Legacies: Next Generation

By xxxmultiversrogers

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Everyone knows the story of the original family called the Mikaelson and powerful witch family called the Ben... More

Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn
We're Being Punked, Pedro
Hope is Not the Goal
Mombie Dearest
Death Keeps Knocking on my Door


73 0 2
By xxxmultiversrogers

At an abandoned house...there was another monster wanting a knife, but it couldn't get to it, because of a trap Dorian made.

"You deceived me", she says.

He then calls Alaric.

"Ric. I got one that talks", Dorian says.

"Given recent events, some students have exposed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future", Alaric tells the students. "And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch, and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our, school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students".

"MG is such a narc", a vampires whispered to the girl next to him.

Lea heard what was said, "Don't listen to them", she whispers.

"Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely", Alaric says. "That's all. You're dismissed".

As Alaric were walking to the truck, Rafael caught up with them asking about Landon.

"We are running test on him to figure out once and for all if he's supernaturally", Alaric says.

"What if the results aren't clear?", Rafeal asks.

"Well, then I have a decision to make", Alaric says.

"Well, can the council decide?", Rafeal asks. "Is t that the point? You know, that we have, like, a seat in stuff like this?".

"It it comes to that, and we determine he's not a danger, then yes", Alaric says.

"Thank. You're not gonna regret this", Rafael's says.

As Rafeal leaves, MG walks up.

"Dr. Saltzman. Hey", MG says. "Hi. I'm, do you have a minute to talk about Kaleb?".

"Im late, MG", Alaric says.

"It's really important", MG says.

"30 seconds".

"Okay, thank you. Cause, when I told Lizzie about how Kaleb was feeding on the girls at the high school, I didn't think that my big mouth would get him sent to vampire prison", MG says.

"Your big mouth had nothing to do with that", Alaric says. "Kalebs locked up because he needs to dry out. When young vampires feed on humans, they become a threat not only to innocent people, but themselves".

"That's cool, but, um, I was wondering, maybe you could show him some leniency so that the vamps won't be so pissed at me?", MG asks.

"Trust me, the punishment fits the crime", Alaric says. "Unless, of course, you think I'm wrong, in which you can feel free to bring it up at the honor council meeting. I've got to go".

As MG leaves, Lea and Hope walks up to Alaric, coincidentally at the same time.
When Alaric opens his door to his truck, Hope uses magic to close it.

"Are you kidding me?", Hope says.

"Am I under assault today?", Alaric says.

"You get to interrogate a tree nymph, and I have to run Landon's 23andMe", Hope says.

"First of all, it's a dryad, not a nymph", Alaric says. "Second of all, I need a witch to run the rating speeds".

"Get Emma to do it", Hope says.

"She can supervise, but she's busy managing the school in my, I'm sure, unbearable absence", Alaric says.

"Then get Lea to do it", Hope says.

"Um, no. I'm not babysitting your boyfriend. I was hoping to come with you to see this tree", Lea says. "They're also things I wanted to talk to you about, like a different roommate".

"Why? You two are best friends, why would you want to leave?", Alaric asks.

"Maybe because you and Lea lied to me", Hope says. "I know she's a tribrid and my sister. Were you ever gonna tell me?".

"I promised her mom, I wouldn't say anything until Lea was ready", Alaric says. "You do realize her mom is my best friend".

"You mean was, right?", Hope says.

"You do realize your moms dead, too, right?", Lea says. "Rumor says, it's because of you".

"You know what....".

"Hey. Look. We can talk about the room situation later. And as for Landon, one of you test him", Alaric says. "Plus, if Landon can convince you that he belongs, he can convince anybody".

"You're enjoying this", Lea says.

"I am. There's instructions in my office. Try not to kill him. Either one of you", Alaric tells the girls.

Alaric gets in his truck, turns it on and drives away, leaving both Hope and Lea.

"I'll test Landon", Lea says. "Might as well, practice my magic as well".

