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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐓 -- it's been 2 years since then. Dazai and Chuuya were now eighteen, while you were now .. 2,018 years old. Yay. The difficult part about your age was less for you and more for the people trying to celebrate your birthday with you .. You know – How many candles should be put on the cake..? For your first birthday with the mafia, Dazai had questioned this and was talking to the other executives about it while you were babysitting Kyusaku.

'It'd be such a pain to buy more than 2,000 candles!' He had exclaimed.

The room was silent, everyone sweatdropping until the ginger broke the silence.

'Are you stupid.' Chuuya had said, his comment not even sounding like a question. 'We don't have to buy more than 2,000 singular candles! Just buy numbered candles!' He screamed at Dazai, grabbing his shirt as he made a small 'oh' sound. 'Fucking idiot!!!'

Moving away from your birthday and ages in general, Chuuya and Dazai had become known as 'Double Black', a duo so feared in the underground world just by name. And because of your apparent closeness to them, some even started calling you three 'Triple Black'.. although only some. To be fair, 'Double Black' could just be catchier...

You hear your name being called multiple times. Sigh.. Dazai was gossiping about you to Odasaku and Ango again. But then you hear your name being called in a sing-songy manner, disturbing your meditation.

"What." You say sternly, teleporting onto the seat next to him as you appear in a black and teal group of wisps. "Stop gossiping about me, Dazai. I can hear you every time you say my name and the sentence that comes after. I'm meditating, what do you want."

"There they are~" Dazai coos, making you open your eyes and look at him with narrowed eyes before looking away as he laughs at your expression.

"I do not wish to be 'babied', as you mortals call it. I'm 2,000 years older than you. And if you call me a grandparent one more time, I will smite you."

"But age is just a number!" Dazai exclaims, before instantly regretting it as you speak again.

"Say that to our pedophile boss, he's sure to agree." You say, unmoving from your crossed-legged position as both men beside Dazai stifle a laugh.

"Someone's in a sour mood," Dazai grumbles, pouting as he crosses his arms.

"You're at fault for that." All three of them see you furrow your eyebrows and shutting your eyes really tightly before you sigh, finally opening your eyes and removing your legs from their crossed state. "You made me lose it."

"Lose.. what?"

"It's not important." You tell them, as the cat that's usually in the bar – Dazai calls him 'sensei' because he quote-unquote 'looks so wise' – jumps from chair to chair and climbs in your lap. You pet his head with a soft smile, still getting used to your surroundings.

﹟𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋; bsdWhere stories live. Discover now