Knights of Narnia

Por soulfox1305

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Four children enter a land called Narnia to save it from the evil. Más

Bombing, Leaving London, Mrs Mcready
Wardrobe, Meet Mr. Tumnus and Y/n, Lullaby
Edmund meets the White Witch, Professor Kirke
Susan and Peter enter Narnia, Tumnus arrested, Beavers
White Witch castle, Y/n returns, Tumnus
Frozen River, Father Christmas, Winter Over
Aslan's Camp, Maugrim's death, Saving Edmund
Stone Table, Aslan's Death, Preparing
Aslan's Army VS White Witch's Army
Coronation, Returning Home
Escape, Train fight
Returning to Narnia, Cair Paravel, Kings and Queens of Old
River Rush, Gathering, Aslan's How
Castle Raid
Miraz crowned, White Witch, Preparing
Battle of Aslan's How
Aftermath, Ceremony, Leaving

Caspian, Cornelius, Reepicheep

279 8 1
Por soulfox1305

3rd POV

Meanwhile Caspian has a bandage over his forehead, and he move his head and slowly open his eyes groaning he looks around to see a ceiling and Caspian sits up looking around before raising his hand to his forehead while Nikabrik said "This bread is so stale" That caught Caspian's attention as he takes off his bandage then a 2nd Voice said "I'll just give him some soup, then".

Caspian threw the bandage on the floor "He should be coming around soon" Nikabrik said "I don't think I hit him hard enough" Caspian gets off the bed and moves around the corner and the 2nd Voice said "Nikabrik, he's just a boy" But Nikabrik said "He's a Telmarine, not some lost puppy" Caspian lowers himself listening to the argument.

Nikabrik is sitting at a table "You said you were gonna get rid of him" Caspian leans around and saw a black and white Badger name Trufflehunter who said "No" He looks to Nikabrik holding a bowl of soup "I said I'd take care of him" Caspian leans back shock "We can't kill him now" Trufflehunter turns "I just bandaged his head".

Caspian takes a deep breath looking back "It would be like murdering a guest" Looking to him Nikabrik ask "Oh, how do you think his friends are treating their guests" Turning his head Trufflehunter said "Trumpkin and N/n bot knew what they were doing" He looks to Nikabrik "It's not the boy's fault" He turns only for Caspian to run out knocking Trufflehunter making him drop the bowl "Ah".

Nikabrik threw a chair in front of the door making Caspian move back and Nikabrik pulls out his sword aiming at Caspian who pulls out a fire poker aiming at Nikabrik "Stop" Nikabrik and Caspian clash "Stop" Trufflehunter look at them "Hold it" Nikabrik and Caspian clash again "No, no" Staring at him Nikarbrik said "I told you we should have killed him when we had the chance" He aim his sword at Caspian.

But Trufflehunter said "You know why we can't" Caspian said "If we're taking a vote, I'm with him" He nods to Trufflehunter as Nikabrik wave his arm he said "Well, we can't let him go" He looks back to Caspian "He's seen us" He clash against Caspian who leans back sitting on the steps and Trufflehunter yells "That's enough, Nikabrik".

He stares at him "Or do I have to sit on your head again" That made Nikabrik give a disgusting looking "And you" Caspian looks to Trufflehunter who picks up the bowl "Look what you made me do" Caspian stares at him surprise "I spent half the morning on that soup" He turns and was as Caspian looks to Nikabrik glancing between them Caspian ask "What are you"?

Trufflehunter said "You know, it's funny that you would ask that" He walks over to the kitchen "You think people would know a badger when they saw one" Caspian said "No" He looks to Nikabrik "No, I mean..." He stares at Caspian "'re Narnians" Caspian moves a bit "You're supposed to be extinct" Lowering his sword Nikabrik said "Sorry to disappoint you" He turns and walks.

Trufflehunter walks to the table with a bowl in his hand he said "Here you go" He place the bowl on the table as Nikabrik sits down "Still hot" Scoffing Nikabrik ask "Since when did we open a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers" But Caspian said "I'm not a soldier" Nikabrik and Trufflehunter looks to Caspian who stands up "I'm Prince Caspian" He stares at them "The tenth".

Shocking the two of them Nikabrik ask "What are you doing here" Lowering his gaze Caspian said "Running away" Nikabrik and Trufflehunter look to one another and back to Caspian who puts the fire poker back "My uncle has always wanted my throne" He leans up staring at the fire "I suppose I have only lived this long because he did not have an heir of his own" He move his gaze.

