, 2.
Wake Me Up
Bye Bye
Play With Me Daddy

Boy Talk and Encounters

2.3K 54 21
By fandom_sluttt

Andy's POV

I parked outside the small diner and shot Ronnie a text, telling him I would be waiting inside at a table.

I got out if my car and walked inside, people turning and staring at me. I was used to that.

A waitress walked up to me, her breasts hanging out of her shirt, making me groan inwardly as I imagined them as Lilith's.

That's my problem. I shouldn't be thinking about her that way. I should be thinking of Juliet, but she's the last thing on my mind.

Even last night when I was kissing her, trying to make Lilith jealous, I felt nothing for her. Nothing. I wished it was Lilith. I wish she was mine. Not Juliet.

"Table for 2" I said grimly to the short blond girl. She nodded and led me to a table in the back of the diner away from others. Thank god.

I sat waiting for a couple minutes, ordering me and Ronnie mochas while I did, but it didn't take long for the tattooed slightly shorter man to walk up and sit down, sighing loudly.

"You look like you just got dumped" Ronnie said with an eyebrow raised as he leaned back in his chair, arms above his head.

I sighed "I wish, it might make my situation easier" I said looking throughout the small place.

The waitress set our drinks down and walked off. Ronnie grabbed his and started sipping it "So my man what's going on, haven't seen you this way since you left Scout". I inwardly sighed "This is worse then Scout" I said "it's....different."

Ronnie leaned forward, eyeing me. He nodded "I can tell, you seem like this is deep shit, so whose this girl you like?" He asked.

I looked at my drink and took a sip before running a hand through my hair "She's uh....someone I met a couple days ago" I said, avoiding her name.

He stopped sipping as he looked at me, blinking a couple times before sighing "Its Lilith isn't it" he said.

How the fuck!

I nodded and looked at the table, twiddling my thumbs before looking back at him. "You have yourself in a really damn bad situation Andy" he said on a more serious note. I nodded "I know..." I said.

Ronnie looked around a bit "You realize she's underage right?" He said. I snorted "That's never stopped you" I said. He shrugged "True, true, but I'm not married either Andy, you are, and how old is she anyways, 17?" He asked. I nodded "Almost 18" I replied thoughtfully.

He nods as he stirred his drink, a clearly thoughtful look on his face. "Is it just a physical attraction to her or is this the real deal?" He asked me. I thought for a moment.

It was waaaaay more then physical. The girl had a way about her that set your heart on fire. She had a gorgeous smile when she was happy and all her high walls were knocked down. She really was a sweet girl like what Patty said, life just fucked her over.

"Its more...trust me" I said "she had this way about her that makes my body burn....and when she actually smiles a real smile, its all I can look at. She's....got one hell of a personality. She's hard to understand, but she.....she just sets me off" I explained quietly so others in the place would not hear my words.

Ronnie nodded and chewed on his straw "Does she feel the same?" He asked me. I shrugged "I don't know....she got pretty pissed off when I made out with Juliet when we got home....truth is I just wanted to make her jealous". Ronnie chuckled a bit and sipped again as he tapped his foot on the ground "why do that when you could've done it to her instead?" He said "you would've found out real quick how she felt about ya" Ronnie said continuing to chuckle on.

I rolled my eyes "Great way to go to jail if she decided to call the police for sexual assault" I said logically. Ronnie shook his head and groaned "That girl isn't the type to call cops, she's the type to take care of the situation herself by breaking your penis" he said. I grimaced as did he.

But I did like the thought if her touching my dick.

I face palmed "You shouldn't have said that you know" I said. Ronnie laughed loudly "Do you fantasize about her and you doing-" I gagged "Ronnie please".

He threw his arms in the air in surrender "Alright alright chicken shit, I was just saying, if you fantasize about the girl then you got it bad" he commented pointing at me directly. I nodded at him. If only he had the slightest clue "You have no idea....I jacked off thinking about her....she fell asleep and so did I and I woke up and her head was over my dick so I got really hard and.....I moved her and I got up as fast as I could. I was so hard it hurt I couldn't handle it" I said.

Ronnie stared at me before busting a gut, doubling over laughing his ass off. At least someone was enjoying this. I know I wasn't whatsoever.

"She must get you turned on pretty damn good to have you jacking off about her" he said and I nodded in confirmation.

Ronnie eyed me seriously as he leaned forward with his hands crossed "Now listen, this is what your gunna do"

Lilith's POV

Andy had been gone for 3 hours and Juliet left about an hour ago without a word. She didn't seem to be around much at all

Like I cared tho. Meant I got more alone time. Me myself and I.

I sigh and check my Instagram page, looking up Andy's page. His last post showed that there was some exciting news being revealed to the public and BVB army on Friday.

Wonder what that could be. Me maybe? Surely the BVB army would go nuts meeting me, being the new Biersack.

I skimmed through his pictures. There was barely anything of him and Juliet at all. I mean there was literally nothing at all in all honesty.

I bit my lip and checked her page out of curiosity. A lot of pictures of her and lots of people at what looked like parties or some shit.

I groaned. I don't know why I was craving so much attention from Andy right now. Maybe I could post a selfie and tag his Instagram on it and say something about him. Innocently of course. (Selfie above)

I dressed up a bit and took some pictures, editing them to my liking and posting it.

My caption was ' Love my new stuff I got from @ andybvb, love you!' And simple, quick and done.

