Hollywood's Bleeding - Post M...

By Pepepolly

4.4K 281 12

She wakes with an echoed thud coming from downstairs. At first, she feels relief, Jim has come to his senses... More

Shady Deals
New Beginning
New Start
I Want you
Goodbyes Are Hard
Opening Act
Pretty Girls
Glory Hole
Dancing Queen
The Stripper
Who I Am
He Is Amazing
Hand & Knees
Not Real
A Little Bit Of My Heart
A Lesson
My Home
Losing You
You Might Think...
Why I Love You
A Pearl
Oh, Hello

Keep Her Safe

115 7 0
By Pepepolly

They kiss in the pantry long enough for Austin to mumble that he needs another icy shower. Ophelia wants to offer herself to him rather. But she does not have the nerve to be so brash so she just blushes at the thoughts of what he would do with her if she did. "You need to stop blushing when thoughts of me fucking you go through your head, baby. It's a dead give away and it makes me a little weak in the knees," Austin says. Ophelia feels a little bad that she has put him in this position. Maybe she should let him have one of his girls on the side, just to get his frustrations out. But she could never suggest that, she is far too selfish for that. Besides, she would be happy for him to use her to get his frustrations out. She shrugs, "oops," she says. Austin's mouth forms an O and his brows raise. "Oh, we are playing games now. Well, in that case, baby," he leans in close to her ear, "last night you had me so worked up that I tugged myself off twice in the shower. I came so hard that I had to wash my mess off the shower door. I was thinking of you the whole time. Your pretty mouth, your thick thighs, your breasts. I want to watch as you come undone under me while you scream my name and cling to my hot skin," he says then pulls back and looks at her with a smirk. "Do I win that round?" he says.

Ophelia is not brazen nor is she sexually adventurous. Her sex life consists of Jim flopping around on top of her while she lays on her back pretending to be happy with how Jim is looking after her. She had done some research and attempted to try new things to spice up their sex life but Jim had shut her down. This is what she had always wanted - sex to be fun and exciting. She has no idea what she is actually doing but it seems Austin is attracted to just her blush so she is sure no matter what she does she would have one up on him every time. "Put me down, please," she says, the purr in her voice is not lost on Austin as one of his brows shoots up. He loosens his grip on her but instead of jumping off him, she lets herself slide down his body till she is on her knees in front of him. Placing her hands on his upper thighs she looks up at him with big doe eyes. She keeps close to him, she can feel the zipper from his pants on her chin. "Thank you for breakfast and if you ever need help with anything, anything at all, just let me know and I will do my very best to accommodate you...to please you," she says, making sure to keep her voice soft and sweet but slightly strained so he can hear her need for him. He is looking down at her with his lips parted in shock. His pupils are blown and she can't see much blue in his eyes anymore. It also looks like he may have stopped breathing. She goes to stand making sure to accidentally push her face into his crotch area as she gets up. "So you won? Am I right in saying that? I am not sure...just to clarify...you won?" she asks sweetly. "I am fucked. You are a fucking minx and I am fucked," Austin says. Ophelia smiles and kisses him on the cheek, "you will keep me in line," she whispers then turns and opens the pantry door, ignoring Austin's strangled grunt.

"You ok?" Rod asks as Ophelia steps back into the kitchen. Ophelia says yes at the same time as Austin says no. Rod and Oliver frown at Austin while Ophelia tries to hide her smile. "I need a cigarette...Oliver, come," Austin says opening one of the french doors leading to the patio outside. He steps outside with Oliver following happily behind him with the fruit platter in hand. "So what do you want to do about Jessica? Want me to get rid of her?" Ron asks. "Umm...you scare me when you say 'get rid of her' it sounds like that's more than just firing her," Ophelia says sitting back down next to Ron. "It's absolutely what I mean...I know people," Ron says. Ophelia laughs a little, she really likes Ron. "I feel so stupid. Do you know what I mean? I confided in her. Told her my fears and worries. I told her that Jim and I were having problems...I asked her what I should do to fix it...she gave me advice. They were probably laughing at how gullible and stupid I was this whole time," she says. "You are not stupid or gullible or any of the nasty shit you have been calling yourself. You are kind and sweet. You are a good person who chooses to trust people and to see the good in people. Bad people come along and take advantage of your good heart...that makes them the idiot. That makes them stupid. You are wonderful the way you are," Ron says. Ophelia gives her a watery smile. "I think you and I will be friends even after the PR thing is done," Ophelia says. "I would like that very much," Ron says hugging Ophelia. "Now, about getting rid of Jessica..." Ron says. Ophelia laughs and shakes her head. "No. I would like to tell her that her service is being terminated myself. You can deal with June. Although I do need to find a new assistant now."

