The Awaken Sun Hero (Kamen Ri...

By zeroprime000

4.5K 53 32

The struggle between society came in America. While the society tells the story of legend hero, named Kamen R... More

Bio: Hiro Minami
Bio: Takahito Akizuki
World Involve
Ep 1: Recovering process
Ep 2.5: meet his family and hang out with Saiko
Ep 3: Miss the action (WOTFI 2018)
Ep 4: High School Girl
Ep 5: His "usual" life
Ep 5.5: Date
BTE: Ep 1 to 5
Ep 6: Mario's Hell Kitchen
Ep 7: Her face literally popped!
Ep 8: Gorgom influencing Banh-Mi
Ep 9: The pregnancy
Ep 10: Return of Banh-Mi, now Bane-Mi. And now fallen
BTE: Ep 5.5 to 10
Ep 11: Japan!
Ep 12: Return to Mushroom Kingdom
Ep 13: Operation Victory Anime
Ep 14: Disappearance & Action
BTE: Ep 11 to 15
Ep 16: Recovery from Trauma
Ep 16.5: Trip to UAE/United Arab Emirates
Ep 17: First encounter
Ep 18: Case of Wanted Poster, heroine captured, and surprises

Ep 2: Valentine's Day

230 4 1
By zeroprime000

It's been weeks since the last attack between red team & blue team at 2fort, Peter is still in recovering stage, and Hiro adjusting new life. As days went on, he looks on at people as it was valentine's Day, the holiday where you show caring to others. And Hiro sees others getting along, Kaijin, humans, and other lifeforms. As he enjoys the beauty and happy times, he recognizes someone who is a sea creature that breathes on land, Fishy Boopkins.

Hiro: Is that...

He smiles as he walks up to check on him. Meanwhile, Fishy Boopkins is sitting on a bench with a laptop, apparently playing a dating simulator.

Boopkins: Oh, I'm so happy I could spend Valentine's Day with you, Saiko-chan.

Saiko Bichitaru: -oh, you chose me? on valentines day? oh that makes me so happy, boopy-kun

Boopkins: Awww yaaay!

Then Bob walks up to him.

Bob: Hey, Boopkins. Lonely on Valentine's, huh?

Boopkins: Oh, I have a Valentine. She's right here.

Saiko: Thank you for choosing me... Nobody ever picks me...

Boopkins: Heeeeey! That's pretty good!

Bob: ...This is the saddest shit I have ever seen.

Boopkins: Hey, no! You don't understand! She's a really nice person! Nobody really picks her, and she might be a bit different, but I think it's those imperfections that make her really special to me!!!

Bob: Please tell me you're joking!

Boopkins: No, you don't understand!

He takes the laptop and runs off crying.

Bob: Huh, what a weirdo. 

Hiro arrives the scene.

Hiro: Hey Bob.

He turns around recognize him as he notice his change of tone.

Bob: Holy shit did my ears deceive me?! Finally he isn't emo!

You see, Hiro was one of the SMG4 gang but rarely appeared since he work as a security guard for Ivan's Red Team. And they haven't even know what happened after he left.

Hiro: Yeah yeah, I ain't emo anymore woohoo.

Bob: What makes you act like that?

Hiro: Oh I don't know maybe it was the fact that you annoy me with you thinking I was emo.

Bob: Lol it's just a prank.

Hiro: Hey, have you seen Boopkins?

Bob: Oh? You mean that loser? *Points to direction* He's over there.

Hiro: Thanks.

Then he walks away.

Bob: Haha! Sucker.

He turns to his "date", which is actually a trash bag with a red bow, fake eyes, and a fake pair of red lips.

Bob: Come on, Bobella-chan, let's get out of here.

We cut to Boopkins, still in tears, running to hide behind a wall.

Boopkins: I'm tired of people not treating you seriously, Saiko-chan!

Saiko: C'mon, bring me to life!~ that'll show everybody!

Boopkins: OOOOH! You're right! That's it! And then you can see people how cool you really are! Okay, time to bring you to the real world!

Then it cuts to Boopkins protesting in front of an anime game studio.

