
By Limwa_ish

738 137 10


One:Night chat
Three:A silly fight
Four:Unexpected Visit
Five:Not a bitch after all!
Six:Heart wrenching
8:perfect Euphoria
9:The perfect gift for the after party
10:Perfect salvation
11:His love
13:Homecoming 2
15:A nice ride at sunset
18:The big Green 'j' monster
20:Romano empire
21:Romano Empire
22:The Romanos and Casimiros
24:The Muse


13 4 0
By Limwa_ish

"Umph!"I let out a muffled sound as he took me by surprise,we didn't pull away till we became breathless.

"Don't say sorry okay"he said calmly.

"Um!..okay"I stammered my mind still processing what just happened as I sat back on my seat.

The car drove for about 15 minutes and I couldn't anymore,I was too curious so I had to ask where we are headed to.

"Where are we headed to"

"Umm I'm not telling you, that will be a surprise"he replied with a mischievous smile.

"Is that so"I said

"Yeah all you need to know is that is a little bit far from the city so is going to be a long way there plus I wanted it to be private with less people around so a private room in a restaurant won't do"he explained and I nodded...I don't mind anyway as long as I'm with him.

Soon I found myself staring at the subway,we parked at the parking lot and he rounded the car to open my door,he intertwined our hands before we headed straight to the train.

I noticed the subway that's usually crowded with people is now empty as if the train no longer functions and when we got to the entrance I saw some R&A bodyguards as if waiting for us.

When we finally sat in the empty train that looks clean and neat I asked the question that's been on my mind...

"Why aren't there any people?"

"I booked this one in particular but don't worry the others are open just fine"he answered with a smile as he pulled me to sit on his lap.

"What!how much did that even cost?"I asked my eyes wide in surprise as I stared at him in bewilderment.

"Are you seriously asking me that my love?..must I answer"he stared back at me with the same look.I believe he's going to point out that we are rich so I nodded repeatedly in understanding.

"Umm!..I understand no need,it also explains the R&A bodyguards outside"I said dropping my look of surprise.

"Oh no that was totally Dad,he wanted to ensure our safety"He said twirling a strand of my hair around his finger his attention completely on what he's doing..is kinda cute.

"Oh I see"I curtly replied the guilt from earlier returning...God even his dad knows we're going out on our date tonight and here I am right.

He cut my trail of thoughts when he inhaled my hair.

"Why do you like my hair so much?"I voiced out my thoughts.

"It's dazzling,I like the way it curl's from the bottom and the length,it's just beautiful"he answered his attention still on my hair.

"Wow!."I said seeming to not find the right words.

"Why is your hair braided?"He asked.

"What you don't like it braided?"

"I prefer it down"he replied stealing a kiss when I looked at him,I was taken aback by his handsomeness for a few seconds,with his hair slicked back all his facial features are seen clearly.

"What are you staring at?"he asked with a chuckle.

"Nothing"I said turning my head in embarrassment.

"Haha"our laughter filled the train.

I got too caught up in the conversation I didn't notice when we reached our stop.

A black Lexus awaited us when we came out.we entered the backseat and he lightly knocked on the partition to indicate the driver to start driving.

I leaned in and kissed his chin and our conversation continued as we talked about random things.

The long drive is totally worth it cause it gave us an opportunity to know each other more.

I looked out through the window to see the passing trees and the empty roads,when I looked back at him he grabbed a blindfold from the seat pocket to close my eyes.

"What are you doing?"I asked with a chuckle.

"You'll see"he curtly replied before the car stopped and he picked me up bridal style.

I couldn't see anything so I depended on my hearing while clinging on to him.

The sound of calm music and moving sea weaves invaded my ear when he stopped walking.Putting me down he unknotted the blindfold.


"Oh my God!"I exclaimed looking around at the beautiful beach I'm in.We stood at the start of a beautiful path made by candles and rose petals.

