Transcendent King

By pausevlim

295K 6.5K 4.3K

Aizen Sosuke has been transported into the world of DxD and there is no plot armor to stop him now Disclaimer... More

Kidnaped by Someone
Knowledge is Power
Canis Lykaon
Young Devil Mixer
Divine Dividing
Vali Lucifer
Slash Dog vs Vanishing Dragon
Subjugate the Black Dragon
Smol Alatreon
Kouh Academy
Marriage Troubles
Priest of Gluttony Vs Hero Faction
How far can you Fall?
Ddraig and the Trap
Peace? There is no Peace!
The Summoning
All The Worlds Evil
Primate Murder
My Underworld
Witch Queen Vs Dark King
The Espada
Spoils of War
Kings Arrival
Lose Ends
Beginning of the End
King of Heaven: Gilgamesh
True Red Dragon Emperor
Diablos Dragon Ascension!
Finale of Rome
Beast of Comparison
Greatest Hunter
Aspect of Death
The Apocalypse
The Big 3
Beast of Regression
Lady of the Lake
Chao's End
Battle of Kings
Breakdown the King
Right of Ruling
Transcendent Arrival
Life Goes On
The Final Bio

Disappointment and Developments

6.1K 133 98
By pausevlim

How sad. How truly sad.

I have been thoroughly underwhelmed by this. Of course this was always going to happen. If this part of the plan was not so boring I might have not even bothered.

Issei Hyoudou showed true potential. His desires are strong. Stronger than even Vali. Meaning that he should be the best candidate for a sacred gear. His lust for the female body is unmatched. He could use that lust and become one of the top 10 strongest in this world. He could be the strongest Red Dragon Emperor.

Yet he does not. His lust for the female body is to much it seems. It makes it to were he cannot see the bigger picture. You want your 'master' for yourself do you not? Then take her. All you would have to do is train for a few weeks and you could easily sway her with your power.

But you do not train. You work on those foolish contracts instead of gaining true power. True power that would allow you to have almost any girl you wanted. Yet you do nothing! Where is your greed!? Your pride!? You call yourself a devil? No, you call yourself the Red Dragon of Domination? What a joke!

Even with all of his flaws he could still prove to be a interesting project if he was anything like Ichigo Kurosaki in his potential. If he showed that kind of latent ability than all of his flaws could be ignored. But no. He is just scum in the end. Not even comparable to Kurosakis growth.

Well I guess this is what I get for putting so much hope in him entertaining me. If I really wanted a true opponent in this world I would have molded him from a young age into the perfect mindset for what I needed. Like having his family killed while he witnesses it. Maybe then he would be able to fight like Ichigo.

It does not matter in the end. It was just a simple game of seeing how far he could get in a small amount of time. First he met a nun. Then he battled an insane ex-priest. He met his killer again. Tried to convince his master to save the girl. After Rias realized that the girl has a sacred gear she went along with her pawns idea and they raided the church. Then Rias got a new Bishop.

All in all, he sucked. Under all that stimulus he did not even achieve balance breaker. I mean it did take Vali a year to be able to use his correctly but he was way younger than Issei. Also Ichigo unlocked his fake bankai in 2 days so Issei with all of his perverted desires should have been able to do something similar. In the end he was just a disappointment.

Currently I am standing on top of the empire state building waiting for on Beelzebub to arrive. Oh there he is. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Beelzebub: My lord, I have come to give you my report.

I sat down on the ground with me feet hanging over the edge. I signaled him to do the same.

Aizen: Tell me everything.

He nodded and began,

Beelzebub: I will start with project [Doomsday]. One of the experiments made to mass produce the abilities of the Hogyoku. As of now there is 5 of them. They possess the ability of {Adaptive-Regeneration}. Like every member of your peerage. What makes them special is that this quality has been enhanced to new found levels. I have tried everything on them and they have yet to truly die. If they do get injured enough to die, then they will get knocked out and when they wake up they cannot 'die' that same way again. What makes this even better is that they have no soul. Meaning that they can only truly die if every single one of their atoms are erased. Nothing short of oblivion can keep one down for good. They only have the destructive power of a minor god though. That is all.

This is good. While I can kill them with full incantation black coffin not many others could. Making them the juggernauts of my foot soldiers. Un-killable beasts that take more time dealing with than my enemies can spare.

Aizen: And the last one?

At this the black haired man gave a excited smile.

Beelzebub: This one is my favorite. They are weak currently, around the strength of a low-class devil but their potential is limitless. I call them [Taken]. They have your ability to absorb souls. Every opponent they defeat will only add the adversary's power to them. With enough time and resources they could climb up the totem pole and become strong enough to fill my spot in your peerage when I die.

This is getting even better. I had Beelzebub join me not for his strength but because he is know for creating monsters. His knowledge on biology is truly something else. So I did not mind that he will die at the end of this. For when my plan succeeds I will be able to create any beast I so desire with the snap of my fingers.

Aizen: You have done wonderfully. I am almost finished in Kouh and then we will get to the fun stuff.  What I need you to do is contact Vali and tell him that he has something to do in the Norse. They are a stubborn bunch and they wont back down to simple threats. So we will have to force their inaction.

Beelzebub nodded and spoke again

Beelzebub: It will be done my lord.

He then teleported away leaving me alone. After this marriage I will get rid of hero faction and gain their Longinus sacred gears. After that I will no longer have to hide within this skin suit. And from that point forward...

I will stand at the Top

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