
By essential_snow28

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Isabelle Gilmore Hayden is a brilliantly talented woman, that's has overcome any family struggles to get wher... More

Personal ID
A Hard Days Night
zooming through season one
The Happy Couple
Lets toast to Life
Where are you Christmas?
The end of the world
A string of Chaos
Promises are a joke
Nancy Pants
A whisper to a Scream
The Numbness of Searing Pain
Stone Cold
Time After Time
A Change is Gonna Come
Heart of The matter
Crash into me
Hello Huntzberger
Dream a Little Dream Of Me
It must help that I'm so... hot
Wish you were here/Stairway to Heaven

We almost had it all...

572 13 2
By essential_snow28

Update: Isabelle and the interns have been studying for their intern exam. Chrisitna and Burke are planning the wedding, Isabelle, Mer, Izzie, and Callie are the bridesmaids. Addison is in LA visiting friends and seeing if she is fertile enough to have a baby, and she finds out she is not. Meredith step-mom Susan has been in the hospital for the hiccups and Mer has talked to her dad a couple of times, sadly though there were complications and Susan died. She died in surgery, and when she told Thatcher he slapped her across the face. George decided he is going to transfer to Mercy West after the end of the intern year. Right now Meredith and Derek are in a rough patch. Lastly Rory decided that she is gonna stay until the end of the intern year.

Meredith is dressing for Susan's funeral in her bedroom, while myself and the rest of us besides George are in the kitchen studying.

Cristina sitting at the counter says," How do you treat pancreatic divisum?"

Izzie goes to stand up form the table before Christina says," Izzie?"

Izzie sighs," Oh, Cristina. If you're not gonna let us sleep, you at least have to let me put coffee in my cup."

I just sigh and take a sip of my coffee.

Cristina looks at her confused," Okay, so go. No one's stopping you."

Izzie sits down," I'm too tired to go."

Cristina," Pancreatic divisum."

Alex casually says,"Dorsal duct sphincterotomy."

Cristina pointely says to him," Not your turn, but correct. You do me."

Alex grabs some cards," I can't believe O'Malley's missing this. How's he gonna be ready?"

Cristina laughs," Oh, you're kidding, right? We have Callie's cards, but George has... "

Izzi finishes the sentence blankly," George has Callie."

Alex shrugs and continues," What's the most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients?"

Izzie does not stay focused," Is she coming to this bachelorette thing tonight?"

I nod my head and say,"yes"

Cristina ignores," Rotavirus. Yes. Uh, no! No, no, no. Uh, salmonella."

Alex goes to give the answer," Diarrhea in hospitalized patients."

Meredith enters and says," The most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients is C.Diff which can lead to toxic megacolon, perforation, sepsis and death. That's what killed Susan."

Meredith leaves the house and  Izzie asks," Is she okay?"

Christina covers for her," Oh, she's fine."

Alex inappropriately,"  Dude, she's messed up."

Izzie quietly says," Of course she's messed up. Susan was basically her surrogate mother."

Cristina agrees,"Yeah, her fake mom was better than her real mom."

I mumble," That's how it usually goes."

Izzie questions," Is she going to the hospital first or the funeral?"

I answer," First to the hospital, then to the funeral, then to the test this afternoon."

Alex asks," Has she even studied?"

Cristina kinda annoyed, stands up and fills everyone's coffee cup while saying," Yeah, she studied. She's fine. She just needs to be left alone, okay? So what's inside the carotid sheath? Izzie?"

Once at the hospital and all ready

Us interns are in the hallway peering through a window at the ER.

Izzie nervously says," We're supposed to be studying. If Bailey finds out we're down here... "

Cristina smiles as she sees injured patients," We are studying. How do you treat frostbite?"

George answers," Re-warm, avoid early surgery unless there's a deep infection due to auto-amputation."

I look in awe at some of the patients," See? Studying."

(Another frostbite sufferer is entering the ER)

I say to Christina and Meredith," Did you see that?"