The path leads to a beautifully decorated
gazebo that has a table of two sitting in it,lighted with candles and tiny bulbs along with the full moon it gave a breath taking sight.

"It's beautiful"I turned and hugged him tightly my eyes tearing up a bit.He replied with a smile hugging me back.

He held my hand and walked me to the gazebo,the music change suddenly and he said..

"Dance with me my love"

"Of course"I replied wrapping my arms around his neck as he held my waist leaning on my forehead sending shivers down my spine,we swayed according to the music.

"I love you mi Amore"he whispered into my ear with that voice,the bassy one,and my knees went weak thankfully he tightened his hold on my waist.

I became speechless not knowing if I could say it back,those are words that are hard for me to utter oh God!I just leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

We pulled away and he looked into my eyes with a smile before twirling me around.We walked down the path to the gazebo,he sat before pulling me to sit on his lap.

I saw a line of waiters each with a platter of food making their way to us before settling a number of dishes on the table. I raised my head to meet his eyes as if asking him when he had the time to plan all this but he simply replied with a shrug and a light smile.

There is but one single plate,spoon and fork on the table with two wine glass cups,I opened each platter to find different foods most being sea food...yum I love sea food!

My stomach growled right then making Felix chuckle.

"Let's not keep you waiting"he teased and I rolled my eyes.

He served each food I point at on the plate,poured our wine before we dug in.

"Open up"he said feeding a spoon full of food into my mouth.

"Umm that's delicious"I said after swallowing.

"I ordered from Alchemy of foods"he replied and I nodded.Alchemy of food is one of the best restaurants here..and we happen to know the owner.

We continued eating in silence as we are both famished.

"My love swim with me"he suddenly said when we were almost through.

"Don't you think the sea water is a little cold"I said not wanting to get wet.

"Umm I thought you are a strong woman"he teased with a challenging voice.

"Is that a challenge I hear"I said getting up.

"Maybe what do you think?"he replied with the same tone also standing.

"Okay let's do it,I'm not cold anyway"I said taking my shoes off and walking bear feet towards the sea.

He followed behind but I halted when my feet made contact with the water...Do I have to take off my clothes?Holy smokes I'm too shy and I don't even know why.I turned to look at him to see he has already taken off his shirt and is now taking off his trousers,my eyes lingered a bit with the way his muscles Flex.

He walked to me and stood behind me before whispering into my ear...

"Can I?"I nodded lightly my breathing increasing.

Soon I was left only in my undergarments before we dipped ourselves into the water in the same posture we danced,my hands around his neck.

I couldn't help both blush and sink my head into his chest as I remembered how he stared at me earlier not to forget our current condition.

"It feels nice being with you my love"I voiced out my true feelings.

"Really?..why don't you call me that more often"he asked

"Call you what my love" I said hiding my smile as this is usually his line.

"Hey now don't use my line against me"he said tickling me which made me laugh uncontrollably.

"Stop please"I pleaded in between laughs.He held me closer and our lips met engaging in a fierce battle.

We spent our precious time in each other's embrace before stepping out of the water and wiping ourselves in a towel that's already provided before putting our clothes back on.

"Come here"he said with a serious expression as if he's about to do something important.

"Ok"I replied walking over.He turned me around before loosing my French braid and began drying my hair with the towel.

"Always dry your hair correctly"he said in such a cute manner I couldn't resist nodding.

He finished drying my hair and we walked hand in hand to the exit where the car awaits.The chauffeur drove back to the subway and this time around the whole journey was complete silence but the comfortable kind of silence.He removed his jacket and draped it around me before bringing out his earpiece and put one ear for me and the other for him.

"Let's listen to music my love"he said and the beat of 'All of me' by John legend started playing.

I look out the window to see the beautiful scenery,the combination of the moon,trees and the night sky,gosh I love nature.

I sniffed the scent of his cologne while he played with my hair...I dozed off to sleep peacefully.

