๏นŸ๐๐€๐๐„ ๐Ž๐… ๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๏ฟฝ...

By bubbl_inactive

43.7K 1.8K 510

๏นŸ๐๐€๐๐„ ๐Ž๐… ๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹ ; ability used by y/n l/n - in which a two thousand year old adeptus from chin... More

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2.3K 123 129
By bubbl_inactive


"𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐗'𝐒 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 have you two done now?" You shake your head in disapproval. It hasn't even been five minutes after Chuuya activated corruption and blew up the building. You had teleported back to the mafia headquarters' medical room and left to go patch up your own small injuries before assisting the other two.

Chuuya and Dazai sat in front of you, their heads hung low as you stood in front of them, about to scold them like a mother.

"We.. Knocked the vase over while we were arguing.." Dazai mumbles.

"Uh, yeah. What he said.. We're sorry." Chuuya adds.

"Don't apologize to me, this isn't my office." You state sharply. A junior nurse walks into the room, and you turn to look at her. "Perfect timing," You murmur.

The nurse studies the situation for a moment before politely asking what was going on. "What.. happened, might I ask?"

You just sigh. "These two fools were fooling around while I was absent, and had knocked over the vase on the head nurse's desk."

"Oh.. I-I'll go clean it up!" She says, but you stop her.

"No, it's alright." You say, as she blushes slightly at the contact of your warm, ungloved hand on her wrist as you pull her back over to where she was standing. "But what I suggest you do is tell the head nurse what has happened. You know how she gets when something happens involving her behind her back. I shall take care of the rest."

"O-Of course, Adeptus Y/n!" And with that, she scurries off to find the head nurse, sweatdropping at the heavy gazes of the ginger and brunette.

You turn back to the two idiots, who turned to side-eye each other, bolts of lightning in their gazes as they glared at each other. "Apologize to her once she's here." You state, the two of them turning to you and nodding before snapping their heads back toward each other and continuing their glare-fest.

"What on earth.." The head nurse grumbles angrily as she walks in, before her eyes fall on the two high-ranking mafia members sitting on the floor with their heads hung low and you lecturing them.

"Apologize, now."

"We're sorry.. We'll buy you a new vase."

She doesn't say anything for a moment. In truth she was absolutely stunned. Two high ranking members of the Port Mafia— the cold, calculating and sadistic Dazai Osamu and the hot-headed, powerful, and tough Nakahara Chuuya were on their knees apologizing for a broken vase. And this was technically done on your command .. the amount of power you hold over them, huh?

She blinks, realizing how that you were like an owner of two feisty dogs, and you were the one pulling the leash connected to the collar with your name in bold silver on it.

"It's alright.." She hesitantly says. "I appreciate your concern, Adeptus Y/n. You didn't have to get the masters apologizing on their knees .."

"Of course I did." You say. "They don't have any other way of expressing their guilt. Expect a new vase by Friday, I'll get them to buy one in no time. But first they must rest."

"But of course," She says, a smile growing on her face.

"We'll be heading home, thank you for your time. Apologies again for these two." You side glare the two mafia members, who look down again at your degrading words and sharp glare.

"No worries. We'll always be open if you need us." The head nurse says as you teleport out. After you leave she sighs with an amused smile on her face. "Interesting .. They may listen to them more than they listen to their own boss.." She trails off, chuckling. "Now, to clean this up."


"We said we're sorry!" Dazai whines, making you sign once more at his behavior.

"I heard you. Every one of the six times you said it." You say, carrying the Chuuya that could no longer walk due to fatigue from the mission as you unlock the door of your shared apartment. "Now go wash up. You're still sweaty and smell." You tell him, putting Chuuya down on the couch and wiping the sweat off of his forehead with a dry face towel.

"Hey!" The brunette exclaims. "That's so mean!"

"I'm being truthful." You say, walking toward him, who was now sitting on the couch next to Chuuya's sleeping figure. You remove the bandages on his face and wipe the sweat off of him as well. "..Never mind. I'll go first. You rest up a little first."

He sits quietly before a pink color rises on his face. Your closeness was a bit too much for comfort, and the way you pulled off his bandages and wiped his sweat off of him .. It made him finally see your beauty with both of his eyes instead of only one.

In a matter of minutes, you were finished and walked out of the shower in sleeping clothing, ready to relax.

Since you have both a shower and a bath, Chuuya decides to take a bath. You help him because he may as well sleep in the tub. You don't say a word as he dozes off in the tub, peacefully recharging. You dry him off and changes his clothes for him.. you really don't want to wake him up.

After you're finished, you come out of the bathroom and carry the sleeping, freshened up ginger into the living room, where the brunette was sitting on the couch still.

The brunette begins to whine, complaining about how he's so tired.

" I know, I know.. But you aren't as tired as he is. He did most of the work today." You say, looking at the already sleeping ginger on the couch, drool forming at the edge of his mouth as he snores quietly.

