
By essential_snow28

29.2K 489 104

Isabelle Gilmore Hayden is a brilliantly talented woman, that's has overcome any family struggles to get wher... More

Personal ID
A Hard Days Night
zooming through season one
The Happy Couple
Lets toast to Life
Where are you Christmas?
The end of the world
A string of Chaos
Promises are a joke
Nancy Pants
A whisper to a Scream
The Numbness of Searing Pain
Stone Cold
Time After Time
We almost had it all...
A Change is Gonna Come
Heart of The matter
Hello Huntzberger
Dream a Little Dream Of Me
It must help that I'm so... hot
Wish you were here/Stairway to Heaven

Crash into me

559 12 2
By essential_snow28

Meredith enters the kitchen to find Alex and Izzie and I sitting. Alex is carving a pumpkin and Izzie is baking, while I read a book.

Meredith asks," What are you guys doing up?"

Izzie and Alex: Couldn't sleep.

I speak up, "Well I have been up for hours, first I went to the dance studio and then I came back here and took a shower before catching up on my reading."

Meredith looks at me," Why?"

I smile and point at her, " The real question is why not."

Meredith takes out an urn and  dumps her moms ashes into a Ziploc bag.

We all stare at her and  Izzie says," What is that?"

Meredith closes the bag and says," My mother."

I open my mouth in shock, Alex says," Happy freaking' Halloween."


Meredith is in the locker room with the other interns.

Cristina enters and sees we are all looking at Meredith," What are we looking at?"

Izzie answers," Meredith put her mom in a baggie and brought her to work."

Meredith cuts in," I had to get her out of my closet. She was haunting me."

Alex grimaces," And now she's haunting us all."

Meredith says," I'm putting her to rest."

(Sydney enters)
Sydney," Meredith is cleansing. In tribal culture, when one wants to cleanse the past, one cuts off all of one's hair and buries it in the earth. You might try that, too."

Callie enters with Bailey," Okay, listen up. Today is a holiday, which means the pit will be overrun. You've got the usual drunken stupidity..."

Bailey says with glee,"And then you've got Seattle's annual chain saw pumpkin carving contest. I love this city."

Callie," Stay on your toes, stay on top of your interns, okay?"

Izzie asks,"So we should round before heading to the pit or... "

Callie snappily,"Yeah, you should direct your questions to Dr. Bailey, Stevens."

I look confused and Cristina aks," Oh, we're directing our questions to Dr. Bailey?"

Callie smugly says, "Oh, not you. Just Stevens."

Bailey looks to callie," Why is Stevens directing her questions to Dr. Bailey?"

Callie stares down Izzie," Because she's been sleeping with my husband. All righty, then. Have a good day."

Everybody is flabbergasted as Callie and Izzie take off in different directions and Christina turns to me and says," Okay, this is even more disturbing than your bagful of mommy."

I nod disgusted with Izzie and George, "The epitome of disturbing."


Meredith,Cristina, and I are in the lunch room discussing what to do with the ashes of Ellis grey.

Cristina suggests," We could scatter her off the roof."

Meredith rebuttals,"She was afraid of heights."

Cristina looks at her seriously,"They're ashes, Meredith. The ashes aren't acrophobic."

Meredith shakes her head," I need to put my mother to rest. I need to not become her. I need to not die emotionally crippled and alone. And I need to not attend the wedding of Derek Shepherd and Sydney Heron. I need to put my mother to rest."

I shake my head," Sydney Heron? Oh, No way will derek ever like her."

Izzie and George join us at the table and there is an awkward silence.

Izzie blurts,"Just ask."

Meredith is the first to talk,"So you two are together?"

George sighs," Yeah."

Meredith," Like "together" together, in love together? Sexy love, not sibling love?"

Izzie nods," Yes. Yeah. We're together."

Meredith," And...you two have been...I mean, without any of us knowing...doing this the whole time?"

Izzie nods," Just once."

George looks to her," Iz."

Izzie says," I said she could ask questions. Just once. And now we're waiting to...be together...out of respect."

George," For Callie's feelings."

Cristina scoffs then walks away, and I stand up following her also upset, "Umm, I am gonna go bye you guys."

Cheating makes me feel sick to my stomach, and it has done nothing good to me. Addi cheated on Derek and then Derek cheated on her and now nobody is in a stable and healthy relationship. In the end it just leaves people broken.

Two weeks later...

This morning Chrisitna came to the house and she pulled me into Meredith bedroom with her.

Meredith was in the bathroom and Christina looked at me and said," Dance it out."

