Military eldest daughter-in-l...

By jeon_jijae

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About the novels I post: 》They are Not. Mine. 》For Reading and Offline Purposes Only. 》Originally Chinese no... More

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166 3 1
By jeon_jijae


Chapter 131 Silver Talisman

Lu Zhou pulled Li Yuanyuan to sit beside him and smiled: "Yes, it's like some people ran away to rob him, so everyone thought he was a bad person, but when everyone knew that he was a last resort, it was to heal his parents' illness. If you are forced to do the robbery, should we say that he is bad or should we say good? To say that he is bad, he is not really bad. It is good to say that he has filial piety, but it is wrong to do robbery. The same is true of a good person. He will lie, lose his temper and curse, and do bad things with good intentions, so it is really difficult to define a bad person and a good person." The

old grandfather sighed: "But my old lady doesn't think so, she thinks that the other party has done bad things. , it will continue to be bad."

"Maybe because the other party is really bad, she will have a bad impression of that person, although you said that you will reform him, then after so many years of reforming him, has this person been in front of grandma? Have you behaved well? If not, then you can't blame the old grandma for being so prejudiced against him." The

old grandfather froze and stood up quickly: "You are right, young man, I will go to my old lady now."

He quickly disappeared in front of Lu Zhou, but in less than a second, he returned to Lu Zhou, and he put a large box in front of Lu Zhou: "Our house is destroyed, and there is no place to put the statue, so please trouble the young man to put it Bring it back to Li's house to worship for a while, three incense sticks every morning, noon and evening, thank you."

Before Lu Zhou could react, the grandfather disappeared without a trace.

Lu Zhou was surprised: "How does he know that I am from the Li family?"

Li Yuanyuan only spoke when the old grandfather left, "Xiaozhou, I want to go home."

"This big box is so big? I can't carry it back. ." Lu Zhou looked around and found that no one was looking at them, so he quickly put the box in the space ring, and took Li Yuanyuan back to Li's house.

Li Nanxuan watched him come back and asked, "Is the old town fun?"

"I was buying food for Aunt Yuanyuan the whole time, and I didn't go around very carefully. By the way, I met an old grandfather just now, and he asked him to Bring this box back and let me enshrine it for a while." Grandpa Lu Zhou took out the big box given to him.

"What is this?" Li Nanxuan and Li Weihua surrounded them.

"The old man said that his house was destroyed and there was no place to put the statue, so he asked me to bring it back to worship for a period of time, three incense sticks each morning, noon and evening."

Everyone immediately guessed who this old man was, and quickly opened the box. Two golden statues appeared in front of them.

Li Weihua said in a hurry, "Quickly, move Eunuch Land and Granny Land to our ancestral hall. By the way, we will also notify the Dai family so that they don't have to build idols."

Lu Zhou was surprised: "This idol is Eunuch Tu and He. Mother Earth, what I just met was..."

Li Nanxuan smiled and said, "You just met Father Earth."

"Then the one who quarreled with him was Mother Earth."

Li Nanxuan raised his eyebrows: "Have you met? Going to Mother-in-law Land?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "I'll go, no wonder the old man and the father-in-law know that I am a member of the Li family. He is in charge of a piece of land. I guess there is nothing in this world that he doesn't know about."

Li Keqiu came over and asked Lu Zhou "You don't recognize Eunuch Land and Granny Land? Then you didn't say anything to offend them when you met them, did you?"

"We just chatted a few times and didn't say anything else."

Li Keqiu nodded: "That's good.

" At that time, Li Weihua shouted, "Don't talk anymore. Come to the ancestral hall and put incense sticks for the two old gods." When

the people of the Li family came to the ancestral hall, they first offered incense and told their ancestors that they needed to relocate their tablets to worship the father-in-law of the land. And Grandpa Land, put the statue under the main wall of the lobby, and then burned incense and worshipped the two gods and Buddhas.

Just as Li Zijun put the incense on it, one of the incense sticks broke.

Li Keqiu's incense stick at the back also broke.

The face of the Li family suddenly changed.

Li Nanxuan took out the gold and copper coins and said, "Mother-in-law is not willing to put her idol and Father-in-law together."

"..." The people of the Li family looked embarrassed. If they separated the two statues, it is estimated that the land father would not be happy.

Li Weihua asked, "What should I do?"

Li Keqiu glared at Lu Zhou, and he could bring back the gods of Eunuch Land and Granny Land when he went shopping. Now that she is okay, Granny Tu doesn't want to stay with Eunuch Land, what should I do?

Lu Zhou coughed lightly: "I'll give it a try."

Everyone looked at him.

Li Nanxuan said, "Let Xiaozhou try it."

Everyone in the Li family gave way.

Lu Zhou walked to the altar, and after bowing three times, he said, "First of all, I would like to thank the mother-in-law of the land for reminding me that those beggars are big liars. I really shouldn't give money to those who want to get something for nothing. They are getting more and more lazy, and they will keep the beggars who really need help from getting help, and defrauding the hard-working people of their money is unfair to the hard-working people. In fact, the land father also felt that the land mother-in-law was right, It's just that the current world is cold and human beings are weak. Everyone only cares about their own affairs. When facing some people who need help, most of them are standing on the sidelines. People are willing to stand up and help, and Eunuch Land also wants to send more positive energy to more people, so that everyone can be enthusiastic, so he does not think Granny Land is wrong. Then after Granny Land left, Eunuch Land told me Regarding your affairs, Eunuch Land knows that Granny Land is all out of good intentions. He is worried that he will be deceived by bad people, and that he will be prevented from befriending bad people because he is worried that he will be hurt. Eunuch Land also repented later, knowing that he was wrong and that he did not do enough. It's good to make the land mother so angry. There is a saying that is good, people are not sages, no one can make mistakes, and they can correct their mistakes. Goodness is great, so please ask the land mother to give the land father a chance, and let him give himself a chance to prove it. It's not too late for the mother-in-law to get angry again. Finally, I wish the father-in-law and mother-in-law to be harmonious and beautiful, live and grow together, and be more loving than the kitchen king and the kitchen king's grandmother. It is best to show their love and envy them in front of them. By the way, if you see Mr. Lei, please bring a message to the two elders, saying that the electric mother misses him very much, and I hope that he will take time to visit the electric mother more. Before going, remember to bring the items that the electric mother likes to be more favored by the electric mother. Say more things that Dianmu likes to hear, sorry, I'm talking too much, so I won't disturb the two gods." The

Li family's mouth twitched wildly when they heard the last few words, and they even sent the land father and mother land to the stove. The lord threw dog food in front of them, and asked Lei Gong to seek the favor of the electric mother.

However, after seeing that the incense that Lu Zhou inserted into the furnace did not break, they finally felt relieved. Then, they saw golden light strung out from Lu Zhou's body and flew into the two statues.

The people of the Li family were stunned.

Li Zijun hurriedly asked, "What is that?"

Li Nanxuan said, "That should be the belief power of the believers."

"The ability to believe? Then why don't we have it when we worship?"

"Our belief is too weak, of course we can't see it, but Xiaozhou's ability to believe is much stronger than that of hundreds of millions of believers."

The people of the Li family: " "..."

Li Zijun said: "To be honest, who is Xiaozhou? People with such abilities are definitely not ordinary people."

"I wanted to say it yesterday, but you didn't give me a chance. I don't want to say it now. "Li Nanxuan smiled and took Lu Zhou's hand: "Let's go back to draw the talisman."

Li Keqiu, who interrupted Li Nanxuan's speech yesterday: "..."

Li Nanxuan and Lu Zhou returned to their yard, sat in the stone pavilion, put the silver talisman, Take out the pen.

"I have a pen myself." Lu Zhou took out a soft-tip pen: "This is easier to use than a writing brush, and it can also hold special paints for talismans."

Li Nanxuan smiled and said, "Who came up with the idea of ​​using a soft-tip pen?"

"Of course it was me. When Asu had an accident that day, I found that I was too slow to draw the talisman. After I took out the talisman, I had to glue the cinnabar. It was very troublesome. Unlike a soft-tip pen, I could draw it directly on the talisman." Lu Zhou said proudly: "Is it very convenient for me to do this?"

Li Nanxuan nodded: "I can also use a soft-tip pen in the future, and now I will start drawing talismans. Try it first and see if you can write on the talisman."

Lu Zhou picked up the pen First tap on the fingertips to make sure that the pen is made of rune ink, and then write on the silver rune, but the rune black cannot stick to the silver rune.

He frowned: "I already painted it the day before yesterday, why can't I do it today."

"If you draw it once, then it will be much easier to draw a rune. Each rune consumes different spiritual power, so try first. Write what you want to write or draw the most, and if you write it out, kiss it."

Lu Zhou snorted lightly, "If you dare not give me a kiss, I won't give you a kiss in the future, see who is in a hurry."

Even though he said so, he still acted, he didn't want Li Nanxuan not to kiss him or not to kiss him.

Lu Zhou thought in his mind, and subconsciously wrote on the silver talisman: kiss

and then three words will be displayed on the silver talisman.

Lu Zhou excitedly raised the silver talisman and shouted: "Come out, show it."

Li Nanxuan said with a smile, "How much do you want me to kiss you?"

"Seeing these three words displayed on the silver talisman, You know how much I think about it." Lu Zhou said happily: "What do you think it will do if I stick it on someone else or a monster?"

Li Nanxuan raised his eyebrows: "I really can't imagine what would happen. How?"

Lu Zhou stood up and leaned towards him: "Would you like to try it?"

Li Nanxuan quickly jumped away from him: "What if I become a kissing madman and run around to my relatives? You don't want to see it either. Is it like me?"

"That's right, who is it going to be attached to?"

Li Nanxuan quickly stretched out to grab the talisman while he was in a daze.

Lu Zhou responded quickly, and quickly stopped: "What do you want to do?"

However, Li Nanxuan pinched the corner of the talisman paper, and the silver talisman fell down after the two of them pulled it.

The two hurried to grab it.

Lu Zhou was relatively close, Li Nanxuan hurriedly stretched out his feet and kicked it away, the talisman paper flew out, and then landed on someone's cloth shoes.


Chapter 132 I have no face

Lu Zhou and Li Nanxuan were stunned for a while, then looked up quickly to see that the people who came were Li Zijun and Li Keqiu who came after him to ask Lu Zhou's identity.

Seeing the two of them hug each other's bodies, Li Zijun asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Lu Zhou and Li Nanxuan looked at him and Li Keqiu, and then looked at who was the owner of the shoes with the silver talismans on them. Li Keqiu, the two quickly hugged and jumped a few steps away. Lu Zhou asked, "Uncle Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Li Keqiu lowered his face, "Am I so scary? Do I need to jump so far to talk?"

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to Li Nanxuan. He said, "It seems that the silver talisman I painted doesn't work for Uncle Tian."

"What you drew is a silver talisman, so it does somewhat work." Li Nanxuan stared at Li Keqiu's changing face, and saw that his expression slowly became dazed. Stunned, he hurriedly pulled Lu Zhou to hide behind the big tree.

"What the hell are you doing? Come out quickly, we have something to ask you." Li Zijun took a step forward and was suddenly pulled by Li Keqiu's arm. He turned his head and asked in doubt, "What are you pulling me for?"

Li Keqiu pulled the man with all his strength. In his arms, he then wrapped his arms around the other's waist, the other on the back of the other's head, and bowed his head to kiss him.

"Li Keqiu, what are you doing?" Li Zijun noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly turned his head away, a wet kiss fell on his face, he opened his eyes in surprise, Li Keqiu, who has always been serious and old-fashioned, could actually be a relative?

Li Nanxuan quickly took out his mobile phone and took several pictures of them: "In the future, if Uncle Tian doesn't treat you well, I will send this photo to everyone in the Li family."

Lu Zhou smirked: "You are bad . Seeing Li Keqiu

let go of Li Zijun, Li Nanxuan said disappointedly: "A kiss, is it really just a kiss? No other effect?"

"It's my second time drawing a silver talisman, so it shouldn't have much effect. After Li Keqiu let go of

Li Zijun, he looked around and didn't see Lu Zhou and Li Nanxuan hiding behind the tree, he quickly turned around and ran out.

Li Zijun hurriedly shouted: "Keqiu, Keqiu, where are you going?"

Lu Zhou asked Li Nanxuan: "Do you think he will go to kiss others?"