I didn't know when we got home but I can recall him saying something like "Belvina is staying here to night" and Aunt Sofia replying with "okay have a good night" along with Uncle Darius and other incoherent voices I didn't bother to listen to.

Felix's POV

I watched her as she sleeps peacefully...Goddamn this woman has to be the mother of my children,I do like her so much.

It took my entire being not to touch her earlier,with the way she was looking all coy and embarrassed which did not help the matter.Being with her is the best thing that has ever happened to me I feel like I finally have what my parents have.

I noticed how she's been avoiding to say 'I love you' and I wonder why??Doesn't she want this?I feel so insecure.

I watched her sleep and my own sleep eluded me after a while.

I felt something moving on my face which woke me up from sleep,I slightly opened my eyes to see what it is when I noticed the careful movements of the person in my arms.

I saw bel through my slightly opened eyes,she looks really concentrated on what ever she is doing and she no longer lay next to me but on top of me.

"50..51..52"I heard her counting,she doesn't seem to notice that I'm awake.

"What are you doing?"I asked my voice husky from sleep.

"Yelp!.."she exclaimed in surprise rolling back to the far end of the bed pretending to be asleep.

"Haha..I saw you you know"I followed her to the edge of the bed.

"I'm asleep please don't disturb me"she mumbled even changing her voice to make it seem like she's really sleeping.

"Come on my love don't let me tickle you"I said poking her waist.

"Yelp!.."she yelped again this time turning around to face me her eyes wide open.

"Okay okay no tickling you got me"she said with a cute chuckle.

"What were you doing then?"I asked running my hand through her hair.

"I was counting your eyelashes"she said bringing her hands to hide her face.

"Who does that?"I asked in bewilderment. "Where you able to count it?"I asked bringing her hands down.

"No you woke up before I could finish"she replied with a pout,I gaze into those hazel eyes that appears to change due to emotions,right now is the combination of brown and green with gold flecks.

"Oh really..cute" I said before stealing a kiss.

"Let's go take a bath if you don't mind"I suggested.

"Okay"she said getting up and I followed behind.

I took off my clothes and left only the briefs,I usually sleep in briefs only but last night was different,I would only be torturing myself by doing that.

She took off her own clothes and it was just like yesterday,sky blue undergarments...Now I would love to discard all our clothes but that'll will make her uncomfortable and I will just be like a mouse struggling to not touch the forbidden cheese while is staring right at me looking ever so tempting.I couldn't look away and at the same time I struggle to control.

"What?"she asked..seriously my love you are asking me that...I thought,

"Nothing"I replied opening the door to the bathroom,we brushed together in the sink before I scooped her off her feet and settled her in the bathtub before letting the tap run Soon steam rose up in the bathroom along with the scent of shower gel.

She relaxed her back against my chest and I hugged her closely.

"Yesterday was just Mwah"she said pecking me.


"Mmhmm Thank you"

"Don't thank me my love"I said using the shampoo to wash her hair and she turned to do the same with mine.

"Today is Sunday You'll have breakfast here right?"I asked.

"Yes I miss Aunts food"she said in a bubbly tone.

We washed ourselves before coming out,I found a pretty dress on the bed which is meant for Bel.

"Mom must have sent it"I explained when I saw her confused expression and she nodded.

"It's pretty"

After getting ready we both went down stairs Mom is already cooking breakfast.

"Buenos dias mama"I greeted walking into the kitchen hand in hand with bel.

"Buenos dias Auntie"Bel said her own greeting.

"Buenos dias como estas mi hijo,la hija"mom answered our greeting coming to hug bel.

"How are you my dear"she said in Spanish.

"I'm good aunt thank you for the dress"bel replied also in Spanish.

"It's nothing oh and congratulations I went to see your mom last night"she said and I didn't quite get why she's congratulating her.

"Thanks Aunt it was wonderful news"Bel replied seeming to be happier and I had to ask.

"What news?"

