The Red Star and The Gray Gho...

By USS_Stockdale

10K 134 111

"The moment we make a choice an alternate universe is born" In a world where there were no sirens to threaten... More

Birth of a Legend
Day of infamy
Auld Lang Syne
The Good and the Bad
Hearts of Iron
Ghost of the Past
Truth of Life
Past Life
Tech and Politics
Haunting Past
Mental Rift
Cloak and Disaster
Presumed Dead
Ghost Warrior
Combined Arms
The First Marker and Secret Service
Reference in mein book
The Two Queens
Freedom's Call
Millennium Aurora
Red Christmas


163 3 3
By USS_Stockdale

Sakura Empire War Council

148 hours before the attack

Hiryuu: Azur Lane took the bait, and the Grey Ghost is out of the picture for now. Now is the time to strike.

Souryuu: We don't have the manpower to do so. We need more time, but I assume it was already decided and scheduled.

Souryuu looks to Nagato.

Souryuu: Lady Nagato, we are not ready to take on Azur Lane. There has to be some miracle weapon to at least turn the tides.

Akagi: That's precisely what we have at our disposal.

Akagi places the black mental cube on the table.

Akagi: I finally found out how to harness the mental cube's power. This will allow me to teleport our shipgirls to surprise Azur Lane from their rear while the mass-produced ships pin them down long enough to spring our ambush.

Souryuu: You're basing your plan on the notion that we have enough shipgirls to ambush them. 

Hiryuu: This is the only opportunity to strike Azur Lane, they won't be this vulnerable for some time, and by then, we would've run out of resources.

Souryuu: The one that is guzzling our resources in the first place is Akagi's super weapon. Who knows if it would even work?

Hiryuu: We spent too many resources to give up on it now!

Souryuu: This will only guarantee us a slow death. We could be using those resources to rush the repairs of our fellow shipgirls.

Mikasa: The way I see it, those are all terrible ideas, but they are the only options left to us.

Hiryuu: You always disagree on everything!

Mikasa: Someone has to be on neutral ground.

Mutsu: So what's it gonna be? Do we attack with the limited strength we have left, or do we cut our losses and shut down Orochi and go on the defensive?

Nagato ponders the effects of her decision. Iron Blood has been quiet for a while now. They are on their own in this fight. But Mikasa is right, these are both terrible ideas, but they both lead to victory or defeat.

Nagato: Proceed on schedule nothing will change.

Souryuu: *sighs* Yes, lady Nagato.

AIA base Azur Lane

112 hours before the attack

Manjuus are scrambling to get any bit of information they can get. The announcement of a possible attack on Azur Lane by their undercover agent in Sakura Empire has left them in a frenzy. Ark Royal is struggling to coordinate the manjuus in the schizophrenic chaos that can only be seen in Enty's world before D-Day.


Manjuu 2: *tweet* *tweet* (Manghost 1-1, continue your observation, then withdraw to point Alpha.)


Manjuu 3: *tweet* (Here, ma'am.)

Royal: Thank you!

Enty walks into the command center with a stern look.

Enty: Do we have a possible id on the location?

Royal: Nothing so far. We have our spotter working overtime.

Enty's mind: This would be a lot easier with our satellites.

Enty felt her coat being pulled' she looked to see who it was.

Amagi-chan: Mommy, why is everyone running around? Is something happening?

Enty: Yes, my dear, but would you do mommy a favor and head outside for now? Everyone here is busy.

Amagi-chan: Would you give me ice cream later?

Enty: Anything for you.

Vestal rushes into the room, nearly bursting through the door. She was gasping for air before finally composing herself.

Vestal: Amagi! There you are! I was looking everywhere for you.

Amagi-chan: Sorry, aunt Vestal, I just wanted to see mommy.

Vestal: Don't ever do that again.

Both of them rush out of the room. Ark Royal looks to Enty.

Royal: How do we warn Azur Lane?

Enty: Send in a fake transmission once we discover the location of the attack.

Manjuu 1: *tweet *tweet* (I have a possible id on the location!)