Li Nanxuan called to Li Zijun: "Uncle Lie, go after him. Uncle Tian."

"I don't even know what you are doing?" Li Zijun chased after him.

Li Nanxuan and Lu Zhou followed closely, and when they saw Li Keqiu, they kissed one, no matter who the other party was or which part they were kissing, as long as the kiss was there.

The people who were kissed included servants and members of the Li family. Everyone looked at Li Keqiu in shock as if they had seen a ghost.

Lu Zhou supported his forehead: "When he wakes up, I will be miserable."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Li Zijun ran back to them with a dark face: "What did you do to Keqiu?"

Lu Zhou said: "We didn't do anything."

Li Nanxuan continued: "It's just that the talisman drawn by Xiaozhou accidentally flew onto Uncle Tian's shoes."

Li Zijun looked at the silver talisman on Li Keqiu's feet and said in surprise: " Silver talisman!!? Xiaozhou painted silver talismans? Didn't he know how to draw talismans?"

Li Nanxuan said, "He just doesn't know how to draw the talismans we draw?"

"What do you mean?"

Lu Zhou coughed lightly: "Yes It's not that you should tear off the silver talisman from Uncle Tian's feet first and then talk about other things, if you don't stop him, he may run out of the compound to kiss others."

Li Zijun sneered: "Usually he is too old-fashioned, He is not close to people, so he just wants him to kiss others more and get closer."

"Other people will take it as a lunatic."

"..." Li Zijun scolded in a low voice and called to Li Weihua: "Weihua, hurry up. Tear off the talisman at Keqiu's feet."

Everyone saw the silver talisman at Li Keqiu's feet, stunned for a moment, and rushed towards Li Keqiu.

Li Keqiu is very responsive, and those who have been kissed by him don't want to take a step closer to him.

"Great-uncle-grandfather, I want to kiss too." Li Yuanyuan rushed towards Li Keqiu happily. She was so close to her great-uncle and grandfather for the first time, and she was very happy.

Li Keqiu picked her up, kissed her little cheek, and shoved her to Li Weihua, who rushed up.

Li Yuanyuan giggled happily.

Seeing his daughter so happy, Li Weihua smiled helplessly, put her on the ground, and continued to catch Li Keqiu. Unfortunately, apart from Li Nanxuan, Li Keqiu's martial arts was the best, and no one else could beat him.

Li Zijun said: "Nanxuan, you're in trouble, don't hurry up and catch me."

"No." Lu Zhou responded very strongly: "If you let Nanxuan go there, Uncle Tian will kiss Nanxuan."

"Uncle and grand-nephew are no big deal."

"That's not good either."

Li Nanxuan smiled: "Uncle Tianzu has never been shamed in his life, but his grandfather is more shameful."

Li Zijun smiled and said: "Actually, I think so too. Right. " At this time, the servants who guarded

the door flew in and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Dai family has come and said that they want to see the statues of Eunuch Land and Granny Tu."

"Please come in." Li Zijun just finished his words, Li Keqiu He ran towards the gate of the compound.

"Hey—" Li Weihua shouted anxiously, "Quickly bring my uncle back to me, and don't let him go to kiss the Dai family."

The servants in the courtyard quickly caught up with Li Keqiu.

When Li Keqiu saw that a ghost was blocking him, he quickly threw out the ghost-expelling charm, so frightened that people hurried to avoid it.

The Li family hurried to catch up, only to see Li Keqiu grabbing the arm of the head of the Dai family.

"Elder Li, you are..." The patriarch of the Dai family looked at Li Keqiu blankly.

With a sudden bang, Li Keqiu kissed the head of the Dai family on the face.

Everyone in the Dai family was dumbfounded.

Li Jian, who was chasing after him, stroked his forehead deeply: "I'm ashamed to look at it."

People from the Li family: "..." Li

Keqiu let go of the Dai family leader and walked towards Dai Mingxue who was standing behind the Dai family leader.

Demingxue saw Li Keqiu holding on to him, as if he was about to kiss him, and hurriedly raised his hand to support his chin: "Elder Li..."

Li Weihua and the others ran over quickly.

Suddenly, Li Keqiu stopped moving.

Seeing that Li Keqiu seemed to have regained his senses, Demingxue called out anxiously, "Elder Li?" Li

Keqiu came back to his senses, and when he saw the Dai family standing in front of him, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. He asked, "Why are you pushing my chin ?" Demingxue said angrily

, "I want to ask you why you are holding me?"

Li Keqiu realized that he was holding the other's arm, he let go and rubbed his brain acupoint: "I Didn't I go to find Nanxuan and the others just now? Why am I here?"

Li Zijun stepped forward and tore off the silver talisman at Li Keqiu's feet, picked it up, his eyes widened, "Kiss?"

He thought it was a talisman drawn on it. I didn't expect it to be three simplified characters. Can such a scripture be effective?

"What kiss?" Li Keqiu looked at the talisman in Li Zijun's hand inexplicably, and surprise flashed in his eyes: "Silver talisman?"

Everyone in the Dai family turned to Li Zijun.

Li Zijun hurriedly put away the silver talisman: "Cough, it's alright, Wei Hua, take Patriarch Dai and the others to the ancestral hall."

Li Weihua made a gesture of invitation to Patriarch Dai and the others.

Patriarch Dai left with them.

Li Zijun glared at Li Nanxuan and the others: "I'll find you to settle accounts later."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Li Nanxuan: "..."

Li Keqiu asked Li Jianshen, "What happened to me just now? Why do I feel like I lost a memory."

Li Jianshen smiled and said, "Just now, my uncle was so warm to my nephew, and I was so ecstatic."

He was playing chess before, and it was inexplicable He was hugged by Li Keqiu and kissed. At that time, everyone was frightened and thought that his uncle was evil.

Li Keqiu's face sank: "What do you mean?"

"You ask the others to go."

Li Yuanyuan ran over and hugged Li Keqiu's thigh: "Great-grandfather, Yuan Yuan still wants to kiss." Li

Keqiu: "..."

Li Jian gave a deep smile.

Li Keqiu turned to look at Li Nanxuan and the others.

Li Nanxuan immediately pulled Lu Zhou's hand: "Let's go back to the yard."

Lu Zhou whispered, "I think we should draw more talismans in case the elders punish us."

Li Nanxuan asked with a smile, "Good idea, then you can draw more. A few silver talismans?"

"No, but I can draw hundreds or more purple talismans in one go to immobilize the elders until the day we leave."

"Okay, don't think about these silly ideas." Li Nanxuan rubbed his hair: "Hurry up and practice drawing silver talismans for me, and then draw gold talismans."

"Silver talismans are already difficult to draw, and gold talismans are even more difficult."

Lu Zhou obediently returned to his yard to practice, but Next, no matter how much you draw, you can't draw it.

Li Zijun brought the people from the Dai family to the father-in-law and the others, and then sent them out of the compound, and immediately brought the people from the Li family to the yard where Li Nanxuan and the others lived. He patted the silver talisman on the table: "Explain. , what's going on?"

Everyone looked at the silver talisman, and it was written in an orderly manner: kiss

Li Jianshen and said in surprise, "Just now, uncle kissed other people's faces everywhere because of this talisman?"

Others were also very surprised.

Li Keqiu narrowed his eyes suddenly: "I kiss other people's faces everywhere?"

Everyone nodded.

"Who did I kiss?"

Li Zijun said: "Except Xiaozhou and Nanxuan, you have kissed everyone in the yard and ghosts."

"..." Li Keqiu took a deep breath: "What the hell is going on?"

Li Nanxuan said : "We swear, we didn't put this amulet on it, it flew to Uncle Tian's feet."

Li Zijun glared at him: "I asked if the characters on the silver amulet were really small. Is it written by Zhou?"

"Written by Xiaozhou?" Everyone looked at Lu Zhou in disbelief: "Can Xiaozhou draw silver talismans?

" If people who are not strong in spiritual power can't resist the powerful power emanating from the silver talisman, then they cannot draw or write on it. Therefore, no one can draw or write on the silver talisman anymore. It is impossible, but Lu Zhou. Not only is it written on it, but it is also written in simplified characters, and it can actually make a character.

Lu Zhou quickly shook his head: "No."

Li Nanxuan said, "I'm practicing."

Everyone: "..."


Chapter 133 It Really Can't Be

Li Zijun pointed to the three characters on the silver talisman and said, "I'm more curious now, Xiaozhou only needs to write on it to get the effect written on the talisman?"

Lu Zhou nodded.

"..." Everyone was once again surprised. They had never seen or heard of such a strange person in this world. Wouldn't they just want to write a word?

Li Zijun said to Lu Zhou: "Xiaozhou, try to write another silver talisman."

Lu Zhou was ashamed: "I can't write it."

"Is it a lack of spiritual power?"

Lu Zhou said honestly: "No, I draw a talisman. It never consumes spiritual power, and I don't know what spiritual power is, but I just can't write it."

Everyone couldn't believe it: "Drawing a talisman doesn't consume spiritual power? Then how did you write it?"

"Write it like ordinary writing. Yes ."

Everyone: "!!!!!!"

Li Keqiu asked: "Drawing silver talismans doesn't consume any spiritual power?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes."

Li Zijun returned to his senses and said, "Since you can't draw silver talismans now talisman, then you can use other talismans to write and see, I want to see if writing really can make a talisman."

Lu Zhou took out the yellow talisman paper and asked, "What do you want me to write?"

"Whatever." Let's

see With the soft-tip pen in his hand and the way he held the pen, he felt speechless again, this person really regarded drawing symbols as writing.

"Oh." Lu Zhou thought for a while, and wrote: Dancing dancing,

Li Zijun's eyes twitched: "Can't you write something normal?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "If it's too normal, it won't reflect the talismans I drew. It's special, so writing something special can also entertain everyone."

Everyone: "..." The

problem is that no one wants to be the one who entertains.

"..." Li Zijun picked up Huang Fu.

Others were afraid that he would stick to them, and hurriedly jumped away, staying ten feet away from him.

Li Zijun hooked his lips: "What are you afraid of?"

Li Jianshen said, "If you are not afraid, you can try it on yourself."

"You really don't teach your uncle to dance." Lu Zhou who ran away put a sticker on him.

Everyone stared at Lu Zhou.

Li Nanxuan said, "The talismans he wrote are useless to him."

Everyone was surprised.

"It's useless for him? That's good." Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't respond, Li Zijun pulled the talisman off and looked at the others, and then looked at Li Yuanyuan who looked curiously at them.

He smiled "gently" at the child: "Xiao Yuanyuan, I will wrong you this time."

Li Weihua was startled, but unfortunately it was too late to take the child away, and Huang Fu was already attached to Li Yuanyuan.

Li Zijun stopped him and didn't let him tear the talisman off: "Don't tear it, let's see what's going on first"

Li Yuanyuan jumped up immediately, her body was very soft after learning dance for a year, and she shook her small body at the beginning of the show, but it's a pity She is young and has a small body. Without a waist, she can't reflect the essence of Yanwu at all. Her whole body looks like she is shaking all over her body, and then she even imitates the adults to wink, and the adults present are laughing and convulsing. .

Someone asked Li Weihua: "Weihua, did your wife send Xiao Yuanyuan to learn dance before?"

Li Weihua wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes, "No, all she learns is ordinary dance, I have seen it all, but Normal children dance."

Li Jianshen asked, "Could it be that she went to school with TV."

"She's still so young, how could I show her this TV."

Li Keqiu raised his eyebrows: "Could it be that she was young? What the continent writes, the other party will know what, even if the other party has never learned anything."

Lu Zhou was stunned: "I don't know, I haven't tried it, it shouldn't be so magical, if it's really like what you said, my talisman will become invincible. I just write a top pianist and stick it on others, and the other party will I can become a great pianist."

Li Zijun said, "You can write another one and see if it will work."

Lu Zhou asked Li Weihua, "What can Aunt Yuanyuan not know?"

"There are so many things she can't do. , she doesn't know how to draw talismans."

"Then I write talismans?"

Li Zijun frowned: "This shouldn't work, she doesn't have much spiritual power on her body, let's not say whether she can draw them, maybe she will collapse halfway through the drawing.

Li Weihua also didn't want to make a joke about his daughter's body: "Change one, change another, by the way, she can't sketch." Lu

Zhou wrote on the yellow character: To draw a sketch,

Li Zijun first asks the servant to find a pen and paper, and then draws the jumper. Yan Wu's talisman was torn off, and a sketch talisman was pasted.

