Ingredients for Failed Experi...

By roos282000

3.5K 252 131

"KIM. MOTHERF*CKING. SEOK. JIN! What the fuck did you stuff in those brownies?!" Vanessa's life takes an uns... More

The, as always, boring disclaimer
1. An Ouija-board, Seokjins flipflop and Hoseoks bum
2. Cheetos in Tae's closet
3. Snores and unicorns
4. Hello there, Angel
5. Hot Alien stole my toothpaste
6. Hey, one question: What The F*ck?!
8. Gin, the squeaky grocery cart
9. Pong-Pong

7. Fly to my room

306 27 16
By roos282000

I am in that glorious state between waking and sleeping. Realizing I'm half awake, but my mind is still so hazy and dreamy.

I turn from my stomach to my right side and pull the covers over my ears. The tip of my nose is just sticking out of the blanket and I crawl a little deeper in by clutching the edge of my blanket between my knees.

Hmmm, perfect!

I smile blissfully. My head makes a wonderful tumble as if I'm sleeping on top of a fluffy cloud and every now and then sink through, only to land on the next soft cloud.

When I float down again, the landing feels different. No fluffy cloud where I land, but tickling, cool grass.

The sheep clouds in the sky above me turn pink by the slowly rising sun. I move my head to the side and see tons of small white flowers in the grass. On the delicate petals bead round dewdrops that gleam gold in the morning sun.

"Wow!" I let out my breath in amazement. Due to the movement of the air, a drop rolls down a petal and falls among the grass. Too bad, it was so pretty on that flower!

Curious, I want to get up to take a better look at the beautiful surroundings. But as soon as I sit, the bed of green grass has turned into a soft mattress and the pink sky is exchanged for a dim lit room.

A bedroom, I realize. Not my own room, but one that seems suspiciously familiar to me. I just can't remember who that room belongs to.

I sink back into the soft bed and breathe in the scent of cedar wood and pine needles. A scent that rings a bell somewhere in the back of my mind.

But before I can pay attention to that bell, my arms are pinned above my head on the mattress.

A pang of anticipation shoots through my body. Yes, this feels good!

A bare, muscular torso appears above me, and when he brings his face closer I recognize those divinely handsome features immediately. The way the outer corners of his eyes point slightly upwards, his sharp jawline, and that smug grin that seems to be impossible to wipe off his face...

"Alien!" It escapes like a moan from between my lips.

"Good morning, Angel... I've missed you."

As soon as his voice caresses my skin, goosebumps appear all over my body.

The memories force themselves on me and for a moment I am on my knees again in front of him, my mouth sucked tight around his cock. A second later I'm lying under him as his lips eagerly claim mine. His promise plays through my mind like a whisper:

"I'm going to fuck you hard and long and make you cum on my cock so many times that you can't take it anymore. And then I'll keep going until I'm finally done with you."

My back arches up from the mattress, desire racing through my veins. My throat is suddenly dry. Biting my lower lip, I look up at him from between my eyelashes.

"You promised me something. Are you going to give that to me now?"

He chuckles darkly. "Still as eager as last time I see."

My belly tumbles as he dances his fingertips across my skin, feathery caresses along my jawline, down my neck and down between my breasts. He's spinning a circle around my hard nipple and then continues towards my bellybutton, and lower.

My pussy clenches full of sweet anticipation and I feel some of my juices escape. God, I'm already more than ready for him...


Panting I push my hips up a bit to meet him, but he stops before his finger reaches the spot where I want to feel him so badly. I moan protestingly. Why is he stopping now? This is just not fair...

"What do you want from me, Angel?"

What do I want from him? My lord, I want everything! I want to feel his hands over my body, how they knead my breasts, how he sinks his teeth into my skin. I want to feel his flat hand spank my ass, how his fingertips tease my clit. I want to feel those long fingers disappearing deep inside me as his tongue works my clit.

And, my lord, I want to feel his cock. Deep inside me. I want to feel him tear my pussy apart, how he rearranges my guts. I want him to...

"Ravish me, sir... Please, just fucking ravish me!"