"Well, that's where Lacy comes into this whole plan. I trained her and she sometimes fills in for me when I go on holiday. She is sweet and soft-spoken...like you and she is very efficient. You can have her on a trial period and if you like her you can keep her. She can be trusted, I will vouch for her," Rod says. "Oh, ok..." Ophelia responds letting her words trail off as her phone starts ringing - it's Jim. Ophelia can feel the hairs on the back of her neck rise, it feels like the start of a shit storm. Her first thought is to find Austin so she gets up and marches off to the patio. Austin is leaning on the patio railing smoking a cigarette and laughing at something Oliver is saying to him. Austin looks like he should be a leader of an underground gang, like a cloud of black smoke should follow his always heavy-set face but here he is laughing at the top of his lungs, with a contagious smile and sparkling eyes. He makes her garden even seem brighter and greener. Both men snap their heads toward her as she opens the patio door. Austin crushes his cigarette and waves his hand around to disperse the smoke as if it was offending him by hanging around. "What is it, baby?" he asks as she walks toward him. She holds out her phone when it starts ringing again and Austin's face goes dark when he sees who it is. "Leave us, Oliver," he says as he takes Ophelia's phone. "What do you want to do, baby?" he asks.

Anxiety runs through Ophelia's body in waves and she is finding it hard to get her thoughts to stop racing. She knows why he is phoning. "He must have seen the media release. It does not paint him in the best light and now I feel bad. He was my husband for five years and I put him through hell with the misscarages. He must feel so betrayed by me now. I wish that I had never let that media release go out. I want to take all this back and just make things right with him," the words tumble out of Ophelia's mouth without her thinking. She hates the idea of hurting anyone. Now Austin must also be mad at her, he must think she is playing games with him. She is really not it's just her mind is so messed up. She braces herself, ready for the onslaught of nasty words from Austin. But that never happens instead he wraps his arms around her and pulls her in tight. "I know fucking nothing about marriage but he could have prevented all this if he had just respected you. As far as the loss of your babies...I am pretty sure that he was not the only one that felt that pain...you lost too, baby," he says softly into the top of her head. He spins her around so she is facing her garden while he stands behind her. Then he slowly slips his arms around her waist and rests his hands on her still-flat belly. Jim never did that. "I don't know what will happen with this little one, but whatever it is you won't be alone...I promise," he says softly.

Ophelia may have been weary of Austin when she first met him but she had liked him. Right now though she not only likes him but she respects him. He is a good man, there is no doubt in her mind. They may not be soul mates or have experienced that once in a lifetime love at first sight people are always searching for. She is not even sure what she feels for Austin, if she had to describe it, it would be respect and a united friendship...a safe harbor from the storm her life has become. "What do I do now? What do I say to him?" I need you to tell me what to do," she says. Austin turns her around to face him again. "I won't tell you what to do. You know what to do...you are just a little scared right now," he says. Ophelia lets herself breathe for a second as she tries to gather her thoughts. "I...I...I want to not talk to him right now. He can wait until I am ready to talk to him. Is...is that ok? Can I do that?" she asks, unsure. Austin grins at her and nods his head. "Yes, that is ok," he says. Her phone rings in Austin's pocket again. "He is not going to stop ringing," she says. Austin shrugs and fishes the phone out of his pocket. "Then we block his number," he says and taps around on her phone. Her phone stays silent after that. They look at each other for a moment then Austin lifts his hand and runs two fingers over her belly.

"How do the doctor appointments work when you are knocked up?" he asks. Ophelia tries to stop her laugh at his words, she can't though. "I have been already, he confirmed my pregnancy," she says. "How many are in there? Most people just have one at a time, right?" he asks his face frowning in concentration. Ophelia laughs again. "Only one," she says. "Do you know what type of baby is in here?" he asks, running his fingers over her belly again. "You mean what gender?" she asks and Austin nods. He is not looking at her, rather, his eyes are trained onto her belly as if the baby is going to suddenly reveal itself. "No. The baby is only just starting to form its heart. Right now it's just a tiny mass of cells. It has no gender," she explains.

"How big is it?"

"Maybe the size of an orange seed...if that."

"How many weeks pregnant are you?"

"Five weeks."

"Ok, so when is the next doctor's appointment?"

"I don't know...I have never made it far enough to book a second check-up. I have never made it to seven weeks."

Austin's eyes shoot up to hers, he looks worried. Jim never did that. Jim never worried or cared. "What are your plans this week?" he asks, she can see his brain starting to work overtime. "I have to attend a final wrap-up meeting for the movie I have just completed. Then I have a few interviews and a press conference. Nothing too strenuous and it's all here in LA so I don't have to travel," she gives him a rundown of her upcoming week. He nods along to her words as if he is working his own calendar out as she talks. "I will be with you all week. I have my own work shit that I need to get done but I will be here with you all week," he says. Ophelia lets out a laugh and then reaches up, looping her arms around his neck as he bends down slightly to enable her to reach. "Well you have moved in...and we share the same bed...so..." she says. "Hmmm, I have and we do," he says with a smirk then leans down a little further and kisses her. They kiss a lot, well a lot more than Ophelia was ever able to kiss and she likes it. She likes kissing - she likes kissing Austin. She hears the patio door open but she can't be bothered pulling away. She hears someone clear their throat and then Austin is laughing into her mouth, she laughs too and buries her head in his chest. They are like a couple of giddy teenagers and Ophelia is all for it.

