
By bluelikelana

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Lana and Alina come face to face again after a decade. Love, friendships, hardships, and trauma abound in thi... More

one | decade
two | stranger's bed
three | just us
four | exhilaration
five | devotion
six | crème brûlée
seven | wallflower
eight | ache
nine | butterfly
ten | s.s.c
eleven | nicotine
twelve | inhale me
thirtneen | ablution
fourteen | patricia
fifteen | wildflower wildfire
sixteen | use you
seventeen | territorial
eighteen | guilty
nineteen | savor
twenty | fears
twenty-one | lemons
twenty-two | ticket
twenty-three | yayo
twenty-four | mood swings
twenty-five | ride
twenty-six | is this happiness?
twenty-seven | defeat
twenty-eight | the kill
twenty-nine | disclosure
thirty | lockdown
thirty-one | dubiety
thirty-two | the missing piece
thirty-three | my game
thirty-four | demons
thirty-five | focus
thirty-six | gem
thirty-seven | mask off
thirty-eight | unviel
thirty-nine | treatment
forty | aphrodisiac
forty-one | sorrow
forty-two | uneasy
forty-three | second chances
forty-four | spotlight
forty-five | growth
forty-six | domestic
forty-seven | bittersweet
forty-eight | claims
forty-nine | train wreck
fifty | blessings
fifty-one | envy
fifty-two | sesame
fifty-three | muse
fifty-four | fate
fifty-five | scars
fifty-six | solo
fifty-seven | naked truths
fifty-eight | sweet oblivion
fifty-nine | innocence
sixty | ties and lies
sixty-one | lights out
sixty-two | temporary high
sixty-three | fearless
sixty-four | famous last words
| author's note
sixty-five | coming of age
sixty-six | three
sixty-seven | ice
sixty-eight | limelight
sixty-nine | the flame
seventy | emerald
seventy-one | two birds
seventy-two | victory
seventy-three | promises
seventy-four | happy
seventy-five | the storm
seventy-six | consequences
seventy-seven | support
seventy-eight | life is beautiful
seventy-nine | the seashell
eighty | fighters
eighty-one | crazy train
eighty-two | blue ivy
eighty-three | paranoid
| the epilogue
| bonus

eighty-four | the story

564 22 30
By bluelikelana

Part I/I - The Story


"Hi," Stella says with a warm smile as she peaks her head in my office. "Busy?"

"Hey, come in," I say with a smile as she walks in my office and closes the door behind her.

When I decided to start up my company, I knew I wanted to run it with someone I knew had the same drive I had. Stella was a hard worker and quit her cooperate position and took on partnership at my company as soon as I offered it to her.

Not only have we worked together in the past, but we trusted each other's judgement. Stella and I are friends first before we're business partners.

"How are there like a million different chinas to choose from?" she asks causing me to chuckle.

After Stella and Amelia reunited, Stella decided it was time to tie the knot and officially ask Amelia to marry her. Their wedding was this December and they've been working day and night on tiny little details.

"Oh, wait till you guys have to choose the silverware," I say causing her to huff. "I'm so glad Jay had her whole wedding planned because I would've died planning it on my own."

"Yeah," she says with a little laugh. "About that... I was going to ask you something."

"No..." I say unbelievingly, holding back a smile realising what she was about to ask.

"Wanna be my maid of honour?" she asks nervously with a smile.

"Really?" I ask sympathetically.

"I mean we wouldn't be getting married if you hadn't pushed me to chase her down, I also can't do this without you, Alina," she says with a little chuckle. "So, what do you say?"

"I'm honoured Stel," I say as get off my chair and pull her in a tight embrace.


"I can't believe she's getting married," I say from the couch, fiddling with my nails as Lana was changing in the bedroom.

"I know. I'm so happy for them. They make such a cute couple," Lana says casually as she comes toward the couch, planting a kiss on my cheek before she walks around and lays beside me.

"Right?" I say absentmindedly.

I'd be lying if I said that Stella proposing to Amelia didn't make me contemplate my own relationship. They've been dating on off for the past four years, and Lana and I have been dating on and off for the past seven years.

seven years

If you told me seven years ago that I'd be contemplating marriage I would've laughed in your face. I barely committed to anything then, and now I was envious of my friends that were getting married.

crazy world if you ask me

I know that our relationship was never conventional, and I knew Lana wouldn't be able to commit to that because of her career, so naturally marriage wasn't something we have discussed before even if we were fully committed to each other.