Li Yuanyuan took a pen and drew on the paper.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "It really doesn't work."

Li Zijun said, "Xiao Yuanyuan danced because she didn't want to see it on TV."

Li Weihua tore off Li Yuanyuan's talisman.

Li Yuanyuan came back to her senses, looking at the pen and drawing book in her hand, her eyes were blank for a while, and she didn't know what she was doing.

Li Weihua hurriedly asked, "Did Yuanyuan feel tired or uncomfortable?"

Li Yuanyuan shook her head, "No."

Li Weihua felt relieved.

Li Keqiu walked out and said, "Now you can tell me if I really kissed everyone before."

Li Weihua's father, Li Jianbo, took out his mobile phone and said with a smile, "Uncle, I also took a video, do you want it? have a look."

Li Keqiu grabbed the phone and opened the video, and when he saw that he was going crazy, he kissed someone, his face darkened immediately. He had never been embarrassed before, this was the first time he was so embarrassed, and immediately he pinched the phone screen.

"Uncle, my cell phone." Li Jianbo hurriedly grabbed it back, but the screen of his cell phone could no longer be displayed.

Li Jian said with a deep smile, "It deserves it."

Li Keqiu turned around with a dark face: "From now on, everyone will kneel for me at the ancestral hall until Xiaozhou draws a silver talisman."

Li Jianshen smiled and said, "Uncle, you are joking. Right ?"

"I couldn't be more serious." Li Keqiu took out the Elder Talisman and gave an order.

Everyone howled.

"Xiaozhou and Nanxuan who put the silver talisman on your feet, and you are the one who kisses everyone. We are innocent, why are we punished?"

"Yes, Xiaozhou needs to draw the silver talisman. What year and month? Could it be that if he can't draw it in his lifetime, we have to kneel for the rest of our lives."

Li Keqiu lowered his face, "I don't want to go soon."

Li Weihua said, "Yuanyuan is still young and can't kneel for such a long time."

Li Keqiu looked Looking at Luzhou: "I don't want her to kneel for so long, so let Xiaozhou draw it quickly."

"..." Lu Zhou felt a lot of pressure.

As soon as the seal of the elder came out, everyone could only go to the ancestral hall obediently.

Li Keqiu looked at Li Zijun who was still standing in the yard.

Li Zijun raised his eyebrows: "I am older than you, you can't punish me."

Li Keqiu: "..."

"Sure enough, being older is a good thing." Li Zijun turned and left with a smile.

Lu Zhou, who came to the ancestral hall, asked Li Nanxuan, "Didn't you say that the military order is very useful? Can I take it out and let Uncle Tian take back the punishment?"

"The military order is used to order other people to do other things, tasks or have the right to make decisions, not to eliminate punishment. The elder's talisman has the right to punish the principal and the rest of the Li family. The greater the power of the talisman."

Lu Zhou kneeled on the ground resignedly, and obediently took out the talisman paper and pen.

Li Jianshen moved a small table and placed it in front of Lu Zhou, comforting: "Xiaozhou, don't put too much pressure on yourself, if the silver talisman was so well drawn, the uncle who lived for three hundred years would have drawn it long ago. It's not that I haven't been able to draw silver talismans yet."

"Yes, don't put pressure on yourself, first think about how you drew silver talismans before, and then get the feeling from the previous one."

Lu Zhou heard this . Shame, it's impossible for him to think about Li Nanxuan or other messy things every time he draws a talisman? Besides, it's not like you can draw it just by thinking about it.

Li Nanxuan rubbed his hair: "Don't worry, look for ideas slowly, if you can draw twice before, it means you can draw a third time."

Lu Zhou nodded, biting his pen and thinking slowly.

In order not to disturb him, everyone knelt quietly, and in front of the ancestors, everyone did not dare to do other things recklessly.

Suddenly the sky outside was covered with dark clouds and darkened.

The members of the Li family looked out subconsciously.

"Bang——" The deafening thunder suddenly exploded.

"Dad." Li Yuanyuan was afraid and hid in Li Weihua's arms.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Li Weihua patted her on the back.

Lu Zhouyi was happy: "Is Duke Lei here?"

Li Nanxuan asked with a smile, "If Duke Lei comes, what do you want to do?"

"Of course I'll take him to see Mother Dian, you don't even know how many days you've been away from home. As long as she has time, the electric mother will generate electricity everywhere, especially when she sees Lao Zao and Zao Wang's grandmother in love, the electricity sent out can supply power to people all over the world, and if this continues, Yangmenyuan will be destroyed sooner or later."

Li Jianshen and the others listened and burst out laughing.

Li Weihua said: "The dark clouds came too suddenly and too strangely, it didn't look like the thunder from Duke Lei."

Lu Zhou was curious: "Apart from Duke Lei, who else can make thunder." The

Li family looked at each other and said, "Dragon. "

"Dragon!!!" Lu Zhou's eyes brightened, this is the auspiciousness that the legend said.

Unfortunately, there were dark clouds outside for most of the day, it was pouring rain for most of the day, and there was thunder and lightning for most of the day. He was stunned that he didn't see the shadow of the dragon.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the dark clouds dissipated, and everyone's stomach was already growling with hunger. Li Yuanyuan was so obedient that he never complained of hunger or tiredness.

Li Keqiu came to the ancestral hall and asked, "Did you draw it?"

Lu Zhou smiled awkwardly: "No."

He had been looking at the dragon before, but he didn't even see the root hair.

Li Zijun, who came in behind, said, "Get up."

Li Keqiu snorted coldly.

Li Zijun said, "Okay, you haven't drawn a silver talisman for over two hundred years. How dare you force a young man in his twenties to draw it right away?"

He saw that Li Keqiu punished the junior just for his own sake. our.

Li Keqiu: "..."

Li Zijun said to Lu Zhou and the others, "You all have dinner in my courtyard, and then go back and have a good rest."

Everyone propped up their weak and aching legs and left the ancestral hall. After eating, they went back to their own courtyards. sleep in.

In the middle of the night, the thunder boomed again, making people uneasy.

The next morning, someone from the Dai family called the Li family, saying that someone had seen a dragon doing evil in Qianbaicheng, and asked the Li family to help him to subdue it.


Chapter 134 I'll Give It To You

Lu Zhou learned that the people of the Li family were going to go to Qianbaicheng with the people of the Dai family to deal with the evil dragon. As soon as he got on the plane, he quickly wrote a book to prepare for conquering the evil dragon. This time, he must show himself well in front of the elders, and he can no longer let the elders think that he is someone who can't do this or that, and can't let Li Nanxuan lose face.

In order not to let the elders think he was cramming, he took out a folder board to block everyone's sight, so that no one else could see what he was doing. However, the elders sitting opposite looked through the reflection on the glass window next to him. The words on the purple talisman behind the folder board collapsed.

Not to mention how fast Lu Zhou can write, as far as he has written hundreds of paper talismans without changing his face, he has already made them admire the five-body talisman and draw a bunch of purple talismans without consuming any energy. Well, it's just that the words on his talisman are terrible, not a bunch of words like "death" and "injury", or a bunch of words like "too bad for life" and "life is better than death", as well as some to seal mana and lift knots. Jie and so on, watching everyone silently swallow their saliva, I am really worried that the purple talisman will suddenly fly to them.

Li Nanxuan coughed lightly: "Xiaozhou, you put all the talismans you wrote into the space ring."

"Oh." Lu Zhou quickly put away the talismans. In fact, he didn't want to draw the talismans in front of the elders. It was him. All the talismans drawn a few days ago were burned to Old Man Weng and the others, and now there is not a single one left. Of course, I have to draw a few more before meeting the dragon.

The elders couldn't see each other, and finally sighed in relief and sat on the back of the chair.

Li Nanxuan said to Lu Zhou: "Xiaozhou, the opponent is a dragon, stronger than the evil beast. I'm afraid your purple talisman can't deal with it.

" Immediately discouraged, the opportunity to perform is gone.

"Silver talismans don't work either, only gold talismans do."

"Golden talismans!!?" Lu Zhou was surprised: "Now everyone can't even draw silver talismans, let alone gold talismans, so how do we get rid of them? By the way, can the magic weapon that Old Weng and the others gave us can deal with it?"

"If this dragon is weak, it can be used to deal with him, and if it recovers its mana, it will not work."

"If we can't even use the magic tools given by Weng Lao and the others, then we..." Seeing that everyone was silent, Lu Zhou immediately closed his voice and stopped attacking everyone's morale.

"Do your best."

Half an hour later, the plane stopped on the tarmac on the roof of a high-rise building in Qianbaicheng.

When Lu Zhou got off the plane, he slipped inexplicably, but fortunately, Li Nanxuan quickly supported him.

Lu Zhou said, "I'm not going to start having bad luck again, right?"

"It should be that the idol I took away will automatically absorb your fortune from time to time to bring blessings and longevity to others." He fell again, holding his it tightly.

Lu Zhou: "..."

The people from the Li family took the elevator down to the conference room on the fifth floor, which was already full of people from the Dai family and other Taoist priests and monks.

Before entering the conference room, Lu Zhou asked the elf to wait outside, because he didn't want to be the center of attention.

The little elves now are a little bigger than the night before, and their wisdom is a little bit higher than before. Knowing that Lu Zhou did not abandon them, he stayed outside the clubhouse and waited for Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou and Li Nanxuan entered the room and saw the Shi family's aunt and aunt with their cousins ​​sitting in the lower right corner of the chairperson's seat to discuss something with others.

The other party also saw Lu Zhou, but after a glance, he looked away and pretended not to know him.

Lu Zhou naturally wouldn't use his hot face to stick to their cold buttocks, pretending not to see them continuing to greet the people behind the Li family and the Dai family.

Dai Jingjing, who was standing in the crowd of Dai's family, saw Lu Zhou, and immediately walked towards Lu Zhou: "That..."

He, who has always been small and arrogant, didn't call him Lu Zhou for a while.

Lu Zhou smiled and put his hand on his shoulder: "Just call me Brother Lu."

"Hmph, who wants to call you brother." Dai Jingjing stretched out his hand to him: "What's the matter."

"Brother Ye will give it to you."

"..." Dai Jingjing couldn't hold back at all, except for his brothers at home, he never called anyone else brother.

"If you call me brother, wait for half a month and I will return to Li's house in Jingjing to give you some imperial ginseng."

Dai Jingjing asked: "Do you have a lot of imperial ginseng?"

"How many seeds are in the bag of seeds, I have How many imperial ginseng." Dai

Jingjing was surprised: "That big bag of seeds has at least 100,000 seeds. Do you have so many imperial ginseng?


To rely on the emperor to improve his cultivation, he called out awkwardly: "Brother Lu."

"What? I didn't hear clearly, you call again." Lu Zhou pretended not to hear, and wanted him to call again, but Seeing him staring at him, he stopped joking, took out a big box from the space ring and gave it to him: "Well, here it is."

Dai Jingjing couldn't wait to open it, and saw that it was as plump as the emperor ginseng in the video on the mobile phone. , and the aura is ten times stronger than the emperor ginseng sold outside, and he quickly covered the box to block the aura. Unfortunately, the moment he opened the box, the rich aura had diffused into every corner of the conference room, attracting everyone to watch.

He casually put the box into his space necklace.

Lu Zhou said: "Old Weng said, oh, I mean my family said, you can't eat all the imperial ginseng at one time in order to rush to increase your cultivation. The next one, otherwise you will have a spiritual energy explosion or a backlash effect, then your life will be over, you will no longer be able to cultivate in the future, and you will even become an ordinary person."

If he hadn't reminded him, Dai Jingjing would definitely take it all in one breath . After eating, he said in horror: "So serious? But other people are fine even after eating a few sticks?"

"I don't know if it's so serious. Anyway, my family said so. It may be that the emperor ginseng I planted has more spiritual energy than other emperor ginseng. In short, my family knows a lot. Since he said so There must be his reason, you just do as he says, don't rush for success."

Dai Jingjing didn't dare to joke about his own cultivation, nodded and said, "I see, thank you."

Lu Zhou looked at Dai's family He Li's family asked Dai Jingjing in a low voice, "I heard that someone in your Dai family saw the evil dragon do evil, is it true?"

