Agent X: Out From The Shadows...

By ManicStan

45 20 0

Disclaimer: This is a Winter Soldier fan fiction but isn't heavily centered around him. I thought it would be... More

The Beginning of the end
The (Original) Winter Soldier
Barnes Comes Out Of Hiding
Who I Truly Am
For The Best
In The Name Of Love
Fame = Annoyance
Daddy Dearest
New Asgard
Duties and Weddings
Mr. & Mrs. Barnes
Stark Isle
Possibilities or Pipe Dreams?
Out From The Shadows
Love and Thunder


2 1 0
By ManicStan

We all escaped Sakaar, 142 who is actually Valkyrie, joined us on the way out. When we arrived in Asgard, I was shocked by what I saw, it was on fire and dark. Nothing like it was when I was last here. Thor decided to go after Hela, alone. I stayed behind until Heimdall got everyone to the bridge. I spotted them at the end as Hela's pet and army were on either side of them. I put my hand out and tried to call out to my gun like Thor did his hammer, they're both enchanted, right? After a few seconds, it actually landed in my hand. I had no idea where I even last saw it so that was interesting to say the least. I noticed the grip was still warm so I hope whoever was holding it was done with it. I jumped out of the jet backwards and graceful, I must say. I landed in front of Heimdall, we glanced at one another before seeing the wolf running toward us. I tried shooting at it but my bullets didn't penetrate, they just bounced off of it. I was going to run toward it when I saw Banner land in front of it, I'm pretty sure he killed himself by how he landed. I had no time to mourn so I braced myself for impact before the wolf was grabbed and pulled back by it's tail, as it was dropped to it's side, my heart fluttered when I saw Hulk standing there, I smiled at him before turning around to help Heimdall run through the crowd and take care of Hela's army. 

I found a sword on the ground somewhere in between killing the zombie soldiers and that's when I figured out my calling, I wasn't a gunslinger, I was even better with swords and got the hand to hand combat feel I was always searching for when in battles. Loki announces himself as a huge ship flies above us, they tell everyone to go inside of it so I get behind the crowd of people and fend off Hela's soldiers when I see bright lightening striking from the palace a few seconds before Thor comes flying toward the soldiers. He takes them all out quickly, striking them all with lightening as he walks down the bridge to us. Val comes down from the jet and takes out some of them on the other side. Thor tells Loki about Surtur's crown before Loki disappears toward the palace. Hela flies down a few yards from us, I look at Thor as I get beside him, "Your eye!" I exclaim, he shrugs, "I'll be alright, just attack her." I nod before shooting at her a few times, I miss so I put it into a holster on my hip before raising my sword and running at her, blocking each sword she threw at me. I got to her after she threw Val to the side, "Ah, hello sister, I'll never understand why you choose to be with them instead of me." I scoff as I try to push her back, she just pushes back and I fly back right into Thor. We stumble as we get up before she announces, "You can't defeat me." Thor points behind her, "No, but he can." Just then Surtur rises above the palace and starts destroying everything. Hela looks shocked as she glances back at us for a quick second. Thor grabs my arm a slit second before Hulk grabs us and jumps us up to the ship above us. 

Everyone is waiting around for Thor to come out of whatever he is to announce what we're doing next, he finally does after what felt like forever. I stay to the side as I hear him announce we're going to Earth. I feel a little bit of excitement course through me when I hear those words. My first and only thought was Bucky, I rushed over to Thor, "How long do you think it'll be until we're there?" I ask. He smirks, "Don't worry, you'll only have to wait a few hours to see Barnes." I nod and go to walk away before he grabs my hand, "Thank you, Freya. I really appreciate all you've done for me, really." I smile awkwardly then shake my head, "No, I just-" He pulled me down closer to him, so only I could hear him, "You helped me escape Sakaar, save the asgardians and defeat Hela. That will not go unnoticed. I owe you my life." I chuckle, "You keep your life, just take me to Barnes." He smiles, "You really love him, don't you?" I sigh, "Yes, I do." He chuckles, "Don't mess it up like I did with Jane. Keep him close as long as you can." I stand next to his chair, "You got it." He chuckles before I ask, "So, am I older than you or are you older than me? How old am I?" He laughs, "I am older than you and you are probably about 225 by now. Maybe closer to 300, who's keeping count?" He laughs again as I widen my eyes, "I'm like 300 years old? That's a lot." He shrugs, "Don't let age stop you from anything, it doesn't matter." I scoff, "Says the one who's also in love with a human." He chuckles, "Love is love, no matter what. Doesn't matter who it's with or how long they live, just live with them in the moment. Try not to focus on how much time you may or may not have left with them or you'll end up wasting the time you do have with them." I chuckle, "Wow, you're a lot smarter than you get credit for. I'm glad you'll be on Earth now so I can come to you for advice." I shoulder check him playfully as he smiles. He directs whoever is flying to go through a strange wormhole that'll apparently bring us straight to Earth. I start to panic a little bit before asking, "Wait how long have we been gone?" He looks at a pretend watch on his wrist before answering, "Probably two weeks, Earth time." I gulp as we enter the wormhole. 

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