Together Or Apart

By d-hamilton

44.7K 1.6K 188

Book 3 of the series Book 1: Always You Book 2: Fighting Fate 6 years have passed since you last lived... More

1. 6 Years Later
2. Birthday Plans
3. Salt
4. Pregnancy Symptoms
5. Is There Something You Have To Tell Me?
6. Belly Fat
7. Talk It Out
8. Fashionista
9. Golden
10. Awkward Encounter
11. Ultimatum
12. Charity Event
13. The Morning After
14. Piękna
15. Food Fixes Everything
16. New Trainer
17. Dad Jokes
18. Door Stoppers
19. Aladdin
20. I Didn't Know
21. First Day Of School
22. Red
23. Uber Eats
24. It's A Family Show
25. Jake
26. Sydney > London
28. M&M's
29. Unknown Number
30. I Miss You
31. You're Happy When You Sing
32. Bluebottle sting
33. Stage 5
34. Discharged
35. Pizza and Cupcakes
36. Harry's Home
37. Happy Birthday
38. You're Still The One
39. Breakdown
40. New Boyfriend
41. T
42. Zoo
43. Paparazzi
44. Arguments
45. 1st Birthday
46. Sick To My Stomach
47. Co-Parenting
48. What The Hell Happened?
49. 6 Months Later
50. Auditions
51. Trying To Be Civil
52. Two Options
53. Max
54. What He Didn't Do
55. I'll Move
56. Viral Infection
57. She's Going To Need You
58. Final Day
59. London

27. Surprise!

786 31 0
By d-hamilton

"Alright Londy, do you remember the plan?"

London stops walking and so that she can straighten her suitcase that she was slowly dragging behind her. "Yes I do."

"What's the plan?" Gemma asks from behind, pushing Sydney in her pram since I'm on suitcase duty. Gemma picked us up from the airport and after getting a light snack from McDonald's because London was hungry, we came straight to the hotel that Harry is staying at.

"We be super dooper quiet. We go in the elevator all the way to Dad's level which is... I forget, was it 19 or 20?"


"Level 20 and room 1027. We tip toe up the hallway, not to make any sounds, and find his room. Mummy will put this sticky note thing over the look out thing in the door-"

"The peep hole?" Gemma asks, not completely sure of what thing London is describing.

"Yes the hole in the door that you look at people through. Mum will cover that and then I will knock at the door while you all wait to the side. When my dad answers the door, I will say "excuse me Mr Styles, I'm here for housekeeping duty."

Chuckling quietly to myself, I can't help but ask my daughter to repeat herself. "London, you sound so professional. Say it again."

"Excuse me Mr Styles, I'm here for housekeeping duty." She repeats her earlier line. I am blown away by this little girls drama skills. She nailed it. Now hopefully our little plan will pay off.

"Mitch said Harry was still in his room 30 minutes ago. He hasn't replied to my recent text so hopefully he's still in there."

We walk to the elevator and London sprints over to the wall so that she can press the up arrow button. We catch the elevator from the underground carpark, to level 20.

"Ready everyone?" I ask in a hushed tone as we exit the elevator. I point to the sign that is telling us that rooms 1000-1030 are to the left.

"Oh god, I'm nervous." I hear Gemma laughing and I turn around with my finger over my lips because her laughter is echoing through the hallway.

"Aunt Gemma, silence!" London whisper yells.

"Sorry." Gemma apologises, only to be hushed by London again. London leads the way, insisting that because she is the main character in this role play surprise, she must be in front at all times.

"Londy" I quietly call out to her to get her attention because she walked past Harry's room number. London laughs and slaps her forehead, mouthing silly me. She ushers me away, forgetting that it is my job to put the sticky note over the peephole.

I grab it out of my handbag and wave it in front of her face. London parts her lips and her eyes widen once the moment of realisation hits her. I place the note over the peephole and press down on it to ensure that it is secured.