Dai Jingjing said, "I am the one who saw the evil dragon do evil."

Lu Zhou said excitedly: " Then did you take a picture with your mobile phone?"

"Yes." Dai Jingjing took out his mobile phone and found the video for Lu Zhou to see.

In the video, there are dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and a black shadow that looks like a dragon shuttles through the dark clouds, bombarding the ground with electric discharges.

The length of the video is about half an hour, but Lu Zhou fast-forwarded and watched it for two or three minutes, but still couldn't see the real figure of the dragon: "The shadow in the video is so blurry, how can you be sure that it is a dragon?"

"Except for the one in the sky. The gods of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, only the dragon can swallow the clouds, call the wind and call the rain, and also thunder and lightning. The most important thing is that its breath is very powerful. At that time, it was almost released by the coercion and forced me to breathe. I thought I was dead." Dai Jingjing was afraid after thinking about it, this was the most terrifying thing he had encountered since he was born.

Lu Zhou wanted to ask him what coercion was, but in order not to show his ignorance, he could only wait for no one to ask Li Nanxuan: "Then do you know where it is now?"

"I think he might be hiding in the sky . Come out."

"It's in the sky, how do we catch it?"

"Catch it?" Dai Jingjing rolled his eyes: "How can we catch it."

"If we don't catch it, what are we doing here?"

"We can only ask It communicates and does not let it do evil everywhere if it meets its conditions. If it is really not good, it may get up. Did you see the group of people in suits standing at the front of the long table?"

Lu Zhou glanced at the group. The figure wearing a suit and sunglasses is full of elites from a certain company: "Who are they?"

"It is a special department of the country, which is specially responsible for colluding with beasts, beasts, or divine beasts and other monsters and ghosts. They were released last time. The gluttonous food that came out has been subdued by them, filling its stomach with a lot of food. I heard that this time, in order to conquer the dragon, they also brought the gluttonous food, and they are going to let the taotie fight the evil dragon, but this method can only be used in the end. Use it, otherwise the people in Qianbaicheng and the nearby towns will suffer."

Lu Zhou asked curiously, "Which is gluttonous?"

"I just heard that it is coming, who knows if it will come, and even if it does, you will see it too. I can't see his real body."

Lu Zhou glanced at the conference room, but he didn't see any strange people, and looked back again.

At this time, the administrator of the national special department said: "Everyone please be quiet."

Everyone stopped talking and looked at them.

"The evil dragon hasn't appeared yet, and I don't know where to find it, so everyone should go back to the room to raise their spirits. When the evil dragon appears, we will inform everyone, and let's disband now."

The administrator of the national special department took the lead to leave the meeting . The room, others followed one after another.

Dai Jingjing returned to the Dai family.

His brother Dai Jingsheng asked in a low voice, "What did Colonel Li's partner give you just now? The aura is so strong .

" say it again. "I don't know if I should call him stupid." Dai Jingsheng walked out of the conference room and saw a large group of elves flying in the corridor were the same group of elves in their old town, and he couldn't help but say: "But sometimes stupid. People are also lucky." Others saw the elves and were surprised: "How come there are so many high-level elves here? Where do they come from? What do they do here? Can they help us fight the evil dragon together?" "Little The spiritual power of elves is not high, how can it be possible to cure the evil of dragons." "If there are a large number of elves, they can contribute, not to mention that they are all high-level elves, which can play a role in blessing or helping us heal." At this moment, the elves who were suspended in mid-air suddenly flew towards the door of the conference room.



Chapter 135 They've Got Your Eyes

Everyone looked at the door of the conference room, and before they could see who was walking out of the conference room, the elf had already swooped on the other party, covering the other party tightly. After the elves were gathered together, the golden light on their bodies was very dazzling. , so that they couldn't open their eyes, so they had to look away.

Now the dragon has disappeared, and everyone can only stay in the hotel for a few days.

Lu Zhou and Li Nanxuan were the youngest, so they were free to go to the front desk of the lobby on the first floor to check in.

Li Jianshen was more aware of the accommodation requirements of the elders and juniors in the family, and went downstairs with him.

After finishing it, call the elders to tell the elders to go to the 25th floor and wait for them to get the room card to go upstairs, and then they will take the elevator upstairs.

While waiting for the elevator, Lu Zhou whispered to Li Nanxuan, "I don't think we need to spend a lot of time looking for the dragon."

The two tall men standing beside them waiting for the elevator heard someone mention the word dragon, and subconsciously raised it. He started to look at them, and was immediately attracted by the golden light on Lu Zhou's body, staring straight at Lu Zhou.

Li Nanxuan asked, "How do you say it?"

"I'm so unlucky now, you can see it at any time as long as you follow me."

Li Nanxuan said with a smile, "Then I will take you around a thousand cities after lunch, maybe you really meet me . Get on them."

At this time, the elevator reached the first floor, there was a ding sound, the elevator door opened, and the people waiting for the elevator walked in.

Lu Zhou, Li Nanxuan, and Li Jianshen stood at the back, and when the elevator closed, the elves suddenly walked through the door and left.

Lu Zhou asked strangely, "How did they go?"

Li Jianshen and Li Nanxuan looked at each other.

"It may be that they already have wisdom, and they left after knowing that they had been clinging to you." Li Nanxuan opened his blindfold and scanned the surroundings of the elevator, his eyes paused on the two men opposite, and then put down the blindfold.

Lu Zhou said regretfully: "I just leave like this, I'm quite reluctant to let them go. In the middle of the night, I won't have anything to illuminate the bathroom for me."

Li Jianshen laughed: "You can't turn on the light?"

"Turn on the light will wake up Nan . Xuan, so I usually go to the toilet in the dark."

Li Nanxuan rubbed Lu Zhou's head with a smile, glanced at the two men on the opposite side without a trace, and frowned when he saw the other side staring at Lu Zhou all the time.

Li Jianshen saw that the two of them had a very good relationship and was happy for them.

The elevator reached the tenth floor. Except for Lu Zhou and the other three, and the two tall men on the opposite side, everyone else left the elevator. The crowded elevator finally became empty, and Lu Zhou and the others didn't need to crowd in the corner.

Just when the elevator reached the twelfth floor, suddenly, the elevator jammed and continued to ascend.

Lu Zhou said, "I have a bad feeling."

Everyone looked at him.

Li Jianshen asked: "What's wrong?"

"I started to have bad luck again today, so I shouldn't be taking the elevator."

"You don't take the elevator, do you want to climb the twenty-fifth floor by yourself?"

Lu Zhou: "..." The

elevator goes When we reached the 23rd floor, the elevator suddenly stopped, no longer going up, and did not open the elevator door.

Li Jian deeply pressed the door button, but there was no response: "What's the matter? Something went wrong?"

"It should be." Lu Zhou, who often encountered elevator failures in the past, immediately pressed the alarm bell: "I knew the elevator would There is a problem."

Li Jianshen asked, "How do you know that there will be a problem? Do you have the ability to predict?"

"No, it's just that I am too unlucky. I often encounter elevator failures or plane failures."

Li Jianshen: " ..."

How unlucky is this person to have such a problem so often.

Li Nanxuan took out his mobile phone and called the front desk.

Suddenly, the elevator sank.

Li Jianshen frowned: "You're not going to fall, right? It's the 23rd floor now, if you fall, you'll be dead."

Li Nanxuan: "..."

"Don't be nervous, usually it will get stuck after falling two floors. ." Lu Zhou immediately pressed the buttons on each floor.

Li Jianshen: "..."

"This is the experience I have gathered from taking the elevator over the years."

Li Jianshen drew a few black lines on his forehead: "Are you comforting?"

Then, the elevator seemed to be stuck, point by point. Point down.

"Do you think the magic talisman I drew is useful?" Lu Zhou noticed something was wrong, he quickly took out the purple talisman, and wrote the words stop, stay, float, and soar on it.

Li Jian took a deep look and said unsurely, "It should be useful, don't worry, Nan Xuan and I will find a way."

Suddenly, the power went out in the elevator.

At the moment of darkness, Li Nanxuan saw two men pounce on Lu Zhou: "Xiaozhou be careful."

He followed suit, and at the same time, the elevator fell rapidly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Zhou was bumped by someone, and he hurriedly tore off the talisman in his hand and pasted it around.

Immediately after the elevator stopped, the lights came on. The elevator door dinged and opened.

The people who were waiting for the elevator were stunned when they saw the situation in the elevator. Except for Li Jianshen, who was standing beside the button, the other four fell to the ground and twisted into a ball. Among them, two men had two purple talismans on their foreheads.

"You are..." It was the Dai family who stood outside. Because they rushed over early this morning and didn't have time to eat breakfast, they were planning to take the elevator downstairs for breakfast.

"The elevator broke down just now and went down from below." Li Jianshen quickly helped Lu Zhou up, and then the others: "Quick, get out of the elevator and let the people in the hotel repair it."

Lu Zhou first looked at Li Nanxuan It's alright, and then said to the other two men: "Sorry, I was in a hurry just now and accidentally posted the wrong place."

"It's alright, everyone was terrified just now." I laughed when I saw the word "stop" written on it, if it wasn't for the effect of the purple talisman and the two of them stopped for half a second, maybe something unforeseen would happen later: "Your talisman is very tall. Interesting."

His companion pulled on the talisman with a dark face, and the corners of his eyes twitched when he saw the word "fixed".

Lu Zhou smiled awkwardly.

The man in white pushed his companion away: "Let's go, let's go up the stairs."

His companion looked at Lu Zhou, turned and walked towards the safe passage.

"..." Lu Zhou felt that the man looked at him strangely, with a hint of reluctance and possessiveness, which was scary, but he was sure that he didn't know these two men.

Zai Jingsheng asked: "Elder Li, are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go up the stairs." Li Jianshen looked at the left and right sides: "By the way, what floor is this?"

"The twentieth floor."

" Fortunately, only the third floor was dropped, if we dropped a few more floors, we would be dead."

Li Nanxuan said in a deep voice, "You should be glad that the elevator door will open soon, if you slow down, we will all die."

Li Jian looked at his face deeply. No, he suddenly remembered that he had taken off his blindfold and looked around, and hurriedly asked, "Did you see something wrong just now?"

Li Nanxuan said to the Dai family, "Go to your room and talk." The

Dai family did not . Ask more and bring people to the suite.

There is a lobby in the suite, which is perfect for talking about things.

Lu Zhou asked, "Is something wrong just now?"

Li Nanxuan asked, "Do you know who the two men were just now? " Everyone

in the Dai family shook their heads.

"Who are they?"

"I haven't seen them before, they look very unfamiliar."

"Have any of you seen them before?"

"They don't look like people from the Xuanshu world."

Li Nanxuan no longer bothered everyone: "Their body It's a dragon." The

Dai family were stunned.

Li Jianshen took a deep breath, and they were lucky just now that they were not killed in the elevator.

"Dragon?" Lu Zhou was surprised: "They are dragons? Not one? Two?"

Li Nanxuan nodded.

De Mingxue quickly asked, "How do you know they are dragons?"

Li Nanxuan lied to them and said, "We went downstairs to check in just now, and when we went to the first floor and entered the elevator, the elf suddenly left. I noticed something was wrong, so I quietly Check it in the same way as a demon." The

Dai family looked at Lu Zhou, who really didn't have any elf sticking to him.

Lu Zhou asked: "The elf left suddenly because they were scared away?"


Dai Jingsheng asked: "Should we notify everyone immediately?"

Li Jianshen stopped: "Don't notify first, it will be easy to scare the snakes, and Together we are not the opponents of dragons, and when we are not fighting them face to face, we just need to tell the people in the special department of the state first, and let them deal with the rest, and we will listen to their instructions."

De Mingxue nodded . : "Just do as you say."

At this time, the manager of the hotel called Li Nanxuan, cared about their safety, and said that they would be exempted from all the fees for their stay in the hotel, but Li Nanxuan refused. A little cheap.

They walked to the 25th floor, first handed the room card to the rest of the Li family, and then went into the room to talk about what happened just now. Everyone agreed that they should stay put and let the special department of the state get in touch.

After Lu Zhou returned to his room, he asked curiously, "Is the dragon a type of monster or monster? They should have inner alchemy. Why didn't I see beads in their bodies in the elevator just now? "

It may be that their status is almost the same as that of gods, and their status is relatively high, so you can't see it."