Boopkins: Make my waifu real! Make my waifu real!

He is suddenly joined by Lemmy and Francis, who are also protesting that their waifus get brought to life. The company CEO is watching from his window.

CEO: Shoot it down.

An "anti-weeboo machine" comes out of the building and starts firing at the trio.

Either Francis or Lemmy: OH SHIT!

Boopkins runs for his life while Lemmy and Francis are shot at.


Boopkins turns to Mario for help.

Boopkins: Oh, Mario, I need you to help me...

Mario thinks, then gets an idea. He suddenly gets Luigi, pulls out a pair of scissors, drags a curtain down, and begins to (rather violently) cut Luigi's hair. He lifts the curtain up in success and Luigi suddenly has a lady hairstyle. Then we cut to SMG4 walking down a hallway, until something gets his attention.

SMG4: Dafuq?

Boopkins is praying to the "anime gods", which he has set up an altar to, with candles and a couple of waifu body-pillows.

Boopkins: Oh, anime gods, hear my plea! Get me a waifu!

SMG4: Ok.

Then he turns away in shock. SMG4 hears a door knock as he opens up to see Hiro.


Hiro: Glitchy!

SMG4 was surprised he isn't in his sad tone.

SMG4: Wow, did you change your tone?

Hiro: Well, let's just say it was a slow recovery with someone taking the role as guardian for me.

SMG4: Alright! Now that's a new life with a new family eh Black Sun!

Turns out, they do know the truth about him and his past, it's just the fact he wasn't ready to embrace his recovery process from the past. Now he knew it was a new start of recovery.

SMG4: Anyway, you're missing out, ever since the protestor just stay quiet in this holiday, it given me enough time for some stuff-


Boopkins is sitting in disappointment.

Boopkins: Aw, man... Nothing's working. I'm sorry, Saiko...

Saiko: Don't give up, Boop-kun!

Meanwhile, a Magikoopa is walking across a road when he is suddenly run over by a taxi. Boopkins looks over in concern.

Boopkins: Huh? What was that?! Oh no! Oh dear, oh dear!

He is instead running to the Magikoopa's wand, rather then the Magikoopa himself, who is in pain.

Boopkins: Who left this perfectly good wand here? ...Maybe it's possible now!

He walks up to his laptop with the wand.


A beam shoots out of the wand, causing Boopkins to fly backwards, and hits the laptop. Boopkins looks up

Boopkins: Uhh... Did it work?

It indeed work as Saiko is standing before him.

Saiko: Wow... You actually did it!

Boopkins: Oh, yay, it worked! Hi, Saiko!

Saiko grabs Boopkins into a hug.

Saiko: Thank you, Boopky-kuuun!

She hugs him violently until Boopkins lands on the ground.

Boopkins: Okay, let's go on a Valentine's date, now!

Saiko: I'm so happy you're going on a date with JUST me!

Boopkins: Yeah! Come on! Wahey!

He runs off, while Saiko stays behind, staring at him.


While SMG4 explains what he misses out on, he gets a sudden feeling like something will go wrong on Valentine's day.

Hiro's mind: Why do I get a feeling like things might go wrong after a couple of minutes & hours?


It shows Boopkins and Saiko walking into a theater.

Boopkins: Lalalalalalala, wahey!

Bob happens to be there, too, with "Bobella-chan". He notices them.

Bob: Holy shit, do my eyes deceive me?! Boopkins actually has a physical, sentient, real life girlfriend! PRAISE THE LORD, HE'S NOT A LOSER ANYMORE!

Boopkins: Hey!

Bob: But she's not as good as my Valentine's date here. Haha!

He walks off with his trash bag, while Saiko turns to him, menacingly.

Saiko: Excuse me...?

She runs up and kicks the trash bag up and out of the theater.

Bob:...The fuck is wrong with you? That cost me a lot of money!

Saiko: Oopsies,..sorry. My foot must of slipped!

She and Boopkins cheerfully walk off, leaving Bob behind.

Bob: Bitch!

Later on, the duo walking on a sidewalk.

