Good Girl Gone Bad [LIV BLAC...

By adolescentmuse

51.2K 1.3K 1.3K

Sirius Blacks daughter cared by Remus Lupin. "She would never! She's a good girl!" "I'm sorry, Lupin, but it... More

01 | azkaban
September, 1991
September, 1991
September, 1991
June, 1993
July, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
December, 1993
Christmas Eve, 1993
Christmas, 1993
January, 1994
how to disappear completly. march 1994
April, 1994
April, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JULY, 1994
sirius' arrival, july 1994
33 | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
34 | Gentle Sin

Forgive & Forget. July, 1993

532 19 20
By adolescentmuse

They pulled apart nearly as quickly as they'd pounced into each other's embrace. It had been a silly, childish burst of desperation that left both of them breathless and heavy-hearted, but seemed to have relieved whatever sudden torment had been caused between them. Satisfied, Remus and Sirius went back to sipping their beers, squinting up to the haft-crescent moon that was illuminating the outside world. Even when the kitchen light had flicked off, and Liv was safely out of sight, they reminded safely apart.

Sirius stayed that night, only to Remus' request, resting his head in the spare room, for the room that he once called 'his' was now that of his daughters - and although Sirius was finally home, and a mere fifteen feet from where Remus' door had been pulled shut, he felt lost.

The new comfort of being in a house, let alone a carpeted room with a bed frame and a mattress (not to forget the pillows too!) compared to the cold, soiled stone cell he'd been accustomed too for so long should not have left him feeling as uncomfortable as it did. Even after the decade of longing for privacy, a different place to escape too, somewhere where a series of men would not peer into his cell - or even harshly bash the metal of their muggle-style batons in a threatening way, Sirius wanted nothing but to not be alone. Infact, the loneliness had become suffocating.

Or maybe it was the longingness.

Sirius barely slept that night. Neither did Remus. it was only Liv who managed to rest her head well, stretching to soothe her freshly-awoken limbs as she slid her feet into the soft slippers that she'd abandoned by her doorframe the night before. Just as if it were a normal day, she headed for breakfast before suddenly being startled by the wild animal curled up in the doorway opposite her own when she left her room.

The realization that it was just Sirius in animagi form kicked in a moment later, so she continued her journey downstairs, taking a step towards the stairs. The floorboards of her old home creaked, sending the dog into a spiral of loud barking as it pounced up onto all fours. Liv's heart began to beat twice as frantically as it had when she'd first seen the animal curled up by the door, only feeling relieved when the startled, growling dog formed into a man.

"Sorry... sorry," Sirius gushed to the girl who's mouth was still open in surprise, thankful to see her fearful expression soothe into a softer one.

"You scared me!" Liv said, letting out a light, relieved laugh, holding a hand against her racing heart which was beginning to slow down. Sirius looked apologetic. "You didn't sleep on the floor, did you?" Liv added, her eyes trailing the spot of carpet Sirius had been led on.

Sirius was unsure what to say, for her was unsure why he'd done it to begin with. "It's been a long time since..." he muttered, choosing his words carefully. "It's hard to get used too it all again,"

"Oh, i see," Liv quietly lied, for she didn't understand at all. She took a particularly deep breath through her nose, smiling at the familiar smell of her Saturday pancakes. "I think I smell breakfast," she said, heading down stairs once more. Sirius smiled, and trailed down the steps behind her.

Naturally, Remus had awoken early to cook up breakfast - pancakes, Liv's favorite, but only on a Saturday (Remus believed it was unhealthy to have them them more than once a week, but Liv, a growing girl, strongly disagreed) The kitchen smelt even better than the sweet aroma that had trailed upstairs, and Liv naturally headed straight to the cupboard which held the chocolate spread.

"Coffee?" Remus offered to Sirius after they'd greeted each other, handing him the warm mug. Sirius accepted the drink, though he hadn't dark coffee in over in a decade. He used to drink coffee at this very table every day, but over time had forgotten how sour the taste was. He loved it, none the less.

