HER KNIGHT. IsabelaxFeMreader

By Kumase_Kurushii

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Prizma the title awarded to most powerful mages and masters of their Aura Nature. Only one prizma can exist a... More

The Beginning
Knight's Selection
Mages and Knights
Daemon Extermination Arc
A Duel
The Return
Matching Pieces

Calm Before Storm

120 5 2
By Kumase_Kurushii

*Isabela Pov*

I was crowned as PrizmaVert last week. One of the HECATE visited Casita and confirmed it. They said that they will wait until my graduation before absorbing me to work in HECATE Headquarters. To say I was overjoyed was an understatement, we celebrated for three days not only for my coronation but the acceptance of Eksa and Mariano.

Though Eksa was not that thrilled of being selected as a Fragment knight. I wonder why... being a fragment is the greatest honor for a knight much less her stature. I thought to myself watching her teach Mirabel how to construct a magic amplifier using some materials I never bothered to learn.

In someway, I find her nerdyness cute and on par with my youngest sister. I chuckled when I remembered them building a magical drone to capture our family picture. It worked for the most part, but the battery suddenly died after the tenth use. The picture was successfully printed though and I kept it in my room.

I decided to approach the two after hearing Mirabel cheered. We both have already repaired our sisterly bond after admitting that we are jealous of one another and found a common ground which was the blond-haired girl.

"Mi amor," I called her. She turned to me with her tousled haired bouncing and her azure eyes sparkling.

"Yes Isa?" She smiled, holding a cute round robot. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing, I wanted to snatch you away for a bit," I said softly. Her cheeks turned bit pink.

"Well if that is ok with Mirabel?" She asked my sister.

Mirabel waved her away,"Go, I don't want to watch you both go mushy with each other in my workshop,"

Eksa laughed taking my hand and exiting Mirabel's room. "So where are we going señorita?" She grinned.

"I was planning to," I then casted a spell waving my hand as vines grew and lift us to my special place. The hidden garden near the lake. "Spend time with you here."

"Sure, mi princessa," she winked offering her arm for me to cling on. Eksa has been more attentive and flirty these past days. Not that I'm  complaining but... it's  easier to forget that she's younger than me.

Although when I think back she didn't really act her age and displayed a wisdom beyond her years. She did downplayed it by stating that she read a variety of books but.. sometimes, I felt she's older than me with untouchable barrier between us.

"Isa?" She called me waving her hand. "Are you okay? You kinda zone out,"

"Uh.. yeah just thinking," I responded. Her brows furrowed but dropped whatever she's about to say.

"Is your prizm giving you trouble?" She asked innocently. "Does your hand hurts?" She then kissed my prizm.

Damn that was cute. I lift her chin, kissing her soft plump lips. "No.. not anymore...but my lips hurt," I teased her.

She looked at me her azure eyes turned dark with a small hint of red outlining it. She then kissed me softly and gently, I snaked my arms on her neck as I deepen the kiss.

"Mnn," we both moaned, her hands found its way on my waist steadying me while I practically straddled her.

She then sucked my bottom lip with her tongue sneakily entered my mouth. We fought for dominance a bit, letting me win as we separate, both panting.

"You... don't feel like a beginner!" I said snuggling her neck while planting butterfly kisses on it.

"Mm.Isa..that tickles," she laughed. It was a quiet laugh with a mixture of a hum and a chuckle.

I smiled devilishly, I suddenly bite, suck and lick a spot on her neck... marking her while she gasps in surprise.

"Ah! Isa..mmm," she moaned. Her grip tightened while I kiss the red spot. I looked at her blushing under me. I touched her cheek, placing a soft peck on her lips.

"That's so unfair," she said before gently switching our position.

'-my turn,' she whispered on my ear biting on the shell and licking it. I twitched, my ear is quite sensitive..

"Mmm," she hummed satisfied with my reaction as she placed kisses on my jaw and neck.

"Eksa.." I breathed, she then bit and suck the area below my neck returning the favor I did to her earlier.

"Nmngh...mmm," I moaned softly, as she kisses me all over my neck, face and biting my exposed collarbone. She then kissed me passionately before staring at my eyes.

'I love you Isabela Madrigal,' she whispered on my lips before claiming it once again.

I love you too Eksa.

The days gone by and we are scheduled to return. Eksa packed her bags, while I waited on my bed sorting out the things to bring. She then plopped beside me and side hugged me while reading the book she recently purchased.

I was zipping my bag when she asked me if I packed my wallet and ID which I forgot. I casted the spell to look and bring me the things I need. She then glanced at my packed bag before getting up and putting my bag on her shoulder and her bag on her back.

"Should we go mi Isabela?" She offered her hand which I took. Eksa is wearing her standard uniform and so was I. But now she seemed to look even more beautiful than before. Or I'm just hopelessly in love?

The arragement was the same as last time. Where Dolores monitored the two troublemakers with Luisa keeping them in line.

I sat with Eksa on a horse where she gave me a specialized glove for my hand.

