Winx Club Adventures (EDITING)

By WinxClubLuver1413

19K 427 53

The Winx Club girls have many dangerous adventures ahead of them, and they need to summon all of their streng... More

Winx Club Adventures
Chapter 1: Wait what? I'm a fairy?!
Chapter 3: Special Fairies Need A Name
Chapter 4: Mission of A Lifetime
Chapter 5: Charmix Time
Chapter 6:New Friends and Vacation Time
Chapter 7: Beach Fun And The Sacrifice
Chapter 8: Finding Alora
Chapter 9: Just Another Normal Day
Note :)
Chapter 10: The New Girl and The Rose Festival
Chapter 11: Today Just Wasn't Our Day
Another note
Chapter 12: Time For A Break
Chapter 13: Party Time

Chapter 2: First Day Nerves and A Not So Amazing Dance

1.4K 32 4
By WinxClubLuver1413

Chapter 2

Sara's P.O.V.

'This is it, Dorm 25. Here goes nothing' I thought. I pushed open the door to find all five girls sitting in the main room. "Um hi." I said nervously. "I'm Sara. Mrs. Faragonda said that this my dorm." I said, showing them the map with the dorm number circled in red.

One of the girls walked up to me.

She had long blond hair and amber colored eyes. "Looks like your right. I'm Carissa, Princess of Solaria and Fairy of the Shining Sun." She said holding her hand out to me. I shook it gently.

"I'm Fireis." A girl with fire red hair and cyan colored eyes said. "Princess of Domino and Fairy of the Dragon Flame."

"Aqua. Princess of Andros and Fairy of Waves." Another girl, one with short, dark reddish-brown hair said.

"Electra. Princess of Electros, Fairy of Electricity." A girl with electric blue hair said. "And that's Digi. She's the Princess of Zenith and Fairy of Technology. She also doesn't talk much." She continued, pointing at the purple haired girl sitting beside her, who I assumed was Digi.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm actually from Earth so I'm not used to all of this." I said gesturing with my hands. "It's okay, Sara. We can help you with anything." Carissa said and they all jumped up did goofy poses. "Haha okay. I'll take you up on that offer. So um, which room is mine?" I asked. "My room." Aqua said. "Okay I'll put my stuff in there later." I replied.

"So Sara do you have any idea what your power is?" Fireis asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, but for some reason I always love being around nature, and my dad says that I have a gift with music." They all looked at each other. "We should talk to Mrs. Faragonda. Now." Electra said. "C'mon lets go!" Carissa yelled and dragged me out of the room.


"Mrs. Faragonda, we need to speak with you right now." Aqua said bursting through the door. "Oh my, what do you need to talk about?" Aqua looked at Carissa. "We think that Sara might be a fairy with two powers." Carissa explained. She nudged me. "They only think that because I told them that I feel better when I'm around nature and because I have a natural gift with music." I said, eyes on the ground.

"Well I believe that they are right. I sense that you are a very powerful fairy, but not at powerful as the fairies of the Dragon Flame, because their power is the most ancient. But you are still a powerful fairy." She told me. "And I believe that you are a fairy of nature and music." "Wow. This is really a lot to take in." I said. "Oh don't worry Sara, you have all of us to help you. Now you six should go back to your dorm, you have a busy day tomorrow." Mrs. Faragonda told us. "Goodbye Mrs. Faragonda!"


"Hey Aqua, can you help me with my stuff?" I called from the main room."Sure Sara" she replied. "Thanks. My dad made me pack ALL my stuff." I said, exaggerating on the 'all'. "Bummer haha." She replied. "Oh look! My first piano recital video is here." I read the sticky note on it. 'I thought you would want this. Love you sweetheart! -Dad' "Aw my dad is so nice to remember this for me. We should watch this and some of my other videos tonight." I said turning to Aqua. "Sure lets finish this and find the girls."

"Took you long enough!" Carissa joked. "Sorry I brought a lot of stuff with me." I responded with a big smile. "Let's watch these videos! I got popcorn!" Fireis exclaimed walking into the room followed by Digi, both girl's hands full. "Here let me help you with that." Electra walked over to them and grabbed a couple of bowls. "Now lets watch Sara's awesome musical skills." Carissa said excitedly.


"Sara wake up. Classes start in an hour and we need to get ready." "M'Kay one sec." I mumbled. Hearing the door close I open my eyes and get up. Heading to my dresser I grabbed some clothes to change into I head into the main room. "Hey Electra, where's the bathroom?" I ask her. "First door on the left, down that hallway." She responded, pointing to one of the hallways. "Kay thanks." Heading into the bathroom I start with my normal routine for getting ready.