So in other words we started dancing, to literally no music of the sort.
Meredith stands in the doorway staring at us weirdly.

Christina looks at her and says," You're not dancing."

Meredith says," I'm too tense to dance."

I smile," That is the best reason to dance."

Meredith sighs," My problem is, I'm sleeping with a man who's dating. And I don't care if he dates Sydney. It's the woman he dates after Sydney, that's my problem. And if I had any sense at all, I would break up with the breakup sex. There would be no more breakup sexing. If I had any sense."

Christina stops dancing looks at her and points," Shut up! Dance it out."

I laugh and walk over to Merdith grabbing both her hands in mine and dancing her out of the doorway into the room, and all three of us are dancing now.

Meredith starts to get more relaxed and with confidence says," You know, I'm gonna tell him. I don't want him seeing other people."

Christina brushes it off," Good. Fine. Whatever."

Meredith continues,"I'm gonna tell him, and I feel good about it."

I smile," Dancing just does things to you."

Christina dances," Dancing makes you brave. Now I know how you got through school so fast."

I laugh and dance with them not noticing Izzie staring at us jealously.


At the hospital I am walking down the hall with Meredith when we see Alex and Lexie kissing in a closet.

Meredith says to Alex," late for sloan."

I chuckle of course Alex would hook up with an intern.

I in a joking voice say ," lets go grey, my interns are not gonna be late."

She rushes out past me blushing as Alex comes and stands beside me with a mini glare.

Alex sighs, " Dude!"

I chuckle, " Dude? That's Mers sister dumbass"

Alex shrugs, " so Derek's your brother" he insisted as Meredith was with him.

I nod and say, "true, but no matter what you were gonna be late sooo"

Nick's room; The room is packed with Nurses, Interns, Doctors.

Sloan speaks to everyone," Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this is Nick Hanscomb. "

Nick (played by Seth Green): Hi.

Sloan continues," Nick was lucky enough to have me remove a large carotid body tumor from his neck. The fact that I was able to get clean boundaries is pretty darn impressive, even for me. "

Derek smiles," Congratulations."

Sloan wants to maintain control so he says," Don't interrupt. Now despite the fact that it was a wildly successful surgery, we had to dissect out deep lymph nodes in his neck. There is now only a delicate flap of skin between his carotid artery and the outside world. That said, what am I worried about?"

Christina  answers," I would think given the friability of the skin, that there's a great possibility that the, um, the artery could blow?"

Sloan nods," Right."

Nick brushes it off," Oh, don't worry. I've ... I've heard this before."

Sloan says," If that happens, whoever's in the room, I don't care if it's a doctor, a nurse, an orderly, your job is to stop the bleeding then page me, in that order. Are we clear? Any questions?"

Nick looks to sloan," They look scared."

Sloan whispers to him<" They're medical professionals, Nick. A healthy level of fear is encouraged."

Nick smiles," Okay, then, uh, if I do die, it will have been lovely meeting you all."

Sloan looks at everyone," See? The patient is confident. You should be confident. That's it."


I am watching Nick with Lexie.

Nick looks at us," How am I doing?"

Lexie replies," Strong and stable"

I smile and nod, he is a sweet guy.

Nick smiles," Strong and stable? Two words that have never been used to describe me, ever. You're a pretty girl. Both of you are. I hope you don't think that's rude. I'm just. I haven't been allowed to notice that kind of thing for a while and. Now I'm allowed."

I chuckle," You're allowed to notice prettiness?"

Nick,"  Well, I'm allowed to notice, uh, other women, women other than my girlfriend. My now, uh, ex-girlfriend."

Lexie sighs," Oh, I'm sorry."

Nick nods,"Yeah, giant neck tumors weren't her thing."

Lexie goes to speak when my pager goes off.

I look at them," Umm Grey you stay here with Nick, I have to go to the ER."

I arrive to a page from Bailey.

I see Bailey and ask," Hey, you paged?"

She nods," Yes, I want Yang on my service so you are gonna be my replacement for Dr. Hahn"

I look at her confused," Your trading me?"

She looks at me with pursed lips," Yang is my loophole so yes, are you okay with that?"

I give her a confused look but nonetheless say," I guess."

We walk over to the nurses station where Hahn is doing her charts.

Bailey speaks up," Uh, I would like to borrow Dr. Yang. It's important. Can you spare her? Hayden-Gilmore can accompany you instead."

Hahn thinks," That would work I have yet to work with you Dr.Hayden-Gilmore. You ready to save a life"

I nod," I was born ready."

