Can't You See Me?

By Haeminji1

109K 5.8K 1.9K

Campus heartthrob Kim Minji is seen giving Hybe Entertainment CEO's daughter Haerin a ride home. I didn't eve... More

twenty one
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New Story!


2.8K 143 24
By Haeminji1

It's been a couple days since the dance and Haerin promised to give us a chance yet she seems to be avoiding me more than ever. She was supposed to tutor me after cheer practice on Monday, but she texted me and said that she had to go home that something came up. Like whatever, I can get over that it was one time. Then on Tuesday she didn't talk to me the whole day even in math when we literally sat next to each other. She also canceled our tutoring session then. Not giving me any chance to respond before she ran out of the class. I just don't understand. I thought we were good now.

"I think you should confront her about it." I told Danielle and Hanni about it since it had been bothering me. I know Haerin made me promise to not tell anyone, but I mean try being friends with Hanni and Danielle. I tried, I really did, but they knew something was up the moment they saw me and wouldn't shut up until I told them. Plus I trust them, they wouldn't tell anyone.

"Don't you think it may be a little pushy? I mean maybe she has something going on." I don't want to seem overbearing or clingy. We aren't even really dating yet.

"No girl, she has been ignoring you since the dance. I think you at least deserve an explanation." I just nodded following the Vietnamese girl after paying for my lunch. I know she's right but what if Haerin changed her mind and decided she didn't want to try anymore. I really don't know if I can take that right now.

"I agree with Hanni. Just ask her about it. She seems nice enough and she probably has a good reason." Dani always has a positive outlook. I wish I could think like her sometimes.

"Yeah you're probably right. I'll ask her next time I see her." I sigh as I plop down in my seat across from the two girls. Dani reached over and opened Hanni's water bottle without the other girl even asking. Usually I wouldn't think anything about that, but the Vietnamese girl's cheeks became slightly rosy after that. Before I could ponder further on that, the cat-like girl came into my line of sight. Usually I never see her in the cafe. In fact I don't think I've ever seen her in here? Does she eat lunch?

"Go talk to her." Hanni gives me a pointed look.

"She's probably busy. Maybe later." Hanni just scoffs and throws a chip at me.

"She is literally just standing in line for food, she isn't busy. Now go before I make you go!" I quickly get up and make my way towards the younger girl out of fear of what Hanni said. She might be little, but she is dangerous. As I get closer to Haerin I feel fear run through me. What am I even gonna say? This is a terrible idea. Before I could run back to my table and pretend like this never happened I was beside the shorter girl and she was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Minji?" Shit what do I say?

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Great Minji very subtle. Haerin eyes widened at my abrasive question. Surely she wasn't prepared for me to be so up front, I mean neither was I.

"I uh I- I'm not. Just really busy this week." Haerin was clearly uncomfortable. I mean she could barely get through that sentence she stammered all the way through.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Haerin still looked visibly upset which was causing me more stress. Does she regret everything? Please god tell me no.

"Can we talk about this later somewhere more private?" She clearly didn't want to talk right now because she turned away from me and continued to wait in line to get her food. Well that kinda hurts.

I begin my journey back to the table and plop down frowning at the two girls in front of me. Why did they make me do that?

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" Hanni raised her eyebrow at me and snickered a little.

"No. She just said she wanted to talk later somewhere private." Hanni again snickered and smirked at me.

"Maybe she wants to get a little frisky with you Min." The Vietnamese girl wiggles her eyebrows at me. Jesus christ. Crimson heat covered my face from Hanni's comment. Danielle probably could tell I was uncomfortable because she slapped Hanni's thigh causing the girl to stop making weird faces at me.

"I highly doubt that is what she has planned. If anything it's the opposite." I slam my head on my arms that were on the table. I wish the earth would just swallow me alive right now.


It was finally time for the last class of the day, math. I saw Haerin a couple times after lunch, but everytime she saw me she would walk past or just ignore me completely. Literally what the hell is wrong with her? I walk into math and there she is at her usual seat scribbling in her notebook. She probably felt me staring at her since she looked up for a moment at me then looked back down at whatever she was doing. Not even a little smile?

"Hey. whatcha doing?" Maybe if I try to make small talk she'll open up a little more. Haerin doesn't even look up when she responds to me.

"Homework." I just nod at nothing, at no one since she isn't even looking at me.

"What class?"

