LOVER//Grayson Hawthorne [2]

By Cas9410

39.5K 623 356

Jessica Grambs couldn't be happier. She was living at Hawthorne house with her sisters, one just so happened... More

Chapter 1 - I forgot that you existed (Edited)
Chapter 2 - Soon you'll get better (Edited)
Chapter 3 - The Archer (Edited)
Chapter 5 - Paper Rings (Edited)
Chapter 6 - Daylight (Edited)
Chapter 7 - London Boy (Edited)
Chapter 8 - Cornelia Street (Edited)
Chapter 9 - It's nice to have a friend (Edited)
Chapter 10 - Cruel Summer (Edited)
Chapter 11 - Afterglow (Edited)
Chapter 12 - Ms. Americana and the heartbreak prince(Edited)
Chapter 13 - False God (Edited)
Chapter 14 - Lover (Edited)
Chapter 15 - Death By a Thousand Cuts (Edited)
Epilogue (Edited)
Book 3!!

Chapter 4 - I think he knows (Edited)

2.2K 37 22
By Cas9410


"It's like I'm seventeen, nobody understands. No one understands."
- Taylor Swift

Jess's P.O.V

I immediately put the name Colin's way into my phone. It came up with directions, I learned that the institute was only 5 hours away, by car. The second thing that appeared on the screen was a website link.

Pushing the screen I began to scroll through the website. Finding a link that read our story I quickly clicked on it. The paragraph read:

Colin's Way provides a safe after-school environment for kids between the ages five and twelve. Founded in memory of Colin Anders Wright (pictured at right), we are in the business of Playing, Giving, and Growing—so all children have a future.

Opening another tab I searched: Colin Anders Wright. A picture of a blonde haired boy came up and he reminded me of Grayson in a way. He had the same shaped eyes, with a crooked smile almost exactly the same as the one Grayson would sometimes give me, when the two of us were alone. A smile reserved only for me.

As I scrolled on I found a headline reading: Fire at Hawthorne House: 2 aspiring young men, dead. I clicked the link and began to read.

20 years ago there had been a fire. A fire at a island Tobias Hawthorne just so happened to own. The more I read the more I was horrified.

The headline had been wrong. 3 people had died that night. 2 boys in line to inherit fortunes, 1 girl from the wrong side of the tracks.

It only took 1 night for everything to go to hell.

Colin Anders Wright and Kaylie Rooney, both dead after a fire. Tobias Hawthorne's own son, Tobias Hawthorne II, dead.

"Toby died on Hawthorne island 20 years ago." I turned my head to Grayson. "Along with Colin Anders Wright." Giving myself no time to process I put my gaze back to the phone.

Scrolling through the Colin's way website I found a video. Clicking on it a man began to speak.

"This is a horrific tragedy, one from which our family will never recover. My nephew was an incredible young man. He was intelligent and driven, competitive but kind. There is no telling what good he would have done in this world had the actions of others not robbed him of that opportunity. I know that if Colin were here, he would tell me to let go of the anger. He would tell me to concentrate on what matters. And so, along with his mother, his siblings, and my wife, who could not be here today, I am proud to announce the formation of Colin's Way, a charity that will channel my nephew's competitive and giving spirit to bring the joy of athletics, teamwork, and family to underprivileged children in our communities."

The man's voice stuck with me. His voice having an authority to it I wouldn't want to question. His blonde hair perfect, his facial structure hard with sharp cheekbones and defined features. Though his eyes were the thing that stuck out. They were deadly, beautiful in their own right. They were...

"Mr. Grayson!"

"Mr. Grayson, over here!"

The video was still playing. Those grey eyes I loved so dearly watching me from behind the screen. Grayson did not receive his blonde hair and strong features from his mother, he was spitting image of his father.

I turned to look at the boy beside me. He had been watching the entire thing with me, he no doubt saw the resemblance. Grayson was silent, his eyes clouded with emotion. He swallowed, staring down at the paused screen. His jaw tensed, his hands clenching into fists. I wasn't sure what to say. Wasn't sure there was anything to say. What could words do for a thing like this? No words would ease Grayson's pain.

I turned my phone off, putting it down with the phone case facing up. Grayson was a broken individual. Everyone around him knew it, he knew it, I knew it. No matter the good things on his life, the wounds would leave scars. He had experienced to many horrible things to young, all the Hawthorne grandson had. None of them knew their fathers. I assumed all of them had made a vision of what those men were like. When they were young they probably viewed their fathers as the best person ever, loving them even though they didn't know them. Growing up changed that, I'm sure. They realized that their fathers were not the heroes they made them out to be. They are only broken men who wanted a night of relief, not a life to care for.