"Okay. Thanks", Hope says.

"Whatever", Lea says, walking leaving Hope alone.
"Josie, focus", Lizzie tells Josie. "None of this is working".

"You know, you're not gonna lose the election over an outfit", Josie says.

"Im not worried about losing the election", Lizzie says. "Im worried about what I'm going to wear to my victory rally. The outfit makes the speech".

"Maybe you should wear something that shows your fellow witches you're gonna take this seriously. It's a big responsibility", Josie says.

"That's is why I am perfect for the job", Lizzie says. "I am a tastemaker. An influencer. People don't really know what they want until I tell them that they want it. They need me".
After talking with Alaric, Lea went to find Landon, and when she did, they walked into Professor Saltzman office, where they find Hope.

"What are you doing here?", Lea asks.

"Dr. Saltzman wanted me to administer your tests, starting with some weird mystical blood analysis", Hope says.

"I thought Lea was doing my tests?", Landon says.

"I am. You told me you didn't want to do them, so I volunteered", Lea says.

"Well, I changed my mind", Hope says. "Im doing the test".

"No", Landon says.

"Excuse me?", Hope says.


"These tests determine whether or not I get to stay at school, right?", Landon asks. "There's no way I'm putting my future in your hands....you're biased".

"Im not biased", Hope says. "Tell him".

"Oh, no. I'm nothing but your roommate, remember", Lea says.

"Have fun", Lea tells Landon.

"No. I want you to do my test", Landon says.

"Find me later, and we'll hang out", Lea tells Landon, before walking out the office, to find something to do.

"Neither of us has a choice", Hope tells Landon. "Believe me, this is not how I would choose to spend my day, either".

"Then, why no let Lea do the test?", Landon asks.

"Last thing you told me, was that you wanted to find answers about who or what you are", Hope says. "I want those answers, too. So let's just get through this".
"Lizzie Saltzman only cares about Lizzie Saltzman", Penelope tells the witches. "If your interest don't line up with hers, you're witch non grata. I personally believe that you deserve a better candidate".

"So you're running for honor council just to spite her", Josie says, as she overhears Penelope. "That's low, Penelope, even for you".

"You used to like it when I went low", Penelope says.

"You know what I mean", Josie says. "You don't even like extracurricular activities, let alone anything that involves a moral compass".

"Oh, and your one-witch ethics committee is okay with double plagiarism?", Penelope asks.

"It is not like "hope" was an option", Josie says. "Bow out now, or I will crush you".

"Oh, honey, you crush on me", Penelope says. "And deep down you know I'm right. Your sisters unfit for office".
"We figure out the pattern. The monsters come one at a time", Dorian tells the newest monster. "I already had to kill a crazy wraith thing just to find one of you who could communicate about why you want this knife so bad, so it's time to talk".

"Why would I talk to evil creatures who kill?", she asks.

The door to the abandoned house open, showing Alaric.

"Uh, anything yet?", Alaric asks.

"Just some light judgement", Dorian says.

"You're a dryad, right?", Alaric asks.

She nods her head in agreement.

"Living spirit of a tree", Alaric says. "Uh, it says here that, um, dryads were gentle creatures who lived among humans. Well, we're not your enemy. We're just looking for answers".

"Humans are known to lie", the dryad says.

"So are monsters", Dorian says.

"There is a man I cherish named Oliver", she says. "If you bring him to me, I will believe that you are trustworthy, or what passes for it among your species. Only then will I answer your questions".

"Whoa, we're not negotiating, right, Ric?", Dorian asks.

"Uh....what should we tell this, Oliver?", Alaric asks.

"Show him this ring", she says. "It belonged to him. He will come with you. I will give no further answers until he does".

"What if we don't take the deal?", Dorian asks.

"Trees are patient. Humans are not", she says.
The Salvatore School
Lea was in the gym watching the wolves.
Or Jed being an alpha sparing with the wolves.

