Hollywood's Bleeding - Post M...

By Pepepolly

3.8K 277 12

She wakes with an echoed thud coming from downstairs. At first, she feels relief, Jim has come to his senses... More

Shady Deals
New Start
Keep Her Safe
I Want you
Goodbyes Are Hard
Opening Act
Pretty Girls
Glory Hole
Dancing Queen
The Stripper
Who I Am
He Is Amazing
Hand & Knees
Not Real
A Little Bit Of My Heart
A Lesson
My Home
Losing You
You Might Think...
Why I Love You
A Pearl
Oh, Hello

New Beginning

98 9 1
By Pepepolly

The PR office is quiet this morning and Ophelia thinks they are in luck - no fans or media. Austin parks out back like Joe had done the day before and they open the back door to the lobby. But as they do they both hear the chanting of fans. "Fuck," Austin whispers under his breath and then makes a call on his phone. "What the fuck man. There are fans and media down here.  I have her with me. What do we do?" he says in a rather annoyed tone into his phone. Ophelia stands awkwardly next to him while he listens quietly to whoever he phoned. He cuts the call and looks at her. "Don't freak out, ok. My team notified the fans and media, they do that to keep me in the spotlight - promo shit. I need you to go through the lobby first and up to floor five. Oliver will be waiting for you. I will follow in fifteen minutes," Austin explains. Ophelia wants to say no, she is nervous about being alone with Oliver but she knows it's just her insecurities. "Ok," she whispers and steps forward. "Hold onto that bag tightly, baby," Austin says patting the bag with all Jim's jewelry inside it.

She enters the lobby and just like yesterday no one bothers to even look up as she walks through. Not even the security guards at the front desk. She gets to the elevator and presses the button, waits for a few minutes for the doors to open then steps inside. As the doors close she sees Austin appear in the lobby and all pandemonium breaks out. There is so much screaming and flashes of light that Ophelia is suddenly grateful that they had not noticed her. She enjoys the quietness the elevator brings when the doors finally close. Her heart starts to beat in her chest and her palms get sweaty, she is on the brink of an anxiety meltdown as she watches the numbers slowly flash from one to five. At five the elevator doors open before she can take a deep breath and then she can't do much else because Oliver, Tracy, and Xolani are all suddenly in her face. Talking at the same time. Asking way too many questions about why he and Austin came here together, where is her head at, how did they get to the PR office, whether anyone had seen them, what had been said last night, and where had Austin been all of last night? Just question after question. Every time she goes to answer a question someone else asks another question so she tries to answer that one. She feels trapped and stupid and pathetic and she does not know how much longer she can stand there without bursting into tears and causing a scene. She clutches her bag and starts walking backward, hoping to just get back on the elevator and escape but she slams into the closed elevator door. The elevator has left already and with three people around her and a solid door behind her she has no choice but to stay where she is. She buries her head in the bag as she feels the tears spill over onto her cheeks. She hates crying in front of people, it shows them how weak she is.

Then suddenly the elevator doors open and she falls back into the elevator, bracing for impact, but she is caught in a set of strong arms and then she can hear Austin's booming voice above her. "What the fuck is going on here? How about you all calm the fuck down and not rip into my girl like you fucking own the building," he says. Everyone goes quiet. Austin steadies her and turns her around so his body is blocking her from everyone's sight. "It's ok, baby," he says wiping her tears and fixing her hair. Then he takes her hand and pulls her back out of the elevator facing everyone. "You are all fucking dickheads," he says. "Sorry, but we are all a little freaked out. Why are you two together? Who saw you on-" Oliver starts but Austin cuts him off. "Pipe down, Oliver. Everything is under control," he says. "Funny, that is exactly what you said when I had to bail you out of jail after the shit you caused. It was not under control then and it is not under control now!" Oliver says raising his voice at Austin. Ophelia feels like she is watching a movie. Oliver and Austin look strangely similar. Both giant stocky men. Although Oliver is in a suit and Austin is just in black jeans and a t-shirt. They look like they are cut from the same cloth. "Don't fucking talk to me like that! I fucking own you!" Austin says and grabs the front of Oliver's shirt in a fist. "Fuck you man," Oliver shouts and grabs Austin. "When I am done with you, you will be crying like a little bitch," Austin shouts at Oliver.