"Would you take my hand?" Lana asks, breaking me away from my reverie.

was i thinking out loud?

"What?" I say, internally panicking as she holds her hands out for me.

"Woah, where did you go?" Lana says with a little laugh when she realised I was in a trance. "Remember I told you my wrist's been hurting?"

right of course that's what she meant

"Yeah, yeah- Does it still hurt?" I ask causing her to hum as I take her hand and examine it. "What did you do babe?"

"I don't know maybe I— Oh god," Lana says before she looks up at me with wide eyes. "Remember when I used my palm to..."

"Jesus don't even finish that sentence," I say closing my eyes, slightly blushing causing her to laugh. "That's awful, baby. Why didn't you tell me it hurt?"

"Because it didn't, well, at the time," she says with a teasing smile before she hovered over my body, our lips inches apart. "I'd do it again just to hear you scream my name like that again."

"You're crazy," I whisper against her lip.

"So crazy for you," Lana breathes before I devour her bottom lip.

After we made love on the couch, we both got dressed and laid on the couch watching tv before I get a text from Alexis.

"Alexis is throwing a Halloween party this weekend," I say causing Lana to look up at me.

"Sounds like fun," Lana says. "Are we going?"

"Yeah, I'm texting the girls now. There's barely time to pick out a costume," I say as I forward them the message and throw my phone to the side. "Think with me."

"I don't know, baby. I could have my stylist come up with a couple for us if you're interested," Lana says.

"Do you wanna get matching costumes or is that to cliché?" I ask causing Lana to let out a little laugh.

"I think it's cute, let's do it," Lana says causing me to give her a small smile. "Jay and Kai should have some competition."

"Oh, well definitely win."

After Lana and I met with her stylist, we decided to dress as F1 drivers, wearing matching racing suits that hugged our curves in all the right place, it's pretty basic but incredibly sexy.

I didn't get the chance to see Lana in her costume because she had to rush to New York for a few nights and was going to meet me at the party at Alexis' place.

I wore my racing suit over my matching underwear set and straightened my hair before putting on my make up, pulling my eyeliner inward, making my gaze sharper.


I grabbed my helmet from the passenger's seat before I walked over to the door and was greeted by Hudson and Alexis.

"Oh, wow. You look badass honey," Alexis says as I take in her embrace.

"Cool costume," I say with a chuckle as I was impressed with the Harley Quinn costume she had on.

"Hey, where's my hug you brat?" I say as I spot Hudson walking toward the kitchen dressed as the Joker.

"The Joker doesn't give out hugs," he says causing me to roll my eyes.

I greeted Jay, Kai, and Mia who were dressed as The Incredibles, before I bumped into Chuck and Jason who were dressed as Thing One and Thing Two, and finally Lila and Brendon were dressed as Jasmine and Aladdin.


"Is everyone doing matching costumes this year? Even Alexis and Hudson are matching," I say with a chuckle as we all take a sip of my drink.

"Oh, my god. Is Lana gonna show up in a racer costume too?" Jay asks causing me to raise my eyebrows with a sly smile. "Where the hell is she?"

"She just flew in," I say with a pout. "She should be here soon."


I went to the kitchen to fill my cup with punch, as I made my way back to the party I saw her standing by our friends and a smile involuntarily forms on my lips as I scan her body, my eyes lingering on how the suit hugged her waist.

god she looked sexy

I was about to approach her before my mom stood in front of me, "Come help me set up the table."

"I—" I start before she pulls at my arms causing me to huff.


As I was setting up the table, I felt her hands stoke my thighs, "Hey stranger," she says in a sultry tone causing me to smile before I turn around to face her.

My eyes immediately fall upon her chest as she had the tracksuit unzipped showing off her cleavage, "My eyes are up here."

"Wow," I say sounding a little desperate as I look into her eyes before I lean in but get interrupted. "You look—"

"Not by the dinner table!" Alexis says, startling us. "Allie, go help Jay take the pies out."

"She's so bossy today," I tell Lana causing her to chuckle.

"I heard that!" Alexis calls out.

"I'm right behind you!" I say before I huff and turn to Lana. "I'll be back."


"Is that fish?" Jay says with her face scrunched up. "I'm gonna throw up."

"What?" I ask with a little laugh. "You love fish."