"Jed. Come on", Lea yells from the bleachers.

"All right, I got a medieval history paper due at 2. Who's on that?", Jed asks.

"I'll do it", Rafael says. "But I need a favor".

"You've been in the pack for five minutes, and you want a favor from your alpha?", Jed says.

"You're obviously gonna be elected to the honor council. If it comes down to it, will you do what you can to keep Landon in?", Rafael asks.

"That's a great idea, foster kid", Jed says. "I'll bring that up at the first meeting. So I can make sure your boy gets the boot".

"Why? I joined the pack. Yo, I'm following all the stupid rules that...".

"Well, consider that punishment....for not respecting my authority when you got here. The rule is this: what the alpha says goes. And I say Landon goes", Jed says.

Lea gets a call from her aunt, which cause her to leave the gym.

"Hey. I thought we were hanging out?", Jed says.

"We are. I just have something to do", Lea says.

"Hello", Lea says, answering the call.

"Hey, Lea. I was just checking in. How are you?", Bonnie asks.

"Eh, I'm doing...I don't know", Lea says. "What about you? Anything interesting?".

"Mm. I don't know? Although, Elena did tell me you were thinking about going to Mystic Falls High. Or no, not the most interesting thing. Matt tells me, there's monsters", Bonnie says.

"Okay. So yes, to both. Look, I like this school, but I can't control my powers, my emotions. Hope hates me for keeping the secret. I'm losing all my friends, and I'm having vision, of people dying, the monsters. Mom", Lea says. "Every night I go to sleep, she's there, but for a second, and then I wake up again , and she's gone".

"Im sorry. It's hard, without Nia here. You know, I'm a phone call away, or a magic crystal away. And a few blocks away", Bonnie says.

"Yes, I know. I think these monsters keeps me distracted. And I made a new friend. Name is Landon. Currently he's a human, but he might be supernatural", Lea says.

"And Ric kept him there?", Bonnie says.

"Well, we tried compulsion, didn't work. And he's kinda the reason for these monsters...so...".
Hope was testing Landon for anything supernatural.

"You failed. You have no supernatural strength", Hope says.

"What's next?", Landon asks.

"Next? You failed the vertical climb, the long jump, and you straight-up refused to swim across the lake", Hope says.

"Yeah, well, excuse the foster kid for never having swim lessons", Landon says. "Look, I might suck at...everything, apparently, but I only have to pass one test to stay, so I'm not giving up, yet".

"How's it going?", Emma asks.

"Landon was about to run sprints to the lake and back", Hope says, starting the timer.

"What are you testing for, exactly?", Emma asks.

"His ability to get away from me as quickly as possible", Hope says. "If he's gonna stay at this school, it's a must".

"Did you run the lineage spell that I left you?", Emma asks.

"Yeah, first thing. Zero magic in his bloodline", Hope says.



"Most humans have some trace of magical blood in their veins from a far-flung ancestor", Emma says.

"So what does that mean?", Hope asks.

"We need to learn more about Landon's past", Emma says. "I also wanted to talk about you and Lea".

"What's there to talk about. My best friend lied. Not only to me, but my family", Hope says.

"Don't you ever wonder, if there was a reason?", Emma asks.

"Her hero family, sees mine as villians", Hope says.

"Her mother loved your father. That's what Lea tells me. They were best friends", Emma says. "Nia would've never kept Lea existence unless it was for a reason, and that's from my experience, from knowing Nia Bennet".

"What's your name?", Hope asks.

"Landon Kirby", he says.

"See that's the truth", Hope says, as they're both looking at the magical orb turn green.

"Now lie", she says. "What's your favorite food?".

"Rabbit", he says.

The orb turns red.

"So it's a....supernatural lie detector", Landon says.

"Pretty much your worst nightmare", Hope says.

"Bring on Hope", Landon says.

Hope continues to ask Landon questions about his past...Rafael wanted Lizzie help with the vote to keep Landon in the school.

