
By mekaylapridget

435K 12.2K 8K

Gillian Anderson and Courtney Carmichael are enemies...more or less. While the pair seem to constantly be at... More

1. "I Knew You Were Obsessed With Me."
2. "Bitch."
3. "You're My Favorite Person."
4. "Gillian!"
5. "Are You Wearing Underwear?"
6. "Ew! What The Fuck?!"
7. "Loser."
8. "What Has It Been...A Year?"
9. "Leave Me Alone, Fuckface!"
10. "Can I Kiss You?"
11. "Is This Seat Taken?"
13. "Leave Me Alone."
14. "Ugh, Go Talk To Her!"
15. "Courtney, Please!"
16. "Fuck Off."
17. "You Owe Me A Heated Blanket."
18. "Are You Okay?"
19. "Whatever, Courtney."
20. "More Important Obligations?!"
21. "Watch Me."
22. "Someone's Frustrated."
23. "Jealous?"
24. "Gillian, Please!"
25. "We Will Never Be Friends."
26. "You're Being Dramatic."
27. "I'm Proud Of You, Court."
28. "Make Me."
29. "Okay, Sherlock Holmes."
30. "I Miss You, Gill."
31. "You Look Different."
32. "Let Me Get That For You."
33. "Mistake."

12. "And You're Supposed To Be The Smart One."

12.7K 390 313
By mekaylapridget

This is a long one.

That's what she said.


Gillian's POV

"And I was like, 'ew no, those shoes are fucking ugly.'" Courtney fills me in on her conversation with Cassie from last night.

"Court, can you please not gossip about Cass behind her back? It's cruel." I state.

The honey-haired girl scoffs but chooses not to respond.

Well, at least it wasn't a 'no'.

The two of us enter the library, me going first and holding the door for Courtney.

As we enter said room, my eyes immediately drift over towards Moon. The coffee-haired girl seems to be in the middle of editing the lighting in one of the photos that I took of Courtney's class when she is interrupted by the sound of the heavy door closing behind both Courtney and I. The brunette quickly glances in our direction, a smile making its way onto her face when she sees me.

"Come here, I want to show you something." The yearbook editor says with a slight rasp.

Without a second thought, I rush over to her.

When I reach her, however, I choose to look over her shoulder, unknowingly leaning into her familiar warmth.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

She raises one of her hands to point at the teacher's less than impressed expression. She tells me to keep my eye on his face before double right-clicking with the mouse. This action causes a warped, Joker-like smile to appear on his face.

I am unable to hold back my laughter at the sight.

"Oh my god," I gasp.

"Court, come here. You have got to see this!" I express as I turn my head to face the pissed yet visually emotionless girl who is still stood near the library entrance doors.

With my eyes now on her, Courtney shifts her heated gaze from Moon to me.

"Can't. I'm late for class." Is all that she says before exiting through the same door that we entered through.


I shrug my shoulders before turning forward once more, my eyes meeting Moon's thoroughly intrigued facial expression due to her now facing me.

"So...you and Courtney Carmichael?" She questions with a singular raised eyebrow.

I furrow my eyebrows with confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

The brunette-haired girl gives me an 'are you serious' expression.

"Are you two fucking?" She deadpans.

"What?! No!" I spit out instantaneously.

"Courtney and I are just friends...well, more like acquaintances."

The relaxed hippie seems unconvinced.

"I feel like you're either lying to me or you just don't want to admit that you're into someone as high maintenance as Courtney."

"Courtney and I are not having sex with each other, Moon!" I stress with slightly wide eyes.

The coffee-haired girl slowly nods her head as she continues to stare up at me from her rolling computer chair.

"Then little Miss Popular has a crush on you." She shrugs with nonchalance before turning to face her computer monitor once more.

I am unable to stop the hysterical laughter that falls from my lips.

"Courtney? A crush on me? I think that is officially the funniest thing that I have ever heard you say to me." I say in between laughter.

Courtney does not have a crush on me.

I know this for a fact. Hell, I do not even think that Courtney is attracted to women in general. I have only ever seen her date men.

