Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hell...

بواسطة ClayNotDead

187 7 2

A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow... المزيد

The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]
Meeting Them [Copy-Pasted]
First Day
A Psycho Family?
Everyone's Insane Here-..
A Plan, A Plan To Stay Away From Them.
A 'Calm' Night, I guess?
A Trip, And A Talk.
A Day In Bed.
Getting 'Comfortable' In This Hell
A Day To Do Whatever, And For The Two Of Us [LONG]
Ending The Bloodline Here.
Back In 'My' Bed.
A 'Me, Myself, And I' Day. [Rushed-?]
Visiting A Friend, And Sneaking 'Home'
Family Fun Night? Why not.
Let's Try This Again, Shall We?
Holiday Set-Up.
Happy Birthday, I guess.
Christmas Chaos
A New Years Night Out [LATE ASF]
"Mama, I'm An Escapee!"
A Totally Normal Day.
Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]
Sunday Morning Service Chaos, Because Religion Screws People Over.
Valentine's Day Mission Gone Wrong.
Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]
Liu's A Kind Soul, And Avoiding 'Training' Any Way I Can.
They'll Wait For Me, In The Darkness Of My Dreams.
Training Day! Except It Doesn't Go As Planned...
Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.
Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

The Fight [Copy-Pasted]

22 2 0
بواسطة ClayNotDead

I looked around myself to observe the area of the place I came to be in.
I'm sure I never went past the hills and to the forest, more less laying down and sleeping there. Perhaps I sleep walk? That would explain a lot, I suppose..

I was forcefully snapped out of my thoughts as I heard someone laughing from behind a tree nearby.

'There's someone else here! Perhaps I can ask them if they know the way out of the woods.. Unless they're lost too.. Ah, well, at the very least, I won't be alone!'

"Hey, laughing person, are you lost too? Or do you happen to know the way out??"

"Oh, you're a funny one, aren't you!"

I looked in the general direction of the voice. There was still nobody to be seen.

"You're getting kind of annoying, you know?? Just come out! I don't have all day, you know?"

That did it for them, then. Still, they only barely peeked out from a tree behind me. I barely had enough time to get a good look at them before..

"Bratty, too.. Oh, well, too bad! Your time's up.. Until next time, I suppose.. Black Heart!"


Opening my eyes, I felt the soft fabric of the bed underneath me.

It was just a dream.

I quickly scribbled down a sketch of the person I saw behind that tree on a piece of paper and attached it to my journal for later. They probably weren't important, but I just want to have that filed away for later. Just in case, you know?

I called it a journal, but it's really a place where I put down stuff I've dreamt about. Like, people I see in my dreams, unique scenarios I've experienced in them, that stuff. It's pretty handy.

Going down the stairs for breakfast, I noticed it was barely 6AM. I won't be late for once! Gloria will be proud of me.

My mother was already there, putting a plate of eggs and some orange juice on my spot.

Both of us sat down and ate in silence, only with the occasional 'How are you?' and 'How was your sleep?'.

I kept the weird dream to myself. I'm slightly worried that if she heard about it, I might get sent back to the psych ward. My last time there was truly awful, the nurses were ignorant and rude.. I'd rather never repeat that experience again.

"Are you ready to go, love?"

"Yeah, let me just go get my bag."

"Don't waste too much time up there, you need to get going on time!"

I rushed up the stairs and quickly gathered my belongings in my back pack. I tried to be as fast as I could, but it still took me a while to find my headphones.. I hoped they won't be too pushy about it.

It seems that, today, luck wasn't on my side. My mom was in front of the front door, sitting with crossed arms and an upset expression on her face.

"I apologize, I couldn't find my headphones.. I promise I'll be faster tomorrow."

"You better. You should have just went without them, you know! You don't even necessarily need them!"

I looked down at my feet as my father looked down at me and took his turn of the conversation.

"I told you that you've spoiled her. That girl could use some actual discipline, like we did it back at my time."

"Don't start this now.. Get going now, Ash. Please, behave."

"I will try my best." I rushed out the door, hiding my face in embarrassment. It's always about the little things, is it not?

I didn't even take that much time, it hasn't been over 6 minutes! Has it?

I took a deep breath and pushed all thoughts of that interaction out of my head. I need my mind to be clear and ready for the day at school.

At least it was friday, I could take as much time as I want to in my room tomorrow.

I was so lost in my thoughts with my music, that I didn't even have time to react before someone had pushed me to the ground, knocking my headphones and phone off and out of my reach.

"Watch where you're going, you-!"

I looked behind me, but nobody was there.

I began gathering my stuff quickly, getting up and continuing the walk as if nothing had happened.

'Just ignore it, Ash.. You're psychotic, you must be seeing things again. The doctors said it might happen when you're off your meds, didn't they.. Just, ignore it.' I thought to myself, putting on my headphones and shoving my hands in my pockets.

