What if I told you?

By linsteadfanfict

9.1K 320 94

Jay has spent many years caring for everyone, but he suddenly realizes his life is starting to pass him up. H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Part 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Part 12
Part 13

Chapter 9

543 21 12
By linsteadfanfict

Immediately after ending the conversation Jay, Erin, and Riley headed out of the district and back to their home. On the drive back Jay had called Will and asked him "would he like to go to the cabin with him and his girls?". Will had just recently broken off his relationship with Natalie, so he needed an escape for reality.

"Hey babe, Will said he's gonna join us at the cabin."

"That's good babe!"

"Er, what's wrong?"

"I left my entire family, I cut a deal for her, my daughter grew up without her father. I wasn't allowed to even talk to you and the team. I gave up everything, just for her to put a hit out on me! I've tried to do right by her and this is what I get?"

"I know babe, you don't deserve this. Bunny will aways be bunny, she wants you to be the one that sacrifices everything for her. Not anymore babe, we have to think about our family now. So what ever happens to her is her own fault, there's no need to save her this time. When you cut that deal for her that was the last time, now she has to learn to swim on her own. You are my wife, and I'm stepping in to protect you! I will not allow her to hurt you anymore!"

"I've always thought that if I could just save her, then for once in her life she would treat me like her daughter. I thought she was suppose to protect me not the other way around."

"Mothers are suppose to protect their kids, and teach them the values of life. I know bunny didn't teach you that, but I know Camille did."

"You know when I found out I was pregnant with Riley, I panicked all the time. I was always afraid of becoming bunny. It was even worse in the beginning with the postpartum depression taking over, I was losing it. Then Olivia came in and pulled me out, I just wanted a motherly figure there to help me and that's what I got. I had Camille, and then I got Olivia, they showed me that I didn't need bunny anymore".

"Just from watching you with Riley, I know you're an amazing mom, and I couldn't be more proud of you. You overcame some of the most challenging obstacles that most people would've given up on. That's why you Erin Halstead, are different from everyone else. You've had to fight your entire life, now you get to look back at the amazing women, mother, and wife you are. I don't say it enough, but I love you so much for being you!"

"I love you too! That's why I decided there will not be any deals made with bunny, she will rot in her cell. I can't take the risk of her coming after me especially with the kids. She chose this life, now she has to take responsibility."

"I'll let Hank know, and I know this is hard but you have me to lean on. I will help you through this."

"For better, or for worse!"

"Till death do us part!"

"We're the cheesy couple Er!"

"That's who we are, now back to Will?"

"Apparently him and Natalie split up last week"

"Wow, I did not see that coming!"

"I mean....I liked Natalie for him but I always felt like she always made him look like a lost puppy."

"What do you mean?"

"He's been in love with her for years, and she finally gave in just for him to go into witness protection. Then to come out and try to start up again but then she had an accident. She lost her memory and fell in love with a patient."

"Woahhh, I definitely missed a lot, what happened with the patient?"

"Dr.Crockett told her the night of her accident the patient slipped a ring on her finger and said that he proposed. When she got her memory back, she remembered she was going tell Will that she wanted to be with him. Will realized that he got tired of chasing her, so when she tried to apologize for everything, Will told her he was tired of chasing her, and that he had finally moved on."

"How's Will doing with all of this?"

"He's been better, I think the trip to the cabin will definitely help him. He gets to be surrounded by family, and have a break from everything."

"I think that's a great idea, we both need the distraction!"

"Yes you do, so let's head inside and pack a bag. Will said he will meet us over here. So I think we will be on the road in about an hour".

"Fortunately our 5 year old isn't picky about clothes yet, so it shouldn't take me long."

Jay hopped out the car first before heading to Erin's side of the car. He opened her door before heading to the backseat to pick up their sleeping little girl. As he carried her inside, Erin quickly layed out a blanket on the couch for Riley before they both disappeared to their room. Erin had Riley's clothes packed and ready in under 20 minutes, and Jay was read in under 30 minutes. While Jay sat on the couch waiting for Erin, there was a know at the door. He grabbed his gun and moved quickly to the door, before opening the door he looked through the peep hole. He let out the nervous breath that he was holding in, it was only Will.

"Geez man, are you okay you looked scared?"

"Yea, just a little cautious right now. You remember Bunny Erin's mom?"

"Yea, what going on?"

"Well, she put a hit out on Erin since Erin decided to leave the FBI in New York."

"Wait, what does Erin have to do with the bounty being put on her?"

"I guess since Erin left, they said bunny was free game. So they're looking to charge her for her old and new crimes and she doesn't like that".

"So she's blaming Erin again for her problems!"

"Basically, so Erin has a $150,000 bounty on her head. Hank want us to get out of the city, and I told his I could take her and Riley to the cabin."

"Well that's definitely a family reunion for you! This must be very stressful for Erin?"

"It is, especially having to take of herself Riley and the baby, I just don't......."

"Baby? What baby?"

"Shit, I was gonna..."

"I'm kidding I already knew! When she came to the hospital I saw the baby bump. Congratulations Jay, mom would be so proud of you!"

"Thanks Will, I really appreciate that!"

"I bet you're excited?"

"Is that even a question, I'm over the moon!"

"Wow, another Halstead to the family!"

"Another one!"

"Are you boys gonna stand there staring into space or would you like to load the truck up?"

"Ahh, I'm missed that feistiness!"

Jay and Will grabbed each of the bags and brought them out to the truck, while Erin gathered a few snacks for the road. Jay decided it would be better to wake Riley up before hitting the road. The drive was about 2 and half hours, so he made sure everyone went to the bathroom so they didn't have to stop till they made it to the Wisconsin.

About 2 hours into the drive they had stopped at the local store in Madison, Milwaukee to grab some food and groceries for the cabin. There wasn't an end date for how long they would be there so they stocked up.

Once they arrived at the cabin, the boys grabbed the big bags while Erin and Riley grabbed the smaller ones. This was Erin's first time seeing the cabin, so she had to see what all the hype was about.

"Welcome to Casa de Halsteads!"

"Okay you've never said the cabin looked liked this. I thought it was some little old cabin in the woods!"

"Nah babe, I put in a lot of work over the years. I just modernized a lot of small details but this beauty hasn't lost its touch. My Grandpa on my mom side built this place so we could escape for the summer."

"Me and Jay spent a lot of time in the lake, and the tree house."

"Yea, until he got a girlfriend and thought he was to cool to hang out with his little brother!"

"I'm sorry about how I treated you, but let me make it up to you while we're here. Old fashion Halstead hell fire!"

"Please tell me that only sounds worse than it is?"

"No, we just had water balloon fights, raced, jumped off cliffs, and had food eating contest!"

"Have fun boys, me and Riley will be very entertained."

Before settling in they finished grabbing the rest of their groceries. Erin was already tired, dealing with bunny and baby H, she was definitely going through it. Jay being the wonderful husband that he is, decided to run her a nice lukewarm bath. Reading all of the pregnancy books, it taught him that hot water can harm the baby. So he made sure it was just right before calling Erin to come to the bedroom.

"Er, can you come here please?"

"Yea, one sec I'm getting Ri a juice."

After getting and opening Riley's juice, Erin walked through the master bedroom to find Jay standing in the bathroom.

"What's up?"

"I know you're stressed out about everything, so I thought I would run you a nice bath. Figured it might help you relax a bit."

"I just have to tell you, I appreciate you so much. This might seem like a small gesture, but this gesture means so much. I love you babe!"

"I love you too! Now go relax while me and Will throw some food on the grill."

Everything was going great until a knock on the door took them by surprise. On the other side would only bring back old guest!

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