Enty: Where?

Manjuu 1: *tweet* *tweet* (Code suggests that we have a possible attack on a location codenamed AF.)

Enty: If we are to present this to Azur Lane, we need something more concrete

Manjuu 1: *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* (Intelligence from HQ says that the island they are attacking is out of fresh water.)

Royal: Interesting, Enty. I heard that one of our FOBs in Midway accidentally sent out an unencrypted transmission that their water plant was broken. That proves Midway is AF.

Enty smiles.

Enty: Okay, tell our agent, Monarch, that everyone now agrees where the attack will be held. We just need to know how many are coming.

Manjuu 2: *tweet* tweet* (Bad news, Enterprise has already been sent to the South Pacific.)

Azur Lane HQ

100 hours before the attack.

Wales: Are you sure we can trust this intel?

Monarch: Everything written on that paper makes sense. We took the bait, and now Enterprise is unavailable to us.

Suddenly they heard a commotion outside Wale's office

Hornet: No, sister, you can't.

Yorktown: I will if I have to, Hornet!

Wales: Look, you can't even stand. You are heavily damaged, and repairing your ship will take at least two weeks 'what you're saying right now can't be done.

Yorktown looked at Hornet, and she gritted her teeth. Everyone heard the commotion and went to see what was going on. Yorktown grabbed the armrest of her wheelchair, trying to stand up.

Hornet: Sister, stop!

Yorktown: Get back, Hornet...! Get back.

Yorktown used every ounce of strength in her just to push the pain in the back of her head. She stood up straight and said.

Yorktown: Do not tell me, it can't be done...!

Azur Lane dry dock

Hornet: Vestal!

Vestal: Yes

Hornet: How is sister's ship?

Vestal: It- Oh, hey, Yorktown!

Yorktown is in her wheelchair, viewing her ship. She has a look of determination in her eyes that would make Patton proud.

Yorktown: So, how's my ship?

Vestal: Your ship was hit by a siren torpedo, but we managed to patch that up when dragging you to port. But-

Vestal didn't get time to finish because the entire base started to flicker once again. Everyone who was in the docks could notice where it was coming from. They were then surrounded by men. Men who they thought were myths ever since the siren invasion. This wasn't to say there were no people in the world. I mean, who runs HQ? But their attention was then redirected to two people walking past them.

Vestal (C): Ma'am, your ship was hit by a 500lb bomb. We need at least two weeks of repairs.

Cleveland: Are my eyes working right?

Atlanta: It is.

Wales and Hood were also in the scene.

Wales: Is this another flashback?

Hood: It could be.

Yorktown (C): Not acceptable.

Vestal (C): Our initial estimate was three months in drydock in Seattle.

They followed the pair in what they assume is Yorktown's ship. But when they got to the hangar, they were shocked at the size of the hole in Yorktown's elevator. It was even bigger than Yorktown's.

Yorktown (C): I need my ship. I don't care if you need to patch the deck with plywood. You have 72 hours.

Then everything went back to normal. Yorktown smirked.

Yorktown: You heard her, Vestal? You have 72 hours.

In an astronomical feat, they managed to repair it in under 46 hours. They would've been faster if they had actual human workers, but it was nonetheless impressive. They however weren't able to repair the main cause of her disability. Her boilers.

54 hours before the attack


Wales: General quarters! General quarters! All hands----Hurricane approaching, all ships prepare to sail.

Vestal: But repairs are not finished yet!

Yorktown: It will have to do.

Vestal: Wales! Talk some sense into Yorktown.

Wales: If she set her goal then she will not back down.

Vestal: But her boilers are not repaired yet.

Wales: Hurricane is approaching' if she doesn't leave now, then she won't leave at all.

AIA concealed dock

Enty: Are the corvettes ready yet?

Royal: We're making final preparations. Edinburgh has now joined the fleet.

Enty: Shame we didn't manage to attach the FCS to her ship before she left.

Manjuu 1: *tweet* (Everything is set! We are free to sail.)

