Rise of a King - One Piece X...

By yDave16

387K 10.1K 7.7K

This is the story of Y/N D. L/N. Come and be a witness of his adventures along with the Straw Hats, and see h... More

Reverse Mountain
Whisky Peak
Name Vote
Little Garden
Drum Island
Mr.2 and Arriving to Alabasta
Going through the desert
Desert Pirates, Fake Rebel Soldiers, Yuba, and going to Rain Base.
Alubarna/ The Final Battle /Ending It Once And For All
Banquet/ A princess's confession?!/Goodbye Alabasta
New Nakama / Island on the sky?/ Monke
Jaya/ Dreams/ Not fighting back?/ Another monke
Cricket / Noland the Liar / South Bird
Y/N vs Bellamy / Bounties / Knock-Up Stream
Special/ Not cannon: (Nami's Birthday) July 3
The Sea of the Sky / Sky Knight / SKypiea
Waver / God in Skypiea? / Criminals
White Berets vs Pirates / Upper Yard / Old Jaya?
Treasure Hunt / Party in the Forest/ Ghosts?
Giant snake/ Skull crawlers/ God
God Eneru/ The Big One/ The Appearance Of A King
Final Battle / New Ability? / The Singing Of Vearth
Poneglyph/ Goodbye Skypiea/ A Navigator's feelings
Admiral Aokiji/ The Power of an Admiral/ Frog
Sea Train/Water Seven/Yagaras
Dock 1/ The Shipwrights / Merry can no longer go?
Straw Hats vs Franky Family/ Usopp Leaving/ Luffy vs Usopp
Looking for answers/ Robin's Betrayal?/ Friend or Foe?
Harem Update
Traitors/CP9/Goodbye Robin
The truth/ Robin's a friend/ Too late?
Aqua Laguna / Rocket Man / To Enies Lobby
Overcoming Aqua Laguna/ Captain T-Bone/ Yokozuna
Sogeking!/Making Chaos in Enies Lobby/Let me die?
Not a Chapter (Might delete in a couple of hours or days)
Into the Tower of Law/ Search for a key/ Buster Call accidentally called
Reunion / Buster Call's arrival/ Spandam's Crushing
The final stand/ Results of a battle/ Into the sea/A sacrifice
Aftermath/Thank You, Merry/Back to Water 7
New Bounties/ New Ship/Apology
A cook's thoughts/ Ghost Ship/Skeleton
Brook the Skeleton
Zombies/ Gecko Moria?/Shadows
Rescue Nami/ Wedding Busted/ Oars
Y/N VS Oars / Monster vs Zombie /Women's reward (Lemon Warning!!)
Race against the Sun/ Bartholomew Kuma/ Nothing Happened?
OP Movie?
Strong World 1

Iceberg shot?/ Luffy vs Franky/ Fight against Galley-La

2.9K 131 36
By yDave16

Note: Chapter is shorter than usual.

After the fight between Luffy and Usopp, the Straw Hats left the Going Merry and Usopp, and stayed in an inn. Sanji went to the rooftop of the inn and found Zoro and Chopper.

Sanji: "So this is where you guys were... We went to the trouble of getting a room at this inn and yet no one's in there. I guess you all couldn't sleep, huh? Where's Luffy?"

Chopper: "There." He pointed towards the rooftop of another building, where Luffy was sitting quietly, watching the view.

Sanji: "And Y/N?"

Chopper: "Over there." He pointed towards another roof, where Y/N was also sitting quietly, with his eyes covered by his hair.

Sanji stared at Y/N for a few seconds before looking back at Chopper while smoking.

Chopper: "Where'd you go, Sanji?"

Sanji: "I kept a lookout at the rocky cape all night, thinking that Robin-chan might come back. I wonder where she went....without saying anything to us..."

Chopper: "It's been nothing but trouble since we got to this island. We had our money stolen, and moreover, look what happened with Usopp... He's badly wounded. I bet he's running a fever by now and can't even move!"

Zoro: "Chopper... Stop talking about him."

Sanji: "I think I'm gonna wander around town looking for her today."

Chopper: "I wonder if we can find her."

Zoro: "Who knows?"

Sanji: "If anything happens, we'll regroup in the hotel room."

Chopper: "I'll go look for, too!"

Sanji: "Okay..."

Nami arrived to the rooftop, panting.

Nami: "Y/N! Luffy!"

Sanji: "Nami-san!"

Nami: "This is terrible! The whole town is talking about it! Last night, Iceberg-san from the shipyard was....shot at his home."

Luffy: "Ice pops was?"

Nami: "They said that he's unconscious right now."

Y/N: "That guy's respected by everyone. So, why..."

Sanji: "Who's that, Nami-san?"

