Twisted Wonderland Book 3: Th...

By PinkiePieSweets

2.1K 29 4

Time has passed, and Finals Week has come and gone. However, Grim, Ace, Deuce, and other students find themse... More

Chapter 1: Cramming Session
Chapter 2: Average Question
Chapter 3: Results Stacked
Chapter 4: Press-Gang Contract
Chapter 5: A Group Counterattack
Chapter 6: A Contractual Setback
Chapter 7: Observing a Foe
Chapter 8: A Baiting Duo
Chapter 9: Lounge Shorthanded
Chapter 10: Collateral Demanded
Chapter 12: A Housing Bind
Chapter 13: A Dorm Suite
Chapter 14: Morning Heat
Chapter 15: Stardom Dreams
Chapter 16: Hasty Schemes
Chapter 17: Amateurs in the Deep
Chapter 18: Playing Cheap
Chapter 19: Wracking the Brain
Chapter 20: Two Days Remain
Chapter 21: Group Infiltration
Chapter 22: Jolting Electrification
Chapter 23: A Minor Oversight
Chapter 24: Rendezvous at Midnight
Chapter 25: A Cleaning Hint
Chapter 26: A Morning Blueprint
Chapter 27: Singing Some Praise
Chapter 28: Return of the Morays
Chapter 29: Lounge Confusion
Chapter 30: Contract Dissolution
Chapter 31: Dastardly Negotiation
Chapter 32: Moment of Realization
Chapter 33: Reduced to Naught
Chapter 34: Back in an Octopus Pot
Chapter 35: Erasing the Past
Chapter 36: Scarfing Down Fast
Chapter 37: Home at Last
Chapter 38: Museum Travelogue
Chapter 39: Octavinelle Epilogue

Chapter 11: A Contract Signed

55 1 0
By PinkiePieSweets

Azul begins to explain his deal, "Here's the deal... I bid you pilfer a certain photograph from the Atlantica Memorial Museum in the Coral Sea before the sun sets on the third day from now."

This catches the group by surprise and shock.

"You want us to steal a piece of art?!" Jack questions, bitterly.

Jade however is a little surprised to hear the request.

However, Azul says, "No, not a piece of art. A photo. One commemorating a visit to the museum from Prince Rielé, taken ten years ago."

"A photo?" Sereia says, confused.

"You want us to take a photo?" Tanzanite says, confused.

"Gonna need more detail than that," Jack says.

Azul explains, "It's a photo panel placed right near the museum entrance. It has no historic value whatsoever. Borrowing it would not cause any particular fuss."

"Then why do you want it at all?" Grim asks.

"Heh. What's the point of a challenge if it's not challenging?" Azul answers, "If I were to concoct a trifling errand, I would simply be giving away my end of it, wouldn't I? I'm not running a charity here."

"What exactly is the Atlantica Memorial Museum? I've never heard of it before," Briar says.

Then Jade explains, "The Atlantica Memorial Museum is a renowned tourist attraction that houses a good twenty different cultural artifacts. That includes the Silver Hair Comb, a Coral Sea national treasure, and the Mermaid Princess's Prized Cork Openers, among others. We're not asking you to find a speck of gold dust on the seabed here."

"Oh, hey, didn't we go there on an elementary school field trip once?" Floyd happily says.

Jack then says, "Hold on. The nation of the Coral Sea is at the bottom of the ocean, right? It's not exactly hospitable to land mammals like us with no fins or gills. I think you're askin' too much here."

"What he said?! I can't breathe underwater, y'know!" Grim panics.

"And none of us are able to breathe underwater for very long either," Tanzanite says.

Sereia however is looking a bit embarrassed, and skeptic

"That sounds like a 'you' what I would normally say, but fear not. I will provide you with our very own magic potions. They'll enable you to breathe underwater," Azul says.

Azul then reaches into the drawer of his desk, and pulls out a kind of vial that is in the shape of a shell with a cork on it. There seems to be a green potion inside.

Azul then gives it to Briar as he explains, "Once, when a poor little mermaid princess fell in love with a human, the Sea Witch was kind enough to grant her legs to walk upon the earth. And really, what are any of us without a sense of charity? Heh heh heh."

He then asks, "So, what do you say? Do we have a deal? Will you agree to a contract with me? I'm afraid I don't have all day, so if you could make your decision now, I'd appreciate it. Chop, chop!"

Without hesitation, Briar says, "It's a deal!"

"Excellent! Go ahead and sign the scroll, then..." Azul says, and presents the contract to Briar.

Briar sighs and decides the contract.

Before she does, Briar asks, "Um do you mind if I add something else to the agreement."

"Hmm, of course. Sign the contact and I'll hear you out," Azul says.

Briar then takes the pen and signs the contract.