"Wear this," she said as she put it on me. "It is a glove made from remaining green Manalith, I equipped it with a small healing spell...I hope it lessen the aches that you are experiencing." She said thoughtfully.

"Thanks mi amor," I peck her lips, I then observe her handicraft. It was dark green fingerless lightweight leather glove with a diamond shape cut off, displaying my prizm. It was decorated with gold inscriptions and sealed with black linings.

I leaned on her chest. While Abuela and others bid us goodbye. Raven, the horse neighed as we turned and started our journey back.

The ride was smooth and silent with occassional chatter from me and Eksa. She was reigning the horse skillfully as we moved into lower grounds.

"Mi amor," I called her.

"Hmmm?" She hummed.

"When did you learn how to ride?" I asked her.

"I learn how to ride by the time I was ten, but I perfected it when I was thirteen."

"Oh... then when did you learn how to fight?"

"I learned probably at the same age. We are required to fight on a horse. Why do you ask?" She questioned me.

"I just wanted to have a small talk," I smiled glancing on my back.

"Oh.. okay." She nodded.

"Can you tell me your childhood?" I glanced at her.

"There is nothing much to say, but if I'm going to summerize it. It was... boring. I was locked up in a studying hall just learning and practicing. So I left," she said mentioning. "Wandering to places is much more fun than cooped up in an institution,"

"Will you go on an adventure with me?" I asked her.

"Of course, anywhere with you," she replied sweetly. I laughed and leaned some more. When I felt a bump between her chest. It was faint so I touched it to make sure. But before I can feel it again, she stopped me blushing.

"Uh... Isa?" She stuttered as I realized I've been groping her.

"Sorry... I thought I felt something hard.. uh," I stuttered blushing also.

Eksa looked at me but then sighed. Taking my hand and putting it between her breast... it was soft and no trace of hardness. I flinched blushing.

"What are you doing???" I asked her completely dumbfounded.

"You look like you wanted to inspect it," she simply said as I blushed even redder. "Forget it!" I turned.... feeling myself die from embarrassment.

Hearing her laughing at the back. I elbowed her as her laughter continues.


We arrived at the academy by nightfall. We were about to separate when I didn't let go of her hand."Stay with me," I told her as she nodded.

"Okay but let me get my uniform and I'll be back," she smiled as Mirabel rolled her eyes.

"I'll be going first, lovebirds." She then turned as Eksa told her to wait up.

I entered my room seeing the mess. I immediately clean it up, throwing out the trash, pulling a new sheets and arranging my stuff, when a book fell revealing photos of Eksa. One with her smiling, training, sleeping and eating.

I was formerly adamant to observe and expel her incase she broke the school rules. Hence, I subscribe for daily report of her and ended up as a member of her fanclub.

I panicked to hide it as the door opened revealing her... and me holding those photos and some of:
'Wink at me Eksa-sama and I love you Eksa,' fan merch. I froze.

Her eyes scanned my room and landed on the things I desperately tried to hide.

Her eyes flickered on it and her lips broke out a half amused, half teasing smile. "Is this why you don't want me to enter your room?" She asked me.

"I... oh shut up," I said putting it on my drawer. I felt her presence on my back, hugging me.

"I love you Isabela, and I'll wink for you," she teased muttering it on my skin.

"Don't." I warn immediately going in the bathroom to change, escaping such situation. I heard her laugh.

She was still giggling even after I changed my clothes. I slap her thigh playfully as she yelp.

Eksa is now wearing a monster nightcap with matching monster printed pajama. I plopped down my bed as she did the same cuddling me.

"You're mean," I squinted at her.

"So I've been told," she then pecked my lips and wished me good night.


Our days returned to normal, with the exception of Professor Litwit's schedule being vacant and postponed until a new professor come and replace it.

Well, in the brightside people are enjoying the vacant schedule with more time to relax, eat, sleep or work on the delayed requirements.

I on the otherhand, have more time hanging out with Eksa, who is currently sleeping on my lap, under the shade of the tree I purposely summoned. I smiled watching her look so peaceful, tucking her hair away from her face.

This clearing has been our spot with less people around and less of those pesky flies from the fan club. Speaking of the pesky flies, I remember Elsa trying to seduce Eksa the other day. I squinted in displeasure of remembering it. Her audacity to sit on my BELOVED'S LAP?!

"Isa... your vines," Eksa who is now wrapped possessively by my vines called my attention.

"Sorry," I apologized, rushed to cancel the plants. "I kind of," I sighed.

"It's fine Isa," she held the vine on her hand and kissed it. "It's cute to see you be so possessive,"

Is she allowed to do that. I pinched her cheeks. "You cheeky little thing!" She laughed as we started to joke around.

We are in the middle of throwing teasing remarks when a boy with red haired and lavender eyes interrupted us.

"So you are the newest Prizma?" He said in a playful tone, grinning. "Such a shame,"

He then moved his right arm and in a flash the trees in our back has been cut down.  While Eksa caught his sword in hers.

"Wow!" He said mockingly. "You caught it... amazing," the boy jumped back putting distance as I attacked him with a flurry of sharp bamboo javelin.