Trufflehunter said "Oh..." He looks to Nikabrik "That changes everything" Nikabrik said "Yeah" He looks to Caspian "Means we don't have to kill you ourselves" Staring at him Caspian said "You're right" He turns and walks pass them Trufflehunter ask "Where are you going" Caspian said "My uncle won't stop until I am dead" He grab his armour and put it on.

He looks at them putting his arms through and Trufflehunter said "But..." He waves his hands " can't leave" Nikabrik stares at him "You're meant to save us" Caspian grab his sword and looks back to Trufflehunter who holds the horn he used and Nikabrik looks at him "Don't you know what this is" Nikabrik looks to Caspian who stares at the horn.

Meanwhile a Telmarine walks down a hall passing Cornelius who walks from the corner in his hands is a few scrolls he stops to see a door opened and rattling is heard Cornelius looks down the hallway before walking to the door opening it and enters the room walking up the stairs looking around, he stops to see Miraz standing there he turns holding a book.

Miraz said "You have quite the library, doctor" Staring at him Cornelius ask "Is there anything particular you seek, my lord" He walks over to a table placing the scrolls on it as Miraz said "I think I've already found what I'm looking for..." He walks down the steps putting a book on the rail making Cornelius look at him " one of my soldiers" He stabs an arrow in a book.

Cornelius slowly takes off his glasses looking at the arrow walking over to it and sees the page the arrow is stabbed to reveal the Kings and Queens of old making Cornelius smile putting his glasses on the table looking to Miraz who sits down putting a legs on the table "What do you know of Queen Susan's horn" Taking a deep breath Cornelius said "It was said to be magic".

Staring at him Miraz ask "Magic" Cornelius said "The Narnians believed it could summon their kings and queens of old" Miraz move his head "At least, such was the superstition" Taking his legs off the table and standing up Miraz ask "And what does Caspian know of this superstition" He walks around the table to Cornelius who said "My lord, you forbade me from mentioning the old tales".

Smiling Miraz said "So I did" He turns to the door making Cornelius turn to hear footsteps he sees Gozelle enter the room with two Telmarines standing at the door looking back Cornelius said "I will say this" He stares at Miraz "If Caspian does know of the Deep Magic..." He takes a breath " lord would have good reason to be nervous".

Outside the room the two Telmarines take Cornelius and leads him away just as Sopespian comes down the stairs he stops to see Cornelius taken away he looks and walks to Gozelle who walks out of the room Sopespian said "First our prince..." Sopespian motion in the direction " his tutor" Gozelle stares at him "If the members of Miraz's own house are not safe, are any of us".

Miraz calls "Lord Sopespian" Making Gozelle and Sopespian look towards the room Gozelle said "Those are dangerous words, Lord Sopespian" He took a step looking to Sopespian who said "But these are dangerous times, general" Gozelle stares at him "One should choose his words as carefully as he chooses his friends".

With that Sopespian walks leaving Gozelle and enters the room walking to Miraz who ask "How long until the bridge is finished" He flips a few pages Sopespian said "Construction continues of schedule" Gozelle slowly enters and Miraz said "That's not good enough" He stares at him "I need my army across that river now".

Sopespian ask "May I suggest you contribute some of your own men" He shake his head a bit "I've only so many at my disposal" Leaning forward Miraz said "A fact you'd be wise to remember" Sopespian lean his head back Miraz nods to Gozelle "Go to Beruna" Sopespian turns to Gozelle "Take as many troops as you need".

Gozelle stares at him "We must get Caspian before they do" Slowly Gozelle turns and leaves the room while Sospespian looks back to Miraz confuse Sopespian ask "'They', my lord" Raising both brows Miraz said "It's time you learned your history" He motion the book before walking around passing Sopespian who walks up to the table and looks at the page with the arrow on it.


Peter, Lucy, Susan, Edmund, Trumpkin and I are on the boat going down the river Trumpkin and I are keeping an eye out for anything we're passing the trench then Lucy said "They're so still" I look to see what she means about the trees I turn my gaze and Trumpkin said "They're trees" I look at the trees again "What'd you expect" Lucy said "They use to dance".

Trumpkin and I look to one another and back I said "Wasn't long after you four left and the Telmarines invaded" I stare at them "I was there when it happened" Memories came back.