Enty: Remain at a distance and support Azur Lane with anti-submarine weapons and SAMs. Do not under any circumstances engage ships.


The foghorns of the three newly built corvettes manned by a small amount of manjuus sound.

Enty: Godspeed.

Royal: We should get going, Enty.

Enty: Make sure that they don't get suspicious.

Ark nods and goes to join her comrades.

A few miles northwest of Midway

3 hours before the attack

Kaga: Sister, are you sure this will work?

Akagi: *sighs* The hurricane was meant to ensure not many ships will intervene. But if they are instead forced to send everything they have' surprise is the only way we could win.

Kaga: May the sun graze the Sakura Empire.

A few miles south of Midway


Enterprise: AHHHHHH!!!

*pop* *pop*


Sara: WAAAHHH!!!

Enterprise: Where did it spit us out this time?

Wales: *crackle* This is Wales to all Azur Lane ships proceed to point sector Detente.

Enterprise: Looks like we have no time to ponder. We have to head to Midway now.

Lex: On it.

Sara: Roger that.


Yorktown: Sirens spotted!

Wales: Destroyers, draw their fire so the battleships can counterattack. Carriers, destroy the siren carriers.

Everyone: Affirmative!

Enterprise: This is the USS Enterprise what's happening, Wales?

Wales: Enterprise! Intelligence suggests that you have been fooled by the Sakura Empire so they can attack Midway.

Enterprise: What's your status?

Wales: We are engaging the sirens now. Can you ambush them from behind?

Enterprise: We got it Wales!

Lex: I can't believe we've been fooled.

Sara: Don't you think that it's a good time to test your summoning skills?

Enterprise: Hmmm...

Enterprise imagines summoning a cruiser and she's left with the CSAS Northampton and the CSAS Indianapolis.

Northampton (M): CA-26, reporting for duty.

Indianapolis (M): CA-35, reporting for duty.

Enterprise: Alright, let's go.

Sakura fleet

Akagi is observing the battlefield as both the sirens and Azur Lane duke it out. The sirens are getting destroyed, but they are draining Azur Lane's strength.

Akagi: Everything is going to plan. We need to force Azur Lane to retreat and set up a staging area here at Midway.

Kaga: So long as they don't retreat too early, they will be too damaged to repel the ambush we set up.

Observer: Akagi, we have a problem.

Akagi: What is it?

Observer: I don't know, but we are receiving reports of siren submarines being sunk, but we don't detect any destroyers dropping depth charges on them.

As they were conversing with each other, Kaga saw a bright light appear on the horizon.

Kaga: What's that?!

They all looked at a tube-like device that looks like a siren missile but smaller, and it was moving much slower.

Observer: Azur Lane must be experimenting with missile technology. Ha! Look, it's slow and unguided. See, it's falling into the ocean.

Unbeknownst to Observer, it was meant to do that. It released a torpedo attached to it and deployed a chute. Which left them flabbergasted.

O, A and K:???

The torpedo activates and starts looking for a siren submarine. Once it detected its target, it immediately stuck to it like glue.

Observer: We lost contact with a siren submarine!

Both of them were shocked at the sudden turn of events.

Kaga: We can still win this' we didn't need submarines anyway.

Experimental fleet division

Manjuu captain: Launch SUMs at Sierra 1, 3, and 4!

Manjuu XO: Copy that! Launch VLS.

Several anti-submarine corvettes launch SUMs at known siren submarine locations. They maintain stealth and avoid any visual contact with both friends and foes. A few manjuus are manning some of the ships due to the ai not yet being implemented. Now, it was the anti-ship corvette's turn.

Manjuu operator: Conn, new contact: designated Sierra 5, 8, 9, 10, and 13. Contacts are identified as siren battleships.

Manjuu captain: order all ships to fire at their discretion.

Orders ring out at the command deck, and multiple puffs of smoke rise into the air.

Manjuu captain: All munitions depleted, returning to base.

(Got lazy typing all the tweets.)

Sakura fleet

A bad feeling immediately rises in Akagi. Kaga looks at her sister.

Kaga: Don't worry, Akagi, we can still win this.

