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"𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 you're doing to him?!" Your shout echoes across the dark cellar-like area of the mafia headquarters. All heads in the room snap up to see you standing at the top of the steps, staring down with an angry glare. A specific brown eye, the other being covered by bandages, looks up in shock and dilates in horror.

With the silence taking over the room, you decide to act and begin to descend down the stairs, analyzing the situation as you always do. Dazai finally seems to find words to spit out as he begins to speak. "Y-Y/n, I-"

"I think I know exactly what is going on here." You interrupt him. "The hostages are dead.. Akutagawa-kun's face is bloodied up. There's blood on the ground in front of him along with bullets, and you are holding a gun."

The bandaged brunette just stammers, dropping the gun while the suited men who split away from each other to let you pass look on in astonishment. You were able to bring Dazai to nothing but empty words and stammering.. The influence you have over Double Black never fails to astonish the Port Mafia, even after they thought they were used to it.

"And your hand is bloody as well!" He quickly hides his hand at your observation, stepping away slightly. "Dazai.. You are too cruel. Akutagawa is only human, mistakes are bound to be made. How on Earth do you think this is morally acceptable in any way?!"

No one said a word as you continued to scold Dazai, just astonished at how much power you hold over him. He didn't try to fight back, he looked too afraid to. To think someone who was so sweet to you would do something like this to a (quite frail) kid.

"You knew he wasn't experienced in defense yet you decided to 'try it out'?! You're so..!" You let out a frustrated groan. "Infuriating! You are much too harsh and cruel .. He is a child and has only done what he's used to doing yet you treat him like shit because he has a contrasting mindset to yours." You spat. "How scummish." You turn your back to him, making Dazai frown even more.

"Y/n, I'm-"

"We still have other opportunities and other ways to get information. We didn't have to keep them alive. What are you waiting for?! Check the bodies!" You order, and the men fumble for a moment before following your order, scared to see what would happen if they didn't listen. Dazai stopped to listen to you, and you were also a very powerful individual.. Morax forbid anyone refuse to listen to you when you are angry..

You walk toward Akutagawa, who sat in silence the entire time. Your voice turns soft and you pat his shoulder, kneeling down to his sitting height. "Are you alright?" He just nods, quiet and his lips pursing. "Come here." You tell him softly, not looking back at the brunette who caused all this mess as you stand back up and carefully holding him in your arms, all whilst teleporting away to the infirmary.

Once you get there, you let go of him and look around -- no one was there at the moment. He sits down on the nearby bed, watching you rummage through the things around. You first find disinfectant for the cuts on his face and hands with cotton balls as well. You set them down on the table beside the bed he was sitting on and you pull up a chair to sit in front of him.

﹟𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋; bsdWhere stories live. Discover now