princessalisha33 द्वारा

25.5K 475 206

"He cups my face by my jaw and looks at my lips then straight into my eyes. "You got my dick so hard, my shit... अधिक

Part 1 🍯💫
Part 2 ✨✍🏾
Part 3 🫶🏾🧚🏾
Part 4 🦋💨
Part 5 👾💕
Part 6 🪝🔮
Part 7 🌶️🥵
Part 8 💄🧖🏾‍♀️
Part 10 ???
Part 11 ❤️💋
Part 12 🫧👽
Part 13 🫦☁️
Part 14 ??
Part 15 🐥🐝
Part 16 ☘️💚
Part 17 📍☁️
Part 18 🧞‍♀️💜
Part 19 🧥🐻
Part 20 🧠💓
Part 21 (can you do sum fa meh😭🤪)
Part 22 🦊🧡
Part 23 🕕🕯️
Part 24🐙🌸
Part 25 🪐🌪️
Part 26 🦩🌺
Part 27 🧟‍♂️🪖
Part 28 ??
Part 28 🎃🧡
Part 30 ?❤️‍?
The End 🕸️

Part 9 🎧🕸️

855 18 5
princessalisha33 द्वारा


2 and a half weeks later...

Things between and Cassius have been going great for the past 2 weeks. We've been getting to know each other, spending time together. I've slept over his place a couple nights after he would have begged me to stay and we've been going on dates.

Even with his music and my school stuff and the new waitress job i got at Lani's we still make time for each other since he picks me up from work most of the time. And of course i'm not even going to forget about the sex i've been having. This man is low key turning me into a sex addict. Every time i'm around him i just really can't keep my hands off of him.

My jobs been nice too and pays me really well. By the end on the term i'll be able to pay for my half of the rent by myself without my parents help. Like i said, girl boss. School has just been school, i'm learning a lot about production and Geezy has been helping me with my own music and stuff though i still am not ready to release anything.

I am at Lani's finishing up my shift. Since it's a Friday i finish my shift kinda late to compensate for the previous week i has school interferences and stuff. Cassius can't come pick me up today because he has a late recording session with Geezy so a taxi it is. I wave goodbye to Gladys, the sweetest manager anyone could ask for and get a taxi back home.

i check my phone to see if i have any texts and i have 2 from Cassius and one from Chrissy.

Cassius😍: hey baby i'm sorry i couldn't come get you from work, Geezy's really pushing my ass right now because of the deadline for the release.

Cassius😍: Speaking about asses i really miss yours, imma try and come through tonight so don't sleep too early.

I smile and reply it telling him that i won't let him in if he doesn't bring wings which he replies seconds after with a laughing emoji and a thumbs up.

i open the text from Chrissy which read:

Chrissy❤️: Hey babes, when you get home please don't be mad okay, love you!

Don't get mad? Did she burn the place down with her cooking or what. I hope it's something not as that bad. I laugh to myself at the thought and reply her with a confused GIF. I look up and see the taxi driver had already arrived in front of my apartment building. I thank him and pay him the fee then get out heading for the apartment.

I'm so tired and drained from waitering on my feet all day i just wanna sleep but i can't because i promised Cassius and i really was craving those wings and him too.

"Chris I'm home!, I hope you didn't burn my room with your chicken cause then imma have to sleep with yo-...What the actual fuck!??" I say as soon as i turn to face the living room from locking the door.

It was worse than a burnt apartment or a burnt room. I can't believe it! Nate!??

Nah I gotta be seeing things. What the fuck is he doing here? In the city? In this damn apartment sitting on our couch?

Remember that high school guy that completely shattered my heart I was talking about earlier? Yeah that's him SITTING IN OUR APARTMENT LOOKING DIRECTLY AT ME!

"What the hell are you doing here?", I eventually ask after moments of prolonged silence.

"Hello to you too Ayesha," he says smiling and putting down the magazine he was reading. Chrissy then comes out of her room laughing with Mike following behind her. It makes complete sense now, Mike and Nate are best friends and are on the same stupid sports program.

That program is the reason Nate and I broke up. He would always chose sports over me and made his dreams more important than mine, Always a selfish gaslighter that would manipulate into making me think what i wanted wasn't as important as what he wanted. I mean I tried to understand, it was for his future after all and I wanted nothing but the best for him but then the schedule became too much and he didn't have time for me anymore.

I will never forget when I entered a talent show that Chrissy begged me to enter and surprising won. The prize was touring with and learning more about music on a trip to Italy for a month and when i told him he begged me to stay and support his games. He told me he couldn't let me go because he needed me and would miss me especially on his big scouting soccer game where coaches from all over where coming to see their teams play. He made me feel so bad for wanting to go and manipulated me to stay back and of course with me being desperately in love I listened to him, never telling my parents about any of it. I lied to Chrissy telling her my parents had said no since he asked me not to tell anyone.