"I-I do, I just don't feel like eating fish tonight," Jay says, with nervousness only I could detect. "Anyway, keep an eye on the pies. I need to pee."

that's like the tenth time

"Jay," I call for her before she turns away, and narrow my eyes at her before I widen my eyes. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

Jay bites down on her bottom lip, not confirming nor denying it, "Three weeks," Jay forces out as though she was holding her breath. "I found out a few hours ago."

"Oh, my god. I can''t believe-" I start unbelievingly before Kai walks in.

"You can't believe what?" Kai ask as he walks in and steals a chip from the bowl and plants a kiss on Jay's cheek as she looks at me nervously.

he doesn't know yet

"I can't believe Alexis made pumpkin pie instead of pecan," I improvised before I notice Jay let out a breath she'd been holding.

"What? Pumpkin pie is way better than pecan," Kai says before Jay excuses herself and goes to the bathroom, leaving me to debate pies with Kai.

I was over the moon that Jay was pregnant, but it was definitely a little unexpected because I didn't know that she was trying again.

After finish setting the table I decided to go find Lana before Jay pulled me by my arms into the large guest bathroom.

"I'm terrified," Jay says worriedly.

"Why? It's not like you haven't done this before," I reassure her. "You're great with Mia."

"No, it's not that," she brushed off. "It's Kai. We didn't plan to get pregnant, I was off the pill for a few days because I couldn't mix it with some other pill and we had sex like once and I-"

"Jay, relax," I say as I cup her face, and stop her rambling. "You're going crazy. Didn't you say Kai wanted more kids? It's been a while since, Mia, I think he'd want to start trying anyway."

"You don't think he's gonna freak out that I went off the pill without telling him?" Jay asks, nervously.

"Not at all, Jay. I promise," I say with a smile. "Oh, god. I can't believe you're having another baby!"

"Keep your voice down, I haven't told anyone yet," she says before I wrap my arms around her, slightly tearing up. "I'm so glad you noticed. I was dying to tell you. I was just scared bec-"

"Because you're a control freak?" I say as we pull away. "And getting pregnant wasn't on the agenda?"

"Precisely," Jay chuckles before I open the door and walk out before Lana walks in.

"I was looking everywhere for you guys? What's going on?" Lana says as she looks from me to Jay. "Are you pregnant?"

that was fast

I let out a little laugh, before Jay speaks up, "Jesus, is it that obvious?"

"Oh, my god. Really?" Lana says before Chuck and Lila walk into the bathroom.

"What's this meeting that we weren't invited to?" Chuck asks as she takes a sip of her punch.

I look at Jay with an encouraging smile before she takes a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

Lila gasps as Chuck chokes on her punch before we tap her back causing her to cough before she looks up at Jay with a sympathetic smile, "Jaaay."

"Stop it you guys, I'm gonna start tearing up. Kai doesn't know and I'd like to keep it that way until we get home tonight," Jay says as she swipes her finger by the corner of her eyes.

"Group hug!" Lila says softly before we wrap Jay in a group hug.


We all sat around the table beside our partners, conversing and enjoying each other's company and the meal Alexis put together for us.

Lana and I barely got a word in with each other, with everyone interrupting us and we were dying to just have a second with each other without being interrupted.

I was sat between Lana and my mother eating my food as I was talking to Alexis about work.

"It's coming together, I recently checked out the location. The site is great," I say as I take another bite.

"That's great progress, honey. Have you found an investor yet?" My mother asks as she takes another bite of her meal before I felt Lana put her hand on my thigh, gently stroking it.

"I'm working it on it. I-" I take a deep breath as I felt her fingers stroke my inner thighs. "I need a short-term investor."

I turn to Lana and see a smirk plastered on her face when Hudson called for my mother, "My mother is sitting next to us," I whisper.

"Push my hand away then," Lana challenges as she leans forward.

I look around the table and realise that everyone was busy to notice what we were doing. I place my hand over her hand and instead of pushing it away, I pulled it closer to my centre, seeing Lana's devilish smile grow.

"I was thinking about touching you the moment I got on the plane to New York," she whispers before I close my eyes, focusing on the soft movements of her fingers rubbing circles on my inner thigh. "I miss you."

My breath hitches as I slightly push against the chair wanting to gain friction, "Shit-" I breathe before Lana pulled her hand away when my mother stood behind me.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Alexis says as she places a hand over my forehead, causing Lana to choke on her drink.

"Sorry. Are you okay, baby?" Lana asks innocently causing me to glare at her subtly.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little hot," I say as I unzip my tracksuit and Lana's eyes flashed with hunger as she stared down at my lace bra.