"Shut up and help me out with cutting the vegetables and you la hija just sit over there and look pretty okay"she said handing me a knife and pushing bel out of the kitchen and into the living room,she mouthed a 'I will tell you later' before mom took her away.

"Su padre tu hermano menor todavia estian dormidos,ayu dame aqui (your father and younger brother are still asleep help me out here)"mom said.

"Maladecir a mamá (of course mom) with what?"I asked

"Slice the onions over there"she pointed to the onions sitting on top of the counter with the spatula she's using to stir the soup.

I began slicing the onions and I swear the damn vegetable is so hot in the eye,I mean it's not even making direct contact and I'm just slicing it what did I do wrong?!

I look up at bel to see her already looking at me trying to hide her chuckle with her phone raised as if she's taking pictures of me.
I stared at her unbelievably as she kept laughing.

"What are you doing my love you wound me"I said holding my chest and she quickly turned away seeming to be shy of mom,I look at mom to see she has turn a deaf ear and a blind eye on us...great now I have something to revenge with.

"My love won't you answer me"I pressed suppressing my own laughter.

"Umm I'm just playing a game with my phone you just keep on being a cry baby"she refuted,this woman you can never silence her,I heard mom trying to hide a snicker.

"You wound me"I said turning my head to the side to avoid the burn in my eyes.

"Buenos dias a todas (Good morning everyone)" dad got out of the elevator along with Diego,he sat at the dining table while Diego made his way to mom.

"Buenos dias"I greeted dad and he nodded in acknowledgment also trying to hide his
laughter,do I look that funny and miserable,darn this vegetable.

"Buenos dias mi amor"mom walked over to dad and pecked him on the lips..oh please!
I noticed my younger brother looking at them with a scrunched face that looks like vinegar combined with thick mustard and condensed milk in a hot summer day.

"You brat..what are you doing standing there like an erected tree"I ridicule throwing an onion at him which he dodged.

"What are you doing there being a crybaby just by slicing simple onions"he refuted sticking his tongue out.

"Why you little piece of shi..."

"Felix language"Dad interrupted with a stern voice before I could finish making the brat smirk.

"Sorry dad"I said while secretly giving Diego the middle finger and he stuck out his tongue at me.

The sound of light giggles caught my attention and I turned to see bel looking at us,I winked at her and she shake her head in bewilderment.she walked up to dad before greeting him and Diego ran to her as if he saw an ice cream truck.

"Belvina how are you doing?"dad said patting her head.

"I'm doing well uncle"she answered and he congratulated her the same way mom did. Okay now I'm dying to know what it is.

"How are you doing little man"bel said squatting down in front of Diego before ruffling his hair.

"I'm good,but I'll feel better if you peck my cheek"This brat is trying to get on my nerves.

"Of course..you are too adorable"she said and pecked his cheek,I didn't notice my grip on the knife tightening till my knuckles made a cracking sound,and the kid dared to look at me with a smirk afterwards.

"Mom I'm done slicing the onions"the damn onions,I washed my hands and face before using my handkerchief and I made my way to bel.

I pulled the little brat off her before grabbing her hands and finding us a chair on the dining table.I noticed the look my parents are giving me but I ignored.

"I should be the only one you call adorable"I whispered into her ear but she pushed me away with a glare.

"Felix behave your parents are here and please he's your younger brother and he's just eleven"she scolded and I'm actually enjoying it.

I was about to reply when my Aunt and cosine showed up offering there greeting,I didn't miss the way they're both glaring at bel.

Belvina's POV

The two faces I'm staring at must be Felix's aunt and cousin.The last time I saw them was about five years ago,and the look his cosine is giving me is just like the one Katherine always looks at me with.

Great now I have to deal with Katherine the second.

"This young lady must be Belvina if I am correct,I believe she is your friends daughter Sofia"The aunt said and I could bet my life the smile she's giving me is fake.

"Yes she is"Aunt Sofia curtly replied before sitting next to uncle letting the help's bring the dishes to the table.