"I know how much Landon means to you, and I would be happy to help", Lizzie says.

"Thank you. Seriously", Rafael says.

"Oh, if- if you, would, um, be happy to...be my date to my birthday on Friday", Lizzie asks.

"Are you blackmailing me?", Rafael asks.

"No silly. More like black-tie'ing you", Lizzie says. "It's totally different".

Rafael looks at Josie, who standing behind Lizzie.

"Sure", he says. "Whatever".

He leaves the twins room, heading to the gym once again, to ask Jed. When things didn't go his way, he challenged him.

"I've actually been studying all those books you make other people read for you", Rafael says. "Like Into to Lycanthropy. An alpha has to face a challenger one-to-one. I didn't want to do things this way. But if what the alpha says goes...I got to be the alpha".

Meanwhile with MG and Kaleb.....
"Im sorry that your in here", MG says. "But let me make it up to you. Dr. Saltzman is starting an honor council. And if I get elected, I can change things around here, starting with getting you out of this cell".

"Mm. You'd do that for me?", Kaleb asks.

"Yeah, of course".

"Well, all right. Send the vamps my way. I'll get them in line", Kaleb says.

"Thanks man. Hey, you won't regret this", MG says. "I promise".
"All right. Voting is now close", Emma tells the students. "Let's get started".

The magic box, spits out the first winner on the council: werewolves.

"The werewolf representative will be... Rafael", Emma reads.

The werewolves cheer as their new alpha, on the council.

"So much for not wanting to do with the pack", Josie tells Lizzie.

"I've always wanted to be part of a power couple", Lizzie says.

"All right, settle down", Emma says. "Thank you".

The magic box, spits out the first winner on the council: vampires.

"The vampire representative will be...Kaleb", Emma reads.

The vampire cheers and mock MG because he was played and everyone knew.

"Settle down. Thank you", Emma says.

"Showtime. How do I look?", Lizzie asks.

"And the witch representative will be...Josie", Emma reads. 

"Thank you all for voting", Emma says. "And congratulations to our newly elected representatives".
"There were so many in that grove. Do you not remember any of us?", the dryad asks.

"But she knew you", Alaric says. "She knows your name, that you're a vampire".

"Im not sure what's going on here, but...we've never met before", Oliver says.

"In the forest, there was a clearing next to the river", she says. "The bed would blossom with daffodils every spring".

"Yeah, I walk there everyday. It's where I proposed to my wife", Oliver says.

"You are marked?", the dryad says.


"Why did you ask me about the clearing?", Oliver asks.

"Im sorry. I made a mistake. I thought you were someone else", she says.
"You said you'd help me get answers", Landon tells Hope.

"I didn't even want to do this", Hope says.

"You volunteered. I didn't want you to do this", Landon says.

"Don't blame me because your not special. What's so special about Lea? All she does is lie", Hope says.

"Everyone lie. That's what being human is", Landon says.

"We're not human", Hope says.

"Yeah, you are, Hope. Your heart beats, you breath, you eat, you go to the bathroom. Your human, whether your a werewolf or witch", Landon says. "And Lea, she's kind. Funny, smart, the one person at this school other than Rafael that cares about me".

"Look, I apologize why I lied to you, I explain why I took the knife", Landon says. Why are you still made at me?".

"Im not mad", Hope says. "I couldn't care less".

Landon shows her the magical orb, that tell when someone lying or telling the truth.

"Fine. It's easier to be mad", Hope says.


"Because it is", Hope says.

"Or maybe it's because you feel like if you stop being mad, you're letting your guard down, and the legendary Hope Mikaelson couldn't possibly do that", Landon says.

"When I let my guard down, people disappoint me", Hope says.

The orb turn blue, revealing she's telling the truth.