Boopkins: That was fun! Hmmmmm... Saiko, what should we do next? Maybe, I was thinking we could-

He is interrupted by Lemmy, who is carrying a storage crate full of anime DVDs.

Lemmy: Oh... Hey boop! I'm gonna be marathoning some anime again! Wanna come watch?

Boopkins: OH BOY, DO I?!

It cuts to Lemmy's room. Saiko is staring in shock, while Lemmy and Boopkins are watching anime. The Blend S theme is playing while footage of the Kill Me Baby and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid OPs are shown on the TV, both with characters having the "Smoke weed everyday" meme face is placed over characters faces.

Saiko: Y-y... you're watching other g-girls?!!!

While Boopkins and Lemmy are watching TV, she walks over to pick up the remote and turn the channel. The Neon Genesis Evangelion theme plays over a Teletubbies anime.



Saiko is holding the remote. She laughs, throws the remote, and sits back on the couch in amusement while Boopkins and Lemmy are panicking. The room is also on fire. 


The scene shows Mario in the castle hallway happily humming to himself. He opens a door and Saiko sticks her head in front of Mario.

Saiko: Konichiwa!

Mario just closes the door and panicked.


Then he just runs off.

Saiko: Jerk.

Then came Luigi.

Luigi: Oh, you must be Boopkin's new friend!

Saiko: Haha, it's a pleasure meeting you!

Luigi: I hope we can get to know each other and-

Then he gets startled by his cellphone going off.

Luigi: ah, one second.

Luigi starts talking on the phone, but Saiko snatches it out of his hand, throws it on the ground, and pulls out a rocket launcher.


Saiko fires the rocket launcher at Luigi's phone.

Saiko: ok, now that your call is done. Wanna pay a game with me?

Then he just stared at her and backs away.


Saiko snatches his hat and wears it.

Saiko: Hehehee, come get me!

She runs off, with Luigi chasing her.

Luigi: Come back here! What's-a the matter with you?!

Toad just confront Boopkins about Saiko.

Toad: You gotta stop this, Boopkins. She's a red flag.

Boopkins: Aww, but-

Toad: Trust me... I know. It's too late for me...

Then suddenly...


Toadette bursts in, angry.



Toadette then drags Toad off.


He continues screaming while he's getting dragged. Boopkins watches.

Boopkins: But...but I don't wanna upset her...

Hiro: Hey Boopkins man!

Boopkins: Huh?

He turns around and was surprise it was Hiro who doesn't had his sad tone anymore.

Boopkins: Hiro! My Friend!

They high five together.

Boopkins: How's it going?

Hiro: Doing well, I am getting a slow recovery from the past after I finally found new family to be adopted with caring and kindness!

Boopkins: Oh that's so nice of them!

Saiko: Boopkins~!

They turn to see Saiko.

Saiko: Is he your friend you told me about?

Boopkins: Yep. He's slowly recover from dark past.

Hiro: Hey I notice that you hanging with an actual video game girl on Valentine's Day, but what is her name?

Boopkins: Oh I'm glad you ask! Her name is Saiko Bichitaru!

Saiko: Konichiwa!

Hiro: Oh, Konichiwa.

They shake hands as they let go.

Hiro: Just glad you are happy with her around ya.

Boopkins: Aw thanks! Now gotta go, hope we can where you left off.

Hiro: Hope so too.


It shows Boopkins and Saiko at Boopkins' "house" (Actually a beach).

Boopkins: I'm so glad you could come to my house, Saiko-chan! Oh, this is gonna be so much fun! I haven't had a guest over since, umm...mmm...Yeah. Ooo!

He goes over to his toy chest and starts throwing toys out.

Boopkins: I want to show you all my cool toys! Like this Shrek, and this rock, and this Mario...

Saiko: *Unimpressed.* That's really....something.

Boopkins: Oh! I also want to show my most prized possessions.

Then he pulls out a Miku waifu pillow. (Oh boy...)

Boopkins: Look at these sweet waifu pillows!

Then her eyes start twitching.

Saiko: Oh...heehee, that?

Boopkins: Oh, these are my waifu pillow toys. I got plenty more of them.