It was terrible but the truth isn't pretty. Grayson knew his father was not a good person but when that thought was confirmed... it's a new type of pain. Grayson was drowning, more and more events pushing his head further under. He needed a hand to pull him back up.

I was going to be that hand.

And if he pulled me under, I would drown with him.

I pulled him into a hug. I pushed my face into his chest and didn't let go of his waist till I felt his arms around me. His chest started to move in small sobs. Was Grayson Hawthorne crying? Grayson didn't cry, he never showed that much emotion, never let anyone know how he was feeling.

And yet, here he was, crying into my shoulder. I had never heard Grayson cry, never thought he would ever show that much vulnerability. As he cried I just stood there, my arms wrapped around him.

His legs crumpled to the floor and I went with him. I put my forehead to his and closed my eyes with a slow breath. He pushed his head into my shoulder more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stroked his blonde hair.

We sat there for a few moments, moments that felt like they were never going to end. I was there for everyone of Grayson's most vulnerable moments, each making me want to break down and cry. But he supported me through everyone of my worst moments so I would be there for everyone of his.

As he pulled his head away from my shoulder I looked up at tear stained grey eyes, my arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Ever since I was little," Grayson's voice cracked. "I always viewed my dad as being some amazing person, who even though he wasn't here, had wanted to be." I had to try hard to keep the tears from rolling down my cheeks.

"I had thought made up a story in my head. One where he wanted me. I told myself that he would have given me an escape from this life I'm living." Grayson put his head down. "I was foolish to hold on to a child's dream." His final words were a whisper. I shook my head. Grayson met my eyes and I had to think about what I would say next.

"I always dreamed my mother ran away because she was doing something amazing. Becoming the next hit actor or singer and that after she had achieved her dream she would come home and give me the most amazing life." I paused a moment. "As I got older I realized that she wasn't coming back. That she had left me to get rid of a problem." Grayson went to say something but I put my finger on his lips.

"Sometimes all we needed was a dream to keep us from giving up." Grayson stared at me, my finger still on his lips. "Sometimes that dream was the only thing that kept me alive." Without saying anything else I kissed him. It was a slow gentle kiss but still meant just as much.

I got up and held my hand out, Grayson grabbed it and I hauled him up. I led him to the bed and sat down.

"There is many things we have to do tomorrow, but for tonight let's just rest." I spoke, my words no more than a whisper.

After a few moments Grayson was asleep. As I watched his chest rise and fall I couldn't help but feel grateful. I hated my mother but none of this would have happened if she would have stayed.


The next morning I placed a phone call. I made sure that Grayson didn't have anything going on and turned off his alarm. I packed his bags for 5 nights and then packed mine.

It was 10:30 when he woke up and he stared at me with sleepy eyes. As he scanned the room his eyes landed on the alarm clock. His eyes filled with shock and worry. He immediately rushed out of bed, looking around for a suit. His eyes landed on me.

"Why didn't my alarm go off?" He questioned in a rushed tone.

"Get dressed and I'll tell you later." Grayson's eyes looked away from me and landed on his bags on the floor.

"What?" He asked, giving me a confused look.

"I'll meet you downstairs in the kitchen." Before Grayson could speak again I was out the door.

I made my way down the hallways and stairs to the kitchen where I found Nash. He looked me up and down and gave me a confused look as he saw the bags.

"Now where are you going, kid?" He cocked his head. I shrugged.

"Places." I said, crossing me arms. Nash raised his eyebrows.

"Not running away from my little brother are you?" His voice wasn't serious but I had a feeling that he was also asking it looking for truth. I had ran back to Connecticut two years ago, leaving Grayson.

"He's not that bad." I said, pouring myself a cup of coffee. Nash shook his head.

"Try living with him for 19 years." He said. I smiled.

"Was the most annoying little brother ever? I can totally see him being the most annoying child-" Before I could continue the conversation Grayson walked in.

He was wearing a black suit. His hair was brushed, his expression serious. He looked nothing like the boy I had held last night.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?" He asked. I shook my head and gave him a crooked grin.

"It's a surprise." I said, grabbing his hand. I gave Nash a quick wave and headed out the door, Grayson trailing behind me.

I led him to the plane launch. Grayson gave me a look that screamed "whatever your about to do, don't do it". I gave Grayson a little smile then led him over to the private jet.

I walked up the steps and once at the top I looked over my shoulder to see if the blonde boy was following me. I smiled when I saw him right behind me. I stared in awe as I looked at the interior of the jet. The seats were all beige leather, cupboards surrounded the seats. A table sat in between two of the seats and I led Grayson over to the seat.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?" Grayson asked, raising his eyebrows.

"We're going to Colin's Way." I told him with one final smirk before the plane took off.


I keep forgetting what happens in some of these chapters so it's great to be able to reread them and edit them again!

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day!

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