I put my dreams aside for him, for us to just end up being left BY HIM after he got picked by the scouters to play for them. He didn't tell me anything about it and instead left a stupid note saying i deserved better and later on being told by Chrissy who was told by Mike that he had gone to play soccer. Hadn't seen him since which was like a year and a half ago til now. I was so heartbroken and it took a year and some months to get over him which was very hard but i had to do i forced myself to cut him off even though he never contacted me after learning he had left. He was my first everything and he dropped me for his dreams when he crucified me for trying to do the same.

"Shit!," says Chrissy as soon as she sets my eyes on me

"Chrissy what the fuck is going on?," i ask her still standing at the door in my waitress uniform and coat.

"Can we talk in my room for a second," she says letting go of Mikes hand and coming towards me pulling me to her room as i stomp angrily behind her. There better be a good explanation as to why Nate is sitting on our fucking couch.

"Why the hell is Nate here Chrissy what the fuck?," I ask Chrissy in a loud whisper as she shuts the door.

"Okay i know i know it looks bad and i'm not also happy about that fuck nigga Nate being here because it took me by surprise too but let me explain aight," she says taking a deep breath before speaking again

"Mike and Nate have tryouts in town with some sponsors for the program or whatever so Mike wanted to see me of course and so did i," she says sitting down on the bed.

"Nigga then shows up with that light skinned piece of shit and i almost kill the mother fucker but Mike stops me because apparently Mikes car got towed back home and he needed a ride and Nate was the only cheap and available option, trust me i am as upset as you are that he's here but baabbeeee Mike is here too" he says pouting at me.

Mike ain't got money for a fucking Uber or some'n?

Chrissy might have bought that half ass story but not me. Naahh

I honestly understand that she needed to see Mike and i know Chrissy hates Nate as much as i do so i don't doubt that she was also kinda caught off guard about the whole thing even if that story sounds a little off imma put my shit to the side for her and Mike.

"Aight Chris don't worry about it, it's cool, Im over him and i could give a single fuck about his presence in this apartment since i've completely moved on, i just would've needed a heads up so that a bitch can prepare herself first," I tell her sitting down on the bed as well and it was the honest truth. I was over the Nate thing and i have clearly moved on so it wasn't that much of a big deal. Right?

"I'm sorry girl," she apologizes

"It's no problem don't stress," i assure her

"There's also more though," she says getting up from besides me again and putting her hands by her hips looking nervous as hell.

This bitch. MORE?

"So Mike and Nate, mostly Mike because he's the only one i give a fuck about, don't have anywhere to stay since the program wanted extra for hotels and the money they brought isn't enough to rent out motels for the period of time they are staying here soooo I kinda let them stay here for as long as they want to which is going to be for a week I assume," she says speaking really fast.

Aww hell to the fuck naah they ain't !

Here? For a whole week and a half? With Nate? I don't know if i can do that.

"Chriss come on, really? A fucking week," I say to her.

"They're not staying for that long, a week is not that long Ayesha,"

It is if we're going to be shooting an episode of ex on the beach up in this bitch.

"and Nate can sleep on the couch, please bae, I really need to spend this time with Mike and Nate can't just sleep in his car for a straight up week even if he does deserve it," she says giving me puppy dog eyes.

"If it makes you feel better that couch is uncomfortable as fuck to sleep on," she adds on the last part.

This apart is as much of her apartment as it is mine i guess and it wouldn't be fair to cock block my baby girl for a fucking ex.

deeeppp sigghhhh

"Finnneee, but you owe me one bruh, big time," I finally say after thinking on it.

I can't stay at Cassius's for a full week and a half i don't want to intrude especially when things are still this new but i did think about it.

"I really do owe you! Thank youuu!", she says and jumps on me all excited.

We exit her room and go back to the living room where Mike and Nate are seated.

"Mi casa whatever the rest is," i say flashing a fake smile trying to sound enthusiastic and leaving the room to go take a long needed shower

yes i have an attitude as i should have.

I close my door and grab my phone from my waitress apron to text Cassius. There is no way i'm going to let Cassius know there's a dude leaving in my apartment and that dudes happens to be my ex.

Things between are going so well and i don't fuck that up because of unwanted baggage. Plus we're not at the stage to explain this typa shit to each other right?

I see his text that he sent 5 minutes ago letting me know that he's on his way. I quickly take a shower, change into a hoody and some sweatpants then grab my things after asking and confirming that it was okay for me to stay the night. I get out of the apartment locking the door behind me without even looking at Nate after telling Chrissy imma be out til tomorrow.

I get out of the apartment and wait. I see Cassius getting out of the car to probably come upstairs and get me. Thank God i caught this nigga before he stepped into that lil reunion upstairs.

"I was just about to come up for you," he says grabbing my small black duffle bag that had my toiletries, clothes and everything i needed for the night. He bends down to kiss me and I honestly can't get enough of this man.

"We'll i beat you to it," i say after breaking the kiss.

We go to his place and watched movies whilst talking. I honestly needed this distraction.

lemme hear you say uh-oh 😏



a week later...

Ayesha has really been quite a surprise not finna lie. Here i was thinking this was going to be a smash and dip typa situation but lately my addiction to her has actually become abnormal.

Besides the fact that sex with her is fucking phenomenal not being able to keep my hands off her and so can't she, I really love her company. Just talking to her gets me in the best mood and i wanna hang out with her all the time.

