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By heetual

24.6K 1.2K 2.4K

a depressed mute boy, desperately wanting to end it all. until a popular guy witnesses the boy trip over hims... More

thirty (end)
not an update ๐Ÿ˜ญ


632 33 38
By heetual

no one's pov

"that goes there.. then that goes there, then we're done! i told you to trust the process."

—said the happy blonde male as him and heeseung finished with an assignment in their science class. it was an assignment based on building a new light bulb, and riki had a little knowledge on electrical engineering. heeseung fondly smiled at the younger and ruffled his hair, laughing a bit at the frown the other made.

"hey..! i spent time doing my hair, y'know."

"haha, sorry."

as for the rest of the groups, many students failed to do the assignment because they had no experience or just didn't want to do it for its complexity. riki looked around the classroom to see only him and heeseung finished, so that left them with just working on homework from other classes.

"hey, can you guys help me?"


heeseung and the younger boy replied at the same time without looking up to who it was, and heeseung immediately recognized who it was just by the mysterious persons hands.

he looked up to confirm his suspicions and sure enough— it was jake.


"i just need help with activating the spark inside of it. do you know how to?"

"yeah! i do."

although riki knows heeseung and jake weren't the best around eachother, he still chose to help the older because he was bored and simply had nothing else to do.

he did everything for jake in under 20 seconds, not even explaining how which riddled up the confusion in jake.

"what... how did you do that?"

"you're welcome."

he gave the little invention back to jake and waited for him to walk off, only for him to pull another seat from another table to theirs.

"i'm sure you guys don't mind me sitting here."

riki and heeseung looked at eachother in knowing glances, but they decided to let jake sit there.

"umm.. okay."

"so... how's the day going for you guys? one more period until lunch!"

he happily cheered but got shushed by other groups who are still working which made him pout a bit. both of the other two at the table internally fanboy over how cute he is—

'wait what—..'

riki pinched himself on his leg to snap out of whatever he is in currently and turned to look at his hyung to his left and saw the other staring with the most interesting gaze.

his head slightly tilted to the left, his adams apple popping out from how prominent it is, his hair slightly falling over his eyes, and his lips curled up to display a small smile to the other who was also staring back.

"alright, listen up! class is about to end in about five minutes exactly so i want you guys to clean up before leaving. understood?"

the teacher who informed the class received a chant of 'yes's in his class and waved them off to complete their task.

"how long is this staring contest going to be, guys?"

the youngest snapped in their faces with his thumb and stood up to help reposition some tables and pick up some trash around the classroom.

heeseung stood up without saying a word and so did jake and coincidently, they both went towards a book that was laid flat on a table to go put it away and as cheesy as it sounds, their hands landed together in a interlocked style.

at first, heeseung thought it was the book he was holding because he was too busy looking up something on his phone and didn't notice the brick hard hand in his was jakes.

he felt the strange warmth coming from the so called book and when he looked down to see what was going on, he saw the same veiny hand that was on his table a few minutes go asking for help. he knew that jake was already staring at him so he shyly avoided the gaze but never tore his grip off his hand.

instead, he picked up the book with jakes hand and put it away with no words exchanged and moved on to what he was cleaning up next. all of this nonsense was witnessed by riki who was standing in the corner of the room with another student sitting down on their phone, feeling a pit of raging jealousy for both heeseung and jake.

his dumbass thought it was the need to pee though.

just then, the bell rang and heeseung went up to riki and held his hand to walk out of the class.

of course riki let the male do whatever he wanted, not that he didn't like it, and just went on with it as if it was normal. but you just don't see two guys holding hands like a couple walking around campus inseparable.



where the fuck are you
ive been looking around for the past ten minutes looking for your bitchass

im getting lunch sheesh
did u forget i have a class that's like across campus before lunch

your class is literally next to the cafeteria im not stupid nishimura

ugh whatever just meet me at our usual spot 🙄

where are your manners bitch
where's the basic 'hyung'
did you forget who feeds your ass at the house??
exactly 🖕


"fucking finally, took a whole ass year to get dry food and for what?"

jay grabbed his chopsticks and picked at rikis food with an annoyed look on his face.