Nami explained who Iceberg-san was.

Luffy: "I'll go check." He stood up.

Y/N: "I'll come with." He stood up as well.

Luffy and Y/N jumped down the building.

Nami: "Wait! I'm coming, too!" She ran after the two boys.

Time Skip

The trio made their way back to Dock #1. Where a lot of people were outside, worried about Iceberg. Currently, all three were on a Yagara.

Luffy: "We can't enter, huh? We'll have to see Ice pops sooner or later."

Nami got went near a guy.

Nami: "Say, excuse me. Do you know where the entrance to the main office is?"

Guy: "Oh, it's no use. You go in through Dock #1, but only concerned parties and certain reporters are allowed inside. It's not just you guys. Everyone is so worried that they can't just sit and wait."

Nami: "I see... Thanks."

Suddenly, some music starts playing.

Citizens: "Ahhh! This rhythm is...! Don't tell me...! Oh, no...! Why at a time like this?!"

Y/N: "What's that music?"

???: "Hey, you guys! Did you just call my name?!"

Citizens: "We didn't! Go away! Where?! Where is he?! Ahh! He's over there!"

Up on a rooftop, the source of the voice was behind a curtain, along with two other people.

???: "Yow! Yow! Yow! Come now, don't be shy, ask me my name!"

All the citizens yelled at the figure, insulted it and told it to go away.

Y/N: "Who the hell is that guy?"

???: "Geez... what noisy flies... I'm the No. 1 super guy! The face of the Water Seven underworld!"The curtain was blown away by some wind.

???: "That's right! People call me... wow....FRANKY!!!"

The people immediately began running away.

Franky: "Show yourself, Straw Hat! You must be here, Straw Hat Luffy!"

Luffy: "What the heck? That perv called my name."

Nami: "Did he just say Franky?"

Y/N: "So he is the guy who beat up Usopp." Y/N thought with anger and tightening his fists.

Luffy: "Hey! Bikini guy! I'm Luffy!"

Franky: "So you're Straw Hat Luffy? You went on quite the rampage while I was gone, didn't you? When I got back, I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, my house is totally unrecognizable. How dare you also treat my underlings so badly? I can't take it anymore. No one can stop me this week! No matter what you say, until I tear you up like rags, my anger won't subside!"

Franky yelled while dancing and doing weird poses. Y/N was kinda annoyed by the fact that Franky only focused on Luffy.

Nami: "Hey, you!"

Franky: "Huh?"

Nami: "What'd you do with our money?! The 200 million Berries?! Give it back to us!!" Nami demanded while Y/N was in the behind Nami, just lifting his fist upwards multiple times, supporting Nami.

Franky: "Huh?! 200 million Berries?! I've already spent it! It's completely gone! Don't get uppity and try to protect the money you stole from somewhere! You're just pirates!"

Luffy: "It doesn't matter."

Franky: "Hm?"

Luffy: "The money doesn't matter!! I won't stop until I send you flying far away with a kick!!"

Franky: "It's me who won't stop, you bastard!"

Y/N: "IF YOU'RE GONNA FIGHT JUST GO ON WITH IT, ALREADY!! GET DOWN HERE!!" Y/N yelled annoyed that they just kept on yelling to each other instead of starting the fight.

The people around began running and evacuating. Franky took a deep breath.

Nami: "What's he doing?"

Y/N: "He seems to be taking a really deep breath. But why tho? I mean, what? Is he gonna huff and puff and blow our house away? Hahaha." Y/N said the last part with a joking tone.

Then Franky breathed out fire.

Y/N: "HOLLY SHIT!!" He yelled with his eyes popped out.

The Yagara that they were riding dodged Franky's fire.

Luffy: "He shot fire out of his mouth!"

Franky: "You've never seen anyone who shoots fire out of their mouth?" Franky asked with a grin.

Luffy: "Actually, I've seen Y/N do it before." Luffy answered simply while pointing at Y/N.

Franky: "WHA--?! SERIOUSLY?! WHY YOU--!!"

Nami: "He might have Devil Fruit powers."

Y/N: "But what fruit?"

Franky jumped down, and dove into the water.

Luffy: "He jumped into the water!! If he ate a devil fruit he'll drown!"

Nami: "I bet he slipped and fell. He must have fire-breathing powers!"

The Yagara gets hit from below by Franky, sending the Straw Hats into the air.

Nami: "YAAAH!!!"

Luffy: "Eh?! He can swim?!"

Y/N: "Damn....I don't feel so special anymore. Q_Q" Y/N said comically sad.

Franky: "I didn't eat any Devil Fruit!"

Luffy: "Gomu-Gomu no..."

Franky: "I've heard about your power. Strong Right!!!"