"That's it." Lu Zhou remembered one of the men looking at him, and quickly said: "One of the men before, oh , No, it should be said that one of the dragons looked at me in a wrong way, it won't trouble me later, right?"

Li Nanxuan hooked his lips: "It's just that one of the dragons looked at you wrongly?"

"Could it be that the other dragon looked at you wrong?" My eyes aren't right?" Lu Zhou recalled the man in white: "No, the other dragon is quite normal and quite polite, not like a dragon doing evil everywhere."

"They started from entering the elevator. I've been staring at you, but you didn't realize it?"

"No, at first my attention was on the elf, and then my attention was on the elevator, for fear that the elevator would fall at any time." Lu Zhou joked: "They don't Could it be that they liked me?"

"They really liked you."

Lu Zhou: "..."


Chapter 136 Sick

"Are you kidding me? How could they possibly like me?" Lu Zhou saw Li Nanxuan's full smile, and no matter how he looked at him, he felt that the other party was teasing him: "The other party is an evil dragon and belongs to the animal category, and his eyes are not like people's. The same, how could it be possible to fall in love with humans?"

Li Nanxuan said with a smile: "There are many couples in this world where monsters fall in love with people, but you just haven't seen them."

"Really people and monsters get married?" Lu Zhou thought of monsters as well. Being able to become a human is not so difficult to accept: "I still don't believe that the dragon will take a fancy to me, I think it may be that before I entered the elevator, there was something about the dragon, so they were interested in me. Li Nanxuan stopped joking at him: "

They really liked you, but this sight refers to someone's love for a certain item, just like you like a certain pet dog."

Lu Zhou was speechless: "Your It means that they love me as a pet?"

"Almost so, but this is just my guess. It is rumored that the dragons all like golden and shiny things. You have golden light on your body. Of course, they look at you like treasures. "

Lu Zhou looked down at himself: "I have golden light on my body?"

"You can't see it because it has been sealed by me. Only people with high mana can see the golden light on your body."

Lu Zhou didn't know either . Thinking of something, Dingding glanced at Li Nanxuan a few times, and then a strangeness flashed in his eyes.

Li Nanxuan asked, "What's wrong?"

"The two evil dragons won't take me back to their den as a collection, right?"

Li Nanxuan thought of the eyes of the two men looking at Lu Zhou before, and frowned, "It's hard to say. "

Lu Zhou: "..."

At this time, the elves who flew away from Lu Zhou came back, and they flew to Lu Zhou's side through the glass window.

"You little heartless people." Lu Zhou tapped the little face of one of the elves lightly with his finger: "After seeing the evil dragon, he left us and ran away. Now that the evil dragon is not around, he ran back to stick with him. I."

The elf rubbed Lu Zhou's fingers.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "For the sake of your cuteness, I will forgive you once." In

the two days they came to the old town, neither Lu Zhou nor Li Nanxuan had a good night's sleep. People fell directly on the bed and fell asleep, and slept until dinner time.

Seeing that it was almost six o'clock, Li Nanxuan immediately got up to wash up, and then called Lu Zhou to get up, but he called several times, and everyone on the bed responded. He hurriedly jumped onto the bed: "Xiaozhou, Xiaozhou..."

He looked at him His face turned red, he reached out and touched the other's face, but found that it was terrifyingly hot.

Li Nanxuan hurriedly dressed him while calling Li Zijun: "Uncle Lie, Xiaozhou has a fever and is in a coma. I need to take him to the hospital."

After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone and picked up the person and left the room.

Li Zijun walked over quickly and said, "I've already pressed the elevator, is Xiaozhou okay? Wasn't he okay during lunch? Why does he suddenly have a fever and can't wake up? It's a pity that we don't have any antipyretic medicine, otherwise we will feed him. Just eat one."

Li Nanxuan was very distressed when he looked at the person in his arms: "It should be because I haven't had a good rest recently. I often go to bed at two or three in the morning before I have a fever." In

recent months, Lu Zhou has stayed in Yangyang . The courtyard was all good, and he had never suffered a major or minor illness, which made him forget that Lu Zhou was a frail and sick person since childhood.

"Why is his body so bad? You have to train him well in the future."

Li Nanxuan's face sank: "His body can't be improved without training."

"What do you mean?"

Li Nanxuan simply told him about the borrowing of his life. listen.

Li Zijun couldn't believe that Lu Zhou's family would treat him like this: "They are really better than beasts."

At this time, the elevator arrived, and Li Nanxuan hurriedly carried people into the elevator.

"I'll go with you." Li Zijun followed into the elevator: "When you get to the hospital, you can guard Xiaozhou, and I'll buy food for you, so that you can take care of me."

Li Nanxuan nodded.

When they came to the hospital, the doctor took Lu Zhou's temperature, and the temperature reached 40 degrees. The doctor asked them to go through hospital procedures and then gave Lu Zhou an injection.

After Li Zijun returned after paying the fee, he asked Li Nanxuan, "Who is Xiaozhou?"

If Lu Zhou didn't have a strong soul, he would not be able to support the three families by himself, and he might die before he was three years old.

Li Nanxuan no longer hides from him: "they are the forces that our four sects want to protect, we can't let too many people know about this, so I didn't tell the rest of the Li family, it's just me, grandpa and grandma, and you now. I know about this."

"!!!!!!" Li Zijun looked at the person on the bed in shock, but couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

After twelve o'clock, Lu Zhou finally woke up.

Seeing him open his eyes, Li Nanxuan stood up with joy: "Xiaozhou, you are awake."

Li Zijun, who was sitting beside him, also quickly got up to look at Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou looked around drowsily, seeing that it was not the hotel they were staying in, and asked weakly, "Where is this?"

Li Zijun said, "This is the hospital."

"Why am I in the hospital."

Li Nanxuan said: " You have a fever and are in a coma, so you can only be taken to the hospital, are you hungry? Would you like some porridge?"

Lu Zhou shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

He just felt so hot and dizzy now, and wanted to sleep again.

Li Zijun said, "If you're not hungry, you have to drink a few sips, otherwise you won't be able to take medicine."

"Yes." Li Nanxuan opened the thermos and poured it into the small bowl next to him. Seeing that Lu Zhou was about to close his eyes again, he hurriedly said, "Xiaozhou , wait until you take the medicine before going to sleep."

Lu Zhou hummed weakly.

Li Nanxuan picked up a spoon, scooped a spoonful of porridge, blew it, and put it into Lu Zhou's mouth. Suddenly, the spoon was so hot that he was startled and hurriedly threw the spoon to the ground.

Li Zijun and Lu Zhou looked confused: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Nanxuan frowned and looked at the spoon on the ground: "The spoon is so hot."

The elves around Lu Zhou also stayed away from Lu Zhou.

"Why..." Li Zijun said halfway through, pointed to the plastic board at the end of the bed in surprise, and said, "It's melted."

Li Nanxuan looked at the rest of the bed, and everything made of plastic melted away.

Lu Zhou was surprised: "What's going on?"

Li Nanxuan guessed: "It may be that your body is too hot."

Lu Zhou was speechless: "Do I have such an outrageous fever? How many degrees do I need to have a fever to melt these plastics?"

"It shouldn't be the reason for the fever, it's another reason for your body."

Li Zijun stretched out his index finger to condense his spiritual power to touch Lu Zhou's arm, and immediately felt a very hot heat: "Your body is really hot, it's more than forty degrees. Now , if you lie down again, the bed may catch fire."

Lu Zhou was startled: "This has never happened before, what's going on now?"

Li Zijun and Li Nanxuan didn't know what was going on either.

Li Nanxuan said, "Perhaps you have never used the power in your body before, but recently you have used it more frequently, so your body has changed."

Li Zijun filled a bucket of water from the bathroom and was ready to put out the fire.

Li Nanxuan asked Lu Zhou to drink the porridge and medicine himself before going to sleep.

At this time, Lu Zhou was still in the mood to sleep, but after taking the medicine, the effect of the medicine dissipated, and drowsiness struck again, and he quickly fell asleep.

Li Nanxuan said to Li Zijun, "Uncle Lie, go to sleep on the sofa first."

"Okay, wake me up if you have something to do." Li Zijun lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

At the same time, in the hotel room where Lu Zhou and the others were staying, a black shadow fell through the glass and fell on the edge of the bed.

He quickly lifted the quilt, but saw no one, and went to the bathroom to look for someone.

Then, another black figure flew in and said solemnly: "Black Dragon, what are you doing here?"

"Apart from immortals, I have never seen a human with golden body, brighter than the golden scales on your body, this The little thing is so charming, I'm going to arrest him and lock him up in my cave."

Jiaolong lowered his face: "How did you promise me before? You said you would never do bad things again."

Heilong said impatiently, "I It's not a bad thing to just lock him up, and then give him good food and clothes."

"It's not right for you to restrict other people's freedom."

Heilong turned to look at him in dissatisfaction: "Jiaolong , you used to hate and like to tease humans the most, why are you talking to humans all the time now, I should think you are a human and not a dragon now."

"I used to be young and ignorant, thinking that teasing humans is very fun. , I have grown up now, and I have a certain understanding of what is right and wrong. I know what can be done and what cannot be done. Heilong, you have finally lifted the seal. Sealed up." Heilong said angrily: "Am I not doing enough now? You told me not to rain, I would not rain, you told me not to thunder and lightning, I also did not do it, you told me not to kill, I I didn't kill anyone, I just want one thing I like, right? Otherwise, what's the point of living." Jiaolong: "..." Heilong snorted coldly, looking for Lu Zhou outside the room: "Where is he going? Is it?" Jiaolong came out and continued to persuade: "You like that little thing, you can visit him from time to time, you don't have to catch him or lock him up."

"That's different. I want to see it anytime and anywhere, and I don't want to fly all the way to find him in order to see him."

"Don't you have magic? You can look at him through the Xuanguang mirror."

Heilong frowned: " Jiaolong, do you want to monopolize him to prevent me from going to him?"


"Then why do you stop me again and again?" Heilong is very business: "If you want to stop me again, don't. Weird face, then the things I promised you before will not count."

Jiaolong: "..."

Heilong couldn't find Lu Zhou, so he went to the front desk of the lobby to inquire about Lu Zhou's whereabouts.

The clerk at the front desk had just changed shifts and didn't know where Lu Zhou was going.

Heilong went to the monitoring room again, confused the security guard in the monitoring room, let him check Lu Zhou's whereabouts, learned that Lu Zhou might have gone to the hospital, and immediately flew out of the hotel.



Chapter 137

Li Nanxuan of the hospital

saw that Lu Zhou's face was getting redder and redder, worried that the heat would burn his brain, and immediately took out the Xuanbing Talisman and put it on Lu Zhou to cool down.

At first, the mysterious ice talisman could make a thin layer of ice on Lu Zhou's body, but within three seconds, the thin ice melted quickly and the talisman paper burned.

Li Nanxuan quickly put out the fire with water, and put a wet towel on Lu Zhou's forehead, then the wet towel made a hissing sound, a pile of white smoke came out, and it took three seconds to coax the towel to dry.

In the end, he used the antipyretic sticker to stick it on Lu Zhou's forehead. However, the gel on the antipyretic sticker melted away instantly and couldn't stick it firmly at all.

Li Nanxuan stood beside the bed and looked at Lu Zhou, hesitating whether to put the person under water to rinse, or put it in the freezer to cool down.

However, is there a freezer in the hospital?

The word "mortuary" flashed in Li Nanxuan's mind, he quickly shook his head, rubbed his brain and sat down.

Suddenly, with a bang, the window was knocked open.

Li Nanxuan stood up abruptly.

Li Zijun on the sofa was also awakened, jumped up quickly and looked out the window.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind blew in, overturning everything in the house, Lu Zhou fell onto the bed, and Li Nanxuan and Li Zijun were also blown against the wall.

Feeling the violent vibration, Lu Zhou opened his eyes dazedly, only to see a huge claw sticking out of the window, then pinching his body and taking him out of the window, flying out of the hospital.

"Xiaozhou—" Li Nanxuan quickly rushed to the window, the black dragon had already flown away with Longzhou, and then a golden dragon flew over and said, "Don't worry, I will bring him back safely."

After Jiaolong finished speaking, he quickly chased after him. go up.