Meredith,"That is freaky."

Cristina is wide eyed," I think that was a flail chest. I've never seen one before. Come on. Come on. Why, oh, why does today have to be test day?"

I nod with a sad expression.

Meredith agrees,"Oh, I know."

Cristina and I look at each other and chrisina softly says,"Look... I bet you if you talk to the chief, he'll let you take the test later with the funeral and everything."

Meredith," I don't need to take the test later."

Cristina and I nod,"Okay."

We continue to stand their when Bailey walks into the hallway

Bailey angrily," What are you fools doing here? In a few hours, you people are taking a test that will determine the course of your entire medical careers because the five interns with the lowest test scores will be cut from the program. But are you studying for this test? No, you're not. Are you helping out in the ER? You are most certainly not! Are you getting the hell out of here before I throw you out? I think you are."

We start walking Meredith towards the elevator as she is going to the funeral.

I ask her," What is biloma? What is biloma?"

Meredith sighs," Cristina, Isabelle, I really don't have time( we just look at her) ...A biloma is an intraperitoneal bile fluid collection. "

Cristina smiles softly and I comfortingly put my hand on her back as she walks," Excellent."

Meredith sighs," Okay? I'll be fine."

(Thatcher enters)

George notices," Meredith."

Meredith" George, I gotta go. "

George softly," Your dad"

. Meredith sees him," Hey. I...I...I was just on my way... "

Thatcher stumbles drunk," No, I...I came here to tell you you're not wanted. I don't want you at any funeral, Meredith."

Richard steps in," thatcher, why don't you come... "

Thatcher looks at Meredith," She trusted you! She came to you for help, and you kill her. You did. You killed my wife. You took her from me."

Molly enters and says," Dad!"

Thatcher continues," So I don't...I don't want to see you. I don't want to hear from you, and I don't want you anywhere near her funeral. You understand me? Do you understand me?"

Molly tiredly says," Dad, dad, come on. This...Lexie's waiting in the car. We have to go, dad. We have to go now."

Thatcher starts to leave," She was everything to me, all I had. She was all I had. She was all I had."

We all just stand there sadly.

Meredith, George, Cristina, Izzie, and I are in the locker room preparing for their test.

Izzie says,"We've got everything taken care of."

I say," You don't have to worry about a thing."

Cristina," I've got number 2 pencils and bottled water."

George," Oh, and...and powerbars."

Cristina reassures her," And you know the material. You're gonna get a high score...not as high as mine...but everything's gonna be fine."

(Alex enters)

Alex says," What are you guys all standing around for? Don't we have a test to...what happened?"
We all get up and I fill Alex in as we walk to the testing room. The test room for the interns we enter and sit down."

Proctor," Please take your seats, doctors, and put all study materials away."

Cristina looks at me and Meredith," Okay, if you don't know the answer, chofes "B." It's always "B.""

Proctor says," And write your name in the upper right-hand corner of your answer. You may open your test booklets...now."

We all started our tests focused hard.
After the test we enter the hall.

I sigh in relief and put my head on alexs shoulder, and we see Meredith start to walk off.

George yells," Meredith. Meredith! (She just walks away) She didn't write anything on the test. She didn't answer a single question. She just sat there."

I look at him wide eyed, and George goes to follow her when Cristin says," Wait, G...George, just...just give her a second."

We all just stand their shocked.

Meredith ended up retaking the test that same day, while we helped on the hiking patients.

At Meredith's House

Rory is currently in her attic room that she just got remodeled so it could become a liveable space, since Meredith was okay with that. SO while she is up there we are downstairs have Christina's Bachelorette Party. We are in the kitchen drinking margaritas.

Cristina frusturated," What the hell am I supposed to do about the stupid vows?"

Meredith laughs," You still haven't written anything?"

Cristina sighs," Well, it's stupid crap."

Izzie looks offended," No, it isn't."

Cristina exasperated," Well, what am I supposed to say? I swear to love and cherish you every moment of every day of my life? I mean, that's not real. I mean, that's not how it works, right?"