"Mi amor are you ok?" I asked Eksa, her hand bleed from receiving such blow. I immediately healed her using my vine.

"Heh mi amor?" He smiled amused. "Truely a fast casting from the newest PrizmaVert...but not enough," he then sliced it all, then he leaped, closing the distance between us in the matter of seconds.

Eksa intercepted it again as the boy laughed. "Oh? Such precision," he then took a small step back before releasing a combination of slashes.

All slashes whipped the air in almost invisible speed...hard to keep up using the naked eye but amazingly, Eksa was able to see it and their swords clashed.

I casted boost on Eksa and use labyrinth prison to catch the intruder. Unfortunately he cut it down easily and focused on attacking me.

I dodged barely as Eksa stepped in again fighting him barely hitting him and switched on defending. "What are you doing?" I heard her asked him as he squinted.

"I found a new toy to mess with. PrizmaVert ISN'T SHE A CUTIE " He then sidestepped her aiming for me.

I used the S tier crystal shield to defend and activate mass propagation aiming poisonous attack on him.

The boy immediately released his crystal red aura shielding him from the attack and coating his sword.

"Your mine," he was about to slash me when Eksa countered it creating a huge shockwave.
I blinked regaining my consciousness, trees are wiped out and my shield was cut in half. I panicked, looking for Eksa.

"Are you looking for your knight?" The boy asked me holding up an unconscious battered body filled with scratches. Her bleeding hand was still holding on to her broken sword.

I summoned huge vines to hit him and retrieved Eksa when he just minced it less than a minute.
"You're so weak," he squatted down. "Are you sure you are a Prizma?" He then pointed his sword at me, staring me down.

I glared back, he laughed retrieving his sword, immediately slashed Eksa's shoulder. Huge gash were made, blood sputtering and soaking her white uniform.

"Stop!" I felt my body trembled as he pointed the sword on my partner's neck. "Please, I begged don't hurt her...."

"Oh? So you value your worthless knight more than your life PrizmaVert?" He said amused.

"Yes.... please let her go. I'll do anything," I begged as he poked the sword on her neck drawing trickles of blood.

"Then unlock your Prizma passive... its a bare minimum to fight me in equal footing." He said lifting up Eksa. "By that time I'll return your little cutie," he walked away.

"Wait. Give her back," I shouted as my vision blurred.

'Child,' a voice called me in the darkness.

'Child...," there it is again. I opened my eyes to a bountiful forrest. It was filled with greens, vines, trees and flowers.

'Where am I,' I stood up, holding a boulder as leverage. I slowly walked as I regain my strength.

'Child,' the voice kept echoing.

'Who are you?' I asked the voice, scanning the surroundings. 'Where are you?'

"Child, I am the nature, the essence of your power. I am here to bestow you a gift.' The voice said as green light enveloped me.

Then the scenery changed turning into a tower. It was a tower of sages. The bricks are greyed and mossed and the in-between gap were dark with dirt. The rooms were riddled with books, papers and quills. There are also huge crystal balls that stored the tower's power and lanterns that luminate the place.

'Where is this?' I asked

'This is the final gift. I am able to bestow you as compensation for the delay.

I saw three kids; a white haired girl who looks like she's the oldest, a red haired boy with similar features with the one I fought and lastly a black haired girl who is the youngest of all.

The two of them were playing while the youngest reads.

"Fireball!" The red boy casts a huge ball of fire.

"Saint's tear," the white girl countered extinguished the attack.

"I'm not done yet! flaming red dragon!" The boy summoned a huge real life dragon made with flames.

"Hey! Thats dangerous!" The white girl said, the dragon attacked everywhere, setting the room in flames. "Turn it off Gregory!," the girl scream at the boy.

"I...I cant... I don't know how!" The boy scream back.

"Idiot!" The white haired girl chatised him. "Saint's  tear!" The girl casts but the holy tear only evaporated.

"Awawawa!" The boy cried trying to control the dragon.

"You both are too noisy," the black haired girl simply said, snapping her finger. Suddenly a huge black hole ate the dragon, solidified and turned into ashes covering the remaining flames, extinguishing it.

"If you wanna play go to the training room not in the library," she hissed. "RESTORE!" she called out as the burned books and damaged furniture turned new.

"Y/N why are you meannnn," the white haired girl asked as she hugged the little girl.

Which oddly pisses me off.

"Aule, take your filthy hands off me," she glared. As the boy also hugged her.

"Thanks Y/n I owe you big time... oh do you need a knight? I'll  be your knight!" He puffed his chest while the other girl smacked him.

"You're the PrizmaRouge, Gregory you cannot," the white girl said.

"So what? You're a PrizmaBlanc too Aule!" The red head argued.

"So what?" She repeated. "I'm  going to be the wife of PrizmaNoir! Right y/n?" She nudge the little girl.

"Who told you that? I'd rather marry someone else thank you very much!" She pushed the two.

"What who is it who dares to take away my bride?" The white girl fumed.

The little girl's eyes wandered staring at me.

