Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hell...

By ClayNotDead

187 7 2

A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow... More

The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]
The Fight [Copy-Pasted]
Meeting Them [Copy-Pasted]
First Day
Everyone's Insane Here-..
A Plan, A Plan To Stay Away From Them.
A 'Calm' Night, I guess?
A Trip, And A Talk.
A Day In Bed.
Getting 'Comfortable' In This Hell
A Day To Do Whatever, And For The Two Of Us [LONG]
Ending The Bloodline Here.
Back In 'My' Bed.
A 'Me, Myself, And I' Day. [Rushed-?]
Visiting A Friend, And Sneaking 'Home'
Family Fun Night? Why not.
Let's Try This Again, Shall We?
Holiday Set-Up.
Happy Birthday, I guess.
Christmas Chaos
A New Years Night Out [LATE ASF]
"Mama, I'm An Escapee!"
A Totally Normal Day.
Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]
Sunday Morning Service Chaos, Because Religion Screws People Over.
Valentine's Day Mission Gone Wrong.
Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]
Liu's A Kind Soul, And Avoiding 'Training' Any Way I Can.
They'll Wait For Me, In The Darkness Of My Dreams.
Training Day! Except It Doesn't Go As Planned...
Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.
Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

A Psycho Family?

4 0 0
By ClayNotDead

"Yeah, she's honestly cool- We talked a while!"

I had opened the doors to see some of the others from before, including Toby, Clockwork, and... Wait- Who's that?

I decided to eavesdrop, and apparently they were talking about me-.



"She can't be that cool-."

"She is, I swear."
"And I think she would make a great-"

"Uh... Clock?"


"She's behind you."


"Wh- OH-"

"Heyyy-" I waved, slowly coming out from behind the door.

"Sorry.." I added as I got closer to the small group.

"It's fine BH." Clockwork sighed.

"Uh.. Who-?" I mumbled, now pointing slightly at the mysterious person.

And I figured out who it was-.

"I'm EJ."

"..Black Heart."

To be honest, I was starting to get used to the new 'name', I liked it better than my old one..

Plus, it seemed to fit in with the other weird names I've heard today-

"Alright then." He murmured, before looking back at Clockwork.

"See, I told you she was cool."

"Eh... Agree to dissagree."

"Anywayss, I've gotta go." Clockwork said as she started walking towards the front doors.

"Where?" I questioned, wondering where in the world she was going.

"Heh, I can bring you if you want?" She asked once she got to the door, looking back at me.

"Eh, why not? Got nothing else to do."

"Alright then!"

And like that, I was out the door again.

"...So, where are we going exactly?" I asked, following behind her like a lost puppy because I didn't know where the hell I was going.

"You'll see~" She spoke, almost in a singing voice, not looking back at me once.

Soon she took off running, and I ran after her. I felt around in my sweatshirt pocket to find my cutter was still in there, good..

Now... Where in the bloody fuck was she taking me??

We soon got to a small town, and she stopped in front of a house abruptly, causing me to almost crash into her. I don't think she noticed though-.

"I was gonna kill someone that's behind this house, but you wanna have a go?"



"Slender's gonna kill me for bringing you out here, but let's not worry about that for now!" She tried to reason with it, but I didn't care at that moment.

We both walked around to a sort of gated backyard, and she gave me a thumbs up.

I kicked down the gate and pulled out my box cutter from my pocket to see someone sitting by a small fire.

I... I don't know what happened, I can't even explain it!

I quickly ran up to them and threw myself on-to them.


"Night, night bitch!"

I took my cutter and plunged it into their chest, and quickly made a heart-shaped wound.

"Heh.. AHA!HA!!" I cackled before pulling the skin off and taking out their heart.

I could hear someone talking from behind me, but I didn't care.

I soon pulled myself off of the now corpse, and looked back at Clockwork, now holding a bloody organ in my hand.

Wow, the first day here, and I already did something horrific, a new record I guess?

"Hm, I think I'll save this one." I mumbled, now looking at the heart, smiling under my mask.

"Well then- L-Let's get back to the mansion so you can save it!" Clockwork stuttered, motioning me to follow her.

"Yeah, good idea- Plus, someone's gonna find us soon enough." I said, now walking towards her.

We ran through the now wide-open gate and started taking off towards the forest we came from.

We could hear frantic talking, but we ignored them and continued on.


Once we got back to the mansion, we stopped to catch our breath.

"So... How- How was it?" Clockwork asked me, and I looked at the heart in my hand, and it was now dripping blood.

"It- It was good, I think-" I wheezed, and that's when I realized running while wearing a mask that was tightly on your face was not a smart idea...

"I should bring you on these things more often, eh?" She chuckled, before standing straight again.

"Yeah, maybe." I quietly mumbled, smiling slightly still.

"Alright, let's go inside."

"Fantastic idea, I could pass out I swear."

Clockwork chuckled and pushed open the door.

As soon as we opened the door, we were greeted by some people.

"Oh great." I mumbled under my breath.

"Clockwork, Black Heart." Slender said, maybe going wasn't the best idea-?

And behind him was... Toby, that Tim guy, and some other guy-.

"You little snitch." I hissed, now looking dead at Toby.

"Hey, he was going to find out either way~." He snickered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways... Why did you bring her with you?"


"I-It was my idea, sir noodle."

"Rea- EXCUSE ME?!"

"Off-limits nickname, got it." I giggled, and I stood up from my previous position.

"Anyways, she did good!" Clockwork started, trying to get the attention off of me.

"Mm, really?"

"Yeah, she might have gone a little overboard, but she did well!" She added, and I shot her a quick look before returning my focus to the asshole lecturing us.

"Ahem... Still, you can't bring random people on your missions." Slender added, before 'looking' at me.

I honestly felt a bit nervous, and sick...

"Especially new Pr-"

"I brought back a heart though!"

I cut him off and held out the heart I got from before.

"I do kind of need to store it somewhere though.." I chuckled.

"Oh my-.."

"See? I told you~."

"Okay, you might be able to find something somewhere, I don't know- I'll have a talk with Clockwork, you- Go do whatever I guess."

"Thaanks, see you." I waved, as I walked away from them.


After a few minutes, I found a jar and took it with me to Toby's room.

I just stared at it for a good few minutes as I sat on the bed.

'I can't believe I did that, I don't know what came over me...' I thought to myself, as I contonued staring at what I had.

'I went from being bullied in school, to taking some poor guy's heart out.. Wow.'

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door open.

"Wh- What are you doing in here?!"

"This is my room, dumbass."

"Riight..." I mumbled, now looking at Toby.

"We just stared at each other in silence for a good minute, before I spoke up.

"So... Who changed me?"

"Uh-" He muttered before we both heard something loud from outside.

"S-saved by chaos I guess!" He said as we both turned out heads towards the door, and we soon both ran out to see what the fuck was going on.

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