"Growing up, in the foster system...every time I got sent someplace new, I'd hope that this would be the right place. You know, like, uh, 'click your heels three times', 'no place like home' kind of stuff", Landon says. "Just somewhere I actually belonged. But it never was. You know, and you can only hold out for so long and be hurt by so many people
Before it starts to seem impossible to trust someone new. Especially, when they lie to you. So, for the last time, I'm sorry. And whatever Lea did, I'm sure she's sorry too".

Landon walks away headed towards the school when he sees Lea, throwing fireballs.

"Wow. We don't wanna start a bigger fire so do we?", Landon asks.

"Maybe. Trynna figure out how big I want it to be", Lea says.

"Wanna talk?".

"About what?", Lea asks. "Like, how my friend group are betraying one another. Kaleb betrayed MG, who keeps calling me wanting to vent. Or Rafael and Jed, who's angry Rafael took the alpha spot. Or Lizzie and Josie. Or me and Hope. Well, that's over".

"Well, fireballs seem like the right choice", Landon says.

Lea evaporate the fire using her mind.

"That's continues to impress me", Landon says.

"So, where are you going?", Lea asks, walking along side Landon.

"Don't know. But please don't tell Rafael, don't want him following me", Landon says.

"Okay. But mind you, I might join you in your trip. Getting away from mystic falls, could be a good thing", Lea says

"Well, I'm not saying no", Landon says.

Lea and Landon runs into Jed.

"Hey, Jed", Lea says.

"You don't belong here", Jed tells Landon.

"Yeah. Everyone keeps saying that", Landon says.

"Everything was fine before you and Rafael showed up", Jed says.

"Wait, wait".

Jed pushes Landon down a hill.

"Why would you do that?", Lea asks, pushes Jed.

Jed pushes back making Lea fall to the ground.

"Stay down, Bennet", Jed says.

Jed goes and punches Landon repeatedly, leaving him, bloody and unconscious.

"Leave him alone", Lea yells.

Lea raises out her hand, making Jed fly in the air. She puts her hand down, making him fall on the ground.

A line of fire makes it way to Jed as soon as Lea said the magic word.


"Stop. Stop".

Lea looks at the fire and watches it extinguish.

"You choose him over me", Jed yells.

"You could've killed him. Your anger, your ego. You beginning to look a lot like your father", Lea says.

"Go to hell", Jed says.

"I'm already there", Lea says.

Jed walks away and leave. Lea heads over to Landon.

"Im getting help. Hold on for me, please. I can't lose you too", Lea tells Landon.
"Im gonna tear Jed apart", Rafael says.

"No, you're really not", Hope says. "Besides, Lea almost turned him into ashes".

"He's gonna pay for why he did", Rafael says. "Lea should've finish what he started. He could have killed him".

"You want to do something to help him? Take a walks to the herb garden and get me some hazelwood root", Hope says.

Rafael goes and take that walk to get what she's asks.

"What does hazelroot root do?", Landon asks.

"Make him cool off before he realizes that I made it up", Hope says.

"Where's Lea?", Landon asks.

"Getting a talk from Emma. She almost killed Jed", Hope said.

"But she didn't", Landon says.

"You two gotten close", Hope says.

"Yeah. We're like best friends", Landon jokes.

Hope continues to talk with Landon the same time Emma was talking with Lea.

"What you did was wrong", Emma yelled.

"What Jed did was wrong. I used my magic to save Landon", Lea yelled back.

"You almost killed him. Your anger got you in trouble", Emma says.

"He attacked me. I defended myself. And my anger...my anger kept my powers in control", Lea says.

"How can you say that? He almost turn in to a burnt meat", Emma says. "I told you, that emotions...".

"Are link to my emotions...yea I know", Lea says. "And they worked. My anger got me in control of my powers. You always tell me to find the good. There's nothing good about me. There's nothing happy in my life. From the minute I was born, it's been nothing but hell. I have done nothing but lost, and lost, and lost. I regret nothing, that happened this afternoon. I protected a friend, the same time I lost another one. So don't tell me what I did was wrong.".

"You have detention", Emma says.

