Top Gun: G-Force

By Catnoirxladybug07

33.1K 728 280

A Top Gun fanfiction that takes place after the events of Top Gun: Maverick. The story will follow the young... More

Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Becase she was inverted
Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
She knows... He doesn't
Girls Night!
A Few Weeks Later...
Jessica "Jade's Mom" Pearl
Beach Soccer
Dinner at Penny's
Just a Girl and her Mom
Holy Shit, It's Maverick and Goose
My Girl?!
I'm as Right as the Mail
Home, she's finally going Home
Janson's Trail
The Exam
Clear for Take Off
Top Gun Class
All Hands on Deck
Penny Benjamin? Yes
In the Air Again
31 days Until Doom
Doom Squad
Highway to Hell
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye
! Top Gun: Accelerate !

You get a RIO! You get a RIO! You all get a RIO!

996 27 9
By Catnoirxladybug07

Family weekend was two weeks ago. The pilots were so close to the finish line. They had three weeks until graduation. The class moral was sinking as they dreaded the approaching of finals, but they all rejoiced because they all had enough flight points to graduate by this time in the program. Stealer and Renegade were fighting for the Top Gun Trophy, but Renegade was still many points ahead. 

The students sat in class wondering just what Maverick had left to teach them. When Maverick walked into class he quickly explained what would be going down this week, "Alright so, if you are H20, Malcolm or Wildcard. Looks like you'll have an easy week. This week, due to the large amount of Pilots without an assigned RIO, Admiral Beau asked me to make sure you are all properly trained with a RIO. I will give you your pairs of which RIO in the class you'll be working with. Then at the end of the week, Thursday and Friday, you all will be paired with Rooster as your RIO and with your wingman against me in a dogfight. Understand?" Everyone nodded, "Alright so these pilots will be working with this RIo. Alright, Fox, Mayday, and Broadway you'll be working with Miles. You four can go in the conference room across the hall. Miles make sure they know what they need to ask of you. You may go now. Alright, Falcom and Stealer with Tango. You guys can go out in the hall. That leaves Renegade and Hawk with Parrot. Pilots who have these assigned RIOs you go and join in and teach the other pilots your routine. Dismissed. Oh the third group can stay here." 

Parrot and H20 immediately began explaining that Parrot as a RIO was responsible for navigation, the radar and communications. So while in the air, they'd be responsible for keeping communications up, monitoring the radar, and calling out where bogies are. They all nodded, it was simple enough. H20 explained to Hawk and Renegade that having a RIO is all about paying attention to them, and not letting your ego get in the way. When you get sent on tough missions you'll get paired with someone, not because you aren't a good pilot, but because the mission is highly stressful. Pilots are human, and the last thing you need in a intense mission is only having yourself to rely on. Parrot then expressed, "You do your pilot shit, and let me do my RIO shit. All will be well. easy peasy." 

With this class was dismissed, saying that they could schedule times to practice with the tower. They were also told by Maverick that they should schedule a meeting with Bradley because you should always get to know your RIO before you go up in the air that way you don't let the confusion of a new person in the cockpit overlook the real task at hand, not dying that is. 

As everyone excited Jade sat there anxiously, it wasn't the fact that she was flying with a RIO. She could do that, that was easy enough. If anything it took more pressure off of her while she was trying to fly. There isn't much need for them currently, they also manage weapons, or some of them. However, when flying older models like f-14s they were needed. Maverick and Rooster proved with the Dagger Mission that you never know what type of fighter jet you might find yourself in. No, Jade wasn't worried about that. Parrot and her got along anyway so there wasn't anything to worry about there. She honestly couldn't pinpoint what was making her anxious. That was until Maverick called after the exiting students, "Hang in there aviators! This hop is number 31! Only a few more before graduation. But you all have enough points to graduate, so just get out there do your best and be ready for your finals." 