Callie sassily," It does, at first, but then it..."

Meredith wrinkles her nose," It passes."

Izzie shakes her head angrily, "No, it doesn't. You guys are just used to it. That's all. You already have it. You have that thing everybody else wants. You can take it for granted. But let me tell you, if you didn't, if you couldn't be with the person that you love, I guarantee that hearing him promise to love you and honor you and cherish you, no matter what, it would be pretty much all you could think about. "

Cristina pauses and says," Wait, can you say that again, uh, just slowly? "

I look at Meredith and we share the same thought as we look and see Callie looking ready to bury Izzie 6ft under.

Meredith says," You're talking about Denny, right?"

Izzie smiles," Yeah."

I change the topic and smile," Well I love weddings!"

Christina snorts," Says the girl who has been single this whole year. Didn't alex say you need to get laid."

I frown," Hey, You  dont need to be in a relationship to like weddings.I have been in two weddings, yours will be my third. Its fun seeing people you love find happiness."

Meredith smiles at me and Christina says as she writes, " Weddings are all about seeing people you love find happiness, and today I get to experience this with the man I love...This is all goof stuff everyone. Keep saying the mooshy gooshy stuff."

As the night goes on we get drunk and move into the living room. Meredith is wrapped in toilet paper as if it was a wedding dress.

Cristina," I thought I was gonna hate this party game thing, but it's kinda great. Can we set her on fire after?"

I raise a glass in the air shouting happily, " absolutely"

Meredith laughs," No, we cannot.:

Callie is writing the vows on christina's hand's," Okay, these wedding vows are not all gonna fit here."

Cristina looks at her," Okay, then write smaller."

Callie says," Be still, please. "Vow" just became "cow.""

Izzie sighs," You don't need vows on your hand. When you get up there, just speak from the heart. "

Cristina says,"Uh, Izzie, the heart is an organ. It pumps, it circulates blood, it gets clogged from time to time. It does not, however, speak. It doesn't have tiny little lips on it."

Izzie rolls her eyes," Well, you're all "glass totally empty.""
Cristina drinks her margarita," I'm gonna like being married. It's the wedding part that's ridiculous."

Everyone's pagers go off except Cristina's.

Izzie says," Oh! Party's over."

Callie sarcastically," Damn."

Cristina frowns, "Hey, mine didn't go off. Piece of crap."

Me and Meredith are getting ready to head out when  Meredith asks, "You can do this, right?"

Cristina shrugs," Become a piece of chattel? Sure. Looking forward to it."

I laugh," I think she means that no matter what, you're walking down that aisle today. We need you to go down that aisle."

Cristina says, " did the margaritas fog your brain."

Meredith continues,"You marrying Burke, it's a sign. It's a sign that people like you, Isabelle, and me can do this...be healthy, be happy. You marrying burke restores my faith in me."

Cristina," Oh, I get it. My wedding's about you."

I chuckle," Now your catching on."

Meredith," Yes."

Cristina shrugs,"Okay. "

Meredith looks at her intensely,"You can do this, right?"

Cristina," I can do this."

Meredith says," Okay."

We all drove together to the hospital.
Bailey walks up,"Okay. Listen up. Uh, O'Malley, you're with Shepherd, Hayden-Gilmore with Sloan. Stevens, you're with Burke. Karev, Addison. Go.(We all scramble) Grey...you are with the chief's wife.

Meredith surprised," The chief's wife?"

Bailey confirms," Is pregnant. Yes, I did say pregnant. I recommend that you lose the shocked look and try for something a little more dignified. Go."

Cristina looks perplexed," Who am I on?"

Bailey look at paperwork," Uh, I didn't page you. Go home. Get some sleep."

Cristina is persistent,"Yeah, but I'm here already, so..."

Bailey looks at her," You're getting married in less than 12 hours."

Burke and Izzie are headed to the OR with Rina.
Burke looks at Bailey," Give us room."