Hahn gives a tight nod," Yangs all yours Dr. Bailey."

Bailey nods," Thank you."

Hahn calls out," Yang. Dr. Yang, Dr. Bailey has requested your capable hands. Dr.Hayden Gilmore, take over prepping Mr. Nolston for surgery."

Christina looks flustered," But what ... wait."

Hahn brushes her off,"Oh, just take it up with Dr. Bailey, Yang."

Yang looks at me confused and I whisper to her," Its me or Stevens. Which do you prefer?"

Yang sighs," Well you are better than Stevens in the OR.But I guess I would rather you than her."

I fully agree so I say," Exactly..."


O.R. 1

I look at Alex Judgmentally, " Alex I love you, but were you that stupid to bring Jane Doe into the gallery? Are you trying to get yourself kicked out of the program?"

Alex smirks," She wanted to see what I do.( I look at him questionably) I'm a popular guy."

Hahn looks at Alex," I'm sure whatever you're talking about is endlessly fascinating, Dr. Karev, but I kind of had my heart set on saving a life today."

Alex nods," Sorry."

Hahn looks focused," So, let's begin."

Later in the O.R. Callie pulls out a huge piece of shrapnel from Jacob's leg during surgery. I sees Lexie enter the gallery and sit next to Ava.

I chuckle," busted."

Alex says,"Save it."

Hahn looks at Sloan," You're using a cable instead of wires, Dr. Sloan. I've never seen it done that way before."

Sloan takes the opportunity," Tension banding. Learned it back in New York. I moved there after Columbia to study under John Seever. He was a great surgeon. He died last year. I was wrecked, and couldn't sleep for weeks. It was like losing my own father."

I look at Mark, my eyebrows raised. He sees Hahn as a challenge of course.

Hahn looks at him," What, are we on a date here? I was complimenting your surgical skill, Dr. Sloan, not looking for a window into your wounded soul. Clamp, please."

I look at Sloan who looks at me perplexed and I just laugh at him. Mark has always been someone who would act as if we were best friends when I would only be in New York for a couple weeks each year. It's why I liked him so much he was always down for me to join their outings whether so was a kid or not. I miss just talking with him more. That's what you get when your an adult I guess.


OR; surgery on patient Jacob when Hahn looks towards me and says," You see this, Hayden-Gilmore? The sternum's cleaned out, which means we're almost outta here."

Sloan looks smug," You don't want to stay and watch me work?"

Hahn scoffs ,"You know, it's offensive, Dr. Sloan, flat-out."

Sloan furrows his eyebrows and says," I asked you if you wanted to stay and watch me work. How's that offensive?"

Hahn replies rudely," Oh, and now you play dumb? Does that work for you because of the way you look?"

I look at her expasteradbly, and sloan says," What the hell are you talking about?"

Hahn answers," I'm saying, if you were homely, you would've lost your job a long time ago."

Phone rings and is answered by a nurse, "Dr. Hahn, the chief needs you in the ambulance bay. We have a paramedic with cardiac tamponade."

Hahn," All righty, then. Let's go, Gilmore."

As we are walking down to the ambulance bay I get paged 911 from Lexie Grey.

Hahn notices and says," Go, I will page Yang."

I nod and run to go see what happened with Lexie.

I enter the room and see Lexie putting pressure on Nicks bleeding Carotid Artery.

Her hand slips for a second," Grey, stop that bleeding."

Lexie gets it controlled," It's okay. I ... my hand slipped. I-I got it."

Nick shakily says," That ... that can't happen anymore. That can't happen anymore, okay?"

I quietly say to Lexie, " Just apply steady, firm pressure."

Lexie says, " I-I called for Sloan. Should we just take him to an O.R.? Or ..."

I shake my head and think," No, there's no O.R. I was just down there."

Lexie looks nervous and say," Oh. Tyler, uh, you should run and get some more blood. Just in case, okay?"

I look to Lexie and calmly say," Keep applying pressure. I'm gonna go get Sloan."

Lexie is startled by that," Wait, you're leaving?"

I look at her,"  I'll be right back. You can do this. I believe in you Lexie. You're doing this."

I get to the OR and look to Sloan," Dr. Sloan, it's nick hanscomb. His carotid blew."

Sloan urgently says," Karev, I need you to irrigate thoroughly, finish up and pack the wound. "

Alex looks confused" Wait, you're leaving?"

Sloan," He can survive without me. My other guy can't."

I look and say,"Oh, there's no O.R. Available."

Sloan,"This one will be. (to Alex) I need you to get this room turned around asap. I'm bringing down my carotid bleed."

