Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1)...

By koneesha

86 2 13

Discovering a world of unimaginable powers and Immortals and her place in it, Yun must learn to wield her pow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Face claims

Chapter 2

6 0 0
By koneesha

Breakfast was a simple affair as how Lord Gu liked it. They had green tea with fried goat cheese in syrup along with a bowl of fruit, specially prepared.

"Father, do tell me more about your trip this time." Yun asked after swallowing a bite of cheese.

For the longest time, although she was content staying home in Guiying, she wanted to venture out into the world. She felt as though something was calling her, wanting her to explore and travel. But for now, she was living vicariously through the recounts of her father's ventures, and was happy doing so.

"Gwangbei is still very hot." He chuckled as he begin his recount of his travels. "Even though it was almost late-autumn that I had departed from there after getting the spices, it was sweltering. The people were also still loud and merry as ever."

"And then I had spent too long in the Royal City when I arrived this time, trading off my wares. Some of my days were spent with my old friends from court as we talked about the current issues in the nation. They still wanted my opinions."

Yun smiled as she knew what he was going to say next.

"But there's still no place like Guiying." They chorused.

Lord Gu laughed heartily at that. "There's no place like Guiying." He sighed again as his laughter receded.

"I heard that you were still interested in herbs." Her father stated after they finished their food. A servant girl came in to clear out the plates as the manor started to bustle with life, the sun rising well into the sky now.

"I am, Father." She nodded, perking up.

"Well, it's good that I have something for you." Her father stood up and left the table. When he came back, there was a wooden chest in his hands. He unlocked the latch and opened it to show her the contents inside.

Yun gasped. Inside the chest was a mortar and a pestle, several stoppered porcelain bottles, a few bottles of what she thought was infused-oil and a couple of books at the bottom of the chest.

"All of these... for me?" She asked.

"Of course. Here, take it."

The chest was placed in her hands, and Lord Gu latched it up again.

"This is also for you." He said as the same servant girl brought in a bowl. As she set it down on the table, Yun inhaled deeply the scent of the dark coloured soup. Jujube seeds, longan and poria.

"One of the fellow merchants that I travelled with on various occasions recommended this prescription. I've tried it myself before, and it works like a charm. Have a try first, and if it works, I will ask the kitchens to prepare this for you every night."

"Thank you, father."

He chuckled in reply again. "No need to thank me, I'm your father. Even though I can't spend too much time with you, I still want to take care of you."

"On the other hand, where were we with your lessons?"


Many in Guiying had known that Lord Gu was a successful merchant and a trader, and rightfully so. But before that, he had served in the palace as a scholarly court official. He was exceptional in the art of painting, and that lead him to be well known as one of the two tutors for the Xiang King, whom was known for his prowess in the arts as he grew up.

One of the ways that he had managed to spend time with Yun was also through teaching her how to paint. It started when she was little, and the lessons had still continued up until now. It had become a hobby for Yun, and the talent she had shown was enough to please her father to continue to teach her. Sometimes, she would also sell her paintings, allowing her some extra pocket money to buy the herbs that she needed.

"Draw me something." Lord Gu's voice cut through the comfortable silence.

Yun and her father were both sitting in a small gazebo in the courtyard. On the stone table, a brush set with ink stone were placed readily. A sheet of parchment was unrolled, the edges held down by her father's wooden paperweight in the slight breeze.

Yun picked up a brush, and dipped it into the ink with a slow deliberateness. She hadn't really thought of what to draw, but as the tip of the brush touched the paper, she found herself trying to outline the moonshine peonies that she had seen in her dreams, the strokes coming together decently. The black ink flared out against the yellow sheet, and soon a peony took shape.

Her father stood up to look over the painting. He nodded with approval as Yun lined the petals with a darker shade, making them seem even dainty like.

"How about a person? You should be able to do it." Her father asked as she set down her brush, looking at the painting she just made.

Yun paused after she unrolled a new sheet of parchment, feeling just as clueless as her father took the previous one aside.

The brush moved on its own accord though as she touched it to the parchment again. She painted smaller, thinner strokes, outlining the face. Broad strokes for his hair, and water splashed against his cheeks, shading the contours smoothly. The mono-lidded eyes came to life after she finished drawing his high nose and his thin lips. As Yun tried to paint him as detailed and as true as possible, she had to close her eyes for several intervals to recall.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she had drawn her Intended. She let out a breath shakily, her shoulders rolling back as she set down the brush. Her eyes connected with those on the parchment, and her heart skipped a beat.

Those eyes... Somehow, she had managed to draw the feelings in them. And it made them seem real and longing.

She blinked when her father pulled the parchment away from her, and she glanced upwards quickly, the panic evident in her eyes as her father gazed thoughtfully at the drawing.

"Your skills have improved." He finally nodded without saying anything more. Setting it down on the table again, he smiled at it, looking satisfied.