"You don't get to make that decision", Lea says.

"When Alaric left, he told you all I was in charge until he came back", Emma says. "When I tell him later, what happened, he will agree with the punishment, and might give you one of his own".

"I didn't want to come here. You guys had to make that stupid promise to my mom", Lea yells. "She's dead. She's dead and she not coming back, ever, so why does me staying here even matters to you. I have nothing left. Nothing left but a constant reminder of what I lost".

Lea begin to get teary.

She opens the door waving her hand, and walks out. She doesn't even notice the students, watching her cry. And that when she sees her. Penelope.

"Are you okay?", Penelope asks.

"No. I haven't been okay for a long time. And it seems like everyone expects me to be happy, and okay. I'm not okay", Lea cries.

"Okay. I got you. You know that", Penelope says.

Penelope hold Lea, for what seems like forever.

"Come on. Let's go to my room", Penelope says.
"Can I...".


"...get you anything?", Josie asks.

"I said 'shh'", Lizzie says. "Im trying...to rise above it. So let me freaking rise".

"Okay, I don't know why Penelope had them vote for me", Josie says. "It doesn't make any sense".

"What's done is done, Jo", Lizzie says.

"Well, I can step down, and then they'd have to go with the runner-up", Josie says.

"Great minds think alike", Lizzie says. "I already asked Emma if we could do that".

"And Emma said no? Then we can ask dad", Josie says.

"She said yes, except...it turns out...I wasn't runner up, either", Lizzie says.

"Then who was?".

"Can you guess. Everyone's favorite Bennett".
"Let me guess there been a mistake", Kaleb says. "I won the popular vote but not the electoral college".

"No. You won fair and square", MG says. "Besides the part where you stabbed me in the back".

"Ooh. Doesn't feel too good, does it?", Kaleb asks.

"Emma sent me to come and get you", MG says.


MG opens the steel door to the cell Kaleb was in.

"I only wanted to be elected to fix things between us", MG says.

"You did. We're even now", Kaleb says.
"How you feeling?", Penelope asks, as she hold Lea.

"I don't know", Lea says.

"What happened?".

"I told Hope", Lea says. "She doesn't want to be sisters or friends. Nothing".

"That suck", Penelope says.

"Yeah", Lea chuckled.

"I remember when you told me",Penelope says.

"You mean , when you over heard my conversation, with Professor Saltzman that summer", Lea says. "I thought you would tell everyone, but you didn't. You became my friend, and never treated me different".

"You never treated me different, either. You were always there, even when Josie and I broke up", Penelope says. "Best secret friendship ever".

"The best. Although, I think we should go public", Lea laughs.

"Why did you save the new kid?", Penelope asked.

"I don't know. I guess he needed it. Ever since he came here, there's been something about him. I don't know, but we became friends fast. And I introduced him to all my comics and other nerdy things", Lea says.

"You never do that".

"No. Unless it's MG", Lea and Penelope.

"You like him", Penelope says.


"Landon", Penelope says.

"Yeah. He's a great friend", Lea says.

"No. You like him- like him", Penelope says.

"What. N-no. He's only been here for a few days. I'm just comfortable around him", Lea says.

"Mhm okay".

"No. Don't make this a thing. Besides Hope likes him", Lea says.


"Do you wanna do a sleepover tonight? Me, you and MG? He kinda needs it after what Kaleb did", Lea says.

"Is it me, or this school is full of betrayal?", Penelope asks.

"Nope. I feel it too".
"The night I was to leave with Oliver, something attacked me, and I woke up in an endless darkness", the dryad says. "I could feel the presence of others, but not see them or hear them. I was there for so long, and then, just as suddenly, I found myself not far from here. With an urge to posses that knife".

"Why? What is this?", Alaric asks.

"I do not know", she says. "Only that I must have it. It's like something....something pressing inside me, telling me to take it".

"Take it where?", Alaric asked.