Specifically, men with auburn hair and brown eyes...

What can I say? The girl clearly has a type.

I notice Moon roll her eyes in the reflection of the large  computer monitor.

"Okay, fine." She says as she turns to face me.

"If I can prove that she has a crush on you then you have to buy me coffee for the next two weeks."

I scoff.

"I'll do you one better,"

"If you're able to successfully prove that Courtney is into me in that way, I will buy you that heated blanket that you have been eyeing for the last two months." I up the stakes.

"Deal." She chuckles as if she already won the bet.

Yeah, right.

I am so going to win this.


Courtney's POV

"Courtney, did you hear me?" Cassie's whiny, high-pitched voice meets my eardrums.

I do not lower my mirror from my face as I continue to touch up my makeup from earlier this morning.

I'm meeting up with Gillian inside of the library in five minutes and I refuse to look less than perfect in front of her, which is hard to do seeing as I am literally as gorgeous as they come.

The two of us have been hanging out inside of there during our lunch period for the last week.

It's been...nice? I don't know, I only really focus on Gillian.

Like, she used to use a perfume that smelled like baby powder. This perfume made me sneeze every time I got a whiff of it. However, a few days ago she recently switched it to one that smells of a fruity candy and I could not be more in love with it.

The baby powder perfume just reminded me of my grandmother and I hate that fucking bitch.

I feel like the fruity one fits her more...makes her appear more desirable.

"Does it look like I heard you?" I deadpan.

I bring my cherry-scented lipgloss up to my cherry-stained lips just as Cassie responds to the question.

"I said that my family is moving down south and I'm going with them." She repeats.

"This is my last week here."

I finally lower my mirror from my face in order to look Cassie in her eyes, her sad-looking eyes.

"Moving in the middle of the school year?" I question.

She nods her head.

"Your parents are fucking idiots." I scoff before raising my mirror once more and continuing to apple my makeup.


I adjust the charcoal-colored leather strap of my purse on my shoulder before reaching my hand out and grabbing ahold of the metal door handle. I use all of my strength to pull the heavy door open, being met with a gust of chilled air as I enter through the doorway.

Upon entering the quiet room, my eyes drift over towards the large circular table that Gillian and some girl always use to sort photos for the yearbook.

The girl that she's always with being the same one from the photo in Gillian's bedroom.

The two of them appear to be discussing something concerning the arrangement of the photos lowly, their shoulders touching due to them standing so close to one another.

Uh, personal space bitch!

I begin to make my way towards the two only to stop shortly after when I notice the bitch lay her head on Gillian's shoulder.

Calm down, Court.

Maybe they're just frien-

The brunette turns her head a little so that her lips connect with the side of Gillian's neck. She kisses Gill's neck before standing up completely straight.

Even from all the way back here, I can tell that Gillian is blushing.

Gillian never blushes!

The fake hippie girl laughs at something Gillian said before playfully pushing the auburn-haired girl away from her via her bicep.

"Oh my god!" The girl gasps.

"You're so funny, Gill." I hear exit her mouth.

Ugh, this bitch!

Refusing to listen further, I turn around and exit the library.

I am so pissed that I do not even attempt to look back at the two.


Gillian's POV

"Please promise me that you're never going to try going into acting." I say through light laughter, Moon and I exiting the library with our backpack in our hands.

The brunette-haired girl allows an overdramatized gasp to fall from her lips.

"Fuck you, Gillian. I'm an amazing actress." She teases whilst flipping some of her hair behind her shoulder.

I scoff which encourages her to softly hit my shoulder with an expression of immense offense on her face.

"Oh my god! You're so funny, Gill." I mimic her phrase from a mere hour ago.

Moon rolls her eyes, but does not even attempt to suppress the grin that is quickly taking over her features.

"I wanted to make sure Courtney knew that I was flirting with you." She tries to defend herself.

The two of us take a right turn down the main hallway that contains the lockers.

"I hate to tell you this, but you just sounded like a really bad pornstar."

Moon's jaw drops with offense for the third time since we have left the library.