"Hello Aunt"I greeted and she nodded before taking her seat along with her daughter and began eating in silence.I noticed how Felix's expression changed ever since this two came down,so I held his hand from under the table and smiled at him,he smiled back.when I looked back up I was met with a pair of red rimed eyes lined with thick eyeliner filled with jealousy and hate...okay I guess Felix's cosine has a case of jealous syndrome...well guess what Monique I don't care cause I've met worse.

"Belvina the last time we met we were pretty young,can we hang to catch up on things?"Monique said.

"yeah we were when you tried to shave my hair off with shaving cream because Felix adores it"now that was what I intended to say but I changed my mind.Back when we were 10 years old I think she tried to shave my hair and we never got along.

"Of course Monique is nice to see you again"I laid.

"Hmm we should go shopping before I leave"she said again and I just wanted to eat aunts delicious food in silence.

"Of course"I curtly replied with no interest and it seemed to be getting on her nerves.

"Lix-lix did you sleep well?"she said looking
dreamily at Felix and I almost choked at the nickname.wow this gal has some nerve alright.

"Yes I did with my girlfriend by my side it was splendid..ohh I'm not sure I introduced you to her,she's Belvina my one and only girlfriend"he answered and I almost screamed with joy he must've noticed how annoyed I was and he gave the perfect answer.

"Hello"I said to her waving my arm with a charming smile,I didn't miss the way she's squirming on her seat as if she'll jump on me any minute now..HA!

"Ohh I didn't know"Monique said trying to hide her anger which she failed in doing obviously.

"Pfttt!.."Aunt Sofia and Diego stifled a laugh along with the rest of us...I faked a cough before drinking a glass of water.

"Eat this my love is delicious"Felix said dropping a dish on my plate...I don't know why but I don't feel shy anymore instead I feel satisfied.

"Of course my love"I said adding my own spice.

"How are your parents dear I hope your mother isn't suffering from her side of the family with her reputation before she married your dad and all..haha"Monique's mother said with a jovial laugh defending her daughter in disguise..My mother came from a middle class family were both her parents were sick and all her and uncle Armando had were each other,they suffered a great deal back in Mexico before uncle managed to start his own business and mom married dad after their parents death.

I clenched my fist to control my anger and with the help of Felix I replied to her with a smile.

"What are you saying mother I heard there is no one else but her brother and with her marriage to a rich man I believe there won't be any suffering..haha!"Monique added with the same nonchalant attitude and I would be laying if I said it didn't get to me,screw them both..but I maintained my smile and looked up at them.

"Devine and Monique please if you may respect our guest and keep your words to your self"Aunt Sofia said in annoyance and Devine replied with a chuckle and a nod.

"Is okay aunt at least my mother is not just some outsider in our family and she didn't force my dad into marrying her due to his money instead he naturally fell for her,also I'm not trying to force a man who is my cousin into an incest relationship..I have my dignity you know" Unlike you and your daughter.I said leaving both women with there mouths wide open,I'm sure they didn't expect me to talk back,we'll guess what hellcats you are not the only ones that can shame people using indirect words.

I know about how this woman forced Aunt Sofias brother who was the successor of their family into marrying her and how she is trying to play matchmaker between Felix and her daughter.

"Don't you have manners girl or didn't your mother teach you any?..."

"Aunt I believe only people who respect them selves deserve to be respected"Felix said shooting daggers at his aunt.

"Oh my is she rubbing off on you or are..."

"That's enough all of you shut it and eat in silence"uncle Darius Cut her off before she could finish and it's better for her cause if she had mentioned my mother one more time then only god knows what I would say.

We continued eating in silence before Felix spoke.

"We'll be leaving mom,dad I'll drop bel at home"thank God I didn't know if I could last another minute around this people.

"Aunt,uncle thank you for breakfast,I'll see you around little man"i said getting up and I could feel the stares of the two vile woman creating holes behind my back as I grabbed Felix's hand and we walked out.
Hello there our lovely readers❤️✨
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