"That does not look like a PR kiss. We may need to talk about crossing lines," Rod's voice comes at them. "Fuck off, Rod, we are busy what do you want?" Austin says lifting Ophelia's face, she can see he fulling intends on dipping down for another kiss. "Security guard just rang from the gate. Jessica is here and on her way up," Rod says. Ophelia snaps her head to Rod, her eyes big. She is not ready for this now. She has never fired anyone, let alone someone who not only pretended to be her friend but also had a long-standing affair with her husband. "I...I can't do it. Could you do it for me?" she asks Rod. Rod looks at her then at Austin then back at her. "I will be waiting in the kitchen with her," she says and then turns to go back inside. Ophelia looks up at Austin in confusion. "Baby, I hate telling you what to do and if you are really against doing this then I won't force you but sometimes it's good to weather a storm or two...I will be there and so will Rod. Oliver too but that bastard is no fucking help to anyone. He is just there for decoration," Austin says. Ophelia rolls her eyes she hates when people sprout of terms of endorsement at her. "Yeah I have heard that before - what does not kill you makes you stronger, right?" she says.

Austin pulls a disapproving face at her. "Absolutely not. That's a stupid saying...avoid anything that could possibly kill you. All I am saying is that changing is not all sunshine and rainbows there are some shitty parts too," he says Ophelia knows he is right, and with a room full of people who will defend her she is not as worried as she would have been if she had been on her own. "You are right. I am going to confront her...also I think Oliver makes a lovely decoration," she says, giggling when Austin screws up his face in disgust. "I am going to ignore that last part. How that ugly fucker got Rod will always be one of life's biggest mysteries," he says. Ophelia suddenly gets a pain in her chest, she misses Liam. He is always so busy but never too busy to answer a call from her.  "Can I have my phone, please? I would like to phone my brother," Ophelia says. Austin hands her, her phone without hesitation and she dials Liam's number. He answers on the first ring saying that he had just read the media release and was about to call her. He wants to know everything so she gives him a full rundown. She tells him everything apart from the kissing and the pregnancy...she will keep that to herself and Austin for now. She also makes him promise not to tell Sadie or Java that this is not a real relationship. The fewer people who know, the better.

"Ok wait so you don't know Austin Post?"

"No, I told you - I only met him a few days ago. But Liam, he is really lovely."

"I don't doubt it, O. But Austin is not like the people you know...he has a bad reputation, like really bad and I have seen him at parties. The man is an animal. I don't know if this is good for you. Maybe I should come back, Maybe-"

"I trust him and I want to do this with him, Liam."

"Is he there with you now? Can I talk to him?" 

Ophelia does not have time to hand the phone to Austin because Austin has been eavesdropping and takes the phone from her straight away. When she tries to lean in to hear what Liam is saying Austin stands up and walks away from her. She has no idea what the two men are saying and she worries. Right now in this world,  Austin and Liam are two of the most influential men in her life. This may not be a real relationship but it's important that they get along. But by the way Austin's lip curls and his jaw flexes she can tell he is about ready to lay into Liam. Liam must be saying some heavy stuff. She can't hear what he is saying and she can't stop him either, but Austin is close to her and so she hopes he will be at least slightly influenced by her. She walks closer to him and then touches his arm. Austin's eyes flick to her and she can see he is angry, very angry by Liam's words.

"He cares about me, he is just scared. Please try and understand," she whispers, hoping that Austin hears her. His shoulders relax a little and he lets out a sigh then curls his free arm around her and pulls her tight to his body as he sits down. She curls up on his lap. "Liam, relax," he says into the phone, "Ophelia is...it's just different. I can't explain it...she is...fuck, I don't even have the words, man. You don't have to trust what I say, I get that I have never given anyone any reason to trust me. But this is...something. Ophelia is something. I won't hurt her and if I do, come and find me - I will take my lumps from you," he says. Liam is quiet on the other side of the phone for a while. Ophelia thinks he may have hung up but then his voice comes through.

"From what I know about you, Austin, is that you have never bothered to explain yourself to anyone. So forgive me if I am caught off guard a little that you felt the need to do so now. I don't know what your intentions are but I do know that it's easy to adore Ophelia, everyone adores her. She wants this so I will support it, but I don't trust you and I swear if my sister sheds one tear over you I will fucking find you."


"You also going to make that piece of shit ex-husband's life a living hell?"

"Plan is already in motion, my man."

Austin cuts the call and hands back the phone to Ophelia. "Everyone is worried about you at the outcome of this thing," he points between them, "even me...but I fear - I may just be the one selling my soul for a price tag I can't afford," he says softly. "I would never hurt you," she says, confused. "I know but somethings we just have no control over," he says pecking her lips and standing them up. "Come on," he says tugging her to the kitchen door.

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