"Have some water, sweetie. I'll go get the pies. I made pecan just for you," Alexis says as she plants a kiss on my head.

"Thank you, mama," I say with a smile before I turn to Lana.

"I'm gonna make you pay," I say as I lean closer to her ear, slightly teasing her earlobe before getting up and following my mother in the kitchen.


After dinner, the kids went to bed and we were sitting by the pool area, drinking wine.

"Wine, honey?" Kai asks Jay causing her eyes to fall on me slightly.

"No, thanks. I'm so full. Thank you for dinner Alexis," Jay continues, changing the subject.

"Of course," Alexis says as she was sitting beside Lana across from me. "I love having my babies around me."

"I'm her favourite, obviously," Chuck says as cuddles further into Jason.

"You're no ones favourite," Jay says with a scoff.

Lana was a little pissed off that I wasn't cuddling up with her, like the other couples but I meant it when I said I'd make her pay, and I knew it was a price she couldn't afford.

L: you think you're the only one with tricks up your sleeve?

Me: show me what you got

After I sent the text, Lana got off her seat and walked inside, and I was confused before she came back with a smirk and sits back down. A few seconds later I got a text from her.

L: Sent a photo.

I click on the photo and my eyes involuntarily widen as I saw what she was wearing under the tracksuit in the mirror photo she took a few seconds ago.

she wins i give up

I saw a knowing smile form on her lips as I look up at her, but I don't think she's realizing how much I wanted her. She flipped her phone and went back to the conversation they were having before I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I walked through the glass door that took me to the kitchen before I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Me: If you don't come now I'm leaving without you

I knew Lana would realize the urgency of my texts and would walk in any second now. After a few seconds, I saw her walk into the kitchen causing a knowing smile to form on my lips.

"Did you really have to do that?" Lana asks as she walks toward me. "They all know... We've done this way too many times."

"I don't care," I say as she stood in front of me causing me to lean down and attack her lips, pushing my tongue into her mouth and causing her to gasp.

I've been waiting all night to kiss her

"Whoa," she breathes, not expecting me to kiss her so forcefully and full of desire.

"I don't think I can wait any longer," I whisper with our lips inches apart, seeing her eyes go dark as though she's been waiting for me to say those words.

She didn't respond before I pulled her toward the guest bathroom and pinned her against the wall, as I started making out with her, our breath heavy, our hands exploring our bodies.

Lana pushed me back to the wall and pinned me against it as she buried her face in my neck before she made her way down, toward my chest. I pressed my head against the wall and closed my eyes, my breathing accelerating as she went lower, unzipping my suit.

She pushed the suit off my shoulder, allowing it to hang from my waist before she started licking my stomach, slowly unbuttoning the buttons of my pants before I pulled her up.

"Not here," I say before I sloppily peck her lips. "Take me home."

I saw her eyes flash with lust before she nodded and we made our way out of the bathroom together after I zipped up my suit only to bump into Hudson.

"Heey," I says sounding a little nervous as I walked out from behind her. "I thought you went to bed."

"Doesn't mean I went to sleep," he says, and I was relieved that he didn't comment on us leaving the bathroom together. "I was looking for you."

"What do you want now?" I ask as I roll my eyes, knowing teenage orders are endless.

"Can I sleep over at your place tonight?" he asks. "You said that Jordan and I could hang out at your place tomorrow and Mom can't drop me off in the morning."

"Tonight..." I say as I subtly look at Lana seeing an uneasy look form on her face because we were both throbbing for each other at this point.

"Please Allie," he says. "I'll do anything you want."

"Uh—she— We kind of have to leave right now— I don't feel so good. And Alina's was about to take me to the clinic," Lana says and I tried so hard to hold back the smile that was trying to escape.

"Oh. Are you okay?" he asks and I smile knowing that even when he was a brat, he had a heart of gold.

"Yeah— I will be once I get some medications," Lana says as she strokes his shoulder. "How about I pick you up myself tomorrow morning? We can even go get some snacks for you and Jordan."

"Really?" he asks enthusiastically and Lana nods with a smile. "I knew I came to the right person. Imma go tell mom."

Hudson runs off before Lana turns to me, "Did you just lie to my brother?" I ask with an amusing smile.

"Would you shut you? I already feel bad about it," she says causing me to chuckle as she pulled my arms and walked me out of the bathroom. "Come on."