"why don't you get your own food, 'hyUnG'?"

he pushed his tray away from the older male who gawked an eyebrow at the younger as he sat up straight in his seat.

"since when did you get this disrespectful? are you finally hitting your puberty?"

jay laughed and shook his head, turning towards heeseung who was making his way from the bathroom and to the table jay and riki were at.

as for sunoo, he was nowhere to be seen. he did go to school though.

jungwon as usual sat by himself in the garden area and ate his sandwich packed by himself and a juice he got for free.

it was his first meal of the week so he gently devoured the entire thing because it was the only thing he was going to get until the next week.

yes.. it is unhealthy but jungwon doesn't think so.

he stared like a curious cat at some bees pollinating the flowers and plants that were in the garden, as he gently put his sandwich away because he lost the appetite of eating.

he then took out sunoos phone and sat there looking at it, with no emotion or movement regarding his acknowledgment of a bug about to sting him on the nape of his neck.

'i miss him.'

jungwon thought it was for the best for them not to talk. although they did grow an unseperable bond ever since they met, there's always conflict that has to be introduced to get in the way of their relationship. like for example, sunoo just got kicked out of his house because of jungwon.

it is the right thing to do for him because he basically just got evicted by his own father from his own house.

—enough with that, jungwon has been wondering where his dad has been. its been days since the last time he saw him and it sorta is worrying him.

but this reason still isn't enough to hold jungwon back from missing the older. his warm hugs, unfunny jokes, his cute smile and cheek whiskers, his cheerful voice whenever they talk about a topic they're both interested in, and most importantly, his kisses.

he misses it so much no matter how much he tried to avoid the other, it just backfires. he turned the phone on out of boredom and logged onto sunoos instagram account since he hasn't logged off yet.

he scrolled for a few minutes down on sunoos suggested and recent posts by followed accounts and saw the neverending posts of the same girls who think sunoo always has his eyes on them.

but he didn't care, though.

or so he thought.

"are you sure he's okay? he looks depressed!"

jungwons ears picked up the sound of shuffling behind him along with a few high pitched voices, making him wonder who is out spying on him all this time.

it did sound like more than one person, so he decided to twist his neck to the sound of whispers and there stood two females with bags of candies in their hands.

his heart stopped in that moment, and so he stood up and quickly gathered all of his things and shoved them in his backpack, almost forgetting about sunoos phone on the bench.

"hey! hey! wait!"

one of the girls called him but he didn't look back until he ran into the same group of fuckboys that have been standing there. they already had pesty grins, but the tallest of them all made his way to jungwon and raised his arm to grab him, but the two females from the previous encounter stopped him.

"excuse me?"

the tall and bulky male tugged at jungwons sleeve but the other budged.

"would you please leave me alone?!"

jungwon shoved the male off, launching him into the huddled group of boys who were watching the scene of two girls and one boy all standing there with the same look on their faces.

coincidently, a blonde male who was walking down with no destination of anywhere, overheard the commotion.

he had no intention whatsoever to interrupt them in whatever they were arguing about by attempting to open the greenhouse door silently, but a rake that just had to be behind the door fell with a loud CLANG.

he awkwardly stood there, embarrassed, and waved at the group.

"would you look who it is.. sim jaeyun."

the bulky one snickered at the younger ones facial expressions and called him over.

"isn't this your boyfriend?"

he pointed at jungwon, which jake bit his lip at his desperation of getting out of the embarrassment he was getting in.


jake mentally slapped himself for making his answer sound like a question, making the male beside him chuckle.

"oh really? so then who are these little bitches?"

"watch who you're calling a bitch!"

"okay then, who are these sluts?"




jungwon rolled his eyes and walked out if the greenhouse without anyone noticing besides jake, and so he followed the younger one out.


he caught up with the unaware guy and blocked his way, finally diverting the youngers attention on him. the black haired didn't speak. he stood firm, clutching tightly on his backpack strap and held onto sunoos phone with the same amount of force.