I was really happy when she changed her mind about chilling with me that night though she was kinda off but i just brushed it aside. She seemed distracted as hell. Shits been hectic at the studio so her and i haven't seen each other as much as we used this week especially since she got a job at Lani's.

I'm sooo close to being signed to Greyhound Records, the record label i've been trying to get a deal with and the reason i came to city in the first place. I've just been trying to come up with the perfect and right EP to submit before they stop taking exceptions which is a month away and so far everything's perfect except for one song i'm working on with Geezy. It's almost complete but something is missing and i just can't put my finger on it.

I just dropped Ayesha at work after she had slept over at my place which she has been doing frequently (DEFINITELY NOT COMPLAINING) In fact, I didn't want her to leave but she insisted that she'd call me tonight as if that's enough but it's okay, my baby's gotta get her bag.

yes a nigga is getting a lil clingy

One of the things i love about her, she's ambitious as fuck and works so hard to get what she wants although i think she's too talented to be working at a fucking diner.

I then get a call from Ivy and answer it.

"Yo," i answer the call driving onto the freeway, i was planning on spending the day at Geezy's place, chilling and making beats til Ayesha calls or something.

"Hey booboo, you wanna come over?,"

I haven't seen Ivy in a while since i started seeing Ayesha. I'm honestly not interested in her even sexually anymore for obvious reasons. Ayesha. She's all i can think about and fucking another bitch doesn't sit right with me even though we're not officially dating or none

"Can't," i simply reply her and almost hanging up

"I'm not tryna fuck Cassius,"

Even if she wanted to fuck, i never went when she wanted me to come over and fuck her especially if i wasn't feeling like it. It would always be the other way around and she ain't never said no anyway.

"it's about work and increasing your chances in getting the Greyhound deal," she says which gets my attention

"Whatchu on about?," i ask her eager to know what she was trying to say. She had known i've been trying to get the deal since her ass is always in my fucking business.

"Just get here, my manager and I will be waiting for you," she says before dropping the call.

i then switch routes heading to Ivy's house trying to find out what she was talking about. When she mentioned the Greyhound deal it intrigued me and i needed to know more.

I get to Ivys place in 30 minutes. Ivys parents are pretty wealthy so they send her money from overseas. She came to the city for i'm assuming modeling but she doesn't seem to be taking it seriously since she's always partying and doing God knows what. Her house is pretty amazing i've gotta admit and just screams rich.

Ivy and I met at some golf club that my parents dragged me to in hoping that i 'find a girlfriend' but instead i found a fuck buddy, Ivy. Them lil stuck up rich girls aren't really my type.

I get into her gate and park my jeep besides her car. I knock on the door and she answers telling me to come in.

We are finally seated on her dining table with her manager, Carly, standing in front of the table whilst Ivy and I sit opposite each other. I never liked this Carly girl, busy feeding into Ivys delusions about the possibilities of me and her actually being together.

"Aight, so the reason why I called you here is because of a proposal," says Carly tapping her long nails on the table

"Both of you need exposure in your new upcoming careers and what best creates exposure? Hot new rapper dating an upcoming rich model who's also a social media influencer. That's where you come in Cassius-,"

fucking knew it, these delulu bitches...

And before I let her finish i interrupt her crazy idea as soon as i see where it's going.

"Naaahhh dawg, sorry but this isn't finna work," i say getting up and ready to leave

"Is it because of your little girlfriend that you've been fucking with?," asks Ivy in a cold emotionless tone.

Yes, Jealous much?

"She's not my girl aight Ivy?," i reply her and in all honesty i didn't want to put a label on it yet.

I wasn't ready to have a whole girlfriend and Ayesha and i hadn't talked about it which was fine with me. I'm cool with us doing what we're doing. Yeah sure i like her but the titles and labels stuff just complicates things and i don't think i'm ready for a full on relationship.

"So what then why won't you do it? It's not like it's real," asks Ivy with a mug on her face.

"Look Cassius we both know your social media platforms aren't as popular as Ivys, she has the influence and everything which would boost you up and put you on Greyhounds radar before releasing your song and also whilst helping Ivy who needs to keep her followers interested and hooked in her life. What's more interesting than a model dating a fine up and coming rapper?

Ivy has 1 Mil followers all from modeling, basically kind of a celebrity and i just have 216k.

"You get on Greyhounds radar which makes it easier for you to be picked for the label and Ivy gets more followers and buzz which are also equal to model contracts from new industries and so forth," says Carly interrupting me before i had to say what i had to say.

"It's not like we'd be dating for real, just a few instagram posts about whatever to boost both or our followings," Ivy adds on.

I mean honestly they do have a pretty smart plan. I don't have as much followers as Ivy has and it'd really help me on getting closer to that deal before i let out the track. The only problem is Ayesha, how would i tell her all of this? I'm not ready to have whatever we have going on end but damn i need this deal.

"Imma think on it," i say as i get up from the table heading for the door. I drive out of her yard with her proposal on my mind.



thoughts on Nate?

y'all this his hot or nahh?

think Cassius is finna take this deal?


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