His fist launches at Luffy in midair while being connected to his forearm with a chain.

Y/N: "The fuck?!"

Nami: "How'd he do that?"

Franky: "Oh...? You guys didn't know? Well then, I'll tell you... I'm a modified human... A cyborg!"

Time Skip

The fight between Luffy and Franky kept on going. The fight managed to make its way to Dock #1 and began causing destruction.

Citizen #1: "IT'S GOING TO FALL!!"

Citizen #2: "AAH!! IT CRASHED!!"

Nami: "Luffy! Beat up that bikini bastard!"

Y/N: "Grab his glasses and shove them up his ass!!"

Nami: "Why aren't you helping him?"

Y/N: "This is Luffy's fight."

Luffy: "I'm gonna....beat you up!!"

Franky: "Wahaha!! Let's see you try! Your attacks don't work on me!"

Franky aims his arm at Luffy, his hand opens up to reveal a barrel. The middle of his hand turns into a scope and zooms in on Luffy.

Franky: "Weapons Left!" He fires an explosive at Luffy, but Luffy managed to dodge.

Luffy: "Gomu-Gomu no Whip!" He stretched his leg, but Franky blocked it.

Suddenly, two punched landed on the face of the two fighters, and they got sent sliding across and breaking more surroundings. It was soon revealed that the fight got interrupted by Paulie and other shipwrights.

Paulie: "Making such a mess.... What are you trying to do here, Straw Hat!!"

Franky: "Galley-La... What do you want?"

The people nearby began cheering for the shipwrights.

Nami: "Good! They're the shipwrights we met yesterday! They're on our side, right?"

Y/N: "...I'm not so sure about that."

Nami: "Huh?" She looked at Y/N with confusion.

Franky: "Oi, oi, guys from Galley-La! You shouldn't butt into our fight! Do you wanna get hurt?"

Paulie: "It's amazing you say that. After you messed up our factory this much, we don't even need a reason to come stop you!"

Tilestone: "WOAH!!! Yeah Franky... How do you intend to fix this, huh?!"

Paulie: "Hold on a sec, Tilestone. We'll talk about it later. We have more important business right now. Right, Straw Hat Luffy? You know what I'm talking about, right? How dare you show your face around here."

Luffy: "Why? We heard the news about pops and--"

Franky: "Geez... You couldn't get enough with just my family. So you messed with Galley-La, too? Are you guys all going through puberty, hurting everyone you come across?"

Luffy: "WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" Luffy yelled angry.

Paulie: "If you're going to bluff.... I'll just have to tie you up!"

Y/N: "Ayo..."

Paulue: "Rope Action Half Knot!"

Paulie wrapped his rope around Luffy's neck, before slamming the rubber boy against the ground.

Y/N: "Luffy!" Y/N dashed towards Luffy and used his claws to cut Paulie's rope.


Y/N: "Okay! One of you better start explaining why the fuck you began attacking--!"

Lulu didn't listen and shot two barrel shots at Luffy, but the attack didn't work, because, well, rubber.

Seeing that his attack didn't work, Lulu dashed forward and tried landing a kick on Luffy's face, but Y/N caught the kick and threw Lulu back towards the other shipwrights.

Y/N: "You don't wanna talk with your mouth? Fine. Let's talk with our fists." He got into a battle stance.

Franky: "Hey, you bastards, are you listening?! I said..." Franky's arm transforms into a weapon and begins shooting at Lulu. "...he's my prey!"

Franky's attack missed, and Kaku jumped into the air.

Kaku: "We don't have time to play with you, Franky!"

Franky: "What'd you say, you wild monkey?!"

Franky aims his weapon at Kaku, but he got attacked from behind by a log that was swung by Tilestone, sending him flying into the air. Kaku grabs Franky in midair and slammed him against the ground.

Meanwhile, Y/N was fighting Lucci. The two were in the middle of a hand-to-hand combat blocking and punching at incredible speed. However, at one point, Lucci retracted his arm before launching an attack that sent Y/N sliding across the floor and crashing against some wood.

Y/N: "Ow..."

Luffy: "DAMN IT!!! What the hell?! At least tell us the reason!!"

Paulie: "We're the ones who want the reason... YOU'RE THE ONES WHO SNUCK INTO THE HQ AND SHOT ICEBERG-SAN!!!"

Nami: "What?! This can't be..."


Paulie: "Iceberg-san remembered two people whe he regained consciousness. According to the government, she's one of you. SOME CHICK WITH A PRICE ON HER HEAD NAMED 'NICO ROBIN'!!!"

Y/N: "Robin?!" He yelled in shock.

Paulie: "Whether you came for his life or you decided after meeting him... I don't know how pirates think. But we can't let you go, now that we know...!!!"