My breath hitches as I look him in the eyes. His eyes sparkle dangerously dark as he bends over and bites my nipple hard. I arch my back, hissing.

"Ooh Angel, be careful what you wish for..." his husky voice rumbles through my chest. "Because your wish is my command."

A second later I realize he'd been holding back all this time. Without hesitating a moment he turns me to my knees. With one hand he pushes my head deep into the mattress while he lets the other one land on my ass with a hard smack.

"Ah!" My body shakes from the sudden shooting pain, but my pussy contracts so wonderfully that I can wait for him to do it again. I wiggle my ass a bit to invite him for more.

"Look at that Angel, being a little slut for me. Begging me to ravish her and then enjoys a good spanking too..." To empower his words, he spanks my ass again.

"Tsk, so eager for my big hard cock, isn't she?"

All I can get out is a long, expectant moan. I've lost my mind. All I want is to be fucked by him. Hard and deep...

Finally, I feel him rub the tip of his rock-hard cock against my soaking-wet pussy before he thrusts himself deep inside me in one rough movement

Oh. My. God!

My eyes almost roll out of their sockets now that I'm so stuffed all of a sudden. Without letting me adapt to his size, he thrust deep into me and my head starts to spin.

The only thing I still feel is the rapidly building orgasm that emerges from deep within my body. My pussy clenches violently and despite his huge cock inside me, it feels almost painfully empty.

I move my hips for some friction, but I don't find it. It's also not really necessary because I feel a huge orgasm building up deep in my lower body.

Just before tumbling over the edge, I realize we're no longer in his bedroom. I'm lying with my head pressed into the grass, and just in front of my eyes is a small white flower with a golden drop.

And we are not alone...

In the corner of my eye I see movement and without having to look I know there are six people around us, but I don't care at this point.

Because my orgasm comes alive in me with thunderous violence. The tension in my lower body snaps and the colors explode behind my closed eyelids. I don't even recognize the scream that tumbles from my lips as mine.

When I open my eyes (or are they still closed? I don't know), I see the white flower in front of me turning black. The seven drop-shaped petals whirl down and end up in the shape of a flower on the white marble floor. A moment later the golden drop falls down, right in the heart of the flower. It bursts open into golden, graceful lines. They curl around the black petals.

All the while the intensity of my orgasm increases, until I wake up to my own screams...

I am immediately wide awake.

Panting, I grip the edge of the blankets tightly and try to roll onto my stomach. Something I can't do because I'm completely tangled in my blankets. After some twisting and wobbling, I give up and stay half on my stomach on top of a pile of blankets.

My hair itches my face, dangles in front of my eyes and sticks to my lips. It must be full of tangles!

But my mind is focused on completely different things...

My god, did I just cum in a dream? My trembling legs and the wonderful feeling in my lower body that slowly fades, tell me that that really happened.

I've experienced it once before, but that orgasm had been nowhere near the intensity of this one. And back then I had a very strange dream, I remember that.

It had something to do with a hair dryer that miraculously had taken on the function of a vibrator. An old friend I hadn't spoken to in years had shown me in that dream that it worked really well with that hair dryer.

I'm laughing at this weird memory. My lord, sometimes I really don't understand how my brain works...

I try to remember if this dream was somewhat more normal than the earlier one, but I've already lost most of it. I think it was something with a man. And it had to do with white flowers. Or was it black?

I roll my eyes in annoyance. So this made no sense at all... Again! I was hoping for some good smut...

Grumbling, I try to untangle myself from my blankets, and after a few minutes of struggling, I'm finally free. I get up and see myself in the large standing mirror.

My hair is indeed full of tangles... I blow up a limp strand of hair that hangs in front of my face and it falls back exactly in the same place.

I growl grumpily at my rumpled figure. I'm wearing a way too big, black t-shirt with the text 'Don't you dare to wake me up' and underneath it must be a little piece of fabric that is hardly worth the name panties.

I stretch with a loud yawn and hear my shoulders crack. My shirt creeps up a bit and my eye is automatically drawn to my now bare left hip.

It's still there.

Resigned, I drop my shoulders. I don't know what's wrong with me. Was I really abducted by an alien or is something else going on?