London ushers me away and I push the suitcases to the right of the door, while moving over to the left where Gemma and Sydney are.

My dramatic daughter holds her fingers up and gives herself a countdown. 3, 2, 1 she places one finger down each time. London knocks on the door three times and waits with her hands behind her back. Nobody answers the door, so she knocks again.

"Say it" I whisper to her.

"Excuse me Mr Styles, I'm here for housekeeping duty" London says her lines perfectly once again with the perfect pitch, volume and tone. We hear fast footsteps from the other side of the door, as if the person is running.

The door swings open, revealing Harry with a towel around his waist. His hair is damp and I'm guessing that he has just come out of the shower.

"What the?" He asks as he stares down at London in disbelief. Then his gaze wonders over to Sydney, Gemma and I. He bends down and picks up London, spinning her around while holding her tightly in his arms. "Oh my goodness, what are you guys doing here?" He stops spinning and plants kisses all over her face. "I missed you so much, I could just eat you up. Look how beautiful you look."

"But I'm not London. You don't know who I am. I am a worker here to do housekeeping."

Harry laughs at her. "Well come on in, get to work." He puts her down and drags one of the suitcases in front of the door to keep it open. Harry walks over to the pram and gently caresses Sydney's face. He leans down and kisses her cheek, staring at her for a moment while she sleeps in her pram.

He then stands back up and moves over to me with open arms.

"How the fuck did you plan all of this so soon? Or were you coming all along?" He whispers into my ear. 

"It was super last minute. You know I wanted to come, but it was just so hard." I say into his chest as he holds me tightly. He smells like coconut. That clean, soapy scent after having a shower. "I couldn't miss your final shows. Even though we can only make it to this one, I'm happy we get to see one. We somehow made it work."

"I am so grateful you came. I love you so much. No wonder you weren't answering my calls."

"When you're thousands of feet in the air, you tend to lose reception."

"You had Wi-Fi though because you were active on WhatsApp."

"Yeah, but I didn't get your calls. I just had wifi network."

I remove my arms from around him so that he can move on to hug his sister, but he refuses to let go of me. "Just let me hold you for a moment longer. I still can't process that you guys are actually here."

I wrap my arms back around him and tilt my head upwards to kiss him.

"Alright, I'm just going to let myself and my niece into the room because I feel like I'm interrupting something here. Or shall I take the girls somewhere to give you some time together, rather than you making out in the hallway?"

Harry and I stop kissing and laugh at Gemma. I let go of him and eventually he embraces his sister.

"I seen you this morning, but hello again my favourite sister."

"I'm your only sister, little brother."

"But you're still my favourite."

Gemma rolls her eyes at Harry and pushes the pram into the room. I reach for the other suitcases and Harry stops me.

"I've got them. You go in and sit down, put your feet up. Have you girls eaten? I can order room service or we can go out to eat something."

"We just got McDonald's so we should be good for a while. Sydney will sleep for about another hour and I want London to have a little nap soon because she didn't sleep much on the plane."

"How was the flight? Especially with this little one." He picks up Sydney from the pram and cradles her in his arms for a moment, before placing her on the bed. He places pillows either side of her so that she doesn't roll off and then covers her with the thick, warm duvet covers. He kisses the top of her head before walking over to the wardrobe and slipping on a pair of shorts. Then he walks over to London who is gazing out the window.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes. That's the tower bridge, right?" London asks him.

Harry nods in response. "And can you see Big Ben right over there?"

"Over that side or this side?"

"To the right, over there." Harry points.

"I still get confused with my left and right, Dad."

Harry bends down to her level and holds up her right hand. "This is your right hand, the hand that you write with. Right is how you write, remember that. Then your left hand-" he now holds up her left hand. "This is the one you don't write with. You can also make the letter L with it, like this." He makes the letter L with his fingers. London mirrors his actions and makes an L with her fingers.

