My new Brother Bacca?

By Minecraft2014

1.8K 76 48

Mitch and his Grade 5 classmates where going on a field trip to Miss. Poppy's Adoption Center during there tr... More

Thanx for the support
story of my life Prologue
Mitchell think properly
Burning to Death or scary old man
Welcome home big bro
fear its self
Thanx for the Supporting guys ~<3
keep hiding
Nine Years later

Adoption field trip

239 10 2
By Minecraft2014

BajanCanadian's POV

my mother told me that i was getting a new baby brother i wonder what he's going to be like i guessed i have to find out in 4 days. *next day* i was on my way to the bus stop tell i saw Bodil standing there with Ashley she is the most beautiful girl in our class, Deadlox is always trying to break out of the school, Sky is always caring his stuff Budder doll with him, TrueMU he likes Nap time, Bodil likes to troll people a lot, Subzero let's just say he doesn't talk, Seto he's the smart one of all he's the brains of our class, Husky he's a amphibian not a fish and you got me BajanCanadian the number one player in Gym class i saw Deadlox coming to the bus stop and he said: Hey there's BajanCanadian. i stared at him with a smile we always have to wait for the others TrueMU, Sky, Subzero, Husky and Seto we saw our friends coming why is Sky dragging TrueMU on a blanket that is on the ground and i said: why are you dragging TrueMU Sky? he was out of breath because it looks like he dragged him all the way to the bus stop. Jason takes his Nap every half an hour we helped Sky carried Jason on the Bus and laid him on the bus seat we sat down watching him sleep Sky always sits by Deadlox and he said: Hey Bajan when is you new brother coming? he really had to ask that question we just carried Jason on the bus and i said: listen guys i know your all excited but he hasn't came yet i herd we were going to the Adoption Center with our class guys maybe we can see if he's there or not. we all agreed to stay on the look out for my new brother after the bus got there the Teacher stood out of her seat and she said: welcome to Minecraftia's Adoption center kids now grabbed a partners of 4 we will meet back here for lunch in 5 hrs and remember everyone be nice to the children and have fun. i grabbed Sky, Bodil and Seto for my group while Deadlox took Ashely, Subzero and Husky and TrueMU is always last to pickwe had to make him pick and he said: idk guys if we just had one more we would be all even. he was right he decided to go with us we made our way to the other kids tell we herd some bullies and he said: had over your lunch pipsqueak. we had to go check out the situation once we found the playground we saw what was happening there was a brown fluffy animal getting beat up by a bunch of bullies we watch the fluffy creature tried to escape from his hands and he said: PLZ DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO BE FRIENDS! i couldn't watch this anymore so i started to make my way to them and i said: Hey you big bully leave that poor creature alone. they stared at us while the rest of the crew came out the bully just stood there and he said: guys over here i think we can beat these little brats at there own game. yeah this is going to end very quickly *14 mins later* we won the fight but where did that little furry guy go.