My brain-wheels immediately start turning and I feel the dull headache of last night come back. Because something is bothering me.

That one story that is told around campfires, in which a lonely prince finds his soulmate by summoning her through a complicated ritual.

Nonsense of course, because it's just a myth, or is it a legend? Maybe both...

But what if something like this actually works?

I shake my head vigorously. I need to focus my mind on something different or else I turn screaming mad.

The only way I can get an explanation is if I get to see Mr. Alien again.

Determined not to think about this anymore, I stumble down the stairs and blindly make a large cup of cappuccino for myself.

Then I settle down on the couch and scroll through my phone, sipping from my hot coffee. Instagram doesn't lure me in today, so I scroll through YouTube, looking for a video that attracts my attention.

Soon I notice the music video of Dynamite, my favorite song at the moment. I haven't seen that one before. How is it even possible?

I raise my eyebrow intrigued, and click on the video. While the logo starts pling-plonging across the screen, I quickly check the number of views.

Dear lord! 1.5 Billion? That's freaking cockamamie!

My curiosity is now fully awakened and I take a big gulp of my hot coffee. At the same time, six incredibly handsome men appear on my screen.

That's a nice surprise! I let my eyes glide quickly over the faces, but as soon as my eye meets the man on the left, I spit my coffee, which I hadn't swallowed yet, all over my screen.

This happens with so much force that the coffee even sputters out through my nose. I can't believe my eyes...

"WhAT THE fUCK?! That's... That's MOTHERFREAKING Alien!?"

I hastily get up, gasping and sniffing, causing my phone to clatter out of my hands. I spurt to the box of tissues to blow my itchy nose wholeheartedly and grab some extra tissues from the box.

I get back to my phone, Dynamite still blaring happily out of the speakers. Growling, I pick it up from the floor and wipe it clean.

As soon as I can see something on my screen again, I restart the video and watch it again.

Yes, al the gods and demigods. No doubt it is him! He does have dark hair here, but I would recognize that face out of thousands!

I watch the entire video while my focus is completely on my, apparently not-so-unknown, Alien.

I'm way too sober for this wicked turn of events. I stumble to my feet and snatch a bottle of Gin from my cupboard. I open the fridge to get the tonic but close it again almost immediately.

Fuck the tonic!

I twist the cap off the Gin, bring the bottle to my lips and take five big gulps in a row. My face contorts as the stuff burns its way into my stomach.

The next hour I spend drinking Gin and figuring out who these 7 men are (the 7th was hidden behind the rest in the first shot) but actually the most about figuring out who Alien is.

And, my god, the results are even more unbelievable than the alien-abduction-story.

Min Yoongi, aka Suga, rapper in the most popular boy band of all time called BTS. Even I heard of them before, and that's saying quite a bit!

My head is spinning because of the alcohol, and this bizarre, unbelievable situation.

You're telling me that this world-famous, divinely handsome Yoongi is my soulmate? And, something else... How in the world did I end up with him when he lives literally on the other side of the world?

I take another big gulp of Gin and bang my head on my hunched knees.

What kind of alternate universe have I ended up in?

My head is heavy from the amount of alcohol that has been poured into my body way too early in the day. I close my eyes and curl up comfortably on the sofa, the bottle of Gin still in my hand.

It doesn't take long before I drift into a deep sleep.


"And then we hid in the closet again. No idea how that salt got there because I lost it. We hadn't even prepared all the ingredients for the experiment yet because we still needed a hair of Jin hyung! How can this be our fault again? We really didn't do anything this time!"

Jungkook is flushed red by the false accusations he, Taehyung, and Jimin are getting thrown at their heads. This time it really hadn't been their fault. No idea what happened, but it must have been pretty intense because Yoongi looks like he saw a ghost.

Granted, of course, they had started an attempt to summon Jin's soulmate, so it looked like they had actually done something.

But what they wanted to do for Seokjin certainly hadn't worked, because all Jin is doing right now is staring furiously at Yoongi while he is stuffing half a stack of brownies into his mouth. That man is definitely gonna be nauseous...

"Yoongi, what exactly happened?" Hoseok puts a caring arm around Yoongi's shoulders, who continues to stare at Seokjin with a tight expression on his face.