"Vert! Yes....I'll  marry PrizmaVert!"

I blushed. It feels weird but I felt the girl's presence is somewhat familiar... but not like the PrizmaNoir I know... but someone.

"What but that person doesn't exist yet," The red haired boy huffed.

"And you cannot decide that by looking at the lavender!" The white girl argued.

"Whatever! I'll marry who became PrizmaVert! If there is none the better. I can't believe I wasted my time arguing with you all." The black-haired girl sighed.

"It's time, grandfather is waiting on me."I watched her as she used a non-verbal teleportation spell.

I then felt the surroundings warped and blur,became white.
I blinked.

White walls greet me....a room in the nurse's office. I then saw Mirabel, Luisa, Dolores and Mariano along with Elsa.

I immediately shot up sitting and groaning in pain. "Ugh... where... where is Eksa?" I asked them as they shook their head.

"We only found you at the clearing," Mariano said with Mirabel and Luisa hugging me.

"We thought you will never wake up again," Mirabel and Luisa cried.

"You've been unconscious for three days," Luisa added.

"I am?" I asked, feeling a surge of mana flowing in me.

'I am here to bestow you a gift.'

I vividly remembered the encounter. Wait I can track down Eksa.

"Biolocation... Track!" I casted as a huge crystal appeared with her location displayed.

"Wow!" Luisa gasped.

"Tskit region?" Mariano asked. "But that is where daemon spawned."

"I must go there," I told them standing up.

"Woah you're still injured remember?" Dolores stopped me.

"I feel fine," I looked at her.

"Woah Isa... your eyes... your body. It's glowing," Mirabel said as I faced the mirror.

It was glowing... my eyes turned amber and clear as crystal. A soft green aura floats and enveloped my body. Is this the passive that boy was talking about?

I breathed, steeling myself.

"I'm coming Eksa,"


*Y/N pov*

This boy... he's not holding back. I grunted keeping up with his crazy sword dance.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he gave me an irritating smirk. Typical. He then used blitz to dodge me and began sprinting to Isabela.

I chased after him but *cough* *cough* blood dripped down my mouth, feeling my insides burning as I neared the limit of vincula.

I glanced at the two when he activated his aura. 

"Is he trying to kill a Prizma?" I used my last available mana to use blitz clashing my sword to counter his. It created a shockwave knocking  everything out.

I gasped as Baal broke into two and my energy depleted down to dangerous level.

"Are you an idiot?" I hissed at the boy as he chuckled.

"Not as idiotic as you, what are you doing trying to pick a fight with me in hahaha...seriously 20% 30%, that's crazy." He laughed shaking his head, and picking me up like a sack of rice.

"Your mana is depleting," he said matter of factly, breaking the two smallest vincula on my ears. "Well...you really improved in your sword skill."

"I don't want to hear you patronizing me, plus we both know I can kick your ass in full strength," I hissed.

"Says the one who is currently paralyzed," he shook his head. "Geezuz, I never thought you badly wanted to be a knight." He said poking Isabela's head.

"Dont!" I punched him. "And will you please behave you almost killed a Prizma,"

"Damn okay. I won't do it again." He dropped the stick. "A Prizma or Your Prizma. Mi amor." He teased.

"I.swear.Gregory.Heins." I threatened him as Isabela stirred.

"Oh look your princess is about to wake up," he then hit my stomach making me passed out. Until I felt my shoulder burning.

"Ugh," I groaned blinking. I felt my body sore but most of all my shoulder. I woke up in a cave with mana sphere healing me.

"What the hell," I cursed looking at the state of my body. "Why do I have a huge gashes," I glared at Gregory who whistled away.

"I might threatened your princess." He paused.

"Using me? God damn it Gregory!" I threw him a  black spear.

"Well sorry, I'm trying to make sure she's not riding your coat tails." He shrugged.

"God. How am I going to explain this in Headquarters when they do some body check?" I squinted at him.

"Tell them you got a scuffle with  group of Primal," he said lazily. I threw him a rock.

"Exactly, why did you come in the university? And have to take a drastic measure to take me away?," I asked him turning serious as he closed his eyes.

"A Primordial Prizma was sighted." He said simply. "There was a call for all Prizmas and your lover would be in it too. If I didn't scare her enough. You will lose her, when the time comes."

"A Primordial? Don't tell me one of us has turned?" I bit my lip.

"Right-O. Its vi," He sighed. " that old lady tried to attain Godhood, she got consumed by fantasy." He then looked at me.

"How about you? Feeling funny?" He said checking me.

"I'm fine, just drained from mana because of vincula and the suppressants." I waved him off.

"Well, I can feel your girl is still unconscious from my spell. So the HECATE would not be able to allow her to participate."  He noted.

"Basically, you want to make a quick work on Vi... fine, I accept as thanks for pseudo-protecting Isabela," I get up.

"Ooooh so her name is Isabela... wait. A Madrigal?! Isn't that the flower girl? I knew there is something fishy between you two!" He clapped.

