Turning the Page | The Dragon...

By Lost4Stars

27.1K 774 842

You were simply walking home from school after another uneventful day. You didn't have the best life, but you... More

Chapter 1 [Moon]
Chapter 2 [Moon]
Chapter 3 [Moon]
Chapter 4 [Moon]
Chapter 5 [Moon]
Chapter 6 [Moon]
Chapter 7 [Moon]
Chapter 8 [Moon]
Author Note
Chapter 9 [Moon]
Chapter 10 [Sky]
Author Note
Chapter 12 [Sky]
Chapter 13 [Sky]
Chapter 14 [Sky]
Author Note

Chapter 11 [Sky]

1.1K 41 44
By Lost4Stars

Where am I? What is this place? You were in a room, there was a bed, but that was all. Oh, and a doorway. You walked towards the door way and pushed it open. There was another room, with a couch. There was a woman sleeping on the couch, broken bottles surrounding her. The noise somehow woke her up. She stood and looked a you, though her eyes couldn't stay focused.


She immediately resorted to yelling. Tears streaming down her face.

Y/n: Wha-- what are you talking about?


Her screams made your head pound, you were shaking, violently.

Your eyes shot open and you sat up. Tears were streaming down your face. Zym was beside you, nudging your side.

Zym: Khuzaimah had a nightmare again, so I woke you up!

Y/n: I guess that would be considered a nightmare.

Zym: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

You dried your tears, but before you could get up, Zym pounced on your stomach. Your wings flared in suprise.

Y/n: Oof, Zym!

He licked your face a couple times, but then went to sleep on your stomach, without saying a word. He fell asleep in the matter of a few seconds.

Y/n: I'm not going anywhere, am I?

Zym doesn't respond. You sigh, and lay back down. You manage to fall asleep again, but you don't dream, as someone makes sure of that.

It's been a few hours and now it's morning. Someone opens the door to your room. They step in and gently shake you awake.

???: Come on, Y/n. You need to get up.

You opened your eyes and sat up. Zym was still sleeping, so you woke him up. He jumped down from the bed and stood at the feet of the person who woke you up.

Y/n: Callum?

Your wings fluttered a little. It was Callum. He looked away, and didn't meet your eyes. Though his ears had a hint of red, was he okay?

Callum: So, Claudia and Soren are here, and Claudia made pancakes.

Y/n: Wait, who are you talking about?

Callum: Lemme just, show you.

You got out of bed, he left the room so you could change. Now that you had wings, you couldn't wear the clothes from the Banther Lodge anymore, so Lujanne gave you clothing that didn't cover your back, so you could still use your wings.

When you exited the room, Callum grabbed your hand and brought you over to the table. Zym followed you. Callum realized what he was doing and let go, seemingly embarrassed.

Callum: I brought them, you said you wanted to meet them?

A girl with black hair and faded purple ends looked over her shoulder. Have you seen her somewhere before? Oh, she was the one that attacked you in the castle. Callum said her name was Claudia, right?

Claudia: They're so cute! Oh, It's a little angel! Hey, you--

Before she can get any closer, Rayla stands in front of you.

Rayla: Whoa! What happened to, "It's not an egg. It's a powerful weapon"?

Claudia: Still true. Someday, it could bring death and destruction raining down on all of us. But right now, they're so widdle!

You picked Zym up, both of you uncomfortable with the situation.

Rayla: Well, get a good look, because we're heading back to Xadia to return him to his mother.

You've lost track about who they were talking about. Was it Zym or you? Maybe both?

Callum: Rayla's right. We can't go home yet. The mission is too important. The other man, Soren was it? He was looking at his knife for a second too long.

Soren: You all do need to come home . . . because the king, your dad, really misses you.

Callum and Ezran looked elated, knowing the king was safe. You gave Rayla a worried look, she was glaring at Soren.

You all were standing inside Callum and Ezran's room. Ezran, Zym, Ellis, and Ava were elsewhere.