Li Nanxuan asked quickly, "Where did it take Xiaozhou?" In the

distance, a deep voice came: "Yunshan Qinglin—"

Lu Zhou looked at the pitch-black sky, not knowing what caught him, but the cold wind made his whole body feel more comfortable, but after a few minutes, he fell asleep again with a drowsy head.

When he woke up, he was lying on the grass, covered with a hospital quilt, and there were countless golden objects piled up beside him.

Lu Zhou looked at the blue sky for a while before he remembered that he was caught. He sat up and looked around: "Where is this place?"

"We are in Yunshan Qinglin." A voice sounded from the sky.

Lu Zhou looked up and saw a black giant dragon that could only be seen on TV soaring high in the sky. Because its body was too long, it shrunk into a vortex and looked down at Lu Zhou majestically. , The mane on the dragon's back is flying in the air.

"Are you a dragon? Are you really a dragon? Oh my god, I really saw a real dragon." He looked ecstatically at the black dragon: "You look like a TV, so majestic, right? , mobile phone..."

Lu Zhou touched his pocket and said disappointedly: "I didn't even bring a mobile phone."

Heilong asked: "What do you want a mobile phone for? Did someone come to save you? I tell you, it's impossible, no one can Don't try to save you."

"I just want to take a picture of you and set it up as a mobile phone screen. If my family sees a photo of a real dragon and a group photo with the real dragon, they will be very envious."

Heilong: "..."

" Yes. Can you touch your scales?"

Heilong frowned: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Lu Zhou's expression froze: "Uh, I'm quite afraid, but now I'm more excited and curious than afraid of you."

Heilong hesitated for a moment It slowly descended to the ground.

Lu Zhou walked to his side and reached out to touch it carefully. After making sure that the other party touched him, he boldly stroked the huge scales: "Your scales are icy cold, so comfortable..."

Now that his whole body is hot, after touching the dragon scales, he feels that his hands are not so hot anymore, and he quickly turns his back against the dragon scales to dissipate heat.

Heilong frowned and asked: "Why are you so hot?"

"I have a fever." Lu Zhou touched the other scales again: "Your dragon scales are so beautiful, like black leather shoe polish, black and shiny, Do you usually scrub your scales?"

Heilong snorted coldly: "What a hypocritical human being, you think I will let you go if you praise me a few words, don't daydream."

Lu Zhou was inexplicable: "Why am I hypocritical?"

"You humans clearly like golden dragons. You say that black dragons are evil, but you praise the beauty of black. Is it not hypocrisy?"

Lu Zhou said speechlessly: "Brother, times are different now, although some people still like golden dragons. , but most people like black dragons, if you don't believe it, go to the Internet to check, everyone thinks black dragons are the most domineering, the coolest, and represent the most powerful."

Heilong didn't believe his words, He turned into a human and took out his mobile phone and gave it to him: "Check it out for me."

Lu Zhou looked at him: "Aren't you the man who took the elevator with me yesterday? So you are the black dragon? What kind of dragon is that other person?"

"He's Jiaolong, my brother."

"Look at it yourself." Lu Zhou showed him the results he found on the Internet, walked to the golden objects piled up as high as a hill, and picked up a golden hairpin. Surprised: "Do you usually wear hairpins?"

Heilong gave him a white look: "I am a male dragon, how could I wear something from a female dragon? This is the golden fork I snatched from Suzaku."

"Since you are a male dragon, How to rob women's things?"

"I just like gold."

Lu Zhou pointed at the pile of golden objects: "You stole all of these?"

"Yes." Heilong pointed to one of the small golden cauldrons and a small golden pagoda and said, "This is the small elixir furnace used by Taishang Laojun to concoct pills, and that is the exquisite pagoda of Tianwang, which is used to collect demons..."

Lu Zhou Shame: "Do dragons like gold?"

"Yes." Heilong scoffed: "Don't you humans like gold too."

"Not everyone likes gold, but humans like gold and your dragons are different. Dragons like gold. Very pure, because they are only golden, but for humans, they are not only golden, they are the representatives of wealth, which will arouse human greed."

"You humans are really complicated." The black dragon expressed that he did not understand the human world.

"It's really complicated. By the way, why did you bring me here? Also because I'm golden? I'm really curious, I'm a thing in your eyes?"

Heilong glanced at him: "One moves and glows gold. The little golden man."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Heilong looked at the results on the phone and smiled with satisfaction: "Now humans are more interesting than before, knowing that the black dragon is more beautiful than the golden dragon, I have decided not to kill humans in the future. ."

Lu Zhou: "..."

In other words, if there are more people who like Jinlong, he will kill humans?

Heilong sat down, leaned his back against "Jinshan" lazily, and said domineeringly: "I want to see you dance."

"..." Lu Zhou would dance a fart: "I'm hungry and have no strength to dance."

"Why do you humans always Are you hungry?" Heilong took out a big peach from his space ring and handed it to him: "Eat it."

"What kind of peach is this? It's so big? It's bigger than a longevity peach."

"Pan Tao."

Lu Zhou shook his hand . , Pan Tao almost fell to the ground: "Can you get me some ordinary food?"

He couldn't just eat such precious food.

"You humans are really troublesome." Heilong impatiently took out a large white egg half a meter long and gave it to him.

Lu Zhou put the peach in the space ring, and then hugged the big white egg handed over: "What kind of egg is this?"

"This is the child of the Qilin family."

Lu Zhou: "..."

"I used to steal them with Jiaolong . I eat the eggs from the clan, it tastes pretty good, but I got tired of eating them for thousands of years, and now this is the last egg I stole before the seal, give it to you, and dance for me when you're full."

Lu Zhou hugged the egg and said, "I'm still ill, dizzy, and unable to dance."

Heilong sat up straight and stared at him: "You humans are so fragile and have a lot of troubles. Think of our dragon clan, who have lived for tens of thousands of years. I've never been sick once."

"If you don't like me, send me back."

"Impossible." Heilong took out a bunch of small bottles from the space and looked at it: "What's wrong with you?"

"Fever I feel feverish, dizzy, and weak all over."

"I don't have any medicine here." Heilong was depressed and picked up one small bottle after another, and finally opened the lid of one of the bottles and poured out a golden one. The medicine pill was stuffed into Lu Zhou's mouth: "I don't have any medicine here, only medicine for wounds, I think it's almost the same, you can just eat it, the aura of the wound is very strong, it will definitely cure you.

Lu Zhou didn't even have a chance to refuse. The medicinal pill melted in his mouth. He said speechlessly, "You can't eat the medicine indiscriminately .

" I'll eat you."

"..." Suddenly, Lu Zhou felt that his internal organs were very cold, but his body was so hot that it was like ice and fire. He was extremely uncomfortable. Said: "Please bring the quilt, I want to sleep."

Heilong pointed at the quilt, and the quilt flew to Lu Zhou to cover it: "Humans are really bad."

He waited patiently for twelve hours. When the twelve hours came, he immediately called people up: "Human, get up, get up soon."

Lu Zhou shook his body and opened his eyes, he stared blankly With a black dragon.

Heilong kicked his body: "What are you looking at, dance for me quickly."

Lu Zhou, like a puppet, had no soul-consciousness, and slowly sat up holding the egg.

"Hurry up." Hei Long prepared a table of wine and food for himself, just to enjoy watching Lu Zhou dance.

Lu Zhou didn't stand up, just watched Heilong open his mouth, and then closed it again.

"What are you doing?" Heilong almost lost his patience.

Lu Zhou opened his mouth blankly again, and then closed it again.

Suddenly, Heilong stood up and said angrily: "Do you want to die?"

Lu Zhou opened his mouth to him again, and then said: "Ha-chiu--"

The air he spewed out like a raging wind. rushed to the black dragon.


Chapter 138 I'm So Hungry

Heilong was startled, and hurriedly used the barrier to block the rushing wind, making the barrier feel like glass was about to be crushed, and made a creaking sound: "What a powerful force."

Who is this human? Even if he is covered in golden light, he still possesses such a strong power.

"Clang-crack--" The little "golden mountain" next to the black dragon swayed, and then, with a sigh, the piled up treasures flew like kites, and the nearby trees were uprooted and flew out.

"Ah, my baby."

Heilong screamed. After the wind passed, he hurriedly put away the barrier to find his treasure. Fortunately, he had a barrier, so his treasures didn't fly out of the barrier. He quickly put them all away. After receiving the space, he rushed back to find Lu Zhou in anger.

After Lu Zhou sneezed, he hugged the white egg, rested his head on the egg, and fell asleep again. He was so uncomfortable and his head was dizzy. Even if Heilong wanted to kill him, he didn't have the strength to answer him. Black Dragon.

"Lu Zhou..." Heilong ran back to Lu Zhou and grabbed Lu Zhou's collar: "You hateful human..."

Lu Zhou said in a daze and uncomfortable: "Don't, don't hold my collar, I It 's so uncomfortable."

"Isn't it just sick, is it so uncomfortable to be injured?" Heilong has never been sick before, so he doesn't know the pain of being sick.

Lu Zhou opened his mouth and looked like he was about to sneeze, so scared that Heilong quickly loosened his collar and retreated ten meters away. But in the end, Lu Zhou did not sneeze out.

He was so angry that Heilong rushed over and picked up his collar: "Lu Zhou, you're dead."

"Ouch—" Lu Zhou, who was already very dizzy, couldn't stand the dragon's carrying around anymore, and finally vomited it out. , like the fire spewing out from a phoenix, so hot that the black dragon quickly retracted his hand, and the other half of the filth fell on the big white egg.

"It's hot, it's hot." Heilong saw that the back of his hand was red, and he quickly sprayed water to wash it, and then applied the medicine: "Damn, it can burn me through the dragon scales, I don't believe in evil, if I can't kill me You, I'm not called Heilong."

Before he could act, Lu Zhou sneezed again: "Ha-chiu--"

Heilong quickly blocked the wind with the barrier, but this time, there were countless drops of sticky things sticking to his barrier and hissing The hissing sound not only destroyed his enchantment, but also eroded his mana.

"What is this?" He stared at the viscous object, some transparent, some thick and white: "Slobber? Snot?" The

more he looked at it, the more he looked at it, the veins on his forehead jumped wildly. , quickly retracted the barrier, condensed a huge lightning ball and threw it at Lu Zhou: "Die."

"Ha chiu hu chi hu chiu ---" Lu Zhou sneezed several times in a row, because he was cold and hot in his body. caused the flu.

The lightning ball was blown away by the strong wind and could not get close to Lu Zhou, and finally was blown to the other side by the strong wind.

Heilong took out the golden umbrella magic weapon to block the wind attack, and the other hand condensed the lightning ball again. Unexpectedly, the golden umbrella could not resist the erosion of Lu Zhou's saliva and snot, and instantly shot through the umbrella and shot him on the body , made a hissing sound, and then burned hole after hole all over his skin.

He couldn't control so much, and rushed over directly.

Lu Zhou, whose nose was finally unplugged, closed his eyes and rested his chin on the big white egg. He exhaled a breath of warm air comfortably. At the moment, like a phoenix spewing fire, a mouthful of fire spewed out of his mouth, and the momentum was comparable to the violent eruption of a volcano. He directly burned the big umbrella in Heilong's hand until only one handle was left, a fire ignited around him, and the nearby grass was burnt to nothing.

The black dragon was startled, and immediately sprayed a large amount of water from his mouth to resist, the water and fire collided, making a hissing sound, and a large plume of white smoke rose.

"Hmph, even a mere mortal wants to burn me with fire."

Then, Lu Zhou let out another breath. As soon as the surrounding atmosphere dropped from the high temperature to zero degrees Celsius, the water sprayed by the black dragon was instantly frozen. A large block of ice was frozen, unable to move.

Lu Zhou was uncomfortable sitting on his stomach. He fell asleep on the quilt with the big white egg in his arms, and then his mouth spit fire, ice, and sneeze. When spewing fire, a sea of ​​scorching fire will fall from the sky, when spouting ice, sharp and hard icicles will drop into the mud, and when you sneeze, it will rain corrosive rain. The aperture protects the body from harm.

The black dragon, who has not fully recovered his mana, can't break his protective cover at all. After a long time, Lu Zhou's golden aperture is still good. "I'm so hungry..." Lu Zhou, who

was stupefied by the burning, said, "I'm so thirsty..."

Heilong's eyes lit up: "I'll feed you food and water, do you want it?"