"Yes." I sighed summoning my robe and catalyst.The fallen cloak: Primal Eyes of Ophanim. Catalyst: End of the beginning.I removed the restraints and disguises, reverting to my black wavy hair and blood red crystal eyes.

"Wow, I haven't seen you wear that in years." Gregory commented donning his own armor, Amateratsu, tsukoyomi blessings and the sacred blade of Susanoo.

My clothes' appearance can be described as plain black armor with hundreds of invisible red eyes, the set include: sleeveless red tunic dress with jet black neck to chest to abdominal light armor piece, elbow to hand gauntlet, built in knee to foot guard boots and a half body hooded cape.

It was lined by blood red trimmings and couple of cursed charms. I then summoned the Manalith breaking it in half and feeding it to my armor and catalyst. My catalyst is a red cloth that wraps around and bandaged my gauntlet.

"I didn't  know you got a Manalith... sweet." He smiled. Gregory's armor is the opposite of mine. It was a full set of blood red japanese samurai armour with black trimmings and lines. He wore a demon helmet,  an inner tunic blessed with tsukoyomi, and his weapon is an electric spear full of inscriptions.

"Its an event of that school, not a fan though." I said while gathering my mana. "So when are we going to..." I looked at him as he sighed.

"Midday, HECATE reported to be seen in Tskit." He pinched his nose.

"The worst place you can hunt a Primordial,... is Aule going?" I grunted. As much as I can't stand her... she's a capable mage.

"Fortunately and unfortunately yes, the PrizmaMarron also lend his aid in barrier formation and PrizmaRosa will be taking the observation and relaying part."  He informed.

"But that location is swarming with primal daemon and Licht." I sighed. "Plus....you destroyed Baal." I glared at him.

He figets looking guilty. "Well...I...how about I forge you a better sword?"

"Really?" I deadpanned.

"Yes! Wait. You still have his half right?" He then took the other half of Baal. "Wait here," he then used a portal and left.

I sighed. I checked my body for injuries, so far everything is healed. I breathe unlocking the mana pool and letting it fill my body. I opened my eyes as I sense everything in the shadows.

"Aura," I activate the pure black crystal aura forming it in different shapes.

guitar...heart.... flower...
Isabela...laughing Isabela... stern Isabela.....

I formed a mini Isabela dancing on my palm as she showered the audience with flower petals.

I smiled watching her.

"Geezuz! You're far gone!" He make gagging noises. I threw him another rock.

"There... I contacted Merlin to fix Baal...and since it would take up...time here, I'll give you his set...and opposite Astaroth." He gave me a fucking halberd. "You can interchage it with Baal,"

This boy.... Baal is my SSS short sword, which has high defense and sharpness. It and can interchange to access the power of Astaroth. But he gave me Astaroth which is an SSS class halberd, which can also interchange to access the defense stat of Baal.


"This shit is too big to wield," I squinted at him. "I'm a mage-class, this will definitely drag me down in battle."

"Why don't we try it then," he smirked getting out of the cave. "I thought you can kick my ass with you in full strength?"

"I'll make you regret that," I steady myself and gripped the halberd with two hands.

Gregory just smiled waiting for me to attack.

I threw the weapon straight to him, his eyes grew wide as he deflect it. I low kicked him which he dodged jumping up. I slipped past him taking the halberd again and dashing to him.

He unsheathed his sword as I deflect it by twisting the halberd, pinning his sword and kicking him fully in the face.

"Urk," he stumbled as I stepped on his sword, untangling the halberd and putting it straight to his throat.

"Match. Gregory," I told him as he clapped.

"That was wild. I can't believe you can smoothly use weapons now." He smirked casting heal on himself.

"It's a talent," I said flicking my hair.

"Or a type of showing off for that little princess of yours?" He teased.

"What if it's that? Afterall ... I like seeing her drip with desire," I smirked, while Gregory groaned.

"Hold up, that's illegal... to hear... did you two did the deed already, " he fumed.

I laughed at his panicked face. "No...but we did kiss though," I said as he jawdropped.

"Aule will definitely kill her." He rolled his eyes. "But hey congratulations... you got your childhood wish." He laughed.

"What?" I asked him confused, spinning Astaroth.

"Oh you don't remember? You said that you won't be marrying Eula but the PrizmaVert. Oh she's gonna be so jealous, " he shook his head amused.

I blushed. Well... Isabela will look stunning in a wedding dress-

"And you got it so bad for her...anyway lets go, the earlier we finish the faster you can go to her and I won't be able to see your disgusting lovestrucked face," he fake barf.

He weaved a portal entering after. I followed him after a few seconds.

Just as Expected, the place was swarming with daemons.Gregory and I looked at eachother as we nodded.

"Let's find the Primordial first,"

We slowly advanced looking over the daemons feasting on something as we discreetly locate the target.

"It must be inside some kind of foggy area," Gregory said as we trudge the desert.

"Gregory... this is a desert at midday how can you see a fog?" I deadpanned.

I glanced at the horizon as the sand seemed to go on and on, large steep dunes occupied our view.