"Again, fuck you, Gillian."

I chuckle at her false threat.

Moon and I do not have a fourth period class most days, therefore, we get to leave school earlier than a lot of the students that go here.

Over the last few days, I have been choosing to stay behind an extra hour and wait for Courtney to get out of class.

We would walk together and either catch up or just walk in silence, a majority of the days consisting of the latter.

There is just something about knowing that I am the only person in her presence that is enough for me. We could hang out for an hour and not say a word to one another, but just knowing that we're in each other's presence is enough for us.

Moon and I say our goodbyes before she exits through the glass door that is closest to her.

I watch her for a few seconds, only pulling my eyes away when she rounds the corner of the building that leads towards the student designated parking lot.

Turning to head towards an empty classroom in order to wait for Courtney, I immediately stop in my spot when my eyes land on a pissed-looking Courtney who is standing a few feet away from me.

Shit, this is the first time that I have seen her since that stunt that Moon and I pulled during lunch.

"Court-" I do not get the chance to even finish her name as she scoffs before turning and rushing down the hall to her right.

I groan mentally before jogging after the girl.

It takes me a few seconds but I eventually reach the hall that she ran down. Unfortunately, Courtney is nowhere to be found.



I watch as Courtney enters through the front doors of the high school as sparkly as ever.

Taking this as my final chance, I close my locker and begin to make my way towards her.

I have been trying to corner Courtney for nearly three days now!

Whenever I would try to catch her after class she would always find a way to sneak out before everyone else left.

I tried to meet up with her after her second period when she stopped meeting me in the library for lunch only to come up empty handed in that plan as well.

I even tried hiding out in the bathroom for her since I know that she likes to go in there in between every class to freshen up and fix her makeup, however, this attempt also proved futile as someone apparently warned her about this.

One thing I can say about Courtney is whenever she sets her mind on something it is hard to shift her focus.

I mentally decided that I am going to try speaking to her one more time before completely giving up.

If she wants to act like a child and run away from confrontation then that is not my problem.

The girl makes her way towards the bathroom near the commons, her back facing me.

"Gillian, can we talk?" I hear, a large hand hooking around my bicep and yanking me in their direction. This rough manhandling causes me to completely lose my sight of Courtney as a large influx of students begin to flood the main hall.

You have got to be fucking kidding me?!

This would have been perfect, this could have been perfect, this should have been perfect...if it wasn't for him.

"What the fuck do you want, Noel?!" I yell at him.

Luckily for me, this yell is drowned out by all of the noise from everyone talking over each other.

"Woah, Chill." He tells me.

I already want to punch him in the nose.

"I know that recently you and Courtney have been hanging out with each other and shit and I was wondering if you could help me win her back?"

I blink at him.

Is this asshole serious?

When he just raises an eyebrow at my silence, I soon realize that he is being one hundred percent serious.

"No." I go to walk away only from him to be stopped by his hand grabbing ahold of my wrist and refusing to let go.

"Why not?" He asks, seeming genuinely confused.

I give the boy and incredulous facial expression.

"Uh, maybe because you guys were toxic and you moved on from her not even twenty four hours later." I state.

Noel rolls his eyes at my answer.

"That was the old me, I'm a different person now." She seems like he is trying to convince himself of this more than me.

"I'm late for class." I reply monotonously before walking away.

What the fuck is wrong with him?


"Thanks to him, I now have no way of getting Courtney to talk to me!"

"Oh my god! Gillian, just go to her house!" Moon stresses with frustration, turning away from the mock yearbook that she made.

"I can't just go to her- Oh..." I say, realization dawning upon me.

I completely forgot that I already know where she lives.

"Jesus fuck!" She curses.

"And you're supposed to be the smart one." She mutters lowly as she goes back to examining the mock-up.

Okay, then it's settled.

Today after school I am going to confront Courtney at her house.

I mean, what is the worst that can happen? She calls the police and tries to frame me as a trespassing stalker?


I finished this earlier than I thought I would and I'm very happy about that!

What if in the next chapter Courtney and Gillian- oops.

I said too much...

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