Sky's POV

i can't believe that BajanCanadian did that to save a animal what the heck is wrong with him i sat down on the bench tell i notice it was soft and furry i didn't know benches can be furry and snoring at the same time wait benches don't snore or have fur am i sitting on a animal and i said: AAAAAHHHHHH! Ty, Jason, Mitch help me am in danger for sure this time help me plz! i herd there foot steps coming closer to me they had a worry look in there faces Ty walked up to me and he said: Sky what's wrong is there a zombie near by or a creeper hiding from us or it could be nothing like always. sometimes Ty can be a Dick head but back to my panic and i said: there was this bench here and i sat down on tell it was soft and furry and it also snore and it was there right behind me see guys see....what it isn't here i swear guys there was a furry bench here. my friends told me that i might be going Insane right now but i saw a furry bench i looked at my group and Mitch walked on over to me and he said: listen Sky benches are not furry or they don't snore look there is a bench over there *walks over to the bench* see its made out of wood Sky there is nothing to be worry about. i came over to the Bench where Mitch was standing by once i got there i patted the bench and it was made out of wood uh i guess i was making a big deal out of it we checked our watches and its Lunch time we head back to our teacher and get ready for lunch. during Lunch i looked at Mitch and he was doing something under the table what the heck is he doing and i said: Mitch what are you doing under the table? i froze like heck he was feeding one of the children and he said: shhhhh quite you idiot this little guy is hungry so i put him into my bag so i can feed him some lunch and if the Teacher finds out about this i'll get in big trouble Sky so don't say a word to anyone. Mitch was doing the right thing to do we came out from under the table before the teacher came over to check on us we saw the adoption lady and she said: Billy have you seen Jerome anywhere lately if he was being picked on again you know he hides very well. i looked at the kid that was over there by the lady and he said: no Miss. Poppy i haven't seen him all day maybe he wanted to play hide and go seek or he could be hiding under neath his bed again. me and Mitch looked under the table and he was gone we started to panic and i said: Mrs. Sunshine me and Mitch forgot something over by the playground can we go get it plz. she nodded her head and we left the table once we got to the playground area Mitch put his one foot on the sand and he said: Sky were not alone anymore. we herd the twigs breaking and snapping in half and i said: its okay little guy were not going to hurt you we want to be friends with you see am leaving you some food here so you can eat it. wow i sound pretty stupid right now i looked over at Mitch and he said: idk Sky maybe he wants to be alone for once or maybe he head back to the picnicked area or something like that let's head back to the otherrrrrrrrrs! Mitch where did he goooo. oh-no i am in big trouble for losing him maybe if i bring my friends maybe we'll get better luck finding him yeah that's what i shall do.

Jerome's POV

*sniffing at Mitch* he's not food what's in here i started to search for food in his thingy ma jig i saw him waking up and he said: hey there little guy am not going to hurt you i want to become friends with you and hey get out of my bag never mind see am going to give you some food. i can hear him just find but i rather to stay silent am not a fan of talking to strangers at all in fact am really shy when people are here so i hide from them so they wouldn't make fun of me. i walked over to him and stared into his eyes we played in my room tell i herd my doorknob turning so i hid under neath my bed once the door open it was Miss. Poppy and she said: Jerome i know your in here plz come out my son. i came out from under the bed with a frowned face i looked at my playmate and he said: his name is Jerome? Miss. Poppy told him why i am here the other adoption centers wouldn't take me in so i ended up here at Miss. Poppy's Adoption Day Care Center one of the biggest adoption center in town and she said: yes his name is Jerome he is only a small pup in this place he can talk but not in front of random people you see Mitchell he is very shy to other people but when it comes to nice kids like you he'll capture's that person and brings them here to play but when they leave here he'll be in his room for the entire day playing by himself but he should know that taking people like that is wrong he won't hurt anyone but he is a loving person here he did make some friends couple months ago tell they got adopted and never came to visit him the poor guy. heck yeah poor me as well i get pick on by those jerks every day i wish someone can take me home for once. Miss. Poppy put a food dish down on the floor where i can reach it i started to eat my food tell there was a random thing on it i looked at the kid and he said: its called a pickle try it Jerome. before i tried anything new i always sniffed the food first before i eat it, its a living thing i do all the time so i started to sniff this so called Pickle *sniffs the pickle* it looks good, it smells good too but dose it taste good *takes a bite out of the pickle* not bad so i continue to eat this Pickle while Miss. Poppy brushed my dark chocolate fur color in nice strokes where i always like and she said: oh my Mitch you better head back to the others your bus ride will be here at many moments. i didn't want my new friend to leave so i dropped one of my bouncy balls in is bag when he wasn't even looking Miss. Poppy grabbed my hand while we walked Mitch all back to his friends once we got there people were staring at me like i don't belong here i saw a girl walked over to me where i was standing and she said: we promise that we'll come and visit you every once in awhile. after she said that it almost put a smile on my face but it didn't i was afraid that they might not come to see me while that thing was pulling away i was crying that my new friends had to leave me alone again so i ran back to my room it put a frown on all the kids that i ran past by some of them got worry that i hurt myself badly and some were mostly shock that i actually came out of my room for once and showed myself to other people in public.

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