"I don't know?! Rosa still haven't contact me?" He hissed, walking continuously while talking and facing me.

He tapped his earpiece impatiently trying to contact the PrizmaRosa.

I sighed at his antics. I should just use a scanning spell but that might alert the numerous of Licht present...

"Maybe she bailed or something," he rambled as we passed a large dune. I observed the sand when something is out of place. A wet red patch... painted the sand. It goes below....

I followed the patches and saw a severed hand. I traced it and... there is a HECATE earpiece.

"Actually, aren't they late?" He waved. I looked at Gregory as I tugged his hand.

"What?" He snapped.

"You won't have to find her," I told him, pointing at the dune below, was a Prizma holder mutilated.

"What the-" he said shocked. "Then... she and her fragment died?"

"Probably... and I probably think... we stepped on a trap," I said bringing his head down when a flying whip about to decapitate him."We found our target,"

A humanoid white girl appeared with a prizm on her forehead and whips for hands. It let out a guttural scream. Only traces of violet hair remains on its scalp and her eyes was sewed shut.

"Damn that bitch called for back up!" He said slashing the daemons come in running and blasting off Licht that teleported in.

I focused on the area manifesting spear rain killing the most of the daemons and incapacitated some of the Licht, the remaining number is for Gregory to finish.

"Heads up! She's teleporting!" I warned Gregory when the Primordial appeared near him. I swing the halberd aiming at the limbs when it phases through her.

"Look out!" Gregory slashed the limb. "What are you doing?" He then used the shield to block the whip aiming at our torso.

"I forgot...it can generate illusions," I groaned, well if that's how it going to play... Activating Primal Eyes of Ophanim... I then closed my eyes.

The armor scanned the surroundings including objects, monsters and people's magical capacity. It then transmits the information in the form of aura that I can feel. I paired it in with Instinct, a move that increases the sensitivity to danger like how bats use echolocation.

"There!" I swing the halberd aiming at the right, slashing the Primordial who then back up.

It screeches holding her bleeding arm.

"Damn, so there is the true body," Gregory said. "Aura Instinct." He casted. Oozing his aura in the field to detect the enemy, like how a spider catches a prey.

"Gotcha!" He then threw aura infused sword slashes, the limbs were cut one by one...

I breathed forming a mana bow and arrow.
'Black out' I released the arrow aiming at its prizm, breaking it.

"Did we get it?" Gregory pants, the thing groaned and buckles.

"It's not disappearing," I told him.

The body released a purple fume revealing... five...no.... ten violet prizm?

"What is that..." Gregory stared at the numerous prizm.

"Well, we finally confirmed it," A white haired woman clapped. "Hey Darling.. miss me?" Aule winked, I frowned.

Aule is wearing a Wislaneti saintess clothes: white with yellow trimming and an emblem with 8 wings and a partial armour like mine and holy staff.

"Care to explain this...Now!" I squinted at her.

"Patience...patience," she tsked.

"Stop with the theatrics Chuez!" Gregory threw a mana dagger barely missing her throat.

"Oh? You're here? I thought its going to be a date," she laughed. "Okay okay, cannibalism," she pointed at the thing that evolved into a tentacled  mass.

"Apparently, the progenitor of Violette is able to influence their next-generation by injecting and replacing one's memory when they touched the Violette heirloom.... leading to years of cannibalism. Looks like the limit is ten." She then shrugged like its not a big deal.

"Ten?! That's mana six times bigger than ours!" Gregory commented. "Fine... I wanted to blow some steam anyway,"

"Yes! Isn't that fun?" Aule licked her lips.

I sighed...I can't deny that it's been a while to let loose.

"Sorry we're late, PrizmaMarron is here," The Marron fragment knight announced.

"Get back to position we will seal them inside," a burly man voice boomed.

"But sir," the knight argued.

"Unless you wanna join them and disintegrate inside," He said as he casted Ultima: Crystallized Abyss a Prizma grade shield.

"Those prodigies are non human... you could argue they are the modern Primordial Progenitor of their respective Prizma." He then sighed.

A huge barrier was casted turning the surroundings yellow with its hue.

"So Marron casted his ultima," Gregory said squinting. "He's still afraid of us, cute,"

"We don't look human when we go all out," I commented while poking Aule to maintain her distance.

"Chee~ I thought we're going to be alone. Eat dirt Gregory!" She then blasted the red-haired who blocked it.

"Pack it up horny bitch, how can a person like you become a saintess," he snorted.

"Enough arguing and look alive!" I made a mana shortsword and cut one tentacle. Which only regenerated in less than a minute.

"Let's let loose!" Gregory shouted. "Ultima: Demon Rouge," Gregory casted turning into a Oni samurai with bleeding eyes, red skin with blue markings.

"Ultima: Wislaneti's Vessel," Aule casted turned into an angel-like being, retained her normal appearance but with an addition of halo and white markings.

"Ultima: Equilibrium Nephilim," My body turned into an Adult version of myself with long black hair and bloody red eyes. Black markings run down my body, while two horns and a tail sprouted.