That's why Jade was anxious, Hop 31 two weeks to graduation. That was the hop that Goose died on. Jade remembered when she was younger, 

Jade's mother had taken her over to her Uncle Ice's house for dinner, like they usually did on Fridays. Jessica, Carole and Sarah, Ice's wife, had all been close friends. This fateful Friday the adults were talking while dinner was cooking, when the two youngsters ran in both crying and refusing to talk to each other. The adults were super confused, they weren't sure what had happened. That was until, through the tears, Bradley stated, "Her dad is Mav." That was when Carole took Bradley out of the room, and Ice took Jade to his office to explain why Bradley was upset with her. The women talking to Bradley explaining that Jade had no clue who he was or what happened. Ice on the other hand, explained what had happened that fateful hop while the three of them -Mav, Goose and Ice - were at Top Gun. Jade didn't quite understand. So Ice decided to play the recordings of the radio of the crash. Yes, Ice was stupid and traumatized a child. Please note that this was before his eldest was born, and learned NOT to play violent comm recordings to young children. Especially when its of their dad for all purposes killing their best friends dad. In conclusion it was not a proud Uncle Ice moment. Anyway, this is what Jade heard, 

Jester: Okay gentlemen this is hop thirty-one; two weeks to graduation. Top Gun Trophy is still up for grabs, every point counts. 

Goose: Well its bottom of the ninth the score is tied its time for the big one.

Ice: You up for this one, Maverick? 

Maverick: Just a walk in the park, Kazansky. 

Slider: Contact. Multiple Bogies, 1,6,5. 2 miles, looks like they're going away from us. 

Maverick: Oh, I see them. Tally-ho. Right two o'clock. I'm in. 

Ice: I'm in. 


Maverick: That son of a bitch cut me off. 


Maverick: Come on, Come on. Jesus Christ. Ice take the shot. 

Goose: Come on Ice, get the hell out of there. 

Ice: I can't get the angle. Too close for missiles, I'm switching to guns. 

Maverick: Ice, fire or clear. ... Look at this, Jesus Christ. I could take a shot right here. 

Ice: I need another twenty seconds then I've got it.

Maverick: I'm moving in, I've got the shot. 

Goose: Come on Mav, lets get in there. Come on Mav. 

Slider: Mav's getting impatient come on Ice take the shot. 

Ice: Ten more seconds then I've got uhm. 

Goose: Come on Ice get the hell out of there! Let's do it Mav. 

Maverick: Ice! Come off high right, I'm in. 

Ice: Five more seconds. 

Maverick: Come off high right, Ice, I'm in. 

Ice: I'm off. Shit! 


Goose: We're in his jet wash. 


Maverick: Ho! Oh, SHit. 

Goose: s'not good. shit we've got a flame out, Mav. Engine one is out. Engine two is out. 

Maverick: Goose I'm loosing control. I'm loosing control, I can't. I can't control it. It won't recover, shit. 

Goose:  We're out of control. We're out of control. s'not good. 

Ice: Mayday, Mayday, Mav's in trouble. He's in a flat spin heading out to sea. 

Goose: Altitude 8,000. 7,000. 6, were at six Mav. Ah, ah. 

Maverick: I'm pinned forward Goose, I can't reach the ejection handle. Goose, you're gonna have to punch us out. 

Goose: I can't reach the ejection handle.

Maverick: EJECT! 

Goose: I'm trying. 


*boom, boom, bang* 

When the tapes had ended, little Jade was in fact traumatized. Ice had whipped the tears off of her face. But instead of Jade crying more, she jumped off of Ice's lap and ran to her mother and Bradley who were still in the living room. Jade gave Bradley the biggest hug, and said she was sorry. Even if it wasn't her fault. Bradley said it wasn't her fault, and the two have been inseparable since. 

Jade was brought back to the present by Bradley sitting in the chair next to her, "You alright there Renegade?" Jade looked around her, Emma, Parrot, Hawk, and Maverick were also surrounding her. This made her panic even more, but instead of freezing she felt like she couldn't breathe. So she quickly stood up and rushed out into the hallway. Once, she was out of the room, Maverick told everyone to just let her be and she'd be alright. Bradley didn't listen and went after her. 

Bradley found Jade sitting on a bench just outside of the classroom, "Hey, hey, it's alright little Mitchell calm down." 