3rd POV

An 8-year-old N/n is by a pillar watch the Narnians and Knights fought against the Telmarines "I watch the Narnians, and Knights protect Cair Paravel with my father and uncle" In the distance O/b/n and Y/n both clash against a few Telmarines with a few Knights drawing them back O/b/n look and saw N/n there looking to Y/n he said "Take him and others out of here" Y/n nods.

He runs over and picks up N/n after sheathing his sword "My uncle led the survivors to the woods" N/n looks over Y/n shoulder and saw O/b/n leads a large group of Knights and charge forward battle crying against the Telmarines "That was the last time I saw my father".


I look to Trumpkin "My uncle gave me to Trumpkin to keep me safe and that was the last time I saw him" Looking up to the trees "And the trees, they retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard from since" We row pass more trees Lucy said "I don't understand" I look to her "How could Aslan have let this happen".

Staring at her I ask "Aslan" Trumpkin said "Thought he abandoned us when you lot did" That made Peter turn to look at us I turn looking to the right Peter said "We didn't mean to leave, you know" I kept staring at the side Trumpkin ask "Makes no difference now, does it" Peter said "Get us to the Narnians..." I look to him "...and it will" We continue rowing down the river.

We reach a rocky beach Trumpkin had a rope and hook and I got up steading the boat once close we jump out, I grab the rope and pull it as Trumpkin walks behind me Susan, Lucy, Edmund and Peter all got out walking pass I pull the rope again looking to Trumpkin and nod he drops the hook on the rocks and step on it Peter, Edmund and Susan helped pull the boat out of the water.

Lucy calls "Hello, there" I turn to see Lucy looking at a black bear I suddenly had a bad feeling the bear grunts looking at her and it stands on its back legs "It's all right" Lucy walk forward "We're friends" I notice the bear's movement Trumpkin calls "Don't move, Your Majesty" Lucy looks to us and the bear growls and starts to run at Lucy who turns seeing it running to her before running back.

Trumpkin and I run to the boat fast I search through and found a dagger and my sword I grab the dagger as Trumpkin got his bow and arrows Susan calls "Stay away from her" I turn with my dagger ready then Lucy trips Edmund yells "Shoot, Susan" He and Peter runs pass her "Shoot" Trumpkin had his bow and arrow ready I look back and Lucy screams.

The bear roars standing up Trumpkin fires and I threw my dagger both hitting the bear killing it Lucy turns looking to Susan then to us Susan, Peter and Edmund look to see it was Trumpkin and I kill the bear we begin to walk Susan ask "Why wouldn't he stop" Walking pass I said "We suspect he was hungry" We walk up towards Lucy and the bear.

Peter helps Lucy up pointing his sword with Edmund next to him Trumpkin and I walk up to the corpse I kneel and pull out my dagger Lucy said "Thanks" I look to her and back as Trumpkin pokes the corpse Edmund said "He was wild" I poke the corpse Peter said "I don't think he could talk at all" Trumpkin said "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become".

Trumpkin pulls his dagger I look to them I said "You may Narnia a more savage place than you remember" We turn back to the corpse and begin to gut it I hear Lucy sobbing but I continue gutting the bear with Trumpkin.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Caspian is currently walking through the woods looking around he came to a stop hearing rustling Caspian said "I can hear you" He turns around to see poking from behind two trees is Nikabrik and Trufflehunter who said "I just think we should wait for the kings and queens" But Caspian turns and walks in a direction.

Trufflehunter raise his hand "Fine" He wave it "Go then" Nikabrik watch this "See if the others will be as understanding" He begins to follow Nikabrik said "Or maybe I'll come with you" Caspian turn his head "I want to see you explain things to the minotaurs" That caught his attention turning to them Caspian ask "Minotaurs" Nikabrik stops looking at him "They're real".

Catching up to them Trufflehunter said "And very bad tempered" Looking up Nikabrik said "Yeah, not to mention big" Raising a paw Trufflehunter said "Huge" Staring at them Caspian ask "What bout centaurs" Trufflehunter and Nikabrik walks pass him "Do they still exist" Caspian follows them Trufflehunter said "Well, the centuars will probably fight no your side".

He looks to him raising a paw "But there's no telling what the others will do" Slowly coming to a stop Caspian ask "What about Aslan" That made Nikabrik and Trufflehunter stop they look to one another then back to him Nikabrik ask "How do you know so much about us" Caspian said "Stories" Trufflehunter said "Wait a minute" Looking to Nikabrik and back "Your father told you stories about Narnia".