"Sara, please hurry up, some of us still need to get ready." Carissa said from outside the bathroom. "I'm almost done. Give me a second." I said while I finished straitening my dark navy hair. I walked out of the room quickly and dashed to my room, looking for the papers Mrs. F gave me. "Aha." I said aloud, as I found them sitting on one of the desks. I grabbed them and went to the main room with the other girls.

"So, you ready for your first day of classes at Alfea?" Fireis asked me. "I donno. I'm a little nervous." I admitted. "Well let's see what classes you have." Carissa said grabbing my page. "Hmm. Seems like you have Beginners Potionology first with me and Fireis, Biotrasformation 101 with Aqua and Electra, lunch with all of us, Magical History with Digi, Transformation and Defense class with all of us and a special tutor session with Mrs. F." "Wait, transformation? I don't know how to transform yet!" I freaked. "Calm down, don't worry. For the first few weeks it's all desk work, then we move on to the transformation part." Fireis explained. "Phew, okay I'm good." I breathed. "Besides, that's the class where they teach you how to transform. Hence, 'transformation'." Carissa said. "Okay we should get going. I don't want to be late on my first day." I said. "Lets go!" Fireis yelled.


Classes went by so fast I only remembered bits and pieces of them.


"Welcome to Beginners Potionology. I'm Professor Palladium. This year we will be focusing on basic potions and magical solutions. Does anyone have a favorite potion?"


"Good morning class. Welcome to Biotransformation 101. I'm Professor Wizgiz. The goal to be accomplished by the end of the year is for all of you to be able to transform into a different form."


"Good morning and welcome to Magical History class. I am Professor Avalon. Can anyone tell me anything about the history of the magical dimension?"


"Welcome to Transformation and Defense class. In a month we will be practicing transforming and defending ourselves in the case that we are attacked. For now, we will just be studying the origin of our powers."


"I'm so glad that we only have one more class, then we can go shopping for dresses for the dance tonight. I can't wait to see Alex." Carissa said anxiously. "What dance?" I asked. "Oh ya we forgot to tell you, every year Mrs. Faragonda holds a dance and the boys from Red Fountain are invited." Fireis explained. I just nodded. "I have to get to Mrs. Faragonda's office for special tutoring." "Okay meet us back in the dorm after and we'll all go shopping together." Carissa said. "M'kay bye girls." I said and headed to Mrs. F's office.


"Hi Mrs. Faragonda." I said. "Hello Sara. How was your day so far?" Mrs. F asked. "Good. I just found out that there is going to be a dance tonight." I responded. "Oh yes. I'm guessing Carissa told you?" I nodded. "We are all going shopping after classes are done to get our dresses." I explained. "Well I hope you find something nice. Anyways, I promised your dad that I would make your last class into a special class me. I am hoping to help you tap into your power and practice using magic. Why don't we start." She said. I nodded.


"C'mon we need to find the perfect dresses for tonight!" Fireis exclaimed. "Especially for you Sara. I heard Mrs. Faragonda and Mrs. Griselda talking about asking you to perform at the dance!" Carissa said excitedly. "They want me to perform? That's awesome!" I yelled. "C'mon we better hurry, Fireis looks like she's going to explode." Electra joked. "Let's go!" Aqua yelled.

"What about this one?" Aqua asked me. I turned around. She was wearing a purple and midnight blue floor length one shoulder dress with a sparkled belt at the waist. "It looks amazing!" I almost yelled. She laughed. "Sold!" She yelled. It was my turn to laugh.

"Hey Sara try this one on." Carissa handed me a dress. Running into a change room I threw it on. I looked in the mirror. It was a magenta and light pink floor length halter dress with rhinestones on the skirt part of the dress and dark red designs all over it. "Carissa it's perfect!" I yelled. I could here her laughing. "Well as a fashionista, I always know what's perfect." She responded. I changed out of the dress and went to help the other girls.

"Hey Carissa I found one you might like." I yelled. "What." She said coming out from around the corner. "Here." I handed her the dress. She ran in to a change room. About a minute later she came out to show me. I had grabbed a floor length strapless gold dress with silver ribbons. "Oh Sara I love it. I'm totally getting this one." She exclaimed. "Yay!" I yelled. She laughed.


"Does everyone have a dress?" Fireis asked. "Yup. Lets go we only have an hour until the dance starts." Electra said.

"Girls we look amazing!" I yelled. "I know right." Carissa responded. "C'mon the dance is about to start." Electra said, pushing us out the door.


"Welcome everyone. I would like to have one very special fairy come up on stage right now. Sara Harmony, would you please come up here?" I walked onto the stage. "Sara is going to perform for us." She said. I sat down at the piano and started playing some of the songs I was taught. I also played a few songs that I had composed myself. As soon as I had finished my songs everyone cheered. I curtsied and walked offstage.