"AHN~♡ its been a while since I felt terrifying power of My...Dar...Ling!" Aule moaned.

I ignored her and used the combination of clairvoyance, instinct and my armor passive skills. Astaroth in my hand turned into its unleashed form with eye on the middle of the blade and its black pole changed to bloody red.

I swung it in time with my summons. "Noct: Void," I slashed infused with black aura sucking the flesh of the tentacle from the inside and arrow summons that pinned it down.

"Rubrum: Bloody Sun Blade," Gregory casted with a demonic voice. "Sword dance.Omnidirectional,"He then incapacitated the tentacles... but before it can regenerate I follow with Rot, using the skills from the Manalith which evolved to disintegrate.

"MmmmHm thats my darling~" Aule grinned. "Alba: Heaven's final judgment, Saintess call of purification!" Aule casted as pure white blast with sparkling light enveloped the thing.

It reveals 10 bodies of Primordial.

"After all of that attack it only separates the body," Gregory growled.

"The important part is they are weakened," I said. "Noct: Abysmal shot!" I used Astaroth as a bow and input 60% of my mana in four arrows.

The ten beings immediately reacted but the two are slower the arrow pierced their prizm. They disintegrated.

"G҉r҉a҉a҉a҉a҉a҉a҉a҉a҉,"  Gregory growled as he burried his sword on the ground and charged slashed two enemies mutilating them and breaking their prizma. He then breathed inferno flames incapacitating the four.

"In God's eyes we are equal... but thou shall who stray and disobey God will suffer eternal damnation: Last call of Heaven!" Aule prayed and casted boosting our stats while weakening the enemies.

I grunted displeased with wielding such a huge weapon."Gregory, you really need to give me back my old weapon."Nocti Lumos: Distorted Equilibrium." I released a huge mana slash aiming at the incapacitated disintegrating them. Then dodged the remaining four.

Damn they are fast, I switched to hand to hand combat and incorporated spear rain and strengthen my physical body with aura.

This is all fine but the more the battle dragged on the more I'm being drained physically. I tried to hit the prizm on the being's thigh but he countered by manifesting tentacles.

I dodged as the two come at me. I can see Aule casting Michael's purification and charging on the one of them, slashing the prism but the other one teleported in and pierced her arm.

Gregory then intercepted it but the last two hit him on his back. I threw Astaroth to one of them when it dodged and one of them slashed my leg and hit my stomach sending me to Gregory.

"Oof," I groaned as Gregory panted."These damn bastards are tough to beat." A Primordial slashed his face and his chest. I tried to help him but one of them slits my face and my eye.

"Little less talk and help oni boy!" Aule held her staff and cast another weakening spell but it seems ineffective. "Fuck," the pierced area began to show infections.

I panted as my mana dwindled. That hand to hand took some stamina out of me.

Only three left but they are getting faster and they are regenerating even more. We are losing a battle... hah its expected when you fight an enemy that equates to 10 prizma....truly only prizma can kill prizma.

I sighed as Isabela's smiling face flashed in my mind, so are my other friends... Mirabel, Dolores, Mariano, Camilo, Luisa, small Antonio, Mulan and Rapunzel. We need to win this one way or another.

"Aule, I need you to boost me," I commanded.

"What are you planning to do?" Gregory said as his face now filled with gashes from the repeated encounter almost half dead.

"Turning to phase two," I told him simply. There was no other way. I can also feel my wounds and my eye burning.

"Idiot! You might change into full Primordial if you are not careful," Gregory argued as Aule nodded.

"Like we have other choice...either we die here and released this ......or have a chance to survive by killing a newborn Primordial Noir.....Plus I trust my darling," she said boosting me.
"Aquainted Call, Fate of the world,"

"You both are crazy," Gregory sighed readying himself. "Don't worry y/n I'll protect your princess," he whispered the last part to me

"Hah, you better be," I said before casting. "I'm sorry Isabela....,"

"Void cast: Noct Lumos Harbringer of Dawn," I felt my body turned into a half Primordial with black humanoid form red lines, red crystal eyes, sharp teeth, claws and tail.

R̵̻̻̮̳̩̿̉̀͜ͅA̸̧͖̝̯̟̺̠͍̹͙̽͂̄̑̚͠Ả̵̗̬̫͔̣̗͍̬̔̇̃͜ͅA̸̢̛̹͙̤͔̲̐͒̀͒̿̈́͛ͅA̵̪̱̝̥̿̾̍̇́͘̕A̸̢̩͕̬͎̓̾̈́͠ ̸̖̗̲̘̓͆̔Ǔ̷̠̹̻͔͚͆̀͛G̵̰̤̭̖̿̒̅̈́̈͐͘͝͝Ḩ̵̝͉̫̬̮̮̈̀̇̆͠͝H̵̖̭͇͘Ḩ̷̢̻͈̟͔͚̻̀̉͊̀̕͜͝A̶̪̯̝̔̑̒̌̒̂̊̑̚͜A̴̹͌̑̊̅̋͂Á̶̼̩́͒̚͝Ä̷͙̞̙̞͔͕́̍́̈͂́̓͋͝A̶̛̪̮̗̼̾̿̌̾̋̏͆͘Ā̵̢̛͖̺͓͎̱̺̦͎͙͆̕͠Ǎ̷̢̱͇̭̱̳̗̘̓A̵̠̭͔͛̓̄̊͋̈́A̸̲̞̜̦͙̦̤͇͌̈́̍̚ 

I felt overwhelming hatred as I tear the limbs of one of the Primordial.