"History." Clearly she doesn't want to talk to me. I turn away from the younger girl and pull out my math book and the pencil Haerin gave me a couple weeks ago now. I turn it around and look at the engraving in it. K.H.. I look over at the younger girl again and look at the pencil she is using and again K.H. is engraved on it. Weird.

"Why is your name engraved on your pencils?" Clearly that caught her attention with how she froze and finally looked up and in my direction. She seems to be thinking really hard about what she was going to say which caused me to grow more curious. Can there really be that deep of a meaning behind her initials on pencils?

"I used to lose everything when I was younger so my mother had my name engraved on everything in case I lost it so that It could be returned. I guess it just stuck around as I grew older." I hum looking again at the engraving. I wonder why she still engraves her name.

"Why do you still have it done since you don't need to anymore?" Haerin's stoic face became solemn in a matter of seconds. Shit what did I say? I try to reach for the younger girl's hand, but she just yanks it away and turns facing the front. I continue to look at the side of her face hoping she would confide in me, but she doesn't. Mrs. Yoo walks in and class begins causing me to pull my attention from the solemn girl.


The final bell rings indicating the school day is over. Unfortunately I have cheer today, but Haerin didn't cancel tutoring today so at least I have that look forward to. I turn towards said girl and watch her pack up her things waiting so we could walk out together.

"I'm sorry." I furrowed my eyebrows at the younger girl as she stood up and looked me in the eye for the first time since Saturday.

"For what?"

"I've been rude by dismissing you lately, when I should have been up front about what I was feeling." I give the shorter girl a small smile and walk out of the class room and down the hall with her.

"It's okay I forgive you. You know you can tell me whatever you feel. I want to know everything about you." She just gave me a small smile and a little rose tint was on her face. God she looks so cute when she's like that.

"You have cheer, I don't want to bother you. We can just talk later." The younger girl tries to walk away, but I grab her arm and pull her to the side of the hallway so we can stay out of the swarm of people trying to get to after school activities or home.

"You're more important Haerin. You can tell me whatever you want whenever you want." The younger girl blushed even harder than before and began playing with the strings on my book bag. If this was any other moment I would be freaking out over that, but the younger one seemed genuinely upset.

"It was my mothers death anniversary on Monday. I always get a little distant during that time so I wanted to apologize. It's just I didn't want to burden you with that." My eyes widened at the younger girl. I can't believe I've been thinking she wanted to end things when she was mourning. I pull the shorter girl towards me and engulf her in a big bear hug.

"I'm sorry Haerin." I felt Haerin hold onto me tighter causing butterflies to swarm in my stomach. "Don't ever feel like you can't tell me things like this. You can always talk to me!" I ran my hands through her silky hair trying to comfort her the best I could. I don't have much experience with these types of things. I do know however I never want to see her sad like this again. I only want her cute little smiles.

"You are the nicest person I know Minji. You are a great friend." Haerin pulled away and gave me a little smile.

Friend. She still thinks we are just friends? I mean I know we aren't girlfriends, but we are definitely more than friends.

"Friend?" The younger girl seemed to understand what she said and giggled a little bit.

"We are friends are we not?" She smirked at me and raised an eyebrow? Is she messing with me? Is Kang Haerin joking with me right now?

"I think we might be a little more than friends. Do you tend to kiss your friends?" The blush came back to Haerin's face for a second before an evil glint came into her eyes. Oh?

"Yeah I do." WHAT? My eyes widened comically wide. She has to be joking right now. Right? Haerin busted out into a fit of giggles after a couple seconds of me gaping at her. "I'm just kidding, Minji goodness. You're the only person I've kissed." I felt a smug smile make its way on my face. Beat that Niki.

"So are we still on for that date?" Please say yes. Say yes. Say yes. Haerin bites her lip and looks around the hallway that was clear at this point and got on her tiptoes.

"Yes." The shorter girl whispered in my ear and kissed me on the cheek before plopping back down on her feet. It's my turn to be a blushing mess.

"I um great! How about Friday night?" Haerin seems to think for a second before nodding her head with her big smile that shows her tiny fangs. "Okay, perfect I'll see you after cheer for tutoring?" Haerin just nods again before turning around making her way to the library.



At this point it's not even a love square; the other two parts are just oblivious as to what's going on. Honestly they should just move on because Cat and Dog are endgame I'm telling you!


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