Mark and I enter nicks rooms, and he says,"How you doing, Nick?"

Nick looks relieved," Oh, Dr. Sloan. It's Dr. Sloan."

Lexie looks obviously relieved that Sloan is here, " I think the bleeding stopped."

Sloan: (to Nick) You okay? -

Nick," Do I ... do I look okay?"

Sloan examines the wound," Actually, you do. Dr. Grey, looks like you got the bleeding under control."

Lexie is covered in blood panting, "Why would it stop?"

I take vitals" It could have been the herald bleed, which means, um, there's a possibility of it bleeding again. But it won't, 'cause Dr.Sloan is  gonna get it closed up before it does."

Nick and Lexie say," There's no O.R."

Sloan," There will be in ten minutes. Dr. Grey, get a pressure dressing on this wound. Dr. Hayden-Gilmore, get him prepped for transfer, and straight to O.R. Three. I'm gonna make sure it's cleared out. You did good work, Grey."

Lexie to Sloan as he leaves," Thank you."

Nick  smiles at Lexie,"Hey. I'm in love with you now. I've forgotten entirely about my ex."


Nick's Room; everyone is still there bandaging Nick.

Nick sighs shakily," This was never my plan, to ... to die this way."

Lexie asuures him,"You're not dying, nick."

I jump in," You're going to the O.R."

Nick nods," No, I know. That's what I'm saying. I mean, I think we kind of have some say, or at least a feeling. But I never had that feeling, so I can't die, right? I don't feel good. I feel ... "

The monitor starts beeping as he passes out.

Lexie looks nervous and frantic," Nick Nick..."

I take his hand," Nick, can you squeeze my hand?"

Lexie shakes her head," Oh, my god. What happened?"

I start prepping the bed to move," The blood to the right side of his brain is ... he had a stroke. It looks like he had a stroke. Okay, let's go. Let's move him carefully. Let's go."

Lexie just stands there, in disbelief, tearing up.

I look at her," Hey lexie. You can't cry, lexie. This isn't over. You can't cry okay. You got this lets go.

Lexie tries to hold back her tears as Nick is wheeled out leaving a large blood stain on the floor. Once we get to the OR with Sloan I say,"Dr. Sloan, his artery blew again, and he appears to be having a left-sided C. V. A."

Sloan looks up," Where is he? - I ..."

I answer and nurses and Lexie wheel Nick to the door but don't come in," Here. You told me to bring him here."

Sloan looks,"Hahn, are you close?"

Hahn: No.

Sloan replies," Isabelle, get him to a sterile procedure room. Run!"

I nod and say," Let's go. This way."

OR Monitor flatlining. Lexie and I watch Sloan.

Sloan," Come on. Come on. He's coding. Come on. "

Lexie whispers,"Live. Please live. Please. Please"

Flatline monitor sounds fill the room.


I enter the Procedure room later after the surgery where Lexie is still with Nick's body.

I look at her and softly say,"You did a good job today, and it was not easy. What you did was not easy. It was brave."

Lexie looks down and shakily says," We killed him. The hospital ... Sloan, us ... we were not prepared."

I release a shaky exhale and sadly say," Yeah, that happens sometimes."

Lexie scoffs," That's ... do you have any idea how backwards that is?"

I walk closer to her," Yeah, but we help more than we hurt."

Lexie doesn't take comfort in this  and as she is looking at Nick she says, " I have no one."


I enter the living room. Meredith is sitting on the couch and Christina is in a chair.

I look at them," Smile, I brought supplies."

Meredith doesn't say anything. Christina turns and sees she is not talking either and says nothing as well.  I motion to the door and Lexie then walks in. Meredith stares at her. Before looking at me in disbelief.

I smile softly,"  She's got no one."

Meredith looks at her. Lexie awkardly offers up her bag of limes. I slip off my shoes and jacket look at Meredith for approval coaxing her to say yes. Meredith thinks, and then sighs, and sits up.

Meredith states: I'm drinking. Are you drinking, Lexie?"

Lexie replies relieved, "Yeah, a drink would be good."

Meredith looks at her, then at Christina who shrugs, then she looks at me and I smile encouragingly.

Later after a drink me, christina, Meredith, and Lexie are dancing freely in the living room.

I learned that I actually really like Lexie after a couple shots as she is on my level.

Izzie and George enter the living room. They turn to go when Meredith sees them.

Meredith slightly out of breath says, "Come on, Izzie. Dance party."

Izzie to George," You want to dance?"

George," I will if, uh, you want me to."

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