He agreed. He took out a small bottle and opened the lid. It contained the saliva of a snake, a highly poisonous venom. If some immortals accidentally drank it, or the wound got poisonous night, Will be poisoned immediately.

"Good, open your mouth." Heilong handed the small bottle to his mouth.

At this moment, a small voice penetrated into his barrier: "Xiaozhou..."

Lu Zhou opened his eyes when he heard Li Nanxuan's voice: "Nanxuan..."

Heilong's hands trembled in fright.


Lu Zhou heard Li Nanxuan's voice again, and quickly sat up: "Nanxuan, Nanxuan, where are you? Heilong, did you hear my partner calling me?"

Heilong pretended not to hear anything Voice: "What Nanxuan? What partner? There is no Nanxuan here. You must have heard it wrong. You have had a fever for so long, and even hallucinations came out. Hurry up and drink to quench your thirst."

Lu Zhou listened carefully, But he didn't hear any voice: "I really heard it wrong?"

"Yes, I really heard it wrong." Heilong handed him the small bottle: "Drink water, after drinking water, there will be no auditory hallucinations. "

"Yeah." Lu Zhou was really thirsty and took the small bottle. Suddenly, with a snap, the small bottle shattered and the venom was spilled on the ground. He apologized, "I'm sorry, I've been unlucky recently, and everything I take will shatter."

Hei Long The corners of his eyes twitched, and he hurriedly pushed him onto the quilt, so that he would not see the venom smoking after it fell to the ground, nor would he see the grass under his butt withering: "You sleep first, and I will give it to you. Bring a glass of water over here."

"Thank you." Seeing his pitted face, Lu Zhou was stunned: "That..."

"Please, don't talk, hurry up to sleep." Heilong wanted to be quiet now.

Lu Zhou: "..."

He just wanted to be concerned about what happened to his face. When he fell asleep, what terrible thing happened to make the other party's face rot into this ghost.

At this time, Lu Zhou's grunt sounded.

He smiled awkwardly at Heilong: "I'm so hungry."

Heilong said angrily: "Hold it up."

"..." Lu Zhou was hungry and dizzy now, feeling the world was turning, and everything in front of him had double images. He licked his dry lips, thinking to himself, I don't know if dragon meat is delicious.

After he fell asleep, Heilong heard someone call him, got up and walked to the entrance of the enchantment, saw Jiaolong standing outside, and said solemnly: "What are you doing? Are you here to persuade me to put the small things?"

Jiaolong looked Dressed in tatters, covered with burns and burns, he said in surprise, "What's wrong with you? Are you injured? Who did you fight with?"

"I'm fine, and I won't let that little thing leave." Before Jiaolong could react, Heilong closed the barrier.

Heilong returned to Lu Zhou and rolled up his tattered sleeves: "I don't believe it anymore, I can't kill you."

He turned into a little dragon, ready to burrow into Lu Zhou's belly to make his life worse than death .

"Xiaozhou..." Lu Zhou, who was already asleep, suddenly heard Li Nanxuan calling him again, opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw a black "little sausage" dangling in front of him: "wax sausage..."

Black Dragon The figure paused: "What? What did you say?"

Lu Zhou heard the small wax sausage talking, calmed down, and then saw a small black dragon head in front of the "wax sausage": "Is it a dragon meat sausage? ?"

Having not eaten for more than a day, he couldn't help the temptation. He stretched out his hand and pulled the "Dragon Meat Wax Sausage" off, put it in his mouth and took a big bite, and then made a clicking sound and the scream of the black dragon.

Heilong shouted: "It hurts, it hurts, stop biting."

Lu Zhou seemed to have not heard it, and chewed hard again, but still did not chew, but heard a few cracking sounds.

"Lu Zhou, please let me go, ah, don't talk, don't talk, it will be broken by you."

Lu Zhou used all his strength before taking a bite of meat, and said depressedly "Dragon meat" Wax sausage" was taken out of his mouth and fell asleep again.

Heilong hurriedly crawled out while he was asleep. Unexpectedly, his body was firmly grasped by Lu Zhou, and he couldn't move or turn into a huge body: "What's the matter?"

He struggled several times, but he still couldn't break free. Come out: "Lu Zhou, let me go." Lu Zhou, who

is no longer cold and hot, has fallen asleep.

It's useless for the black dragon to scream, and he couldn't hit it with mana. He was so angry that he sprayed water, mist, and thunder and electric discharges. When he came out, he would definitely kill this human being.

This time, because no one bothered Lu Zhou to sleep again, he slept for a day and a night, and the black dragon trapped in his hand was so angry that he couldn't get out in the end.

Suddenly, with a bang, his barrier was broken, Jiaolong walked in, and a large group of people followed behind him. Everyone saw black smoke coming from everywhere, and a pair of ice thorns stuck on the ground. There was a puddle of corrosive water that was stunned.

"Black Dragon—" Jiaolong saw the mess around him, and hurriedly shouted: "Heilong, where are you?"

Heilong heard his voice and responded urgently: "I'm here, I'm here, come and save me."

Li Nanxuan, who followed in, heard Heilong's voice and rushed over anxiously.

Others followed closely to a hard-hit area, and then everyone saw a beautiful young man lying peacefully on a quilt, while the black "little loach" held in his hand was terrible.


Chapter 139 Come Here If You Can

Seeing Lu Zhou lying motionless on the quilt, Li Nanxuan hurried over: "Xiaozhou, Xiaozhou..."

Li Zijun ran over with a mineral water bottle and said, "Hurry up and feed him water."

Li Nanxuan took the water bottle and handed it to him On Lu Zhou's mouth, pure transparent liquid slid down from the corner of Lu Zhou's mouth.

Seeing that he couldn't get in, he drank a large sip of water first, and then crossed over to Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou, who had not had water for more than two days, sucked Li Nanxuan's lips thirsty.

Seeing that he was moving, Li Nanxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and patted Lu Zhou's head to make sure he had no more fever before he was completely relieved.

Jiaolong also breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Heilong, "What did you do to him?"

Heilong flicked his tail bitten by Lu Zhou, and called Qu: "Did you ask the other way, you should ask what he did to me? What? You see my tail is about to be bitten into rotten flesh by him, why don't you feed me a wound medicine?"

Jiaolong didn't quite believe what he said: "Then why is he unconscious?"

"He said He was sick, I kindly fed him a healing medicine, and then he spit fire and ice swords at me again, his sneeze was like a violent storm, his saliva and snot were corrosive, Look at this place, it was originally a lush green grass, and he destroyed it all." Heilong took advantage of Luzhou to wake up, and a wicked person complained first.

The Li and Dai family members who followed him, as well as the people from the special department of the state, were shocked when they heard his words. The destructive power of the youth lying on the ground was more powerful than that of the black dragon?

Li Jianshen pointed around in disbelief: "This is all done by Xiaozhou?"

Heilong said angrily: "Isn't there anyone else he could have, am I stupid enough to destroy my own lair?"

Li Jianshen: "..."

Li Zijun glanced at Lu Zhou's dry lips: "Heilong, didn't you feed him?"

Heilong hehe smirked: "I don't feed him? I give him peach, he said he wants to eat something ordinary, and then I give him a unicorn egg that I used to eat, is this ordinary enough? He still Don't eat it."

"Pan Tao? The Queen Mother's Peach?" Everyone was once again surprised.


Everyone: "!!!!!!"

Dai Jingjing curiously asked: "What is a unicorn egg?"

"It's the egg that the Qilin family just gave birth to."

Everyone: "..."

They also really want to be arrested Ah, how could such a good treatment not fall on their heads.

Dai Jingjing walked to the half-meter-high white egg, pointed and said, "This is the unicorn egg?" "


The wound medicine was applied to the black dragon.

Dai Jingjing asked, "What's on the unicorn egg?"

Heilong said, "It's something that Lu Zhou spat out."

Dai Jingjing walked away with a look of disgust.

Suddenly, the unicorn egg moved.

"It's moving." Everyone pointed at the egg in surprise and said, "This egg is moving."

Jiaolong walked away and looked at it: "There's already a little life inside, Black Dragon, you hatched?"

"Fart." Heilong said excitedly. : "How could a male dragon of mine hatch eggs, and if I take back the unicorn eggs, I will only hatch my own son."

Jiaolong: "..." The

unicorn eggs first swayed from side to side, then jumped up and down. It was very lively, and excitedly jumped around and returned to Lu Zhou.

Li Nanxuan glanced at it, and said to the state special department, "Where's the doctor? Come over for an infusion soon."

"Oh." People from the national special department hurried over to give Lu Zhou an injection.

Hei Long remembered that he was still in Lu Zhou's hands when he saw the doctor coming. He asked Jiao Long for help: "Brother, come and save me, I've been in his hands for a day, and my body is numb."

"You are sealed . Ten thousand years, and you haven't seen your body numb?" Jiaolong squatted down and tried to pull Lu Zhou's hand away, but the other party held it tightly, and he couldn't pull it apart: "Sorry, I can't pull it away either, you Let's wait until he wakes up."

Hei Long: "..."

Ten minutes later, Lu Zhou was put on the helicopter, and the unicorn egg jumped on the plane, looking left and right curiously. , followed the plane back to the senior ward of Qianbaicheng Hospital.

The doctor and the guards had just left, and then a man in a T-shirt walked into the ward sofa and sat down while eating spicy sticks, and made fun of the black dragon in Lu Zhou's hand: "Yo, the once majestic Lord Heilong, actually One day you will turn into a small earthworm and be caught by humans and cannot escape. If you are known by other beasts, you will definitely be laughed to death by them." "You..." Heilong squinted and stared at each other: " Are you a gluttonous glutton? Hehe, you are still the same, always chewing food in your mouth. Back then, you were the first to be sealed, and you didn't even know that you were stupid enough to be sealed because of the food. That was the most ridiculous thing. It's spread all over the six realms, and it has become a joke in the six realms." Taotie made a move, and started eating spicy noodles again: "Do you know what I'm here for?" Heilong looked at him and said nothing. "Someone gave me a bunch of food for me to deal with you. You can't move now, it's just the time to deal with you." Heilong said angrily, "Come here if you can." He stood up suddenly. Li Nanxuan lifted the blindfold of his left eye and looked at them. Suddenly, a powerful and terrifying aura shot towards Heilong and Taotie. The two ferocious beasts shook, and immediately put away their aura to look at Li Nanxuan. Li Nanxuan put on the blindfold.

Taotie sat back on the chair with weak legs: "Who are you?"

Li Nanxuan said in a deep voice, "If you keep arguing with my partner to rest, get out of here immediately."

Taotie: "..."

Heilong said, "... ..."

He really wanted to get out, but the problem was that he couldn't.

"Uh..." Lu Zhou, who was lying on the bed, groaned: "It's so noisy."

"Lu Zhou woke up, he woke up." Heilong exclaimed excitedly: "Lu Zhou, Lu Zhou..."

Li Nanxuan hurriedly rang the bell The doctor came to examine Lu Zhou's body.

When everyone who was standing outside discussing matters learned that Lu Zhou woke up, they crowded into the room.

Lu Zhou opened his eyes and saw a large group of people stunned for a moment, some of whom he knew and some he didn't know.

Li Nanxuan asked softly, "Xiaozhou, are you alright?"

"Nanxuan?" Lu Zhou blinked, unable to tell whether it was reality or a dream. He remembered that he was not captured by Heilong before? Why are you back at the hospital again? Or is it that he was dreaming when the black dragon caught him?

Dai Jingjing looked at him dumbfounded and asked, "He won't have a fever and burned his brain, right?"

Dai Jingsheng patted the back of his head: "Can you say something nice?"

Li Nanxuan rubbed him funny when he saw what Lu Zhou was thinking. "You're not dreaming now, it's reality."

Hei Long said depressedly: "Whether it's a dream or not, can you let me go first?"

Lu Zhou noticed that something was moving in his hand, picked it up and saw a small The little Heilong struggled in his hands, he picked it up and looked right: "How did you become so small?"

Heilong: "..."

He definitely didn't say that he became so small in order to kill him.

The national special administrative department and the Dai family said anxiously, "Mr. Lu, you can't let him go."

Heilong: "..."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Taotie smiled and said: "Yes, I can't let him go, let him go, he is doing evil everywhere again, it is impossible to kill you, little guy."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Heilong shouted, "If I can kill him, I still need to wait now? Lu Zhou, let me go."