Ophelia drops Austin's hand and steps back along with a wide-eyed Xolani and a shocked Tracy. Austin and Oliver look like two bulls that are about to go head-to-head and leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Ophelia has no idea what to do and it seems like she is not the only one. Then the elevator doors open again and a tall, slim immaculately dressed redhead steps out and looks at the two men with a bored face. "I told you both when we were teenagers that brothers should not go into business together. If I see one fist fly there will be fucking hell to pay and I will be the one collecting your fucking debt," she says in the coolest and calm way. Ophelia is left in awe. The men let go of each other immediately. Oliver walks over to the redhead, complaining that Austin never listens to him. While Austin searches out Ophelia and goes over to see if she is ok. The redhead watches Austin with a perfectly shaped raised eyebrow and a hint of a smile on her lips. "I am sorry you saw that. I forgot to mention that Oliver is also my brother. We get testy. Did I hurt you in any way?" he asks looking at her up and down. Ophelia shakes her head but clutches Austin's hand as the redhead starts walking over to them. "Hello miss Monroe. My name is Rod and I hope these boys have not made your life too unbearable these last 24 hours. They are like bulls in a china shop. Especially this one," she says pointing to Austin, "although I must say that this would be the first time I have seen Austin more concerned about someone else other than himself. I always knew there was something special about you. I am a big fan by the way," Rod adds. Ophelia smiles at her. "Hi," she says softly.

"How about we take this shit show to one of your board rooms?" Rod says as she turns around and walks toward a large boardroom. Tracy, Xolani, and Oliver run behind her. Austin turns to look at Ophelia. "You ok? We could dump this idea and do something else if you want," he says. Ophelia shakes her head. "No. I feel like I may just have a voice in this meeting," she says with a smile. Austin winks at her and then leads her down to the board room.  "We take it that you both want to do this whole PR stunt thing?" Xolani asks Austin and Ophelia. They both nod. "Ok well, we will draw up the contract. Any specifics you want me to add to the contract?" Tracy asks. "Ophelia has some rules. Go ahead, baby, the floor is your's," Austin says as he slouches in his chair like he is on holiday with a grin. "Umm, o-ok. I have some rules," she starts then stops, a little unsure of herself. "Go on, Ophelia," Rod prompts with a smile. "Umm...rule number one - no ass play," she says. Tracy, Xolani, and Rod's mouths drop open in shock at her words while Oliver and Austin howl with laughter, Austin almost falls off his chair too. "That rule was just for us, baby, but I appreciate that you insist my voice is heard...go on Trudy, write that down. Next rule," Austin says.

"Umm, rule number two. No one outside this room is to know that this is a PR Relationship. Just us six, oh and Joe," Ophelia says and then looks at Austin. He smiles and nods at her then gestures with his hand for her to continue. "I want...I want to feel like I am in a real relationship. I want to be treated with respect. I also want affection. Lots of affection, I also want to give affection and not be pushed away," she stops again and looks at Austin. He smiles and gives her a thumbs-up. "You are doing great. I agree. Continue," Austin says. "I want to be treated like a lady and be taken on dates and I want flowers. No matter where I am, I want flowers from you," she stops again and looks at Austin, again. "I have to buy them or can I assign Rod to order them?" he asks, grinning. "You do whatever you feel is appropriate...it's the thought that counts," Ophelia says. "I have been married long enough to know that's a trick answer, Austin," Oliver says. "Shut up, Oliver. Continue, baby," Austin says. "You can live with me-" Ophelia starts but Austin cuts her off, "I already live with you," he says with a crooked grin. Rod sighs and rolls her eyes, but she is trying to hide a grin. "I will support you with your court stuff and all that. Really support you...not just in the public eye, but even at home. I know this is a PR relationship but I want to be your friend more than just a business associate," Ophelia says.

Austin sits up straight and looks at her. "You would do that for me? Just like that? You would go all in?" he asks. "Yeah, I would. I know you look all tough and scary but you have been nothing but kind to me since I met you. You did not have to do that. You only did it because you are not bad. You are good and I can see it," Ophelia says. "You are something else, Miss Ophelia. Thank you. I will treat you right," Austin says, his face genuine. "Ok, this is not usually how we do PR relationships. There is no private stuff, just a few dates, and public appearances...but whatever, if you are both happy with this then I will type it up," Tracy says. "Wait. What about him touching her? Like in public? I don't want him to have free regain," Xolani interjects. Ophelia frowns, she had forgotten about that. To convince the public that they are dating Austin would need to kiss her. She wants him to kiss her. She lowers her head when she feels a blush come on at her thoughts. "You can do whatever you like," she whispers. Austin hooks his finger under her chin and makes her look at him. "How about I ask first? No is no and yes is yes...simple," he says. Ophelia has to concentrate really hard on her breathing with Austin so close and touching her. Then he leans in, even more, Ophelia is sure he is going to kiss her. "How about now? Can I kiss you now? In front of all these people?" he asks, she can feel his warm breath on her lips. She knows he is testing her, making sure she can say no to him. But the truth is she really wants to say yes. She almost feels desperate for him to kiss her. She wonders what he would do if she says yes. Would he follow through? Would he kiss her? Her lips are so close to his and she wants to kiss him.