"So which is your right hand?" Hardy asks and London holds up her right hand. "Great job, and your left hand?" He asks her and she makes the L with her fingers before holding up her left hand. "That's my smart girl. Come here and give Dad another cuddle. I missed you so much my baby."

"I missed you more Daddy."

"I missed you most."

"No, I missed you the most most most." London says.

"I missed you the most most most most most times a thousand."

London takes a deep breath before saying, "I missed you the most most a billion, thousand, hundred, thousand, six hundred and five times most."

"Wow, that's a huge number. But I still missed you even more than that."

"Oh gosh, you guys could go on with this for hours so I will stop you there. You both missed each other. Well nobody has missed London more than me because I haven't seen her in six whole months! So I think Aunt Gemma deserves another cuddle."

London pushes Harry away and runs over to her Aunt. Gemma carries her over to the bed and they lay beside Sydney.

"I just realised something." Harry says.

"There's another room in there but it's another lounge room. I will ask to change rooms to the suite with more bedrooms. I would have booked a bigger room if I knew you were all coming."

"Well that would have ruined the surprise, wouldn't it?"

Harry takes a seat on the lounge and pats his leg for me to come over to him. I walk over and sit on his lap, slinging my arm around his neck and leaning into him.

"You look so fucking sexy right now." He whispers to me as he leans in and kisses my chest.

"I feel like shit. I haven't showered in over a day and I feel gross from the plane. But to answer your question from earlier, Sydney was actually pretty good on the flight. She was on the boob most of the time."

"You can go shower if you like."

I run my fingers through his hair and lean into his ear. "It's a shame you just had one because I could use some company."

"I think I missed a few spots so I have to shower again."

I laugh at him. "Keep your sister company. I'm going to shower." I kiss his cheek and get up from his lap. He smacks my butt before I walk off and I hear Gemma pretend to make a gagging noise.

"Are they always like this?" Gemma asks London.

"Oh my goodness, don't get me started. So much kissing and cuddling and blah blah blah" London makes a kissy face and then rolls her eyes.

"How do you think you were made, kiddo?" He laughs to himself.

"What?" London asks.

"Aaaand you don't need to know that." Gemma covers London's ears for a brief moment before London pushes her hands away. "So tell me about school. What are your friends names? What are your favourite subjects?" Gemma asks her.

London begins filling in Gemma on her school life while I get ready to shower. I shut the door behind me and reach for a fresh towel. I turn on the shower and hang the towel up on the rack before beginning to remove my clothes.

A moment later, the door opens and in walks Harry.

"Are you actually going to shower again?"

"No, but I'll watch you."

I finish removing my black shirt and place it on the side of the bathtub. I slip off my tracksuit pants and place them in the same place. I walk over to Harry who is leaning against the wall. He places his hands on my back and pulls me closer to him. I cup his cheeks with my hands and kiss him deeply. While my tongue explores the inside of his mouth, I feel his hands slide up my back and unclasp my bra. He pulls the straps down my shoulders and gently pushes me back so that he can take a look at my body.

"Fuck, I'm lucky." He cups both of my breasts in his hands before lowering his head and kissing my right one. "Please don't stop breastfeeding."

"I know, I want to keep them forever too."

"You're looking so good Hails. You have always been gorgeous to me, but I can really see the results from the gym."


He nods. "Yeah, you're more toned already. Especially in these arms. Look at them muscles." He squeezes my biceps while I simply laugh at him. "How are you feeling? Do you feel better in yourself?"

"Well I'm letting you look at me and the lights are on. So that's something, right?"

He smiles at me. "I didn't want to say it, but yeah I realised that. I'm proud of you baby."

"Thank you for being so patient and respectful. I know it couldn't have been easy."

"It's alright, you can make it up to me." He pulls me into him again and kisses me.