"Thank you, Father." Yun smiled. But it faltered as soon as her eyes landed on the paintings again. Forcing herself not to think too much about it, she tied them into scrolls so she could keep them later. Her fingers pressed too tightly around the edges though, making them crumpled as she put them away, and tidied the rest of the table.


Spring passed, and summer came soon enough in the sixth month. The weather became warmer and the sudden rains were no more. The town of Guiying slowly became busier as well, as more merchants were willing to travel around due to the nicer weather. Lord Gu had stayed in Guiying and collected his batches of goods to be traded out in the later months, choosing to spend more time at the manor instead.

Yun had celebrated her birthday as well in the eighth month, turning eighteen. But unlike the other ladies around her, she still hadn't got an engagement yet. She wasn't rushing for one, and it seems like her father wasn't as well. Instead, he had spent her days trying out new combinations of herbs, making accounts of them, dancing and painting.

The days passed, and the dreams continued, but nothing was new until the day after her birthday.

The governor had summoned for the Gu family to his manor, by the will of the Emperor. A small group of soldiers had made their way into Guiying town as well, in full armour, as told by the ladies during their routine meet-ups.

"Yun, would you please wear this for our trip later to Governor Chin's?"

Yun shook out of her reverie and focused on her father and reached out for the rucksack in his outstretched hand.

A purplish-blue dress robe lay inside, the neckline and the hem decorated with small beads and flowers. A pair of teardrop earrings rolled out onto her hands, the polished sheen reflecting in the morning light.

"What's the occasion, Father?" Yun asked, confused.

"I believe I know what it is, but I'm waiting to see for certain." Her father shook his head and sighed. "But maybe it is a good thing that you never got married."


"It's nothing. We'll just wait and see."


After lunch, they headed to the inner parts of the city by carriage. Contrary to what Yun had expected, they were not the only ones here. In fact, there were multiple families, all of nobility or of high social standing that were entering the manor.

She turned over and offered her father a hand as she stepped down first, making sure that he got down the carriage safely. Ling was sitting at the front of the carriage, and hopped down as well to stand behind Yun, carefully tracing her steps as they entered the manor as well.

Another thing that caught her by surprise was the number of ladies here. The air was completely pungent with the scents of the different powders and lotions. She tried hard not to gag as she breathed, only taking shallow breaths. They made their way through the long winding corridors, finally arrived at the main hall were the guests were mingling with each other.

Some of them took notice when Yun and her father arrived, and the few of them stepped out to greet her father pleasantly. Her father had dressed up for the occasion as well, swapping out his comfortable robes for new blue silk ones.

Yun smiled politely, the side that she normally showed during her social gatherings coming out naturally. She held her head high, but kept her eyes low, and curtsied at the guests whom came to talk to them, her hands placed properly at her waist.

"Lord Gu and Lady Gu Lian Yun. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Yun turned around and curtsied immediately towards Governor Chin, allowing a hint of warmth to slip into her demeanour.

"Governor Chin, it's a pleasure too." Lord Gu laughed heartily as they held each other at arm's length. "It's been a long time since we last met. I remember when we would spend days studying together, but alas, fate brought us different ways."

"As long as we remain united in heart, it is all that matters." Governor Chin turned over to Yun momentarily. "Your daughter has grown so much since I had last seen her as well. Is she following in your footsteps?"

"I do teach her sometimes, but I let her draw whatever she wants as long as she keeps drawing."

Yun lowered her head slightly in embarrassment, her cheeks flushing a pale pink.

"It's fine, the town of Guiying will gain another exceptional painter even if she paints what she likes, as long as she still learns from you." Governor Chin laughed it off.

"Please, do make yourself comfortable inside, we are about to begin the prayer session."

Lord Gu clapped Governor Chin on the shoulder heartily again before they entered the living area, Inside, Yun saw several soldiers in normal light armour rather than the huge ones. They were standing at each of the entrances and exits, sword sheathed around their waist.

Yun eye's drifted to them a few times, but she tried not to let her nervousness show. Her palms were wringed tightly, turning a pudgy red.

"Mister Yi, Mister Yi, I'm going to have to-"

A fat man burst through the entrance right after the Yun and Lord Gu stepped into the room. His face was red, Yun noticed, and the thick pungent scent of alcohol came off from him.

She moved backwards, her hand quickly grasping her father's arm to pull him away as well. But as soon as she started to move, the man turned towards her. Her breath caught, and she stilled as fear suddenly overcame her at the way the man looked at her.

"Pretty lady." He leered.

But as soon as he tried to move towards her, the soldiers standing at the entrance immediately took him on each side, dragging him away.

Yun stood frozen, her hands shaking from the force she gripped them tightly.

"Yun." She felt her hand being gripped by someone else and she turned over, trying to free herself from the hand.

"Yun, calm down." The hands gripped back tightly, forcing her to still.

"Miss, calm down." Someone else called from behind her. She felt hands on her shoulders, trying to roll them back as she slowly relaxed.