Cristina," Well, uh, Burke's getting married, too, and he gets to operate."

Bailey shrugs," There's only one Preston Burke."

Cristina looks offended," There's only one Cristina Yang."

Bailey sighs," I've given you the day off, the whole day. It's a kindness. Take it. It's your wedding day. There'll always be more surgeries."

Cristina: goes to argue," But-- "

Bailey," Really, what would you rather be doing, prepping a patient or prepping for your wedding? Go home."

In the OR for the hiking guy named Lonnie

George says," Poor guy...he just wanted to climb a mountain, and he ends up with an axe in his head."

Derek grudgingly says," Well he shouldn't have tried to turn back. The group is going up you go with the group. Okay, drill, please."

I look at Derek strangely.

George defends him," He panicked. You have a right to turn back if you're scared."

Derek continues obviously not relly talking about the climber," No, you don't. You chose to climb a mountain. You can't change your mind in the middle of the climb. (while looking at the axe) Okay. "

George confirms,"Now we pull it out?"

Derek nods,"Ah, yeah, but the axe went in as they fell, so there will be some tearing, it should be a shallow wound, and it should come out easily. You two ready?"

I nod," Yup."

Derek prepares,"All right everybody. Here we go. Ready? Okay, one, two...three. (The axe doesn't move) That's strange. One...two...Three! That's a clean cut."

I examine the cut confused.

George," I thought you said there was gonna be tearing."

Derek," I know. It doesn't make sense."

George," You are a lucky guy."

I think about it," Yeah. Or the ax didn't go in there by accident."
Meredith and I enter the OR where Christina is.
I say to Christina," We gotta go now, Cristina."

Christina doesnt move so  Bailey says," Grey."

Meredith sighs," Put the scalpel down, Cristina. You can still do this, right?"
Myself, Meredith, and Cristina enter the locker room where the other interns are.

Meredith starts to get ready to go," What time is it?"

Alex," You got 30 minutes."

Cristina looks panicked," Oh, crap. I'm gonna be late for my own wedding."

Meredith shakes her head,"No, we're not."

We start to get her and ourselves ready.

Alex asks," Anyone got any deodorant?"

Cristina scoffs," Um, you're not putting my deodorant in your hairy armpits."

Izzie is currenlty drawing eyebrows on Christina," Don't move. You're gonna have a unibrow. And I have some in my locker."

Alex goes to grab it.

George asks about his jacket,"Uh, closed? Open?"

Meredith looks," Closed. Perfect."

I smile," Very Dashing."

George nods," Thanks."

Izzie looks up," You look great."

(Patricia enters)
Patricia holds out envelopesm" Moment of truth, people."

Alex looks at her," Those our scores?"

Patricia nods and starts handing them out," Grey. Karev. Yang."

Cristina snatches it,"Thank you."

Patricia," Stevens. O'Malley. Hayden- Gilmore"

Cristina sees her scores,"Yes!"

Alex smiles,"Right here, baby."

Izzie looks relieved," Yes. Thank god."

I see my score and I smile and take a deep breath.

Alex looks at me," You passed?"

I smirk,"Well of course I did."

Cristina looks to mer,: Did you pass?"

Meredith folds her paper," You bet your married booty, I did."

Izzie looks at george," How'd you do? Did you pass?"

George smiles," Yeah. I'll talk to you at the church."

Izzie stares at him longingly, "Okay."

Cristina looks at her face," All right. Let's go."

Derek enters as we interns are leaving
Derek: Excuse me.

Cristina ," Meredith."

Meredith I'll meet you at the chapel. Isabelle, will you take the dress?"

I grab the dress," On it."

Meredith looks at derek," I'll be right there."

I look at Derek as I exit, giving him a questioning look.

Meredith and I are in the hall and knocking on the door to the bridal dressing room.

Meredith looks worried,"Cristina. Cristina?"

Cristin opens the doors and emerges in her dress," I didn't run."

Her mom,": Oh! -You look beautiful. I'm proud of you."