"No," she says wishing she could say yes. Austin pulls away immediately and slouches back in his chair. "There you go, Xolani. She is in charge of all that," he says. "What about the breakup?" Rod says suddenly. Everyone turns to look at her. Her eyes are locked on Austin. "Public. We will have a public breakup. Something that will show the world that Ophelia broke my heart," he says, looking at Rod. "I can't do a public fight," Ophelia says. Austin turns to look at her. "No fight, baby...just a meal in a public place that you will leave from first and I will leave a little later with a sad face - they will eat it up. Maybe I will write a song about you later...we can milk it," he says. The idea makes Ophelia's stomach churn. She wants to cry at the thought but this is just a PR relationship and an end to it is inevitable. "Ok," she says. "Ok then. I will get that contract done," Tracy says standing up as everyone else mumbles their agreement. "I do have a question, Ophelia," Xolani says. "I want to go back to how we were managing your career before Jim got involved...I stood by you and watched him break everything, will you trust me to build it up again?" he adds. Before Ophelia can answer Austin points to Rod. "You did those background checks?" he asks. "Just so happens that I have done one and that was for Xolani. You can trust him - his background checks out, Ophelia," Rod says. "Thank you for standing by me, Xolani, and I do trust you. Yes, please stay and help me," Ophelia says. "Great, now that's cleared up, let's go, baby," Austin says standing up. "Hank is waiting for you," Rod says. Austin smiles and shakes his head. "Thanks, I can always count on you," he says. "We will have to talk about a media release, Xolani," Rod says and slides her laptop over to Xolani. "Do you need my social media passes?" Ophelia asks but Rod shakes her head. "No, I hacked into all your accounts already - Jims too. We will release a statement early tomorrow morning. Get ready for some backlash and stick by Austin's side. Ok?" Rod says.

"Come on, baby, let's go," Austin helps her up. She gives everyone a small wave and lets Austin lead her back to the elevator. He presses the button and stands back as the elevator doors open. "See you by the car in a few minutes," he says as the elevator door closes. Ophelia used to wish she had moments to herself but the second she is away from Austin she feels panic rise in her chest a little. She may be growing attached to Austin. This may be a little problem. The elevator doors open and she walks through the lobby and out the back door without anyone noticing. She stops short though when she sees Leon leaning on Austins Rolls. "Hello miss Monroe," he says with a smile. "Hello, Leon," she says quietly, she is a little nervous about him. She does not know him. "You are very different from any of the women Austin dates...for one he has kept you around for longer than a day - not common practice in his books. Also, besides me being a big fan - I like you way more than any of the other women," he says. "Th-thank you," she says shyly. "You are also very sweet. I am going to enjoy having you around," Leon says. Ophelia is relieved when she sees Austin coming out of the backdoor. "Leon! You dick. You left me to open and close Ophelia's gate this morning on my own," Austin says opening the passenger door to the Rolls for Ophelia. Leon laughs, "That's not part of my job. Besides, it was fun to watch you huffing like an old man," he says as he turns and walks off. Austin chuckles and climbs into the Rolls. "He was at my house? I did not see him," Ophelia says, confused. "Yup. Leon is always there. You will only see him when he wants you to see him. Fucking class A bodyguard."

Turns out Hank is a jeweler. A shady one at that. His office is down a dark alley and it takes Austin a good ten minutes to convince Ophelia to follow him down the alley. From how creepy the alley is Ophelia fully expects Hank's office to be ghoulish. Instead, she is pleasantly surprised to find it looks like a high-end jeweler. Defiantly not a place you would find at the end of the alley they just survived. "Hollywood is fake. Everyone is a phony," Austin says to her quietly as they are led to the back of the shop and into a small office. "Everyone has a shady deal going on and Hank is the ringmaster...literally," Austin says and chuckles at his words. Ophelia does not get the joke. "Austin, I don't know if I want to sell any of Jim's stuff. I just..." she does not know what she wants. Austin steers her to a chair and sits down next to her. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. But remember I said I had a plan? How about I tell you my plan and then you decide what to do from there? Besides, I don't think you have any intention of wearing any of that stuff," he says pointing to the bag. He is right she will never wear any of that but it does belong to Jim, he may have bought it with her hard-earned money and her name is on all the authenticity certificates but she does not know if she has the heart to sell off his stuff. It would make him sad and she simply just does not have the heart. "Ok. Tell me your plan but I don't think I am going to sell any of this stuff," she says looking at her phone when it suddenly vibrates in her hand. It's a message from Jim. Her hands shake when she opens the message.

You canceled my card. You will pay for this, forget about me only taking some money - I am going to take everything. You will be living on the street once I am done with you. I also know you were not alone last night. You are a whore.

Ophelia can feel the bile rising in her throat and tears threaten to fall. But Austin takes her phone and slips it into his back pocket then cups her face. "Empty threats, baby. No tears. Come on it's you and me against the world, baby," he says. Ophelia doesn't know why and is aware of how completely ridiculous her actions are but she stands and then curls herself up in Austin's lap. He does not laugh or roll his eyes or even push her away, instead he wraps his arms around her and pulls her in tight, hiding her from the world and giving her a moment.

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