"Are you sure you don't want to have another shower?" I ask him. Harry hooks his fingers into my underwear and pulls them down my legs. He looks up at me from the ground and I can feel my legs start to tremble already because of his hot breath hitting my lower region.

Harry places his hands on my thighs, his eyes never leaving mine. Our daughters and his sister are only just outside, but I need to have him. He slowly stands up and I reach for the waistband of his shorts. I tug at them and Harry does the rest of the work at removing them.

He takes my hand and leads me over to the shower. His hands wrap around my waist to pull me under the water with him. The sensation of our lips interlocking and the water rolling down our bodies was incredible.

I move forwards and let my chest fall flat against his. I can feel his hard penis pressing against my stomach. I clench my thighs together.

"Touch me." I say unto his mouth, sounding desperate. I move my hand over his and show him where I want him to touch me.

"Fuck," he groans as his fingertips make contact with my wet folds. And it's not just from the water. His hands are much bigger and stronger than mine, so the sensation makes my eyes flutter shut.

I move my hands down to his already hard length, rubbing it up and down, somehow making it harder. My lips part and I let out a quiet gasp as he slips a finger inside of me.

He takes my lower lip in between his, sucking on it while moving his finger in and out at a torturous pace. He gently pushes me back so that my body meets the tiles shower wall in this hotel shower. One of Harry's hands work between my legs while the other palms at my chest. My head involuntarily rolls back, giving him access to suck and nip at my neck.

He mumbles something into my neck, but my mind is too distracted by the way that he is making me feel, that I have no idea what he said.

"Fuck Harry, I don't know how much longer I can last. I need you to fuck me now."

"How do you want it?" He asks me.

"I don't care. Just fuck me."

I see his lips curve into a smile.

"You want me to take you right here?" He pushes against me so that my back is flat up against the wall again. I try to respond, but no words come out as he adds a second finger.

Slowly detaching his lips from my chest and removing his fingers from inside of me, Harry reaches for the soap. While he is facing away from me, I drop down on my knees and spread my thighs apart. I grip onto his thighs and stare up at him, blinking a couple of times as he turns back around to face me.

"Holy shit," he hovers above me. "You're gonna kill me, Hayes."

My head moves forwards and I lick a long stripe up the underside of his shaft. Harry's eyes close and his head falls backwards as I take his tip into my mouth.

"Are your knees okay? The tiled floor wouldn't be too comfortable." He says to me.

"It's nothing I haven't dealt with before." It's been a long time since it's been in the shower, but Harry and I have been quite adventurous in our places of intimacy over the years.

I put his length back in my mouth and bob my head up and down. Harry bites down on his hand to stop himself from moaning. I detach my lips from his length and Harry bends down to pick me up. My legs wrap around his waist and he walks forwards until my back is hitting the wall. Harry pushes his tip into me before I feel him slip even deeper into me.

Eventually he picks up his pace, thrusting into me faster and rubbing my clit with his thumb. I can already feel my walls tighten around his length. My head falls backwards and connects with the tiles on the wall.

"Are you okay?" Harry laughs at my clumsiness and I nod, the pleasure that he is making me feel outweighs the pain. I'll probably have a headache soon, but that is a future me problem.

"I'm fine."

Harry leans forwards and kisses me, continuing to thrust in and out of me as I reach my orgasm. He pulls away and uses his thumb to tilt my chin upwards so that he can see my face. I know that he isn't going to last much longer as his thrusts begin to get sloppy.

I reach for his hair and lace my fingers around his wet curls, giving them a harsh tug. I know that this is his weakness. Harry quickly pulls out of me and his penis rubs across my lower stomach. He comes undone while moaning into my shoulder.

"Fuck, you're sexy." He says to me as he slowly sets me back down on my feet. He reaches for the soap bar again and starts washing my body.

"You make me feel sexy." I say in response to him. "How was it?"

"Incredible." He says while washing my back and pressing a kiss on the top of my shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"Incredible." I mimic his use of wording. 

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