Saiko: *Still twitchy-eyed.* and how many more do you have...?

Boopkins: Hmm, let's see... 1, 2,

He starts emptying his chest, which appears to have about a billion waifu pillows in it.

Boopkins: 3, 15, 97... Uh, about 5,372,227!

Saiko is still twitchy-eyed, but then suddenly gives a thumbs up.

Saiko: Wow! That's so cool!

Boopkins: Oh, I'm glad you like them! Hmmm... I'm hungry now. I'm gonna go get us some lunch.

He comes back with "lunch": rocks on a McDonald's tray.

Boopkins: I made us my favorite school lu- OH MY GOD!

To his complete dismay, his waifu pillows are on fire.

Saiko: I was a bit cold Boopy-kun, i hope you don't mind the campfire.

Boopkins: *eyes widen in shock.* Uhhh... Ahhh Noooooo! I-I'm sorry Saiko, but I can't do this anymore! I'm dumping you!

Saiko: W...WHAT?! NANI?!

Boopkins: I don't want to sound mean, but... I can see why nobody picks you from your game now... I think we need some time apart.

Saiko: B-BUT...YOU CAN"T! After all the love I gave you?! I' a good date right!? I would never make you hate me! Maybe I should never have existed...

She runs off on the verge of tears.

Boopkins: Wait, Saiko! Aww...

He turns to a cardboard cut-out of an anime girl with Heavy's face on it.

Boopkins: At least I have you, Heavy-chan.

Heavy: Babies!


Hiro: Seriously, now something bad happens between someone? *Sigh* Oh well.

There he walks away. The scene shows Wario and Waluigi are laughing while dressed as, respectively, a genie and a heart. A sign reads "Find out how much your Valentine loves YOU!".

Wario: Come on, come on, come on...

He notices a Shy Guy sadly walking towards them.

Wario: Yeah!

Shy Guy: oh...can you guys help me... I need to know if what my wife said was real...

Wario: OK!

Wario starts magically making a prediction.

Wario: You're f*cked! You're just f*cked!

Shy Guy: *Sadly* I...I see...So my wife really did cheat on me...

Wario: That'll be $85.

The Shy Guy runs off crying.

Wario: HEY! Mama mia... I'll get you next time!

He suddenly notices Saiko walking depressingly across the street. He and Waluigi both laugh evilly.

Saiko: my heart...

Wario suddenly appears and gives her flowers.

Saiko: For me?! :D're too kind!

Wario: PSYCHE! (Price: 1500 Coins.)

Waluigi: HA! GOTTEM!

He and Wario both start laughing evilly.

Saiko: Oh...well aren't you boys funny... But since I have no money, I'll just take it anyway cause you're so kind!

Then she takes the flowers.

Wario: WHAT?

He and Waluigi try to get the flowers back, but to no avail.

Saiko: awww why are you guys being meanies? I thought you wanted to spend time with me.

The Wario bros. start backing up slowly before booking it, only to bump into Saiko, who has mysteriously appeared before them.

Saiko: I'm glad you boys can spend time with. Now I'm gonna need help getting revenge. Think you can do it?

The bros. start looking at each other worriedly.

Saiko: *Suddenly wide-eyed* I SAID CAN YOU DO IT?!

The bros., fearing for their lives, shake their heads yes, to Saiko's pleasure.

Meanwhile at Peach's Castle

Boopkins: Aw, man... Today's been horrible...

Luigi: Don't worry, Boopkins. You did the right thing.

Mario: Hah, That's why I date spaghetti cause spaghetti won't set you waifu pillows on fire!

SMG4: Uh...anyway...don't stress about it, people just move on-

The ground starts shaking, startling the group.

Luigi: WAAAH!

Boopkins: AAAH! Oh no!

A giant mech burst through the entrance. Luigi and Boopkins look in worry.


Mario: My ass...

Saiko pops up.

Saiko: Konichiwa!

Boopkins: S-Saiko-chan! W-What are you doing?!

Saiko: I wanted to come visit you again, boopy-kun!

Luigi: AHH! SHE'S GONNA KILL US ALL! M-mario!...Do something!!