Before her sister could respond, Siren battleships explode all around them. Azur Lane notices this as well.

Javelin: What's happening?

Wales: I don't know.

Enterprise: *This is the USS Enterprise to Wales; please respond.*

Wales: *This is HMS Wales to USS Enterprise we read you.*

Enterprise: *Wales, we're nearing your position and will be able to provide fire support.*

Wales **sighs* Thanks, Enterprise. *

Yorktown: *And guess who's fighting with you.*

Enterprise: *YORKTOWN!!!*

Yorktown: *More action, less chatter.*

Sakura ambush fleet

Takao: It's starting.

Zuikaku: Today is the beginning of the Sakura Empire's defeat or victory.

Shokaku: Let's just hope it's the latter.


Enterprise: Yorktown!

Yorktown: Enterprise!

They both hugged each other as the battle raged around them.

Hornet: Now, the Sakura Empire doesn't have a chance.

Akagi: That's where you're wrong, Horny Maru.

Hornet: Tch!

Akagi: This is not my battlefield.

Red lightning surrounds the battlefield, including Enty and the corvettes that she sent to provide fire support.

Akagi: Welcome to MY battlefield, Azur Lane.

Enty was smacked dab in the middle of the battlefield, but before anyone could notice her, she barged into one of her corvettes.

Wales: What are those ships?

Hood: Are they ours?

Yorktown: Where did they come from?

Akagi: Ahhh~ So it is YOU who have been sinking my ships. Stop being cowards and show your rigging.

But instead of deploying their rigging like Akagi thought they would. She was instead greeted by manjuus.

Akagi: What?!

Everyone: Manjuus?!

Kaga: The one that has been causing us problems was instigated by MANJUUS!!!

Enterprise: Whose side are you on?

Manjuu captain: I'm not obligated to answer that, Ms. Enterprise.

Enterprise: Then you are our enemy as well.

Manjuu captain: Very well.

Akagi: This is getting interesting~

Portals appear, carrying the Sakura Fleet into the mirror sea.

Akagi: You should not leave us out as well~


All the corvettes immediately began to reverse.

Akagi and Enterprise: Engage!

Javelin: FREE FOR ALL!!!

It was utter chaos. Ships began to fire at each other at point-blank range. Enty was in the command room, hiding from her secret allies.

Manjuu captain: All engines ahead flank make bearing 003!

Manjuu XO: Aye! Captain.

Kaga: You're not leaving until you answer our questions.

Manjuu captain: Orders? Ms. Enterprise.....

Enty:........................Fire CIWS...

All ships activate their CIWS and lock on to all possible incoming projectiles.

Akagi: Fire!

Takao and Atago were the first ones to open fire. They intended to disable its engines or rudder so they could capture it. But all of a sudden......

*Brrrrrrrrrrtttttt* *Brrrrrrttttttt* *Brrrrrrrtttttt*

All Gatling guns from the unknown ships started to fire shrapnel bullets. Some missed and struck the fleet, but they weren't enough to damage them. All projectiles that were hit, however, were immediately destroyed. The sister both noticed that no shells splashed near the unknown ships. That's when reality hit them at 4500 rounds per minute.

Takao: Impossible!

This time it was the destroyers' and battleships' turn. They opened fire simultaneously, and shells screamed toward the fleet. But all the ships started to decrease speed more quickly than anticipated, and as a result, all shells missed their targets.

Akagi: Their agility outmatches that of destroyers.

Azur Lane took this distraction as an opportunity to engage Sakura Empire.

Renown: Fire!

Hornet: Bomb away!

Hood: Elegance isn't just for show.

*boom* *boom* *boom*

Akagi: Tch! You are becoming a nuisance.

Akagi summoned portals, and out came siren lasers, and they opened fire on Azur Lane.

*pew* *pew* *pew*

Enty: This is getting stressful.

Manjuu captain: Hmm?

Enty: Insert Benny Hill theme.

All of the manjuus looked at her and simply shrugged.


Enty: All ships all ahead flank!