After I posted that I instantly started getting more followers and a bunch of likes and comments.

....Are you his new gf?.....
..........your so perfect!
Are you and Andy together, omg!?
You know Andy!? Omg!

Things like that were commented among other things. I had around 1567 followers and now I had reached 12k in 5 minutes.

"Damn" I muttered as I began changing back into my former sweater and leggings.

I bit my lip ad I heard the door open and close downstairs, Andy's boots hitting the ground making noise as he walked.

I stood up and walked to my door listening, but I couldn't hear anything. I opened it up and jumped as I was met with blue eyes. "Hey, your home" I said, oddly nervous.

He held out a black rose in a dark purple vase and I stared at it in awe as I smiled. "Is this for me?" I asked him. He smiled softly and nodded "It was hard finding a black one...but I thought about you when I saw it" he said.

I blushed lightly as I grabbed the vase from him slowly, our fingers brushing as I did. How comfortingly awkward.

I bit my lip again and smiled, allowing him in my room as I walked over and set it down on my dresser delicately. It was beautiful.

"Thank you Andy....I love it, its beautiful" I said as I turned back around to him, crossing my arms under my chest as I sat on the edge of my bed. "It was a sorry....for my dick move" he said winking. I blushed and looked at my hands as he came and stood in front of me.

I looked up at him as he looked down at me "Do you forgive me?" He asked. I gulped as I stood up, my chest against his.

I looked up, staring him down just as he was doing to me. He slowly moved his hands to my hips and mine to his sides, him leaning his forehead on mine.

I averted my gaze. He was so intimidating. It was intimidating under his gaze. I don't even know how to discribe it at all.

I could feel his breath on my cheek and I closed my eyes as he did, tilting my face into his more. I could hardly breathe I was so full of adrenaline. What was this. I don't understand.

We were nearing each other, just inches apart when the door downstairs slammed shut and Juliet called for Andy quiet loudly and excitedly might I add.

I had gasped from surprise and he jumped slightly.

I sighed softly "You should go see her...she is your wife" I said a bit let down and moapy. I'll admit. I was looking forward to whatever was going to happen next in that moment we were having.

He stood there for a moment and sighed, rubbing his neck and biting his lip "I'll be back up in a little bit okay" he said softly.

I nodded and smiled a little "Okay" I said. He turned away slowly and left the room, closing my door as he did.

I rubbed my face as I crawled into my bed, hunkering down under the covers to get warm again. My lights were off and I plugged my phone in, laying in the dark.

I could only hear muttering from downstairs as I kept replaying the moment me and Andy just had.

As I thought of him I looked over at the rose, reaching out and touching its soft velvet like petals and smiling, imagining the look on his face as he held it out to me.

I'll never forget.

After awhile I heard a gently knock at my door as it opened up, Andy walking in, closing the door behind him.

He walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed "Hey" he said softly. I smiled as I undid my hair, its dark waves pooling around me. "Hi" I said.

He gently moved hair from my face and ran his fingers down my neck " Are you okay?" He asked me like he was concerned something might've happened.

I nodded "Of course...why?" I asked. He shook his head and looked at my lap. He never answered me.

"Why was Juliet so excited?" I asked a bit annoyed with the thought of her. He looked up at me "She's uh....going on tour for awhile, she was really happy about the whole situation" he said. My heart beat skipped "So it'll be just me and you for awhile?" I asked.

He nodded, finally meeting my gaze "For this week....then me and the guys are going on about a 3 week trip to, starting out in Paris, then we'll head to Venezuela and from there we go to Tokyo for shows...." He said.

I frowned. "So I'll be alone" I stated matter of factly as I sighed. Andy shook his head "Your coming with me....you'll half to bunk with me in the tour bus but that's it....."

My eyes widened "I'm going on a band tour!?" I exclaimed a bit loudly out of excitement. He smirked "Ya, then in the summer we have Warped Tour".

I was grinning so wide, I thought my cheeks would rip. "No way, this is to unreal" I said excitedly. He chuckled at my childishness and just stared at me for a long while. I blushed a bit "What are you staring at?" I asked softly.

He bit his lip and held my hand gently "You need to smile more....you have a beautiful smile and beautiful personality....show it off more Princess" he said. I grinned.

"Also.....Princess...on Friday you will be revealed to the public....that means media, pictures, all that jazz" he stated nervously.

I gulped. Great. Because my people skills were great. Oh ya. Woohoo.

I bit my lip and nodded "Alright....and do I have school tomorrow?" I asked. Andy nodded "I forgot to tell you that we enrolled you....it starts at 8:20.... I'll take you and wake you up at....7:20 okay" I nodded and leaned back.

Me and schools. That was never a good mix. Ever. Whatsoever. That's like putting a cat in water or gasoline to a fire.

Both equal bad. Very bad.

I sighed and Andy leaned in close "You'll be okay my little Princess.... And if anyone gives you shit, beat the shit out of them" he said. I smiled "Don't half to tell me twice" I say as we both laugh.

He laid me down and leaned down, kissing my cheek multiple times with a grin on his face, me giggling.

"Sleep tight sunshine" he said gently before leaving


Sorry in advance for spelling errors, I'm tired lol. What do you guys think so far? Comment and tell me what you think! Thanks!!

Comment, vote and follow!!! Thanks, and don't forget to follow the instagram for this wattpad, its @ andyfandomsluttt

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