'I want to be free..... please kill me' I heard its thoughts as I punched the prizm out of its eye.

'Thank you.'I opened its chest cavity and ripped it to shreds, showering me with red.

I then caught the other one by my tail strangling it as it begged for mercy "please....we wont do it again... I won't offer my child again please spare-" I punctured his heart grabbing the prizm and crushing it.

The last one with a prism on its neck. It growled and bite my arm. "YOU!!! YOU!! I AM A GOD!! A GODDDD..." A man's voice filled my mind. " I am close... so close but that woman....that woman ruined it by commiting suicide with her lover. SO CLOSE!"

I threw him creating a void on my hand and released it cutting off his leg. Blood sputtering as  I grind his innards. "YOU WILL PAY! YOU WILL! HAHAHHAHAAH you think you are all that?!" It sputtered black blood.

"PRIZMANOIR YOU THINK YOU CAN REGAIN YOUR HUMANITY AFTER CROSSING THE BRIDGE? I'll tell you.... you will not!" I shut him up with a blast on his mouth, gripping his neck and crushing it along with its prizm.

"y/n?" Gregory asked me, he is now back to normal, supporting the fainted Aule. "Can you turn back?"

I closed my eyes and tried to cancel the form.


A static voice invaded my mind. It was bloodthirsty, destructive and malicious.


I growled fighting it down while its attempting to control of my body. I held my head and digging my fingers to it.


I kneeled down fighting it... it felt like hours....months... a year.

"DAMN IT!!!! GET YOURSELF TOGETHER Y/N," I faintly hear some boy's voice.


The voice became clearer as I'm losing the mental battle letting it took over.


"SHIT! WHAT ABOUT ISABELA! PLEASE DO IT FOR HER," I heard someone pleading.
That word.
What is it?
Is Isabela a flower?
No... its something warm.
A hug...
A kiss.
I see a woman dancing... I reached out my hand to her... desperate to feel her silky hair... her cheeks.. her lips...
my knight and only mine. Eksa.

I flinched as the form melted away from my body in pile of goo...I saw Gregory ran with my good eye and hugged me.

"Geezuz what took you so long? You crystallized and... and I thought you are gone! You're banned from doing that again." Gregory cried.

"I didn't know I'll be alive after that..." I laughed.

"You've been crystallized for 1 day. Do you know what we're thinking? That you are transforming there." I saw him with bandaged and bleeding hand.

Aule also looks battered. "Damn it wifey," she hugged me. "You owe us for not letting HECATE touch you while you're taking your sweet time!"

I looked at them and the Mages of HECATE.

"PrizmaNoir, we apologized for the initial actions... we thought you will not make it," the elder looked at me as he said apologetically bowing to me.

"Well that's understatement," Gregory scowled as Aule nodded.

"I don't normally agree with this numbskull but yeah," she squinted.

"It's fine but can somebody heal me.... my wounds are burning as hell," I groaned feeling the mana drain keep up too.

HECATE gave us S class potions and an extended vacation for the three of us, as thanks for almost get killed by amalgamation of PrizmaViolette.

"I'll heal you my wifey! Saints prayer: Pure Devotion," Aule casts while snuggling to me.

"Oi!" Gregory pinched her ears trying to let her go of me.

"Ouch you brute," she snapped.

"Stop it you two, I can't drink the potion with both of you rocking me and sloshing the precious potion." They stopped while I drank fifteen vials for mana drain and another five for physical drain. Aule then steadily healed my eye and my bitten parts.

"I can't fully restore the flesh in a hundred percent but it should be enough for you to walk with crutch and eyepatch for about a month." She said. "Can I get a kiss for my services?"

"You offered so no." I deadpanned.

"Kyaa- your coldness is the best wifey," she put a thumbs up. "So where are you going now after this? Are you going to wander again?" She asked being nosey.

I looked at her then opened a portal. "The work is done so I'm going." I opened the portal near the institution sealing my powers, disguising myself and changed my clothes.

I sighed, 'back to plain old Eksa.'

I was about to limp away when a heavy hand slapped me.

"Going so soon?" It's Gregory.

"What are you doing?" I shoved him. "Don't YOU have something else to do?"

"Nope the old men told us we can have a free vacation and for a minimum of one to two months TOPS!" He grinned.

"So?" I asked him limping away and using Astaroth as my crutch.

"I applied as your substitute teacher! YEY!" he made a peace sign as I squinted.

"You're kidding," I told him about to whack him.

"Nope, its now Mr. Heins to you,"  he puffed.

I kicked his shin.

PrismaNoir  in the pic. Credits to the artist

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