Busy placing dirty cutlery and dishes into the sink, Remus paused for a moment as the sun beams from outside shone in through the large window, causing sudden concern. He'd never thought too deeply about the view, but couldn't help but notice the busy street a mere thirty-feet away. Any passerby could peer into the window and see the exact scenes playing out in the room, or worse, any passer by could peer into the window a catch sight of the convicted criminal sat at the old wooden table trying to enjoy his morning coffee. He tugged at the drawstring of the blinds, blocking out the view of the outside world.

"Just to be safe..." he reassured Liv and Sirius 

The reassurance didn't work. The sudden realization that Sirius wasn't supposed to be there, didn't belong there, hit harder than that first sip of strong coffee. He felt body shift, unknowingly lowering himself in his seat.

"Has the owl come yet?" Liv said, busily sorting through the pile of envelopes she'd left in the kitchen the night before. "I want to send these letters out,"

Remus looked at his watch. "Not yet," he said, moving his gaze to the letters Liv was rummaging through. "Who's that you're writing too?" he asked.

"Just friends," Liv said, gripping the letters tightly, hoping her Father weren't to pounce of them and do that disapproving sigh he sometimes did once he'd glanced a look at at the name scribbled on the front of one of the papers ( which was "Cedric Diggory" of course, how could she not respond to his ask quickly as she possibly could?)

"Which friends?" He pestered on. Facing award from her father, Liv safely rolled her eyes without any consequence's

"Why do you ask?" Said asked back.

Remus shrugged. "Just wondering,"

"Im not stupid, Daddy, you want to know if I'm writing to Cedric," she said with a sigh. "I just wanted to thank him for the letter he sent me, that's all. You can read it if you're that desperate to see,"

"I don't want to read it," Remus said, denying the letter. "I believe you," he sat down at the table beside Sirius, who hadn't yet touched any food. "I'm going to the ministry this afternoon," Remus said joyfully, trying to lighten the mood - Sirius had nodded.

Liv scooped a large forkful of pancake into her mouth. "You should probably find a job, too," she said as she chewed. "Unless you can deal without electricity and hot water this summer,"

"A job?" Sirius questioned, his voice sounding hoarse. "You're not staying at Hogwarts?"

Remus shook his head. "I'm afraid I had to call it quits," he said. "It was my time to leave,"

Liv grimaced, quickly swallowing another large mouthful of pancakes. "No it wasn't," she argued. "You were doing so well until Snape opened his big fat gob,"

"Snape?" Sirius repeated, his eyebrows creasing. "He said something to make you quit?" He asked Remus, though it was Liv who'd butted in and responded.

"He told everyone he was a werewolf!"

"Bastard!" Sirius croaked. "I bet he enjoyed your company thoroughly," he sneered sarcastically.

Remus laughed lightly. "I think he was rather surprised to see I survived the war,"

Although there were smiles present all round the table, what Remus had said seemed to have caused a shift, Liv realized that their smiles were maybe more sad smiles than happy ones. Sirius finally spoke, his voice sounding softer than before.

"What was it like?" He asked. "Going back there?"

Remus knew returning to Hogwarts would hurt, storing up old meme memories he'd tried so hard to forget about - perhaps he would lie so Sirius could hear the answer Remus knew he was hoping for. "It was nice," he nodded.

Sirius smiled, sighing slightly. "That night at Hogwarts... i can't remember the last time I felt peace like that... I felt home,"

"I told harry I'd get us a place, all four of us," he continued. "You wouldn't have the worry about finding a job again - you wouldn't have to work at all,"

"That would be nice," was all Remus said, before a light knock on the door disrupted the three seated at the table. Sirius reacted almost immediately, and within a second had transformed into his dog form, and, as if he were a real dog, began barking the moment as whoever was behind the doors hand made contact with the wood.

Liv raced to the kitchen window, hauling herself onto the kitchen countertops to look through it to catch at peak of whoever was the other side of the door. If it was the minister again, or anyone from the ministry for that matter, they were fucked - well and truly fucked.

"It's Padma," Liv said, puzzled, her baffled state failing to warn her father not to open the door, because facing Padma seemed nearly as bad as facing the minister of magic himself with a runaway criminal in the house.