Cristina smiles," Thank you."

Helen smiles,"Frankly, I always feared you were too emotionally stunted to settle down."

I glare at her mom and then smile at chrisitna to ease her," You can do this."
Izzie is peaking into the chapel when Alex rushes out.

Izzie," Ooh. It looks so pretty in there. I see Burke"

. Alex looks at the bride," Yang...the twins looks nice in that dress."

I laugh at him.

Cristina looks nervous,"Thank you. Sort of. "

Alex,"I gotta go. I gotta check... "

Callie cuts him off,"Oh, you're on call?"

Izzie stops him,"Oh, wait, Alex, Did you see George in there? I don't see him."

Callie nods," He's, uh...probably gonna be late. We had kind of a big, emotional day."

Izzie was interested," Oh, really?"

Callie smiles,"Yeah."

Izzie cautiously asks,"Did something happen between you two? I mean..."

Callie," No. It's just that I was named chief resident. Plus we decided to have a baby, so... "

I smile for her," Oh yay. I love kids, my friend Natalie and Connor are trying for kids."

Izzie looks shocked," A baby?"

Callie tries to shove it in her face," Yeah, we're trying. We tried today, in fact."

I grimace at that.

Izzie" Wow. "

Callie: Yeah. Big day.

(The wedding march starts playing)
Meredith," Okay, this is it. Okay?"

Cristina nods," Yeah. "

Meredith," You have the bouquet."


Meredith," I have the ring."

Cristina," Yeah."

I ask," You remember your vows?"

Cristina,"Yeah. I wrote them on my..."

Meredith," Okay. "

Cristina looks panicked,"Oh, my god I scrubbed in. I scrubbed in, and the vows were on my hand. I scrubbed off my vows."

Meredith,"Oh, okay. Um..."

Cristina," Okay, hello? I...I scrubbed off my vows. I...I can't...I can't do this. I don't have any...I don't have anything on my hand!"

I start thinking,"Okay, just go out their say how you met and say you love him so much. Boom vows."

Christina shakes her head,"No, no that wont work I will freeze.Meredith tell me something help me out here."

Meredith thinks and then looks intensely at Christina,"Stop whining. This is your wedding day. You will go down that aisle and you will get married. If I have to kick your ass every step of the way to get you there, you will walk down the aisle. You will get married. Do you hear me, Cristina? We need this. We need you to get your happy ending."

Cristina thinks," Okay, I'm ready."

Meredith nods," All right, then."

Cristina," My train."

We get her all set up and ready, when Burke all of a sudden enters.

Cristina looks at him<" Oh. I'm ready. I'm fine. I...Meredith and Isabelle talked me down. Really, I'm fine. Go, go, go. I'll be right behind you."

Burke looks sad," I'm sorry."

Cristina ignores," Oh...I can do this. You know, I had a momentary freak out, but now I'm fine. I can do this. Go. "

Burke looks solemn," But you don't want to do this. I'm up there waiting for you to come down the aisle, and I know you don't want to come. I know you don't want to come but that you'll come anyway because you love me. And if I loved you...if I loved you, not the woman that I'm trying to make you be, not the woman that I hope you'll become, but you...if I did...I wouldn't be up there waiting for you. I would be letting you go."

Cristina looks confused," I am wearing the dress. I'm ready. And...and maybe I didn't want to before, but I want to now. I really think I want this."

Burke shakes his head," And I really wish that you didn't think. I wish that you knew."

Burke leaves the building.

I go and hug christina while she stands their frozen, while Meredith enters the chapel and walks to the front

Meredith: It's over. You can all go home. It's over. It's so over.

As she said that she looked at Derek.

Me and Meredith are collecting  Christina's stuff.
All of a sudden Connor calls me and I put him on speaker as I am folding stuff," Hey" I say.

Connor," Natalie passed out we are at the hospital."

I freak out," I am on the way."

I look at Meredith who heard the conversation and says," You can go, I got Chrisitna."

I nod and rush to the hospital

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