"There is a dark pit beneath the earth. Locked away. I can see it. I can feel it. I am meant to take the knife there. If I do, I will find peace and finally be free", the dryad says.

"And who told you to do this?", Alaric asks.

"A voice in my mind. It is still there. I tried to fight it, but I am not strong enough".

The wind begin to whistle, then it breaks the circle the dryad was trapped in.

"Im sorry. I have no choice", she says.

"Watch out", Alaric tells Dorian.

She begins to attack wanting the knife. Trying to protect Alaric and the knife, Dorian shoots her with an arrow.

"Take me to the daffodils. Take me home. Please", she begs.

And that's what they did. They took her home.

"Watch your head", Dorian tells her as he lays her in the daffodils.

"I was wrong about you...Dorian. You kept your word. Not all humans lie".

"It's okay. I wish more monsters were like you", he says.

"I remembered something else. That black pit, that awful place, it is called Malivore", the dryad said.

"Malivore. Thank you. I'm sorry this happened".
"Thanks for walking me", Landon says.

"No problem. Thought you might've asked Hope, seeing as you guys bonded again", Lea says.

"Yeah. Those board games you had, were you gonna play by yourself, because that is next level lonely", Landon joked.

"What? Me? Psss...maybe", Lea laughs. "No, I am having a sleep over with a couple friends. We need the night off. But not you, your always leaving without saying goodbye".

"I had to leave, before Rafael tried to follow me again", Landon says.

"He's your best friend", Lea says.

"I know".

"How are you? You okay, to travel?", Lea asks.

"Yeah. No", Landon says.

"Here", Lea says, handing him a bus ticket.

"New Orleans", Landon says.

"I did a little lying. Pretended to be Hope, but she told me about a family friend and their expecting you", Lea says. "Don't tell Hope. She hates me already. Don't want to add on. Wanted to leave it earlier, but you know, Jed and whatnot.

"You know, you and Hope will make up again. And thank you", Landon says.

"No we won't and it's okay. Family isn't always blood. But you deserve to know who yours is, so I asked him to help you find your birth mom", Lea says. "Rafael told me you didn't know who she was".


"I would've done it, but it seems like my magic works when I'm angry, so I thought it was best if he could", Lea says. "My family knew him once upon a time, so he great. Also, I'm glad you wanted me to join you, so I got your test results from Hope. Well, stole them. And some money. My mom left me enough, so you have some of what she left me, and a burger. It has cheese, and onions, and lettuce, and bacon. Hope you like it".

"Thank you", Landon says.

"Oh, and um...this", Lea says, handing him a bracelet.

"What is this?", Landon asks.

Think of it like a...'click your heels together three time' kind of thing", Lea says. "If you ever need me, just press it, and my necklace will lead me to you. It's kinda used. My mom had it for me, and now I pass it to you".

"Thank you. A couple weeks ago, we didn't know each other", Landon says, taking a step closer to Lea.

"And now we do. Some would say, we have a meet-cute", Lea says.


"Look it up when your bored. Anyway, your bus is coming", Lea says taking a step forward.

"I should go", Lea says.


"Bye, Landon Kirby".

"Bye, Lea Bennet".

Lea walks away, but her necklace glows, as she in the middle of the street. She turns around and looks back at Landon and smile.

"I wanted to see if it worked", Landon says.

"It works", Lea says.

Landon walks to Lea.

"This might be crazy", Landon says.

"It definitely is", Lea says. "So, your making the first move or am I?".

Landon doesn't say anything and smiles.

"Guess I am, then", Lea says.

Then they begin to kiss for what feel like forever. What they see is sparks flying.

They break the kiss apart.

"Time to go, Kirby", Lea says.
Lea makes it to the school, to Penelope room.

"There you are. We've been texting and calling", Penelope says.

"Why are you smiling so big", MG asks.

"No reason", Lea says.


"Whatever. What's first? Monopoly...scribble", Lea says.

"No", Penelope yells.

"Uno", MG says.

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