"Promise you won't laugh at me!" Yoongi growls from between his teeth.

"No, no! Of course not! We are not laughing at you."

Hoseok sends a warning look to the rest of his brothers and to reinforce his gaze, he slowly slice his hands across his throat.

Taehyung swallows hard and closes his eyes quickly. Jimin averts his gaze and Jungkook suddenly finds his nails very interesting.

"Well, I almost fell asleep and then suddenly someone fell from the sky. I thought I was dreaming so I tried to fuck her but all of a sudden she was gone, and now,"

He jerks his sweatpants down a bit to expose his left hip.

"I have this..."

Five pairs of eyes focus on Yoongi's hip, except for Namjoon's gaze. With a worried expression, he looks at Seokjin, who is still furiously stuffing the brownies in his mouth.

"Jin, I think you better stop eating those brownies..."

"Are you also starting with this nonsense?!" Seokjin turns red with anger. "There's nothing wrong with those brownies, I'm just trying to prove that!" He sends a glaring look at Yoongi before eating another big chunk.

Jimin and Jungkook look at each other with an understanding look. The soulmate sign on Yoongi... that new golden line... That can only mean one thing.

"Yoongi," Jimin begins cautiously, "Did you come anywhere near our experiment?" He points with a cursory hand toward the setup of the experiment. Everything is still exactly as it should be, only the candle is now out.

Yoongi blinks up. "I blew out the candle to prevent fire. But that was supposed to be an experiment? Seriously guys? Again?!"

"Uuh..." Taehyung huddles behind Jimin in an attempt to hide, but Jimin stands firm and looks confidently at Yoongi.

"Yes, that was the start of an experiment. We just didn't do it ourselves, you completed the experiment!"

"WHAT?! You dare to accuse me too? Pack of morons you are!" Yoongi storms fuming with anger forward, but is held captive by Hoseok.

"No, wait! Look!" Jungkook jumps forward with an unknown comic book in his hands. Feverishly he leafs through the book, looking for the right pages. "Oh yes, here!"

He holds up the page where the main character summons his soulmate through an ritual that is suspiciously similar to that of the boys.

"A comic book Jungkook, really? Are you serious?!" Namjoon sounds utterly disappointed.

"Well, apparently it works, the proof is on his hip!" Jungkook gestures vigorously to Yoongi.

"We'll try it one more time, then we can see if it truly works!" Jimin steps forward to pull a hair out of Yoongi's head, but one look from Yoongi towards Jimin and Jimin stumbles backward. Nope, that wasn't a good idea.

Jungkook is luckier because he quickly plucks a hair from Seokjin's head who furiously lashes out at him, but Jungkook is already out of range.

Taehyung has already lit the candle and Jungkook lowers Seokjin's hair into the flame. Curiously Jin scoots closer. Jungkook wants to blow out the candle to start the experiment, but Yoongi stops him.

"Jin hyung has to blow out the candle himself, so did I."

Seokjin's curiosity has now been fully awaken and he reluctantly approaches. Everyone watches in anticipation as Jin bends over and blows the candle out.

"Wink at your reflection and then walk away!"

Yoongi's whisper echo through the deadly quiet room. Hoseok raises an eyebrow at Yoongi, but he just shrugs. Jin follows Yoongi's instructions and comes to a stop by Taehyung's bed.

"What now?"

"She should appear in about five seconds... four... three... two... one..."

Namjoon, Taehyung, and Seokjin start screaming because a new figure pops up on the bed and almost rolls off. The screaming Seokjin catches the sleeping young woman in bridal style before she can roll on the ground.

Her head falls back, her right arm dangles down as her fingers firmly hold the neck of an almost empty bottle of Gin. She sighs softly and snuggles closer to Seokjin.


A breathless sigh escapes Seokjin's lips, followed by a dull thud behind him.

When he looks back he sees a stretched tall figure lying on the floor. Namjoon passed out...

Wauw! I didn't expect to have so much loving readers this early! I really appreciate your love and support! Thank you so much!

Don't forget to drop the vote 💜

Love you guys!☺️

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