She looked up and registered her father looking at her with a worried expression on his face, her hand in his. Turning around, she looked in another pair of eyes, almost half a head taller than hers. They were bright, and in them, she could see that the man holding her was someone warm and steady, responsible even.

"Are you alright?" He inquired.

He blinked, and Yun felt herself return back to normal.

"Thank you, I am very much fine." She replied, twisting away from his hands on her shoulders. "May I know who you are, sir?"

"Jin. High General Jin from the Royal City." The corners of his lips tugged upwards. "And you?"

"I go by Yun, and this is my father, Lord Gu."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lord Gu stepped forwards, and bowed. Yun followed with a curtsy while Jin bowed back as well.

Their exchange was cut short when Governor Chin stepped into the room again, looking albeit, a little disgruntled. They turned to face him as he took a place in the middle of the room, and cleared his throat.

"A very good afternoon to everyone here. And I apologize for the slight intrusion." He stated lightly, an apologetic look on his face as he turned towards Yun.

"But now let us move on with our prayers. Ladies, please enter the room to the left, where you'll be greeted by a priest inside."

"Over here."

Yun looked over at the High General, and saw that he had begun to usher those stated into the next room. He arched an eyebrow at Yun when he saw her watching. She jumped slightly into action, following at the end of the line while Jin fell into step behind her. There were ten of them in total, Yun counted, excluding Jin that headed to the prayers. She still had no clue as to what the prayers were for, and she cast a quick glance to the back and the front of the line.

"Curious, Lady Yun?"

"It's only natural for someone to be, High General Jin." Yun retorted in a polite manner.

They stepped into a room filled with incense smoke. Yun closed her eyes taken aback slightly. It made her eyes water, and Yun raised her sleeve to wipe off a stray tear from the corner of her eyes.


Yun looked down and saw that Jin held out a handkerchief for her.

"Thank you."

Reaching forward, she curled her fingers around the silk and dabbed it again at the edges of her eyes.

A priest was standing in front of an altar, and through the thick smoke, she could barely make out the silhouette of the Moon Lord, the Immortal of Matchmaking.

"We're getting blessings for love?"

"For your marriage. To be exact." Jin coughed, and Yun glanced at him. His eyes were beginning to water as well, but he didn't say anything else. Yun glanced down at the handkerchief, regretting the decision to take it slightly.

"I'm fine. I've been in situations far worse than this."

Yun nodded belatedly after hearing his words, and slipped the handkerchief into her sleeves instead. As she turned her attention to the front, she found out that she was next, and hurriedly stepped forwards.

"Hands out." The male priest croaked. A long red string went around her outstretched wrist, and the priest was attempting to tie a knot at the end, his fingers shaking.

A gust of wind suddenly blew in their direction, and as the room had an open roof, the incense smoke soon blew in her face.

Yun coughed, and lifted an arm to cover her face. She heard Jin coughing as well. After a few moments when she could not feel the wind blowing, she lowered her sleeve.

The first thing she saw was the priests horrified face. Frowning, she traced his gaze down to her left wrist and saw that the red thread that dangled from her hand had somehow got caught on Jin's gauntlet, wrapping around one of the decorative bead pieces.

Her mouth fell open, and without bothering thinking too much, she reached forwards and tried to untie the red string. It came away easily enough, and she held the loose end in her right, offering it to the priest again.

He shook his head however, still looked stunned. "It is the Immortal's wish for the red thread to be brought to him."

"What?" Jin coughed, this time, the tears really streaking down his face as he lifted his head.

Yun quickly shook her head. "But what about the others outside? They'll find out if I don't wear the thread."

The priest pursued his lips, thinking. But he finally just took a lit candle and burned the edges of the red thread around her wrist.

"This won't last." He cautioned. "It'll fall off anyway if the relationship is not meant to be."

He took out another red thread, this one already knotted however.

"Hold this."

Yun complied, allowing the red thread to fall into her palm. A sense of warmth suddenly spread throughout her, as if the sun was shining on her. The edges flared up suddenly, burning itself.

She tried to shake it off in alarm, but it held on her hands. The flames did not burn her however, and soon, only a few strands of the thread were left.

The priest beckoned for her, and raising her hand, he counted the strands left.

"Three threads. One from a past life, one in this life and one in your next life." He mumbled, furrowing his brows. "Hard choice to make."

"What is going on?" Yun finally asked.

"Your fate, is what is going on." The man said solemnly. "Now go, your purpose here is done."

Yun refused to budge, perplexed. But once it became clear that the priest was not going to say anything else, she had to give up. Taking one last look that the Immortal statue through the smoke, she could have sworn that the figure looked alive, the sleeves on the statue swaying with the breeze.

"High General, would you please tell me who am I going to be marrying?"

"Not technically marry." He corrected her words. "You've been chosen to enter the palace as one of the maidens for the Emperor this year. If you catch His Majesty's eye, then you might become one of his harem."

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