Azul chuckles, "Heh heh heh... There we are. Signature received." And takes the contract, "The contract is now in effect. Should you successfully steal the photo from the Atlantica Memorial Museum and bring it to me before sunset on the third day from now... I give you my word that I will release the 225 sea anemones currently doing my bidding. Should you fail at your challenge, however... Ramshackle Dorm will belong to me!"

Briar says in thought, "What did I just sign myself up for...?"

Then Azul says, "And you were saying you like to conclude another part of the deal?"

"Okay, I'll give it to you straight. I still want you to release all the students from your contract, whether I bring the photo back or not. I know it seems like a lot, but I knew that even you can pull something like that off," Briar explains.

Reluctantly Briar says, "And in exchange, I'm willing to take their places. I'll be willing to take over their work and serve you as long as you wish. Until you graduate from the school... or forever. I promise, I won't resist and will listen to everything you say."

This has come as a surprise to hear Briar saying that.

"What?" Tanzanite, Jasper, and Grim says, shocked.

"Briar, you can't!" Jack says, shocked.

"Please Briar, rethink this," Sereia says, worried.

This also catches Azul and the twins by surprise. Briar is willing to sacrifice herself for not only her friends, but for all the students. Azul calmly smirks and thinks Briar is quite an interesting girl. And has confidence that he'll be able to win this little deal.

Then Azul says, "Hmm, my you have quite the unique spirit. Willing to take the place of over 200 students. Hmm, I will accept your terms, but I'll be needing a little payment for it."

"Um okay, what is it you have in mind?" Briar asks.

Azul then gently reaches his hand to Briar, and gently lifts the chain that connects to her medallion to expose it.

"How about this, the medallion you seem to cherish so much," Azul says.

Briar eyes wide in shock. Azul wants her medallion.

She asks, "My medallion?"

"I heard whispers that your medallion was made out of a very rare stone called the soulmate stone. One that has a bit of magical abilities and the essence of every mage who has worn it, and protected its current owner with the little bit of magic within it. And heard that it's your precious treasure," Azul says.

Jasper angrily says, "That's right! And I don't think you should try to take it! It's important to her! And it's been with her for as long as she remembers! She'll never give it..."

But Briar gently places her hand on his shoulder, "It's okay Jasper."

Briar remains calm and brave, "Okay Azul, I guess it will be a fair trade. I guess."

"Do not worry, no harm will come to your medallion," Azul says, "I'll hold onto it and it will be kept safe. If you accomplish your end of the deal. I shall return your medallion and carry out the rest of the terms of your contract. Failed, and your medallion will belong to me, and you shall carry out your end of the bargain."

Briar nods her head. She then removes her medallion and gives it to Azul. It's rather heartbreaking for her to give up her medallion, but she knows it's the only way. Plus, she is more determined to perform her end of the deal. Jack and the others are shocked, and some look sad. They how how precious the medallion is to her, and worried that she decides to part with it, and willing to make a huge sacrifice.

Then Azul turns to the twins, "Jade. Floyd. If you could kindly walk our guest home?"

Then turns to Briar, "I'll see you in three days."

Briar nods her head in reply.

Sometime later, Briar and the others of Ramshackle, accompanied by Jade and Floyd to Ramshackle Dorm. They all walk inside to look around the place.

Jade says, "Oho. So this is Ramshackle Dorm. This is my first time inside, and already I'm smitten by its charm. It's close to school as well. It would be a perfect site for a Mostro Lounge branch cafe.

"There's ghosts living here, right? That sounds rad," Floyd says, excited.

"Why're you guys followin' us inside, anyway?" Grim asks.

"Uh, 'cause this place is collateral in a deal between Briar and Azul? Duh?" Floyd replies.

"Myah?!" Grim reacts in shock.

"Unlike the rest of you, Briar has no power to put up as collateral. So we're confiscating the dorm instead," Jade says.

"Say WHAT?!" Grim exclaims in shock

"You're confiscating it?" Briar asks, just as shocked.

Then Jade says, "This dorm belongs to Azul until you hold up your end of the bargain. Hence, I'm afraid I must ask you to vacate the premises immediately.

"Don't worry, we'll give you time to pack your stuff. So nice, right?" Floyd says.

"Once this dorm officially enters Azul's possession, we will be disposing of all personal belongings in it. I suggest you prepare accordingly," Jade adds.

Floyd chuckles, "Heh heh heh. Don't worry! We'll give it all back if you bring us the photo before the third sunset."

Then the twins begin to snicker, "Heh heh heh heh..."

Grim soon begins to panic, "MRAAAH! I gotta save all the tuna!"

And runs up stairs.

"What a mess we go ourselves," Briar says.

Then turns to the others, "Come on guys, let's just start packing our stuff."

Everyone nods their heads and walks up stairs to do just that.

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