Citizen 1: "So he's one of the culprits?!"

Citizen 2: "We can't forgive him! We definitely can't forgive him!"

Nami: "Oh, no...!"

Franky: "Oi, oi, so did Iceberg die?"

Paulie: "He wouldn't dare die by their hands!! It's because he's still alive, that's why we're gonna go finish him off right now." He said refering to Luffy.

Some tools are thrown at Luffy and Y/N. The two managed to dodge, but Luffy got a cut on his cheek.

Kaku: "Dead or alive... They don't care if you're captured alive or not. You know what that means. You pirates can't complain, no matter who does what to you. The laws of the world will not protect you."

Luffy: "That's right. We are outlaws. I know that. But...YOU DON'T KNOW ROBIN LIKE WE DO!! SO DON'T TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!!"

Nami: "Luffy..."

Y/N: "Let us see Iceberg!" It's gotta be a mistake! It can't be Robin!!"

Lulu: "Yeah, like we're gonna let someone like you get close to Iceberg-san!!"

Citizens: "He's right! Tie 'em up!! They tried to kill our hero!! You can slit their throats for all we care!!"

Citizen: "You bitch!"

A man behind Nami holds her neck.

Citizen: "You were with them earlier, weren't you?! You must be one of them, too!"

Luffy/(Y/N): "NAMI!!"


Citizen: "Huh?" The citizen that was holding Nami, couldn't react fast enough. Y/N had suddenly appeard in front of him, and a punch landed on his face.

Y/N slammed the citizen against the ground, before quickly grabbing Nami and jumping away from the crowd.

Paulie: "Give it up!! The news'll spread throughout the island. You can't get away. We'll bring down everyone in your gang!"

The shipwrights began attacking Luffy, who would just dodge the attacks. Meanwhile, Y/N had to begin fighting once more Lucci, though he was having a bit of trouble keeping up, but he was pulling through.

At one point, Lucci got the upper hand and was able to land an attack on Y/N's chest. Making Y/N spit out some blood. Y/N tried punching Lucci back on the chest, but for some reason it felt like Y/N was punching an Iron wall or something.

Luffy wasn't doing much better, either. All the other shipwrights attacking him at the same time were giving the Straw Hat a lot of trouble.

While this was going on Franky, Kiwi and Mozu were sitting around a japanese tea table.

Franky: "HAHAHA!! Yay! Just a you'd expect from our pride and joy, Galley-La Company! Yay!"

Kiwi: "We're in a really good mood right now!"

Franky: "Right. A guy like that should be blown away!" Franky finished his tea.

Franky: "Well, well, well... But, you know, that Straw Hat shorty is the Franky Family's detestable enemy. I was the one who was fighting him first. Don't you come and snatch my prey when I'm fightin! JUST HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF, YOU BASTARDS?!" Franky yelled while flipping the table.

Franky: "GALLEY-LAAA!!"

Kaku: "Jut waut a bit. We'll take care of you when we're done with him."

Franky: "Like I said, why in the hell are you capturing my prey?! Well, never mind. Seems like you guys don't get what I'm saying."

The citizens began yelling warnings and telling the shipwrights to run. Franky takes out a pipe and connects it to both his arms.

Franky: "Connecter set..."

Paulie: "A cannon...?"

Franky: "Well, I'm not gonna shoot a cannonball. What I'll shot out is an air bullet. But its speed exceeds the speed of sound."

Franky's forearms start inflating. The shipwrights stand there, dumbfounded. Y/N quickly used this opportunity to grab Nami and Luffy.

Y/N: "Hold on!!" Y/N incrusted the claws of his left arm in the ground, while holding Namie close with his right arm, and as Luffy grabbed onto Y/N's back. Nami quickly wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck..

Franky: "COUP DE VENT!!"

Franky's attack obliterated everything in front of him. The air pressure caused a lot of smoke and dust to rise into the air. Y/N used the comotion to begin running away from the scene.

Y/N: "Let's retreat for now!"

Luffy: "Wait! We have to see Ice pops somehow!"

Nami: "I don't think that will be posible in this uproar!"

Y/N: "Your call, Luffy!"

Luffy: "Let's go see Ice pops!"

Citizen: "Hey, look! Straw Hat is getting away!"

Y/N: "Shit!"

Luffy: "Y/N! Don't let go of Nami!" He quickly while wrapping his legs multiple times around Y/N and Nami, before stretching his arm towards the roof of a bulding and swinging the three towards it. Once on the roof, Y/N began jumping roof-to-roof to get away, with Nami still on his arms, and Luffy still on his back.

Y/N: "For fuck sakes! Things just keep getting worst and worst!!"

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