Jade exploded then, "How can you say that Bradley?! Do you not realize what's happening?! Hop thirty-one, you as my RIO. It's too similar, I can't... Stupid Ice for making me listen to that damn tape, but it was the only way for me to understand. I don't know if I can do this Bradley. I told Ice I would never have a RIO for this reason, I got over that, but YOU as my RIO on that day. I don't know if I can do that." Jade bounced her leg, Bradley was trying to talk to her but it didn't work. The others who were still in the classroom before - Hawk, Mav, H20 and Parrot - exited the classroom and Jade hoped up, "Parrot, if there is an opening can we go up now?" Parrot looked at Bradley wondering if it was a good idea or not." Bradley nodded towards Parrot, if anything Jade needed to be up in the air. Mav told Hoch to tell the tower that two students will be going up during proposed class time today. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jade was now up in the air with Parrot, simply getting used to each other's presence in the cockpit. They were doing greatly, until a voice called from the tower. 

Viper: "This is commander Metclaf. How are you Renegade? How about you come down now?" 

Renegade agreed and signaled to the tower. Later, answering their call with, 'Renegade's got the ball" 

Once back on the ground, Jade exits her plane and takes a walk with Viper back inside, "So Mr.Metclaf what are you doing here?" 

Viper simply laughed, "Well, Maverick called me. Said he didn't know what to do, thought I could help. Told me I probably know who your father was. I laughed and hung up on him saying I'll be over." 

This made Renegade smile and she let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding, "Wow, yeah. Might as well just say what's going on and not waste anymore time. Here's the gist, I'm fine with a RIO. You saw me up there with Parrot. I don't prefer one, but I know how to work with them." 

Viper prompted her to continue, "So, then what's the issue?" 

Jade stopped walking, shaking her head, almost trying to shake the thought away of what was coming up this Friday, "The test sir, it is with Bradley. Sir, its. There is too many similarities. Hop 31, two weeks to graduation. Too similar to Goose, what if I hurt Bradley. I can't shake the feeling." 

Viper turned to face Jade, "Jade, you need to let it go. What happened was not your fault." 

Jade looked at Viper, "I know, but sometimes I can't help but feel like it was... there was so many factors with that day. Not everyone knows what happened. What if, jet washes scare the shit out of me sir. Damn Ice for making me listen to that damn tape." 

Viper looked appalled, "He... you've heard the tape?" 

Jade nodded, "Yes, that's why I told myself if I went to Top Gun. I'd play it safe, no RIO's. Now, now Bradley will be with me. I'm just nervous that's all. I just, I can't get their voices out of my head." 

Viper looked very upset, "You should have never heard it. Has Bradley listened to it?" 

jade once again nodded, continuing walking inside, "More than I did. Every time I was at Ice's I snuck into his office to listen to it. I, it was the only way I ever heard my father's voice, until. Well, until the Dagger Mission tapes were released. Even then, I only heard what was released for study. I only heard Mav in person this year." 

Viper shook his head, "You poor class of '86 kids. Listen you'll be alright. Just follow your instincts and you'll be okay. Or if anything happens it won't be your fault. Also, your jets are a lot safer than an f-14. They've thankfully fixed the canopy issue." 

Jade nodded, "yes, you're right. I just need to trust my gut. Don't over analyze. But, what if my gut tells me everything is gonna go wrong?" 

Now at the door of the ladies locker room, Viper ends the conversation, "Then your RIO is there to calm you down right? Hey, you know what might help you. Nick and Pete used to have this saying, 'I feel the need. the need for speed.' That always seemed to calm their anxieties, I observed Mav closely, he was an anxious kid, but as long as he had Goose he was alright. Then, after that day he had Ice. Just trust in yourself, don't overthink. You think up there and you're dead." 

With that Viper walked down the hall, and Jade went to get changed. All that was left to do was wait for Friday. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The days working up to Friday was filled with practice with Parrot, and constantly working out at the gym. Hawk needed more practice than Jade. Hawk didn't have a good track record with RIOS, and the same was proving true with Parrot. Jade was scheduled for her test flight on Friday with Bradley. This was arguably the easiest tests, yet Jade was never more nervous to get in a cockpit then now. 

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