I saw the figure of a thin, short man escaping off and into the forest nearby, but paid no mind to it. I'm just off my medication, it's just my imagination playing tricks on me.

"Oh god, Ash! Are you okay?! It's like the wind just pushed you over! Damn, you should really eat more! I'll give you some of my lunch today!" Gloria jokingly said, snickering a little under her breath as she ran over to my side and looked me over, checking for any signs of injuries.

We distantly heard the first bell ringing, so Gloria picked up her speed a little and asked me to speed up as well.

"You can go ahead and enter, I'll stay outside for a little more. I need to wipe off my clothes, a lot of dust probably got on them with how I fell.."

"Yeah, of course - here, take some tissues and suit yourself. Just don't be too late for class, okay? I'll tell the teacher you had an accident and needed a little bit of time to gather yourself."

"Thank you. Good luck!"

Before I even had time to yell that out, she was already off and running towards the building. I could only see her taking a turn a few streets in front of me, before she completely disappeared from my vision.

I kept walking, scrolling through my playlist to find a good song, but was rudely interrupted as someone pushed me over for the second time in the past 10 minutes.

"Move it, emo!" A disgustingly sing-song voice exclaimed from behind me.

"Yeah, move it! We shouldn't be seen walking behind mutt like you! They might think we're friends! And who would want to be around such a fake and gross person like you?" Another, slightly lower-pitched voice added in from the first one's left.

"Hallie, that literally sounded so fake, oh my god. Work on that. You really fucking suck. Do you know how many people want to be in our friend group? Do you know how many people want to be friends with me? Do you know how easily replacable you are? I've rejected them all just for you, and yet you still can't even act on my level. Get yourself together, before I find someone to take your place."

"I am- I am so sorry, Alice. I.. I promise I'll fix my behavior.. As soon as possible."

"Oh wow, someone's moody." I said with a grin as I got my stuff back and got up, continuing to walk in front of them.

"Shut up, you slut! You have no place to tell me how I should treat my fellow ones-"

"Oh no, the person with their tits showing from their disgustingly small, barely covering anything shirt has called me a slut.. What will I do! Oh, where is my prince charming when I need him.." I retorted back at her, beginning to laugh around the end of my mock.

"At least I have something to show, you flat shit! Come on Hallie, let's go! The likes of her don't deserve to speak with us."

"Of course, Alice."

Oh wow, did she just compliment me? I'm flattered..

Alice made a show of walking to the opposite end of the road I was walking on and dragging poor Hallie behind her. Someone should really get that poor girl away from Alice. She truly doesn't deserve the treatment she's being given. Well, it's not my job though.

I continued walking to the school building, a small smile resting on my face as I thought about the comeback I gave that girl. It really felt good.

I was gradually late for my first class, but it was totally worth the disappointed look from Gloria.

"I apologize for being late, Mister Mical. I had some issues getting to the school building."

"It's alright, Ash. Please just take a seat and be quiet."

I nodded at the teacher, before taking my assigned seat next to one of the windows.

"Look, it's Ash! The slut of the class!"

"We heard that you dress that way to attract more attention from the boys! That's so nasty!"

I sighed deeply, trying to ignore them the best I could and just focusing on class.

"Do you crave validation so bad that you're ready to give up your body for it!! That's disgusting! You're such a whore!"


"GIRLS!" Mr. Mical had snapped at us, a stern look in his eyes.

"I do not tolerate such words in my classroom. I'm going to have to ask you two to leave and go to the principal's office." He'd looked straight at Hallie and Alice. Good, at least I'm not in troubles.

"But why!? She deserved it anyway! It's against the school's dress code to dress like that!"

"That's the teacher's job to comment on, and not yours. Now leave, before I get your families involved."

The two got up in shame and walked out of the classroom. God knows where they went after that, but fuck, at least they're away.

I noticed a boy, waving at the window from the woods. Was he waving at me?..

I didn't think too much of it, so I waved back. It's probably just my mind continuing to play tricks on me.

A few minutes later, the teacher walked up to my desk and tapped my shoulder to get my attention. Huh, was class over already? I could swear it just started.

"Hey, are you okay? The things those girls said.. were truly rude. I'm so sorry for their behavior."

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's fine."

"Alright, have a great rest of your day! And, if they um.. bother you again, don't be afraid to let me know, alright?"

"Thank you, Mr. Mical. I will."

"You can call me just Micheal, Ash."

"Yes- Micheal."

'What a pleasant short interaction' I thought as I walked out of the classroom and down the hallway.

A few hours later after all my classes were over, I was walking down the staircase from the second floor to the first with Gloria.

"And so I told her-"

"You pointed out her tits were showing?! Dude!"

"Shut up, I had to defend myself!"


"Don't laugh-!"

Before we had time to continue, we found outselves at the exit.

"Er.. I'll- see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Tomorrow!"