Rayla: We can't trust them.

Callum: Look, I get it. You don't like Claudia. She tried to kill you multiple times. But remember, until today, she thought you were trying to hurt me and Ezran.

Y/n: I don't like them. They make me uncomfortable.

You sit down to the right of Callum, Rayla comes to sit on his left.

Rayla: Y/n isn't happy with this situation. I know they're lying. I know, because . . . Well, because--

Claudia: Knock, knock.

Callum goes off with Claudia, you and Rayla stay behind. You're still uncomfortable and have your knees up to your chest, your wings wrapped tightly around you.

Rayla: Are you okay?

You don't respond, only bury your face into your knees. Rayla sighs. She comes over and hugs you, surprising you. You hug her back, grateful for the comfort. You fall asleep.

You wake up about an hour later to find Rayla gone. You get up and leave the room. Ezran's standing outside the door with Zym.

Ezran: Hey, Y/n! Soren set up this Zipline outside, do you wanna come?

Y/n: Huh? Oh, sure.

Ezran: Yes!

You three make your way over to the Zipline. Soren's there fiddling with the rope. He gestures for Ezran to sit on the hanging seat he made, connected to the Zipline. Ezran does so, with Zym in his hands.

Ezran: So you just zip across this line?

Soren: Exactly. I call it the Slidey-Sling Go-Fast Rope!

Ezran: That is a good name.

Y/n: Is this really safe? I don't want Ezran or Zym to get hurt.

Soren: I'll show you. It's fine.

He runs up to the rope and uses his sheathed sword to hang on and he slides down to the other side. He yells over to us.

Soren: That was the best!

Ezran: Okay, Zym, this is your chance to see what flying feels like. Yeah!

He slides down the rope on the chair, cheering. Zym cheers with him.

Ezran: Whoo! Yeah! Whoa!

Soren stops him before he hits the tree. Soren yells up to you.

Soren: Now it's your turn, Y/n!

You're nervous, but decide to go anyway. You pull out your bow and detach the string, placing it in your pocket. Using the rest of the bow to stay attached to the rope, you slide down.

Y/n: Whoa!

You cheer on the way down. This wasn't that bad. It really was like flying! You spread your wings at the bottom to help slow you down.

Ezran: That was so much fun!

Soren: You could go again. But what if, this time, you go first?

You're back up at the other side of the Zipline. Soren made some adjustments to the peg holding the rope though. Ezran's already on the chair with Zym in his arms.

Soren: Whenever you're ready.

Ezran goes down the Zipline again, cheering. Soren turns around, but before he can do anything to the peg, Rayla jumps out of the tree and stands protectively in front of you and the rope.

Y/n: Rayla? Where'd you come from?

Rayla: What are you thinkin' about?

Soren: Nothing! What you thinkin' about?

Rayla: I'm thinkin' . . . you should go next. Go ahead. Unless you think it's not safe for some reason.

Soren scoffs.

Soren: No. It's perfectly safe. Let me just double-check this peg.

He walks over and hammers the peg into the tree as much as he can.

Soren: Ah, yeah, it's safe. So safe.

He goes down the Zipline, not making s sound. Rayla walks up and uses her blade to shake the rope and Soren. The peg creaks a little.

Rayla: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine.

Rayla: You don't look well, go get some rest.

You only nod your head. You walk back to the rooms and find Callum, drawing. You walk up silently and look over his shoulder. It's very detailed as always, but you don't recognize the place.

Y/n: What are you drawing?

He jumps in suprise.

Callum: Oh, Y/n. Well, it's this Moonshadow elf ruin. Have you not seen it?

Y/n: No, it's very pretty though.

Callum: I- uh, well I could take you there, if you want to go that is. But you don't have to go. I can just go by myself and--

Y/n: I'd like to see it.

Callum: Really? We can go late tonight! It's a date!

Y/n: A date?

