Agent X: Out From The Shadows...

By ManicStan

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Disclaimer: This is a Winter Soldier fan fiction but isn't heavily centered around him. I thought it would be... More

The Beginning of the end
The (Original) Winter Soldier
Barnes Comes Out Of Hiding
Who I Truly Am
For The Best
In The Name Of Love
Fame = Annoyance
Daddy Dearest
New Asgard
Duties and Weddings
Mr. & Mrs. Barnes
Stark Isle
Possibilities or Pipe Dreams?
Out From The Shadows
Love and Thunder


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By ManicStan

-The Next Day- 

Bucky came down the walk way, he looked sad as he approached James and I. I gave him a questionable look, "What's wrong?" He sighs, "Steve's gone." I gasp, "What do you mean?" He takes James inside and sets him in his room before closing the door behind him, we sit down on the couch, "Steve went back to replace the infinity stones and he ended up staying in the 1940s so he's basically gone now. It's just us." He wraps his arm around me, I let out a few tears before asking, "Did he get to be with Peggy?" He nodded before kissing me on my forehead, "I'm just happy that I have you." I smirk, "Yeah, me too. I've already lived without you once, I don't think I could do it again." He sighs deeply before going into James' room, he sits down and starts playing with him. I stood in the doorway and watched as they played. After a few minutes, my mind started wandering to Steve, I felt bad for myself that he wouldn't be in our lives anymore but I felt happy for him because he finally got to be with his one true love. I was torn on how to feel if I'm honest but I decided to just shut up and be happy for him. 

A few days went by before James asked about Steve, Bucky told me he'd handle it so he did. I left to go see Thor, he seemed excited to see me but was bummed that I didn't have James with me. "No little Thor? I was going to let him try to lift the axe this time." I chuckle, "He's with Buck, he asked about Steve so I thought it'd be better if Bucky explained it to him." He nods, "Yeah, that's probably best. I have something to tell you." He takes me outside to a bench and as we sit down he continues, "I gave New Asgard to Val and I'm going to be going away with the guardians for a while." I'm visibly shocked, "You're leaving?" He nods, "I think it's best if I start living my own life, trying to figure out who I actually am rather than who I'm told to be." I nod, "Okay, just try to keep in touch." He nods then looks confused for a moment, "Wait, you're not mad about me giving the throne to Val?" I shake my head, "Of course not, I'm not fit to be a queen. I'm not even technically an Odinson anymore." He chuckles, "Ah, that's right Freya Barnes. So weird." We stand up and hug as he whispers, "Tell James I love him and I'll be back soon." I nod as we pull away, "Will do. I hope you find what you're looking for." He nods and grins as he walks off. I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Freya?" I turn around to see Clint, "Whats going on?" I ask. He shook his head, "I'm just here to say goodbye, my wife also asked me to invite you and James over for a play date sometime so I need your number or she'll never let me hear the end of it." I chuckle as he hands his phone to me, "There." I hand it back to him with my number in it. He hugs me, "Thank you for everything you've done for us." He whispered before pulling away, I nod before he walks off. I don't feel like I've done enough to earn his loyalty but I'm happy I did. 

I returned home after wandering around for a while. It was already dark, when I walked in James and Bucky were trying to cook in the kitchen. I started laughing when I saw something they were cooking catch fire. Bucky looked back at me for a moment and laughed before putting it out, I sat on one of the stools near the counter and just watched them. I couldn't even put into words how I felt in this moment, I loved watching them just be. I never thought I'd see them in the same room so it was almost surreal to see it right in front of me. I sighed deeply before heading into the bedroom, I looked around for a moment and realized it was sort of a mess so I cleaned it up quickly before getting into the shower. I cried a little bit about Thor leaving, it hit me all at once and I just cried for a while before finishing up and getting out. I put on a short nightgown and a robe before heading into the kitchen. They prepared some rancid looking meal but I ate it with a smile, it didn't taste as bad as it looked. 

I finished cleaning up the kitchen as Bucky put James to bed. I put everything away before Bucky came into the kitchen, picked me up and put me onto the counter. He started kissing on my neck and down my chest as he untied the robe. I sighed as he put his hands on my thighs, he took it as me being annoyed or something and stopped, "Whats wrong?" I shook my head, "Nothing, that was a good sigh." He chuckled softly, "Oh." He continued kissing on me before he lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and bringing me to the bedroom. He set me down on the bed gently, "You look the same as you did the day I went away." He basically whispered. I sighed before letting out a quick laugh, "So do you." He smirked before getting on top of me, kissing my neck and chest. We haven't done anything besides some foreplay since he's been back so I was extra excited for it. He kissed down to my inner thighs before just straight up going for it, I moaned quietly as he went down on me. I put my hand on the back of his head and locked my fingers in his hair, I came quickly when he noticed he looked up at me as he pulled away, "That was quick." I sighed, "Its been awhile." I pulled him up to me so I could kiss him, he unbuckled his pants quickly and slid it in. I laid back as he opened my robe up and watched my body as he went, I know he was watching my chest so I cupped my breasts for him and moaned softly, he bit his lip as he watched me. I licked my nipples without breaking eye contact with him, he let out a quiet moan as he came. He plopped down on me and started giggling, "Why haven't we done this yet? We used to do it whenever, wherever." I chuckled, "We're parents now, Buck, but you're right. I need that more often, starting now." I kiss him passionately as we switch positions, I get on top of him and throw my robe to the floor. He immediately cups my breasts with his hands, I don't even mind the chill of the metal when he did it. I slid down on him, my legs shook a little when he was fully in. I leaned over to kiss him as I started riding him. He was really into it, he looked like he was dazed as he asked me to say his name, I obliged. His eyes rolled back before he closed them, he used his right hand on my clit which made me orgasm quickly. I stopped riding as I did and he whispered, "I love it when I can feel it." I smirked before he kissed me and started pounding me, I mean pounding. It was hard and fast, it felt really good. He made me come again just as he did, we both let out quiet moans. 

I woke up the next morning to a completely silent house. I looked at the clock, it was 8 am. Exactly when James' school starts, I stretched and felt the bed beside me, Bucky must've taken him to school. I sat up and moved the blanket off of me, I was surprised when I noticed I was naked then remembered the night Bucky and I had. I bit my lip as I relived it for a moment before shaking it off and showering. Once I got ready for the day, I went to town hall where Val was usually. I was surprised to see it was only her there today, I approached her as she smiled, "Good morning, Goddess. How are you today?" I shrug, "I'm alright, what's going on?" She shrugged, "Nothing yet. Apparently everyone thinks the work day starts at noon." I chuckle, "Yikes." I look around for a moment before she puts hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry about the death of your friends." I sighed deeply. Tony, Nat and now Steve. "Thank you." She nodded, "So what brings you by today?" I think for a moment, "To be honest, I miss having missions and being on the run. It's super weird to me that I'm a mother and a wife with ties to a community. I never thought I'd be here and now that I am, I'm-" She interrupts, "Bored?" I chuckle, "Yeah, exactly. I'm bored." She sighs, "Well, I have some things you could help out with, if you want. Bucky already helps with the building so he can't exactly be two places at the same time, can he?" I give her a confused look as she continued, "I would like you to be my head of security." I chuckle, "You're a Valkyrie, why do you need security?" She shrugs, "It's more for the staff than anything else." I sigh, "Eh, why not?" 

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