I grabbed my keys from by the door and we both rush toward my car, unable to hold it in any longer. I was relived that my mother's house was a short drive from our apartment.

We made it to our apartment and within a few seconds both of our suits were on the ground, leaving us with only the matching sets we had under.

"God, your body drives me insane," I say as I fall on top of her on the bed. "Pun intended."

Lana lets out a little chuckle before I bury my face in her neck, nibbling and sucking at her soft skin provoking soft moans to escape her lips as I placed my knees against her centre, wanting to drag out the foreplay and take my time with her.

"Alina," she moans causing goosebumps to form all over my body.

I took her earlobe into my mouth before I lowered myself before I was facing her chest and started planting wet kisses all over her cleavage.

"Can I just" I say before I yank her lace bra off causing it to rip. "Oops."

"Baby!" Lana exclaims slightly breathless. "This is my favourite!"

"I'll make it up to you," I say before I take her breast into my mouth and press my fingers against her damp underwear.

"Jesus," Lana moans followed by a little laugh. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you more, baby," I whisper as I plant wet kisses on her abdomen before I drew down her underwear.

I swiped my fingers across her folds before her wetness coated my finger as she was whimpering. I pulled down my own underwear and opened her legs wide before positioning myself on top of her, our centres making contact with each other causing us to let out a moan.

I took her breast in my hand and started kneading them as I started to grind against her centre, throwing my head back with my eyes closed feeling our centres perfectly pushing up against each other.

"Go faster," Lana moans out as I increase my speed, feeling myself grow closer and closer. "I'm gonna c-come, baby, ah."

"Fuck, you feel so good," I moan out before euphoria washed over me and pushed myself against her one last time before my hot release drips all over her centre.

After I came down from my high, I fell beside her on the bed before she hovers over me and lowers herself to my centre and starts licking over my sensitive centre making my hips buck up involuntarily.

"Oh, baby. I'm just getting started," Lana says with a smirk before she devours my centre.

"Fuck," I moan as I press my head against the pillow and my hands gripping the sheets tightly.


After we went for a few more rounds, Lana and I were sprawled naked across the bed catching our breath.

"This will never get old," I say, satiated causing Lana to sit up in front of me, resting her head against her palm.

"Orgasms?" Lana asks causing me to roll my eyes with a little laugh. "How many times do I have to ask you not to roll your eyes at me?"

"I thought you didn't find eye rolling insulting?" I tease, repeating her own words from our first night together.

"You're right. I don't," she says with a little smile. "I thank the universe for every time it gave me a sign to hold on to you. I can't believe it's been seven years."

"I can't believe I slept with you the first night. I usually wait after the second date at least!" I say causing Lana to fall on her back while laughing. "It was like we've been waiting our whole lives for the moment the universe brought us together."

"I was waiting my whole life," Lana says genuinely causing me to blush slightly. "It was even better than I ever could've imagined."

"Baby..." I say with a shy laugh, trying to hold back my tears.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me," Lana says, her tone vulnerable. "I spent my whole life loving you and I will keep loving you 'til the day I die."

A tear rolled down my face as the words escaped her lips, knowing the depth of her words. Lana and I haven't been together for only seven years, our souls were connected with each other long before we got together.

"I still remember the very first time of everything that felt real with you... You're hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me," I say genuinely before I remember the car crash. "I wouldn't be here without you."


"Don't say that, baby," Lana says as she wipes away my lone tear. "I don't want to be in a world without you in it."

I close my eyes with a small smile, wanting to take in this moment and adding it to the mind puzzle I had been putting together for the past seven years.

It was never easy for us, we had the universe go against us, we had moments where holding on to each other would eventually break us but even through all the hardships, I was able to hold the puzzle together until she added the last piece.

i felt complete


Alina held me long and tight that night after I snuggled into her chest, listening intently to the pattern of her heartbeat. I spent my whole life trying to fill the void in my heart, a void only one person could fill.

I was pulling myself out of dark places alone since I was a child, and little did I know she was the only light source I ever needed. Not in a millions years would I have thought that I would be lying next to the only person who has truly loved me with their whole heart.

"Marry me," she whispered over my head when she thought I was sleeping in her arms.

I felt my heart tighten as I heard her say those words. I wanted to look her in the eye and say yes, but we both knew that it wasn't in the cards for us. The last thing our relationship needed was to be under the spotlight.

A tear rolled over my nose and onto her chest as I held onto her tightly.

we don't always get what we want

Maybe it's not about the ending after all, but about the story.

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