Cleveland: They're getting away!

Akagi and Wales: Stop them! We need that tech.

A multi-national goose chase ensued as both Sakura Empire and Azur Lane chased after the unknown ships. Akagi launched her planes to engage the ships, but they were torn apart by CIWS. Enty neglected the part that she could summon ships. So upon realizing this, she summoned destroyers and cruisers right in front of the mass-produced ships.

Manjuu captain: AI! You have the conn.

Independence (M): Affirmative.

Those ships that were equipped with AI systems immediately opened fire using their rapid-fire guided 76mm turret. Shells make direct hits on their radar and fire directory. They also fired on Azur Lane and Sakura Empire, which prompted them to take cover. Hammann was left heavily damaged, with her turrets disabled. 

Arizona: What kind of ships are they?!

Shinano: Musahi, fire on those ships.

Musashi's 18-inch guns swerved toward the battlefield. And when she fired, it left both sides covering their ears. Yamato followed suit and opened fire with her main and secondary guns. The FCS predicted this, and all ships immediately scattered in all directions.

Musashi: I can tell they are very skilled based on their actions.

Unknown to her, it wasn't the manjuus who were maneuvering the ship. Yorktown launched her aircraft, providing a distraction so Hornet's planes could get through. But. C'mon. How do you expect to distract a ship that's keeping track of all contacts a million times per second?

Yorktown: Now, Hornet!

Hornet launches her B-25s only to get decimated by the unknown ships.


Enterprise: What?


Enterprise didn't know what came over her. She felt like she could launch her arrow at the ship without missing. But it was like she lost control of her body.

Yorktown: Enterprise?

The ships detected a hypersonic projectile coming at them. It predicted that it didn't have enough time to engage, so all it could say was...

Independence (M): Abandon ship!


It hit directly into the jet turbines, disabling them. All manjuus started to board lifeboats and abandon the sinking ship. Enterprise, seemingly satisfied with getting their attention walked towards the sinking ship. She was interrupted when Kaga sent her planes against her.

A few hours before

Enterprise: Huh! Where am I? 


Enterprise (Orochi): Yorktown.......Hornet...Wales...Belfast.....Illustrious......Unicorn...

Enterprise: W-who are you?

Enterprise is looking at a mirror version of herself. Something was off. Unlike Alterprise, she at least looked just like her, but this one looked like she lost an eye and she was using an artificial arm.

Enterprise (Orochi): From the moment I was born, we were taught to fight the sirens. We thought we were winning...I...We were wrong... 

The whole scene changed to Azur Lane, with ships sinking everywhere. 

Enterprise (Orochi): We never stood a chance. 

Enterprise: This can't be the case!

Enterprise (Orochi): Oh, but it is.

Enterprise was left speechless.

Enterprise: So we were fighting for nothing.

Enterprise (Orochi): Not necessarily. Of all the timelines I've been through, this one stood a chance. Alone you cannot defeat the sirens. But if you give me control, I will make sure they are purged from this universe.

Enterprise: How do I know you are not lying?

Enterprise (Orochi): Because I lost everything. My soulmate... But all that can change if you just give me control when the time comes. We will plant their corpses together.


An arrow pierced through Kaga's chest at Hypersonic speeds. Rendering her unable to register the pain.

Kaga: What did you do...?

Kaga's aircraft dissipated into ash as her body fell to the deep blue.

Akagi: KAGA!!!

Belfast: Enterprise!!!

Akagi: My love surpasses anything..... THIS IS FOR MY SISTER AND THE SAKURA EMPIRE!!!


Akagi closed her eyes, accepting her fate, but it was replaced with shock as she could see the arrow right in front of her, as well as blood pouring from it.

Enty: *cough* *cough*

Enterprise: E-enty!

Enty: I cannot allow you to do something you will regret.

She puts her hand on Enterprise's forehead. And a bright light begins expanding.

Omaha (M): Possible nuclear detonation! Brace for impact and prepare CRBN teams.

Zuikaku: Akagi! Kaga!

Shokaku: Zuikaku!


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