The mech fires at him, sending him flying. Luigi runs in fear to the door, but it's locked. SMG4 finds that the windows are boarded up.

SMG4: Shhhiiiiiiii-

Saiko: Oh, sorry! My new friends here help blocked off the exits and got me this cool mech!

The Wario bros. pop up and start begging to Saiko.

Wario and Waluigi: Please don't hurt me, desu-

Boopkins: Saiko! Stop this at once! We don't mean you any harm!


She fires a laser at Boopkins, who runs off in terror. Suddenly, a van labeled "Anime Patrol" enters the room.

Mario: STAY BACK! Anime patrol is here!

Then he runs up to the mech.


Then He whacks it with a stick.

Mario: Ohh, shiiit! Ha ha!

A cannon comes out of the mech as Mario looks at it.

Mario: Oh hello there!

It fires at him, sending him flying again.


He sprays it in Saiko's face. She screams, but then still makes the cannon fire at SMG4. Luigi then just cowers in fear.


As Hiro arrives, he sees a mech in the castle.

Hiro: Eh? Did someone crash into the attack?

As he makes run inside, he sees the mess as he runs up to others.

Hiro: What happened?

Boopkins: Um... I break up with her after she burns all my bodypillows.

Hiro: No wonder I get a bad feeling about this! But all that anger to this... I won't stand for it!

There he stood in front of mech as steam comes out of him and, to their surprise, a shell forms around before he transformed into Black Sun Kaijin form.

SMG4: That... is your first form...

Luigi: What insect-like...

Mario: Eck!

Black Sun: I am the light rise from the shadow! Black Sun...

Saiko: Tch... of course you would defend them.

Then she fires a missile at him and he dodges it and jumps and makes a dash towards the mech as she fires a laser at him but he flows down, avoiding the laser, as he jumps back up and grabs the barrel and breaks it off of it. He stood there, no fear of him, but concerned on what bottled her up. Given a chance, she brings out hammer and whacks him off the mech as he sees its foot about to stomp him but he grabs it as he begins to struggle.

Black Sun: Need... Help...

Boopkins: Aw man...what do I do? Looks like I have to do what I do best! Saiko-chan, this ones for you!

He pulls out a mic and starts singing.

Boopkins: ♩Don't go breaking my heart!♩

Saiko smiles, then joins in.

Saiko: ♩I couldn't if I tried!♩

Boopkins: *Hops onto a stool* ♩Oh honey if I get restless!♩

Saiko: ♩Baby, you're not that kind!♩

Both: ♩OOOO! Don't go breaking my- Don't go breaking my-♩

Boopkins: ♩Don't go breaking my heart!♩

Both: ♩Don't go breaking my- Don't go breaking my-♩

Mario gets up and glares. Meanwhile, Hiro gets up from the ground and ends up staring at her in awe as in his perspective, a star shines as his cheeks develop heat by this.

Saiko: ♩I won't go breaking your heart!♩

Mario leaps at her.


He laughs successfully.


The Wario bros. instead, happily take off with the mech.

Saiko: NOO! Boopkins!!! Let me out!...please!

Boopkins: Why, Saiko: Why'd you do all of this? I didn't mean for you to get so mad. I just...

Saiko: *On the verge of crying* Shut just don't understand...

Boopkins: Saiko...please don't cry...

Saiko: *Crying* DO YOU KNOW HOW LONELY IT IS... WHEN NO ONE EVER PICKS YOU... TO SPEND EVERYDAY KNOWING YOU'LL NEVER BE WANTED...... That's why...I can't control myself when I lose attention...

Boopkins: ...Let her go...

Mario is shocked.


Boopkins: Just do it!

Mario: *Reluctantly* Fine!

Mario gets off Saiko, who runs out of the castle, still crying. Mario, SMG4, Boopkins, and Luigi all watch while Hiro de-transforms.

Boopkins: I'll always be your friend, Saiko-chan...

Mario: Mama mia... This is why you date spaghetti. Cause spaghetti wont ride on a mech and try to destroy yo-

SMG4 then knocks him out.

To Be Continued

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