Lu Zhou looked at Li Nanxuan hesitantly.

Li Nanxuan asked Lu Zhou: "After you were taken away, what did he do to you? For example, to hurt you?"

Heilong stiffened.

"He told me to dance, but I couldn't dance, so I said I was very hungry and didn't have the strength to dance, and then..." Lu Zhou thought for a while: "He... he gave me a big peach, but I was reluctant to eat it, so I just accepted it. It's in the space ring, now, let's eat it for you."

He happily took out the peach to Li Nanxuan.

Everyone looked at Li Nanxuan with admiration. He really married a good partner. If it were someone else, even a partner would be reluctant to leave such a good thing for his partner to eat.

Li Nanxuan smiled lowly: "You keep it first, and then talk about it later. Is there anything else?"

Lu Zhou said, "He gave me an egg, saying it was a child of the Qilin clan. By the way, where is the egg?"

Li Zijun said: "It sleeps under the bed."

Lu Zhou said in surprise: "The egg also sleeps?"

"It's not a real egg now. I'll talk about this later. You said that after he gave you the egg, what else happened?"

"He later forced a pill into my mouth, saying that it was for healing. Later, I felt that the outer shell of my body was terrifyingly hot, but my internal organs were unbearably cold. After that..." Lu Zhou wanted to break his head. He couldn't remember what happened later. He was very dizzy and burned into a stupor. He couldn't remember what happened: "I don't remember."

Hei Long was relieved when he heard this, it's okay. Fortunately, fortunately, the other party can't remember what he was going to kill him.

Now he can finally be confident: "I heard it, I didn't hurt him, he was sick like that."

Someone said: "If I didn't hurt him, I can't let you go."

Heilong said angrily: "Why not? Let me go?"

Lu Zhou said: "Because you will do bad things if you let go, you will ruin the whole country."

Heilong sneered: "If you don't let me go, do you want to hold me like this for the rest of your life?" The

others looked at each other, Lu It is impossible for Chau to capture him forever.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "I won't arrest you for the rest of my life, because I already have a good place for you to go, and then you will transform with Nian beast and do a good deed every day like him.

" Beast? That little evil beast? Well, I don't want to stay with the little evil beast, it will lower my status."

"What about the divine beast? Will staying with the divine beast lower your status?"

Heilong asked curiously: " What kind of divine beast?"

"You'll know when you go. By the way, I will arrange for you to stay in a room full of gold, which will make you reluctant to leave."

Hei Long was moved when he heard it.


Chapter 140 I will fulfill you

Lu Zhou stayed in the hospital for two days and was finally discharged back to the hotel.

When taking the elevator, Lu Zhou was apprehensive: "In the future, when we stay in a hotel, we will choose the room on the bottom floor, and we will not take the elevator upstairs again."

Li Zijun, who accompanied Lu Zhou through the discharge procedures, heard Li Jianshen say that Lu Zhou was unlucky . thing, Jun Jun couldn't help laughing.

Li Nanxuan, who was holding the unicorn egg, replied with a smile: "Okay, I'll choose the room on the bottom floor." The

elevator stopped at the restaurant on the third floor, then the elevator door opened, and the people standing outside waiting for the elevator were from the Shi family. and two people from the special administrative department of the state.

At first, they walked into the elevator talking and laughing, not paying attention to Lu Zhou and the others who were standing at the back.

On the thirteenth floor, after most of the people had left, the Shi family saw Lu Zhou and the others.

Lu Zhou's aunt sneered: "Some people start to look down on others, and after climbing the high branches of the military family, they look down on us poor relatives, and they don't bark when they see us." People from the

two special management departments were puzzled. Looking at them, I noticed that the atmosphere in the elevator was not right, so I didn't make a sound.

Lu Zhou ignored her directly and stroked the unicorn egg in Li Nanxuan's arms.

Li Nanxuan glanced at them coldly without saying a word.

Lu Zhou's aunt snorted coldly: "His partner is not educated, how can you expect him

to be educated?" This time, Lu Zhou was really angry, they said he could do anything, but not his partner.

However, before he could say anything, Shi Bing said: "Since he doesn't want to recognize us, we don't need to use heat and cold to stick their cold ass, and when we encounter danger when catching the dragon, we can Save yourself the trouble and don't worry about his life or death."

Since Lu Zhou gave her the bracelet in front of Bei Xingyun last time, Bei Xingyun has become more and more indifferent to her, and now she hardly contacts her, so she has been flattering for more than a year, which is equivalent to a waste of water. It was a waste of time, and when she had time to think about the whole thing, she realized that Lu Zhou was deliberately giving him a bracelet to alienate her and Bei Xingyun's relationship, so she hated Lu Zhou to the extreme now.

Aunt and aunt didn't say anything, they still had to rely on Lu Zhou to continue their lives, no matter it was impossible for him.

Lu Zhou smiled and asked Li Nanxuan, "Nanxuan, if I die, what will happen to some people?"

"People from the Lu family, Shi family, and Jiang family will not live long."

Aunt and aunt's faces changed greatly .

Shi Bing said angrily, "Colonel Li, could there be an accident in Luzhou, and you will kill the three of us? Don't think that the colonel can do whatever he wants."

At this time, the elevator came to the twenty-fifth floor, and Li Nanxuan ignored it. She, pulled Lu Zhou out of the elevator.

From their conversation, Li Zijun probably guessed the identity of the other party. When he walked to the elevator door, he sneered: "The whole family borrowed Lu Zhou's life to live until now, don't be grateful, and look like Lu Zhou owes you. It's so shameless, tell me if you think you have a long life, and I will fulfill you."

"You..." Before Shi Bing and the others scolded, the elevator door closed.

In the elevator, the atmosphere was awkward.

My aunt embarrassedly said to the two administrators of the special state department: "Manager Lin and Manager Du, I'm really sorry for making you see a joke. By the way, I want to ask, you have found out the whereabouts of Heilong. Is it?" The

two administrators looked at each other, and the administrator smiled and said, "I found it."

Auntie and the others' eyes lit up, "Then when can we catch it?"

They came here to express themselves well. , let more people know them and know that their ability is not bad.

"Already caught."

The Shi family was surprised: "Caught? Who caught it? Was it the legendary gluttonous glutton who caught it ?

" : "Mr. Lu Zhou, who walked out of the elevator just now, caught it by himself." Shi Bing couldn't believe it and shouted, "Liar." Officer Du frowned unhappily: "The people from Dai's family and thousands of people came here. The administrators of all the special departments in the city have seen it with their own eyes, I don't need to lie to you, if you don't believe it, find someone else to ask." He quickly walked out of the elevator. Manager Lin followed behind him and laughed softly: "Others have captured the black dragon with one person's strength, and the ability is strong, but that woman still thinks that she doesn't need to worry about other people's life and death when she encounters danger, she is not bad if she doesn't make trouble for others. " When in danger, people who don't care about other people's death are not worthy of deep friendship." "Yes, stay away from them, so as not to be bitten by them in the future." Since the elevator door was not closed, the Shi family members in the elevator were naturally Hearing their words clearly, the six people stood in the elevator, each looking uglier than the other. When they returned to the room on the 31st floor, Shi Dian and the others immediately asked: "Mom, what did Lu Zhou and the others mean?" Shi Zhong was also very curious: "Why is Lu Zhou dead and we can't live long? Shi Bing sneered: " It's just a word to scare us." Shi Yan said, "It's not like a word to scare us, didn't you hear them say that we borrowed Lu Zhou's life to survive until now? Mom, grandma, you guys Is there something that fills us?" Aunt and aunt looked at each other. Auntie sighed: "I originally wanted to keep this matter from you all the time, so that you can live happily without any worries. Since you asked, things can't be hidden, so I'll tell you."

She cursed the Shi family, the Lu family and the Jiang family and Lu Zhou was born, and told them at Lu Zhou's life.

Shi Bing, Shi Yan, Shi Dian, and Shi Zhong looked at their grandma in disbelief. They were alive and well, how could they be cursed to die.

"You don't know how terrifying the curse is on you. I have experienced it. That taste makes your life worse than death, and the pain is unbearable. It won't kill you if you close your eyes. All kinds of curses will torture you again and again, let you taste All kinds of pain..." My aunt was very excited: "It will make you unable to survive or die, and it will only make you free after a year or two of pain, no, it is not really free, go After arriving in the underworld, we will be sent to the eighteenth hell to suffer. Did you see the eighteen underworld torture instruments at the avenue fair? Those are the torture instruments used on us after we die." Although my

aunt did not feel the pain of the curse , but she once saw her aunt's crazy appearance when she was tortured by the curse, and she still had lingering fears in her heart, and she was very afraid of the curse falling on her: "When your grandma was tortured, I once wanted to divorce, but already Even if I have entered Shijiamen, it is useless to divorce, and I cannot escape the curse."

Shi Yan and the others were very afraid: "We are still so young, we are going to die."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it is true." Shi Bing was excited. ran out of the room.

Shi Dian and Shi Zhong looked at each other silently.

That afternoon, the Shi family checked out and left Qianbaicheng.

Lu Zhou and the others also returned to the old town.

Heilong, Jiao Lao and Qilin Dan also returned to Li's house with Lu Zhou.

During dinner, everyone in the Li family looked at Lu Zhou with strange eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Zhou asked, "What are you doing looking at me?"

Li Jianshen said, "Xiaozhou, there are no outsiders here, can you tell us how you caught the black dragon at that time?"

Lu Zhou could not laugh or cry: " I was in a drowsy state at the time, and I was tossed to death by Heilong's medicinal pills, how can I still remember what happened, when I woke up, I was already in the hospital."

Everyone was disappointed.

"You can ask Heilong, he is the party involved

, he will definitely know." "He will definitely not say such a shameful thing."

Li Keqiu coughed vigorously: "If you don't remember, don't remember, the matter of painting silver talismans always Remember?"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Li Nanxuan smiled and said, "We have been in the old town for a few days now. If you can't draw the silver talisman again, I will be punished when I go back ." Hearing this,

Lu Zhou hurriedly said. Pa Fan: "I'll go to practice when I'm full."

After lunch, Lu Zhou returned to the yard where they lived and saw a pair of old people sitting in a stone pavilion drinking tea and chatting.

The two old men heard footsteps coming from the gate of the courtyard, looked back, and immediately waved to Lu Zhou with a smile: "Xiaozhou, come here."

Lu Zhou looked at them in surprise: "Father-in-law? Mother-in-law?"

Mother-in-law smiled and said Greeting him to sit next to him: "Xiaozhou, are you feeling better?"

"It's just a small fever, it's already fine."

Eunuch Land grinned: "Your small fever is really not easy, send a small fever. You can catch the black dragon."

"I don't even remember how to catch him."

Eunuch Tu and Granny Tu looked at each other, tacitly did not mention his catching the black dragon, then changed the subject and said, "Xiaozhou, the former It's really thanks to what you said for a few days, otherwise my wife and I will continue to misunderstand." The

mother-in-law said, "I was also too anxious and didn't give Jiaolong a chance to show it. Later, when I saw him trying so hard to persuade Heilong to turn back, I was heartbroken. Finally, there is comfort, there is no reason to teach him to be a human being in vain over the years."

Lu Zhou was surprised: "Is Jiaolong the bad guy you took in?"


The father-in-law said with a smile: "Ten thousand years ago, he was seriously injured and secretly hid in the small lake in front of the old town to recuperate. Later, I accidentally discovered his whereabouts. After he rescued two children who fell into the lake, and patiently coaxed them to be happy, to dispel the children's fear of falling into the lake, I thought that this dragon was not as bad as I thought, so I discussed it with the mother-in-law. Take it to our land temple and accept the worship of the believers, and it can also restore its mana long ago."

"I heard from Nanxuan that there used to be dragons in Huli in the old town, is it the Jiaolong?"

"Yes, it is him. , we have been following behind you to observe them these few days." Eunuch Tutu stroked his white beard with relief: "He will be in charge of you in the future, my old wife and I will take advantage of the fact that the Tudi Temple is not built, learn You humans are going on a honeymoon, and when you come back, we will come back to you to see the Kitchen King and Grandma Kitchen."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Then let me make a suggestion, you can travel to other countries and see what you want. Let 's see how their foreign gods are immortals and learn some experience."

"Okay, we will go, let's go." The

two old people disappeared in front of Lu Zhou.

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