Callum: Uh, um, it doesn't have to be a date--

Y/n: It's fine. That'd be nice.

Callum looks away, his cheeks a deep shade of red.

Y/n: I'm gonna take a nap before we go, okay?

Callum: Yeah, that's fine!

He still isn't looking you in the eye. He's obviously nervous. Does he . . . like you? Maybe? It's too soon to tell, you don't want to break this friendship.

You leave the room and head to your own, you fall asleep rather quickly and only nap for about half an hour. Once you get up, you put your hair into something nice and semi-formal. You use a flower you found to tie it all together.

Once you're done, you go and find Callum. He's waiting for you outside. He guides you to the ruins while trying to make conversation, but he keeps stuttering left and right. His cheeks are a light red now. You manage to keep the conversation together and learn more about him, Ezran, and what their childhood was like. It was nice, having someone let you into their heart like this.

You arrive at the ruins. They're wonderful. You randomly dance around. When you stop, Callum comes up next to you.

Callum: The moon's so bright tonight. You can see our shadows.

He has his shadow grab the hand of your own shadow. You laugh. He quickly let's go, but doesn't take his eyes off you. His blush darkens a little.

Y/n: Did you just grab my hand-shadow with your own hand-shadow?

Callum: Did I? Oh, come on! I wanna show you something!

Filled with excitement, he grabs your real hand and runs with you to the place he wants to show you. When you get there, it's revealed to be a giant lake, with two statues where you stand on either side of you. The moonlight reflects in the water, filling up the majority of it. Callum's still holding your hand.

Y/n: Oh, wow! It's so pretty!

Callum: This is the Moon Nexus. The most powerful place for moon magic. On a full moon, its light fills the entire lake.

Y/n: That must look so pretty!

Callum: Not as pretty as you.

Callum mumbled something, but you didn't quite hear it.

Y/n: Did you say something?

Callum: What? I didn't say anything! Wow.

Y/n: What is it?

Callum: The white ends of your hair are, glowing.

Y/n: Huh?

You look at the ends of your hair, and they are indeed glowing. It's soft, not blinding. You'll ask Lujanne about it later.

Y/n: Thank you, Callum. For bringing me here and all.

Callum: Y/n . . .

Y/n: Yeah?

Callum: I haven't known you for that long.

Y/n: But it feels like a lifetime.

Callum: Yeah, it does. You make me think. See the whole world in a different light.

You only look into each other's eyes. You smile and his mind seems to go blank.

Callum: Wow. I, uh . . . I suddenly don't have anymore words.

Y/n: That's okay. We can just be here . . . cherishing the moment.

Callum grabs both of your hands, he looks you in the eyes. He glances down at something. He comes closer, but before he can do anything rash, he pulls you into a hug. Burying his head into his neck.

Callum: Thank you.

Y/n: For what?

Callum: For being here, existing.

Y/n: Oh, your welcome.

You spend the next couple minutes like that, until you hear him yawn. You propose the idea of getting some rest. He agrees and you both walk down the mountain, together. Rayla seems to be waiting at the ruins.

Rayla: Callum, can we talk?

Callum: Huh? Sure, Rayla. Bye, Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow.

Before he goes to Rayla, he looks at you, thinking. He gives you a light kiss on the cheek. If you weren't paying attention, you would've missed it. You were frozen in place. He does like you. A light pink blush made its way into your cheeks. You buried your face in your hands, trying to calm down.

He walks off with Rayla, and you go back to your room. Once you get there, you flop onto the bed, your wings spread to either side of you. You were so hot. You couldn't stop thinking about that one action, you weren't getting any sleep tonight. Holding your dragon necklace, you closed your eyes and attempted to clear your mind. Forgetting about your question for Lujanne. Long story short, it didn't work.

Word Count- 2191

*Author Note*
- Hello, I want to know what you guys think will happen in the future. Like, who will Y/n end up with, and what you would like to happen. You don't have to answer.
- Completely open to constructive criticism 💚

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