So Remus went ahead and opened the door as Liv scrambled back to the floor in a haze, unable to fathom the fact Padma, the girl who'd broken up with her with no explanation just days prior, was at her door with no explanation.

"Hi...?" Liv spoke, looking at Padma who was curiously looking at their new dog - Sirius - keeping it's distance behind the kitchen table.

"We'll leave you girls too it," Remus said, and pondered from the room with Sirius following suit.

"You got a dog?" Padma smiled.

"Gosh, no," Liv said. "That's Sirius... Sirius Black,"

Padma's mouth hung open slightly for a moment. ".... oh! ok...."

"What are you doing here, Padma?" Liv said quietly.

Padma let out a nervous sigh. "Parvati told my whole family I was gay," she said, nervously fiddling with her fingers.

"Oh no, I'm sorry" Liv said, pulling her into a hug, to which Padma huffed into her shoulder. "You can stay here for a while, if you want?"

"No, no that's okay," Padma said, taking a deep breath. "I just wanted to say I was sorry for the way I acted on the train. I just freaked! I should never have said those things, I was being a total bitch,"

"You don't have to be sorry," Liv said, the relief that Padma didn't hate her rushing through her like a tsunami. "Lets just forget about it," she smiled.

Padma grinned in response. "You're so lovely, Liv," she said.

"I know," Liv smilled proudly.


"Yo, Liv?"

After forgiving and forgetting, there is no better remedy than some retail shopping. The pair rushed out the door towards the local shopping centre as if nothing has happened between them - before suddenly being interrupted by a sudden calling.

Liv stopped suddenly, unsure who could be yelling her name. She turned to the source of the noise. "Merlin! You scared me, Reuben,"

Reuben, a friend - no - somebody Liv was forced to put up with every now and then, definitely not a friend - came walking at a fast pace behind the girls. His hair was unkempt, and his trousers were so big around the waist Liv could see the majority of his underwear which she didn't like one bit. He also had a lip piercing, which was new addition to his wannabe bad boy look since they'd last bumped into each other the summer prior.

"Merlin?" The muggle boy repeated, turning up his nose. "Who the fuck is Merlin?"

Liv tutted, keeping up a steady pace in hopes of loosing the boy. "Nobody. What is it you want?"

"Well, where you been, then?" The boy asked. "I haven't seen you around,"

"I told you – school,"

"Ah, that posh boarding school?" He asked.

"That's the one," Liv said, faking a quick smile. "Now will you excuse us? We have things to do,"

"Hang on," Reuben said, pulling out a small sheet of paper from his pocket. "There's a motive tomorrow, i want you two to come,"

"There's a what?" Padma said, raising her eyebrow.

"A motive – a party! Shit, you really are posh!"

Liv scoffed at his remark. "Knowing proper English does not make us posh!"

"Where's the party?" Padma said eagerly.

Ignoring Liv, Reuben tapped the paper he'd passed to Padma.

"Croydon?" Padma asked, reading the address scribbled on the sheet. Liv chuckled, shaking her head.

"Nuh-uh. No way. Croydon is too far,"

"Shit, take the bus!" Reuben remarked.

Liv rolled her eyes at Padma. "If I say we're coming will you leave us alone," she said to the boy.

"Deal," he smirked.

"Great! We're coming," Liv said, tuned on her heel, and continued down the street with Padma at her heel. "God, he is such a loser!" She scoffed when he was too far away to hear.

"Loser or not, he just got us an invite to our first party!" Padma said excitedly.

"We're not actually going, Padma!" Liv said with a duh tone. "You know my Dad will never let me, and neither would yours,"

"There's no harm in trying, we could at least ask," Padma suggested.

"There is no point," Liv sighed. "Croydon, Padma, Croydon!"

"I'm going to that party," Padma said seriously. "Even if we have to lie to get there,"

Liv groaned. "Ugh! you know my Dad sees right through all my lies, its never going to work!"

"Pleasssseeeeeee!" Padma began to beg. "I wanna go party!"

"Fine, fine!" Liv said stroppily. "I'll ask - but no promises,"

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