(Dazai thinks it's super cute how he sleeps.)

You sigh, sitting down next to him and placing his head on your lap, stroking his hair as he unconsciously snuggles up closer to your stomach.

The brunette takes in the sight in front of him. Who knew that domestic life with you and the normally angry Chuuya could be so .. peaceful? He especially admires the soft look on your face as you look down at the sleeping ginger — secretly wanting it was him that gets looked at so fondly by you.

You remind him again and he whines in annoyance. "Mou~ You helped Chuuya with washing up so why can't you help me~"

"Dazai." You say quietly with a slightly stiff tone. "Don't wake Chuuya up. Go now, please. Once he's surely sleeping, I'll go help you."

He internally pumps his fist up, a soft smile on his face as he finally stood up and walks to the bathroom.

You stroke and run your now ungloved hands through his ginger hair ever so softly, as if you were handling a delicate feather, putting a pillow under his head just as gently.

He began mumbling softly, making you stop and turn to face him. "Please.. don't.. leave.. Y/n.." You walk back over to him with a soft look and a sigh. You had gone soft .. for Nakahara Chuuya.

"I guess I have no choice.." You pick him up with his arms wrapping around your neck and his legs wrapping around your waist, the dependence of carrying the weight on you.

You enter the bathroom, Dazai turning to see you with the ginger in tow. He frowns.

"I thought this was going to be time for just the two of us," He dramatically groans.

"..I couldn't just leave him there. In his sleep, he asked me to stay. I just brought him along." You say. "It is not a big deal. Do not make a fuss over it."

The brunette crossed his arms, pouting slightly. "Fine! Show your favoritism towards the slug!"

You sigh. He would never change, would he?

When you feel a bit of more mumbling and shuffling from the small teenager clinging onto you, you look down and pat his back.

"Chuu," You call, the drowsy male humming softly in response. "Is it too bright? Should I turn the lights down?"

You could feel the ginger mutter a soft 'no' as his breathing steadies.

"It sure feels like you care more about the slug's needs than mine! Wow, I feel so loved here."

"Shut up, mackerel. deal with it that Y/n favors me over you." a muffled response came from the drowsy ginger, who had flipped the offended brunette off before his hand had dropped in fatigue.

"That's enough, both of you." You lightly scold, using one hand to pull up your pant sleeves. "Let's just get this over with so we don't have a pruned up mummy."

"Hey!" Dazai pouts.

The shower was against the wall, and next to the shower was the tub that was fairly large. What could you say? You like having space to soak in warm water after a harsh day in the mafia.

You place Chuuya next to you, having him lean on your shoulder as Dazai's head laid in between your legs, as you wash his hair, making it all clean.

You were the tamer of the double black duo, people even started calling you three 'triple black' because of how often you were seen with them.

When things got out of hand when it came to their arguments, you would always step in and stop them. If Soukoku were dogs, you would be their owner.

Think of stopping them from causing any more chaos like pulling on their leash. Your name branded in bold silver on their black collars, your hold tight on their leashes

But not only at work were you their tamer, when domestic life came around, you were their caretaker. Of course, they would take care of you from time to time, but it was most often that you would take responsibility for taking care of the two.

"We'll be in the bedroom," You say, Chuuya being carried by you once again as you gave Dazai his clothes that were on the counter near the sinks.

You gently put the ginger down onto the bed, tucking him in. But before you can react to his hand grabbing your wrist, you yelp as he pulls you down onto the bed next to him.

No words were exchanged after that, both you and Chuuya enjoying each other's company in this domestic environment, away from the stresses of work and negativity of trauma.

You slowly trace the scars on the ginger's arms. the scars that he wears gloves because of. The scars that came from his corruption.

"Hey!! Cuddling without me isn't allowed!" Dazai pouts once again before flopping on the bed next to you two.

The brunette who was usually bandaged up like a mummy for some odd reason didn't have any bandages on, which said a lot since he literally had them on in an onsen with other people.

Chuuya never really showed people his vulnerable and soft side, it was cute to see him sleep from time to time to unwind.

You also never usually slept in your time as a full time adeptus watching over China a couple of hundred years ago.

And how much you three have opened up to each other would have been eye-widening to the past versions of yourself.

Chuuya sighed deeply, hugging your right side while Dazai took your left.

You breathed out a soft sigh. Never in the eons you've been alive would you have guessed that you would have ended up like this. In a bed with two mortals hugging you like a teddy bear.

But it wasn't bad. You were glad that the path of existence had led you to this point.

Eons of slaughter and all the karmic agony had tired you out mentally, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, you like these little moments like these away from the stresses of everything else. The moments gave you time to get away from the perpetual agony that your karmic debt weighed upon regular humans.

You sunk slightly into the mattress, ready to rest. Before sleeping, though, you gave the two people using you as a teddy bear a soft message before they went off into their realms of dreams. "If there are any demons in your dreams, let me know. Good night, rest well."



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