"i just... wanted to say i'm sorry. for everything. for all of the pain i've caused you."

jungwon pondered to himself to think that jake was joking around since he was always never serious about anything he says, so he just walked past the other. but he got held back again, this time wrapped in a warm and fond embrace, shocking the younger boy.

"i know how i've been acting towards you and its honestly not me. i promise.. i changed.. jungwon.. please. oh god, don't cry, fuck what do i do?"

jungwon instantly felt as if millions of arrows were stabbing him in the back from the pressure of jakes arms embracing him and from his emotions rushing in. he finally got the apology he'd been yearning for years, but it so happened to occur in the middle of a hallway with students surrounding them.. as always.

"for gods sake—"

"so thats why you didn't want to talk to me.."

jungwons eyes immediately shot up to the familiar voice that came from the chatters of nosey students. of course, it was sunoo, but instead of his usual bubbly and cheerful self, he was serious and his face was a little bruised and a small cut at the corner of his lips was still bleeding.

he wiped off the droplets of red liquid from his cheeks with his reddened knuckles as he stared at jake who looked equally as terrified as jungwon who was standing behind jake.

"are you going to tell jungwon to pour another bucket of water on my head? or pull a cold shoulder on me? you're not with your usual pack of hyenas today."

with several thoughts running through jungwons minature brain, he could only make out the attractive features of sunoos face as the angry male was stomping over to the blonde. his fiery fox like eyes, strawberry pink hair, plump lips, and his overall body frame amazed jungwon entirely. he was too distracted to notice that sunoo already gripped the collar of jakes dress shirt and choking him to the floor.

"whats going on?! jungwon?"

heeseung came running from another hallway along with sunghoon who was still taking his time walking with his hands in his pockets.

"why is sunoo beating the shit out of jake? what did he do now?!"

heeseung tried to pull sunoos figure off jake, but he was elbowed in the groin by sunoo who didn't care of who was trying to get him off.


sunoo continued to swing at jake who defensively wrapped his arms around his head and curled up into a ball and accepted all the beating he was getting.

meanwhile, sunghoon was just standing there, watching heeseung cry because he maybe got his ability to produce children taken away, sunoo beat the living shit out of jake, and jungwon just on his knees watching both scenes.

he heard girls behind him and so he immediately turned around and flipped them off, proudly reminding them that he is gay and would anyday go for a dick over pussy.

"oh my god sunghoon, you're useless!"

next came the youngest with a medkit in his hands and jay next to him with his muscles to pull sunoo off the frightened guy and slap him, finally knocking him into his senses.


jay angrily pushed sunoo to the floor and toppled over him, holding sunoos head against the concrete while the other is breathing heavily from the awkward position his body was in.

sunoo watched riki open up jakes limp arms and out spewed thick dark blood from his nose and ears, causing a few students passing by the scene gasp in horror. he left jakes face a little deformed judging by his broken nose and cuts here and there.

"you're in big trouble, sunoo. don't think i'm on your side for this one."

jay gripped the back of sunoos pink hair and lifted him up, almost dragging him by the ear.

"what he said."

sunghoon shrugged and walked past jungwon who was now leaning against the wall and sighed, shutting his eyes from the bright flashes of the cameras shoved in his face making him think he was a celebrity for a second.

"well that just happened.."


@sghoon_02 posted a photo.

feeling lovely in the nurses office

liked by bluejays, nishiriki, heeheeseung and 482 others | 183 comments


@nishiriki jake hyung is literally dying and you're over here posting on insta
@sghoon_02 replied to @nishiriki jake hyung is dying yeah yeah but you're on insta too 🤔
@heeheeseung get your ass off that damn phone
@sghoon_02 get your tall ass out of here
@bluejays sunghoon you know what's going to happen if you don't listen..
@sghoon_02 replied to @bluejays you ain't gon do nuthin 😂🖕


@sunshine__ posted a photo.

i knew jungshit was a slut first sunoo now jake


502 likes | 293 comments


@goeunluvsun we've been knowing that jungwon is a bitch 😂😂 atleast we know he's off sunoo now idrc abt jake
@kimhotnoo i feel bad for jake he probably smells like shit now 😭
@yanghp he's done leeching off sunoo we won guys 👏👏👏


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