Harper's Harem

By Anderson7576

1.2K 59 5

Harper is not like the other girls. She just wants to read, graduate and go to college. But that all changes... More



44 2 1
By Anderson7576

(Picture above is Harper's bikini)

I look at all the food, making sure we got everything Tank and his brother's are at the grill taking about the best season for the stakes, Ember and Tori are helping me bring all the food out.
Pool party has been going on for an hour now, it's going pretty good no one has got in a fight or died yet "Harper come play chicken!" Ember says, I take off the cover up
showing my hot pink bikini and jump in the pool, getting on Tanks brother Marcos shoulders, Ember and I try to knock each other off,  I knock Ember off of Tony's shoulders, Tony is Tank's other brother, she comes up and looks at me I am off of Marcos shoulder's now and she has that crazy look in her eyes, Ember lunges over Tori and after me, I take off swimming and laughing but when I get to the end of the pool.

Grayson, Keegan and Lacy are standing at the end of the pool and Grayson looks furious he is looking at us, I can't believe she would come here or Grayson, I turn my back on them and swim back over where Tori and Hendrix are, they are so cute together it's about time my brother got his head out of his ass and asked her out. I am pretty sure Ember is going out on a date with Tank's brothers tomorrow night, I feel someone come up behind me and put his arms around me, "Hey baby," I smile Tank is the only one who calls me that, "I'm sorry she showed up do you want me to ask her to leave?" I turn around so I can see his gorgeous face, I put my arms around his neck "No I don't want to cause a problem and you know it would," he doesn't say anything he just nods his head.

He leans down and kisses me, he pulls me up against him "get a room I don't want to see you making out with my sister," Hendrix is looking at us, I laugh at him and I go over to the steps and get out. Jax is there with a towel he raps it around me "Thanks," I give him a kiss, he smacks my ass as I walk over to my seat I was sitting in. I dry off some, I can feel eyes on me I look over and see Keegan and Grayson looking at me they are running their eyes over me, my Breasts fill out my bikini top and then some, my stomach is flat and my legs look nice and long I have a nice tan, my belly button ring is a Diamond this is the first bikini I have ever had so I thought I looked good in it and from the way my guy's were looking at me I think I do.

I put my cover up back on and go over to the table and get some lemon aid, I sit down and wait for Tori and Ember to come back all the guys except Grayson and Keegan are playing volleyball and it's getting intense, they make it over and sit down "What the hell is she doing here?" Ember asks, "I don't know but she better not say a damn thing about our food or I am going to bitch slap her," Tori says as she is glaring at Lacy, they sit at the other table closer to the hot tub, we can hear Lacy asking them if they want to get into the hot tub with her, I hear Tori gasp "Can you believe the nerve of this skank," I say, as we watch her take off her cover up and get in, I am not trying to body shame but she was telling me I should not eat so much cheese cake at that dinner she was at before she left, because it would go to my hips and ass. I don't think I am the one who should have to worry about eating to much of it.

To anyone else they would never notice if they were seeing her for the first time, she still looks good but you can tell she has put on some more curves then she likes, because she sits down and stays under so we can't see all of her, "I can't believe her after her telling us we need to watch our weight and how much sweets we were eating at dinner that night what a hypocrite," Ember says, "I don't care what she looks like as long as I don't have to put up with her much longer," I see Keegan get in with her out of the corner of my eye but he isn't looking at her, his eyes are on me I make sure I don't look over at them, the other guys are back and Hendrix picks Tori up and sits down in her chair next to me and pulls her down on his lap. Tony does the same thing with Ember across from us, Axel picks me up out of my chair and sits down pulling me down and giving me a kiss, l look over at the grill and see Jax, Tank and Marco looking at something."What are they doing," I ask Axel, He laughs "They are going to have a contest to see who can make the best stakes," I just laugh "That doesn't surprise me at all," I say, Tank must have won the rock paper scissors to see who would go first. He puts his seasoning on his stakes and the other guy's come over and Marco sits next to Tony and Ember and takes her hand, Jax does the same thing only he doesn't just take my hand he suck's my middle finger into his mouth, I suck in my breath I get up and "Jax, Axel will you help me for a few minutes please?" I don't wait for them to answer, I walk over and of course Tank grabs me and kisses me on the way to the patio door "I get you tonight baby," he smirks at me, I just shake my head at him because I know he is right.

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