Caspian said "No, my professor, he..." He stops for a moment making Trufflehunter and Nikabrik look to one another then Caspian shake his head "Look, I'm sorry" He begins to walk pass them "These are not the kind of questions you should be asking" Trufflehunter begins to smell the air Nikabrik ask "What is it" Caspian stops looking to them Trufflehunter said "Human".

Nikabrik ask "Him" He motion Caspian and Trufflehunter said "No" He looks in a direction "Them" Caspian and Nikabrik look in the direction hearing shouting in the distance is 12 Telmarines one spots them a Telmarine yells "There they arm" They aim their crossbows Caspian said "Run" Caspian, Nikabrik and Trufflehunter all turn and run in the direction with Telmarines behind them firing arrows.

The Telmarines shouting stop to fire arrows at them each time but hitting the trees and missing the trio a Telmarine yells "Now" They fire again Caspian avoids an arrow, Nikabrik avoids another arrow as a few more miss them but one hits Trufflehunter who said "Oh" He tumbles to a stop "Ah" Looking back Nikabrik said "Oh, no" He went to save him, but Caspian said "Wait".

He runs pass Nikabrik "I'll go" Caspian reach Trufflehunter who groans looking up as Nikabrik moves in the direction and Trufflehunter said "Take it" He's holding the horn "Go" Caspian looks at him "It's more important than I am" Caspian takes the horn and quickly puts it in his bag as the Telmarines aim their crossbows at them.

But suddenly a noise caught a Telmarine's attention, and he grunts falling down then a 2nd Telmarine got shot down making him scream in pain falling down Caspian looks in confusion the Telmarines watch the bushes move before a 3rd Telmarine got cut down and a 4th Telmarine got shot from behind the six remaining Telmarines look to one another before firing at Caspian and Trufflehunter.

Caspian picks up Trufflehunter and turns running towards Nikabrik avoiding more arrows Trufflehunter said "Oh" 5th Telmarine looks back and forward then notice the 6th Telmarine got cut down and the 7th got shot the 5th Telmarine pants running, and squeaking is heard then the 8th Telmarine got cut down causing the 9th Telmarine to stop only to get shot down.

Leaving the 5th, 10th, 11th and 12th Telmarines alive as Caspian reach Nikabrik he puts Trufflehunter down gently Caspian said "Get him out of here" He turns pulling out his sword facing the Telmarines while the 10th Telmarine got cut down and the 11th Telmarine got shot from the front leaving the 5th and 12th Telmarine left they aim at Caspian.

But the 5th Telmarine drop his crossbow and pull out his sword and slashing around the 5th Telmarine yells "Where are you" The 12th Telmarine aims above looking around fast the 12th Telmarine yells "Come out cowards" Caspian watch in confusion then watch the 5th Telmarine get cut down he screams "Ah" Making the 12th Telmarine turn only to get shot down.

The bushes begin to move heading towards Caspian who watch it coming closer and coming out the Creature yells "Ah" He knocks Caspian on his back and the Creature lands on his chest using its tail to retrieve it's sword "Hyah" Pointing the sword at Caspian is a mouse with a feather on a golden ring around it's left the mouse name is Reepicheep.

Caspian looks at the blade "Choose your last words carefully, Telmarine" Staring at Reepicheep surprise Caspian said "You are a mouse" Reepicheep sighs annoyed he said "I was hoping for something a little more original" Using his sword to point at Caspian's "Pick up your sword" Looking to it and back Caspian said "Uh..." He takes a breath "No, thanks".

Leaning in Reepicheep said "Pick it up" He move his sword away "I will not fight an unarmed man" Slowly nodding Caspian said "Which is why I might live longer if I choose not to cross blades with you, noble mouse" But Reepicheep said "I said I would not fight you" He aim his sword at Caspian "I didn't say I'd let you live".

Suddenly Trufflehunter calls "Reepicheep" Making Reepicheep and Caspian look to Trufflehunter who is being held by Nikabrik "Stay your blade" Reepicheep ask "Trufflehunter" Caspian looks back to Reepicheep who is angry "I trust you have a very good reason for this untimely interruption" Nikarbrik said "He doesn't" Trufflehunter looks to him shock.

Nikabrik motion his head "Go ahead" But looking back Trufflehunter said "He's the one who blew the horn" Shock to hear this Reepicheep ask "What" Suddenly a Voice call "Then let him bring it forward" Looking in a direction to see four Centaurs arrive the Centaur in the middle is name Glenstorm then landing from the trees is three Knights with bows and arrows "This is the reason we have gathered".

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