I bid her goodbye, accompanying it with a big hug before letting her run out and to her parents' car.

I took a little longer than usual to walk home.

My mind was really all over the place. I should really ask for a refill on that perscription.. And I thought I was getting better.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome back, dear. How was school?"

"Actually, I'd like to talk about something with you. And dad. I promise I'll be quick about it."

My mother stared at me for a minute, before walking off and coming back with my father. He looked rather pissed though..

"This better be worth our time, it's not easy providing for your spoiled ass."

"I'm sorry, uh.. I was just wondering if you could perhaps.. Use they/them pronouns for me? And.. maybe see me as non-binary instead of a girl? It would really make me feel better at home and closer to you guys if-"

"What?! This is what happens when I leave you to raise our daughter, isn't it, woman! She has become so obsessed with social media, she can't even tell what's normal and what's not anymore!"

"Oh, you're one to talk! Look at what you turned into with your parents' parenting methods that you want to re-use! "

"Shut up, whore! " A loud slap echoed through the room as my mom stepped backwards and away from me and dad. "Go and be useful for once in your life and make us some dinner, while I take care of this. "

My mother only lowered her head in silence and walked out of the room.

I could feel the tension growing thicker with each second.

"So, you want me to refer to you as non-binary, don't you? Like all those freaks nowadays that walk around with neon dyed hair, fishnets, ripped jeans, skirts that don't even cover their parts and bras for shirts? Well, let me show you what they taught us to do with you, back at the good old days."

He approached me and grabbed my hand, twisting it back to the point I thought it would snap and fall off if he went any further.


"No, love, it's what you wanted, is it not?" He had a sick smile painting his face. "You asked us to treat you like them, so I'm giving you what you wanted. You should be thankful for how amazing your parents are that they even allow you to be what you want to be."


"If i wanted it to break, it would be broken by now, Ash."

"MOM! PLEASE!" I cried out. I swear I could hear something snapping inside my wrist.

"Listen to your father, love."

It almost felt like hours went by, my father twisting my arm more and more, explaining to me how that's what I've asked for and how I should be on my knees, thanking him by now.

Before, eventually, he dropped my arm and pushed me to the floor, leaving the room.

I got up and went back into my room, blocking the door with a chair.

I couldn't take this anymore. It was all too much. Nobody should have to go through the bullshit they have put me through. And that doesn't except me.

I opened my desk's drawer and pulled out a box cutter I kept in there.

Before I did anything drastic, I took a good minute just staring at myself in the mirror.

Am I really ready to do this?

But then I heard the heavy footsteps coming towards my room, and it's like my hands just acted on their own.

One held up my eyelid while the other slid the box cutter carefully over the very top layer of my eyeball. I didn't want to bleed out too soon, so that would do for a while. I saw a twisted smile beginning to form on my face as my father thumped at the door, trying to get it to open.

I had carved in the symbol the boy from the woods had been showing me those past days.

A rough reminder of what lead me to lose everything I had.

Then, I tore my mouth wider with it. Blood was spilling everywhere, my clothes, my hands, the floor.. But I couldn't care less. I was up in my own world, having the time of my life. I was on cloud nine.

I dropped the box cutter on the floor.


It made a loud metal-hitting-hardwood-floor noise, which apparently my father had caught onto.



I hurriedly pulled out a mask from my drawer, putting it over my mouth. With how tight it was, it would stop the bleeding temporarily. I also got an eye patch and tightened it around my bleeding eye.


I quietly opened the window and slid out, running across the now familiar roof and down the creaky ladder, running off and towards the hill with the beautiful view, hoping to find some peace there, at least for a moment.


My father had body slammed into my door, forcing it off it's hinges and down to the ground.


I could have sworn I heard him jumping through the window, and out of fear of being caught on the hill, I ran inside the woods.

I heard laughter coming from behind me as I rushed through the small forest, branches scraping roughly at my skin, leaving nasty marks behind them.


"You sure are a weirdo! I knew I was right from the very first day I was sent to stalk you!"

"What the fuck.. You know how bad that sounds, right?"

"Yeah! Tends to happen, with a job such as mine you're bound to say some weird shit eventually.."

"Why were you stalking me!?"

"I told you, it's my job! Now, would you mind telling me your name? I've been dying to know it!"

"It's.." I looked to the side. I couldn't just tell him my real name, could I? "..Black Heart."

"Well that's a weird one for sure.. Not the worst I've heard by far, but still."

"Would you care to introduce yourself as well? I don't think calling you 'the weird boy from the woods that stalked me' would be a good first impression on others."

"Where are my manners! I just haven't spoken to a person outside of the mansion in soo long.. You know, I'm just no longer as used to having to introduce myself on first meetings since they're usually first and last!" He laughed half-heartedly, looking up to meet my eyes.

"It's Toby! Friends call me Ticci Toby, but I'd prefer if you just use the first one."

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