"Sara that was awesome!" Fireis cheered as soon as I walked over to our group. "Thanks." I replied. "Oh hey Sam. What are you doing here?" I asked. "I go to Red Fountain." He replied. "Oh. I probably should realized that earlier." I joked. "Sara how do you know Sam?" Carissa asked me. "Oh he was driving the boat that came to pick me up." I explained.

"Alex!" Carissa suddenly yelled. And I turned around to see the guys. "Hey Caribear." Alex said while hugging her. "Oh hey Sara." He said to me. "Hey." I responded. "Wait how do you know the guys?" Fireis asked me. "We came to pick her and Sam up from Lake Roccaluce." Alex explained for me. "Yup." I said, popping the p. "Okay." Carissa replied. "Hey Sara, do you want to dance?" Sam asked me. "Sure." I replied and we went off to the dance floor.

"Sara theres something I want to tell you. I-" He was cut off by the wall exploding. I let out a tiny shriek. "It's ok." He whispered in my ear. "It's just some stupid witches." "Sara!" I heard Carissa yell. "I'm over here!" I yelled. "C'mon Mrs. Faragonda needs us!" Electra yelled. I got up and ran to them, as best I could in heels.

"Girls I need you to try to drive those witches back to Cloudtower." "Yes Ma'am." The other girls said and ran to the broken wall. "But Mrs. F what do I do? I can't transform." I asked. "If you believe in yourself you can." She told me. "Ok. I hope your right." I turned and ran to the wall. The girls had already transformed. 'Here goes nothing.' I thought.


I felt a burning sensation spread all over me and a bright light blind me. As soon as the light faded I looked down at my dress. Instead of seeing the dress I was wearing before, I saw a short green and pink dress, and short green ankle boots. My hair was down, and my bangs fell across my face. " I did it! I transformed!" I yelled in delight. I felt my wings flutter slightly. "Time to fly." I said under my breath.

I jumped into the air and flew up to the girls. They were already fighting the three witches. "Sara!" Carissa yelled when she saw me. "You transformed!" "Yup. Now lets beat these witches." I responded. "Solar Flare!" Carissa yelled throwing her hands towards one of the witches. "Sonic Shadow!" She yelled, aiming at Carissa. She dodged it with ease. "Fire Arrow!" "Mechanical Mayhem!" I heard Fireis and Electra attacking one of the other witches.

The last witch came after me. "Get back here, pixie!" She yelled. "Heck no!" I yelled back and flew away from her. "Grr. Electric Twister!" She yelled. A giant tornado came after me. "Eek!" I screeched. 'Attack it!' My brain yelled at me. 'I don't know how!' I mentally slapped my brain. 'Think Sara think.' I thought. 'Aha.' "Bass Boom!" I yelled, throwing my hands towards the witch. My spell hit her and she fell to the ground screaming.

'Now to hold her down.' I thought. "Emerald Ivy!" I yelled and thick green vines trapped her and pinned her to the ground. "Guys I got a witch!" I yelled to the girls. "Go Sara!" Fireis yelled. I smiled. I turned to the witch. "I'll be back to deal with you later." I told her and flew up to help the girls.

"Ice Storm!" Another witch yelled and shot ice at Digi and Aqua. "Hey leave my friends alone!" I yelled and dived at her. "What are you going to do about it?" She asked me. "This." I said. "Harmonic Attack!" It hit her directly and she fell to the ground. She landed with a thud. "Enchanted Nip!" I yelled and more vines came and pinned her to the ground as well.

"Carissa one left!" I yelled. "Alright let's do this girls!" She yelled. "All together." Fireis said. "Lunar Eclipse!" "Fury of the Dragon!" "Mechanical Mayhem!" "Underwater Currents!" "Super Prism!" "Harmonic Attack!" I yelled last. Our attacks hit the last witch right in the chest and she fell to the ground with the other two. "I'll trap her!" I yelled. "Vine Wrap!" More vines tied her to a tree.

We all landed on the ground. "We did it!" Electra yelled. "Good job girls. I'll have to tell Mrs. Griffin that three of her girls destroyed part of our school and wrecked our party." Mrs. Faragonda said walking out of the hole in the building.

"I can't believe we just beat three witches, I transformed, and we beat three witches!" I almost yelled. "You said 'beat three witches' twice." Aqua told me. "I know." I replied. "Girls you should all go to bed. After fighting three witches you are probably exhausted." Mrs. Faragonda told us. "Don't have to tell me twice." I said loudly.

We all said goodbye to the guys and headed up to our dorm. "Well that was a long day so I'm heading to bed now. Night girls." I said while yawning.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.



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